Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
Good times on Piken borders tonight, we seemed to ninja cap everything lol.
Since huge part of our community are Russians – there is nothing wondering. We have our National Women’s Day yesterday. ^^
Videos from last Thursday enjoy
ty for watching
Thanks Gandara Guild [Yak] for nice GvG
We lost in 5:1, but i think it is good result for first time. Big problem with zerg synchronization causes most of fails
Yeah was a good few fights! Thanks [SPRT], some of the rounds were close!
Interesting fights against WvW guild on Gandara bl
this game is only zerg and blob,on forum no one zerg all move as guild,in game vii zerg,snc zerg,Ka zerg ALL guild of the server zerg,with word all can say what want,but the action in game show the real thing.
VII ran 16 people tonight.
VII ran 16 people tonight.
YES we can count all the zerg behind u all too?hehe we met 4 time 3 with zerg 1 alone remember yes?or we all have dreamed about it?
but dont worry zerg is good it mean only more loot bag.
this game is only zerg and blob,on forum no one zerg all move as guild,in game vii zerg,snc zerg,Ka zerg ALL guild of the server zerg,with word all can say what want,but the action in game show the real thing.
Were you even playing tonight? VII did not add on one single fight and when we were engaged with you at Klovan and other Piken added, we withdrew and left you alone!
Don’t cry on the forums, it looks pathetic. Your GM must be disgusted right now.
we are not crying.,and im the gm dont worry all are on fraps too.we met 4 time 3 u all was with the zerg and 1 without remember how is finished the one without the zerg?
XxX had about 25-30 people on at 21:10GMT in EB. We also saw you VII, good fights!
Vanz, if the big chief little fish says you run as zerg admit it! We all know VII run 40 daily :s Oh and he has fraps, fraps don’t lie, fraps don’t get edited, fraps is the all seeing eye.
In all seriousness though glad to see your still going strong. Hope the fights are less lagtastic than just a few weeks back.
Got my eye on this weeks matchup, who knows might be pitting my wits against you soon. One can hope. Should be some good fun. Hope all is well on piken.
Yeah was nice playing against you LuX.. Ofc XxX had to bring 30 people, they prob got it on fraps aswell..
we are not crying.,and im the gm dont worry all are on fraps too.we met 4 time 3 u all was with the zerg and 1 without remember how is finished the one without the zerg?
Grats on losing 3:1 I guess? We actually thought it was 2:2 but we will take your version of it.
we never regroup with other,and all know that if few follow us im always say to them to leave us alone this is why many hate us too on our server we want only play our game nothing more,dont understand why we searched for u many time and found only 1 alone but if u say is only a concidence its ok hope meet again then another time,we just found only zerg everywhere for all the evening in all the 4 border from 21.15/21.20 to 00.50.:/
Got my eye on this weeks matchup, who knows might be pitting my wits against you soon. One can hope. Should be some good fun. Hope all is well on piken.
We miss you Noobs And we are waiting for you. I remember our fights against Boons. We wiped each others but the events was full of laugh and very nice.
Tup Tup salute!
(edited by genowefapigwa.5769)
What is your definition of a zerg? Where do you draw the line between non-zerging and zerging? How many opponents? Because I’ve seen people call a group of 25 a zerg, when they obviously haven’t faced the real zergs of for an example Vizunah, where you’ll easily encounter 60+ opponents. Now those are zergs and tbh I haven’t seen any piken guilds do this.
Yeah, there is the occasional moment where 2 guildraids meet, but since both raids have different endgoals they quickly split up again. And even when they meet, I doubt numbers get much higher than 40, for 1 or 2 minutes… I’ve more frequently seen both Gandara and Augury (mostly Augury) with higher numbers than the Piken raids.
We dont regroup with others. We do as yourself try to tell people not to follow us or or add on fights.. But its out of our hands really.
Wait, XxX ran 25-30? We didn’t estimate that many tbh, maybe 20-25, closer to 20. We had 18 at our peak tonight, so I have no idea what on Earth this zerging is about. If you’re talking about in PS BL, we had 3 fights against you.
1. You grouped to buff and push, and we bombed on top of you and wiped 60-80% of your group instantly. The rest retreated into the ruins or to the lake.
2. You flanked and attacked us when we were engaging AR, maybe half ours died or downed, we then regrouped with 8, moved to engage(cos why not), and you flanked us from the cliff and killed most of the remaining.
3. We ran into eachother on the ramp going past Hills, we tried to bomb on top of you, but didn’t catch many due to it being a surprise appearance, moved down the ramp to regroup, you went up, then KA came past us and engaged while we were regrouping and they killed you.
There was never any point at which we intentionally blobbed and zerged. The only fight when it might have been considered a blob was at the Hills ramp, but even then, us and KA engaged one after eachother, never together.
Bring your guild into the maps we’re in more often please, always enjoy the fights with XxX, always challenging Look forward to seeing more of you this week o/
(edited by Snowstorm.3897)
What is your definition of a zerg? Where do you draw the line between non-zerging and zerging? How many opponents? Because I’ve seen people call a group of 25 a zerg, when they obviously haven’t faced the real zergs of for an example Vizunah,
uselss discuss about that to win the match u need zerg and with u i mean who want win.
and btw we are always 15/18 max 20(but this happen only few time for now)
We dont regroup with others. We do as yourself try to tell people not to follow us or or add on fights.. But its out of our hands really.
hope meet Vii another evening then and we can kill each other again.
……One can hope……
Get your arses into T3!!
uselss discuss about that to win the match u need zerg and with u i mean who want win.
and btw we are always 15/18 max 20(but this happen only few time for now)
I don’t call this a zerg, do you?
(edited by Centrix.4065)
uselss discuss about that to win the match u need zerg and with u i mean who want win.
and btw we are always 15/18 max 20(but this happen only few time for now)
I don’t call this a zerg, do you?
this is zerg when more guild join up and when they die they join with more.
wait the upload wait the processing and see what i mean.
but its ok the game is like that and zerg sometimes is fun,and i understand is useless talk about who zerg and who not,everyone play how they want,sometimes i only hope to met more roamer guild but that happen only few time the rest of the time the game is like on this video,too bad is the best part of the game and the only way it need to be played.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
I see what you mean. The XT group seem to be 30-35 ish, almost bordering my definition of a zerg. I understand where you’re coming from, having to fight such groups everytime with your much smaller group can be frustrating, but on the other hand quite challenging.
But not a lot of guildraids on piken seem to be of that size… And I’m fairly sure none of them would combine forces (lets say 20+20) to defeat an enemy group of 20 or even 30.
(edited by Centrix.4065)
Its called WvW for a reason tbh! if they called it 10 v 10 or 15 v 15 or 20 v 20 i’d kinda get all these posts tbh. Just cause we as Gandara have’nt quite worked it out yet you can’t have a go at the other guys ………..fair play too uhm tbh War is War.
had some cracking fights against Piken and the Froggies a lot more interesting then the tier below……….hoping we stay here…..i doubt it tho……………back to flipping sup camps every 3 hours or so that was life in the tier below!!
Anyway /salute
LXY – Defenders of Cliffside (Gandara BL)
We’re running with 20-25-30, max group we had was 45 but only because we had to counter AR blob.
Btw. AR how did you like our night counter on your borderland? Wasn’t that easy to take everything for free yup?
1.3k kills(!) during one evening/night ride, your 60 man blob was sick, but still couldn’t do much inside bay. How many trebs you had there? 6?
Was bored so i decided to troll eb with a thief by killing yaks into SM tonight. Died after an hour or two when i picked a fight with one or two too many xD.
GW2 thieves are the best troll class in any mmo ever
Thought it was pretty hilarious that that many went out of their way to kill me while SM was under attack by AR and gandara
Yeah was nice playing against you LuX.. Ofc XxX had to bring 30 people, they prob got it on fraps aswell..
Then we should find the way during the editing of the video to add 10 more people and makes your sentence correct
(max number yesterday was 22, reached around 23.00 on a different border)
(edited by Maltra.7890)
uselss discuss about that to win the match u need zerg and with u i mean who want win.
and btw we are always 15/18 max 20(but this happen only few time for now)
I don’t call this a zerg, do you?
this is zerg when more guild join up and when they die they join with more.
wait the upload wait the processing and see what i mean.but its ok the game is like that and zerg sometimes is fun,and i understand is useless talk about who zerg and who not,everyone play how they want,sometimes i only hope to met more roamer guild but that happen only few time the rest of the time the game is like on this video,too bad is the best part of the game and the only way it need to be played.
Yeah, you are right – this is the clear example of zerg. Even if camera didn’t turns back – you can see that zerg at the radar – green dots ^^
Seeing too much whine about zergs and blobs and all kind of stuff on this thread. This is WvW so if 1 server gather up all guilds to run you, deal with that, if you kill them you deserve it. If they kill you, you deserve it. Just gather up more numbers, use another strategy and keep on fighting and just enjoy yourself dropping down the ones that have more numbers then you.
The things that dont allow good (or in equal terms) fights atm imho, are still the culling and lag and more skill lag and lag and…. lag.
Another topic: [SPRT] guild thanks for the good fights on the GvG, we also need to work on some things and keep improving other
You guys of XxX are really funny (I mean really really really). Always crying on the forum that you see zerg all around you. VII = zerg? You are kiding. They are your new target? VII is by far a no zerg guild. I think I always see them with a group of 15. And we all know that. I think it’s just you…
Be carefull VII, sooner or later you will be 100. XxX were crying 2 weeks ago that [Tohu] were between 50-100. Funny isn’t it?
You guys of XxX are really funny (I mean really really really). Always crying on the forum that you see zerg all around you. VII = zerg? You are kiding. They are your new target? VII is by far a no zerg guild. I think I always see them with a group of 15. And we all know that. I think it’s just you…
Be carefull VII, sooner or later you will be 100
. XxX were crying 2 weeks ago that [Tohu] were between 50-100. Funny isn’t it?
I quote you just to give you some love and attention
Piken roleplayers = small / mid scale heroes fighting outnumbered (and winning)
Think the movie 300 with even more ERP
Piken roleplayers = small / mid scale heroes fighting outnumbered (and winning)
Think the movie 300 with even more ERP
Your time machine seems to work! Can the rest of us loan it so we could fight the old piken?
Thanks to the PSY guardian near AR spawn on Piken BL, was a nice duel. Such a shame we got interrupted :<
Thank you to FrouFrou was a nice duel shame indeed.
(edited by maximusaquilla.1032)
EB was fun today
Thanks to PS and AG for the fun (but extremely laggy!) fight in SM this afternoon
nice picture [Ins] leader Jolly did yesterday lol
It’s a war indeed! But when XT runs 15-20 people capping camps during daytime. I must admit I sometimes sigh.
Monday WvW from DT perspective.
Gandara guilds were often quite hard to crack
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