Tell Me I Can’t And I’ll Show You I Can
This is gonna be nice.
This is gonna be closed.
People still writing in the last week topic…
Ew. I hate Piken already.
But this a new round. I dont see why post in the old one from last week.
we cant play alone because a yak commander come to stick with the zerg to us we change border hope meet u hob another time.
ps: ghetto guardian commander:/
and the commander continuing follow us again.
Well am sorry am tryin to learn to play. since you guys are uber super pro elite squad.
I didnt know following people around in wvw was illegal. Shoot Me.
we asked few time to leave us and u continue do it,and u followed us on the other border too,its called harassment,your guildmate insulted us etc etc i post the screen at the end of evening.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
Somebody selling popcorn?
we asked few time to leave us and u continue do it,and u followed us on the other border too,its called harassment,your guildmate insulted us etc etc i post the screen at the end of evening.
Im not responsible for other players actions, i dont control their fingers.
And i wanted to be with you guys <3. You roll faces !
Im not harrasing anyone, I havnt been mean or said anything nasty. I jus said i wanted to be around you guys.
we asked few time to leave us and u continue do it,and u followed us on the other border too,its called harassment,your guildmate insulted us etc etc i post the screen at the end of evening.
Im not responsible for other players actions, i dont control their fingers.
And i wanted to be with you guys <3. You roll faces !
Im not harrasing anyone, I havnt been mean or said anything nasty. I jus said i wanted to be around you guys.
for the action of other no,for yours yes.
its called guild wars and we want play as guild,dont see the problem with that,and what u have done today its called harassment,and your guildmate its called insult,all 2 of u are reported for that.
Want Some Cheese with that whine ?
I don’t see how i was harassing you. I Haven’t Done anything wrong there. I haven’t offended or harassed anyone there.
If you’r screen shot is proving that im a noob commander, Well yes i got commander for less than a week now.
If XxX want to run guild-only then that should be respected…
I often see them in the EB and i’ll join in if I come across them fighting/capturing a structure but once done they all move off, so I wish them well and let them get on with it (i’m sure wherever they go that Gandara will benefit from it)
Isnt Yak already running hand and hand with that WvW group aswell?
Dius has been slacking lately. Blame Anet.
mmh is piken he only server with no nightcap in this tier? I see even gandara is rolling nearly 300 points now
mmh is piken he only server with no nightcap in this tier? I see even gandara is rolling nearly 300 points now
We are the lowest population realm in this teir by a mile… so yes at night there are only 20-30 of us across all 4 maps.
U might want to look at the maps now btw… with so few players we r now doubling Gandaras score
We might be top overall atm but that will change during the week cos we r never strong during work/school time and ofc we suck late night…
im happy to see Yak and XXX getting on with each other so well …
i wont get involved in reporting each other posting screen shoots on forums i think its a little childish,
Yaks have the Same promblems with ramdoms people not on ts jumping into our number and running with us but we dont make a big deal of it ..
Nemesys.7251 << needs to chill the * out and stop being elitist as you are not the best and reporting my guys its just making me not care to colabarate with you in the future .. i didnt want to post here but dont think we dont read around….and its not healthy for the sever .. balls in your court shollow your pride.
best wishes icey <3 YAK
Fun figth against piken and gandara at AR BL near 12PM. We were 5 and it was hard to keep the camp.
After , all my respect to the 2 [YAK] who escort our doliak with us, all disguised in ruminants, you got humor
np XxX we still had a fun night. The AR portal bombing zerg was more irritating xD
i think its a little childish,
so insulting,following us with commander on,following us on different border and continue follow us with commander on is not?
we never asked for help in 4 month,we never sticked to another guild when we die,we always help when someone ask for a keep or something like that but we never regroup and zerg if someone ask that,we do our game and we like do it and we want continue do that even when we die.
i think its a little childish,
so insulting,following us with commander on,following us on different border and continue follow us with commander on is not?
we never asked for help in 4 month,we never sticked to another guild when we die,we always help when someone ask for a keep or something like that but we never regroup and zerg if someone ask that,we do our game and we like do it and we want continue do that even when we die.
You forgot to mention: writing in the map chat “all follow XxX and commander”
Hum, by the way, nice fight yesterday evening on Gandara BL. A real 3 faction fight inside/outside bay and inside etheron. We managed to defend bay at the very last second but it was so hard… Piken you were a lot (I remember [TNTD] and [VII] but there were a lot of other guilds…). We tried to take Etheron but each time you managed to save it… But in the end, it was a bad idea cause we lost Bay during the fight…
See you tonight.
ty for great fight AR mesmer from [RUNE] guild. good skill.
im big mesmer charr
I’m from Gandara too and in the recent past I got a lot of this “Don’t follow us!!!” and frankly, it made me feel very unwelcome at times and like I’m more regarded as a nuisance than an addition to the forces of our server.
I understand you want to play with your guilds. But do randoms really bother you that much? They don’t prevent any of your guildies from running with you, do they? How do they hinder/harm your guild play? You can still plan and coordinate in TS to your hearts content and you even get some more manpower!
Commander tags attract people. Big groups of people attract even more people. This nearly can’t be helped, I think. So why don’t you try to make the best out of it and put them to good use?
I can share my perspective as a member of a “small to medium”-sized guild with you.
I absolutely love my guild. Some of the nicest gw2 guys I know are part of it. We are big enough to do tier 1 guild missions and even get enough people for tier 2 with a bit of luck or when planning a week ahead to get enough people online at the same time.
Not sure how many we are. But to give you an idea, I’d say on a typical evening or weekend maybe 10-20 are on at the same time.
What I want to get at is: We have small numbers in WvW. The dedicated WvW players amongst us organized a WvW day last saturday. At the best of times we had 8 players in WvW and we were very happy about that! Finally we could at least cap some t0 targets. But normaly we are maybe 3-4 people in WvW.
For smaller guilds like ours this means that we usually have to relay on pugs or bigger guilds to experience quiet a big part of the WvW experience.
You can do small supply runs, you can scout, you can kill sentries and you can capture camps (even though it often takes long enough for an enemy group to show up and steamroll you if you don’t leg it). But you’ll almost never be able to kill a 5+ man group, defend something on your own or take anything except a t0 unguarded target. Heck, we even have to do a supply run to put up 1 cata…
I’d also like to become a commander. I have the money and a good bit of WvW experience and am eager to learn more. But I see no sense in it without a supporting and significantly big group of guild wvw players having my back.
There’s a lot of stuff we can’t do on our own in WvW and I’d cry tears of joy if we had some random guys following us around!
Because of the above a lot of what I do revolves around those small scalle stuff. There’s nothing wrong with that but it can get dull at times without some diversity.
That’s why I’m always happy to encounter a commander with a group of people following him. That’s my chance at crushing zergs, taking part in big scale sieges and taking down towers and keeps!
I didn’t mind the first time I was told to not follow a group. But it feels like it’s getting more and more often and it’s very frustrating and demotivating if it happens multiple times per evening (different groups).
I only want to tag along and have fun too. What’s the big deal? I keep quiet, I can follow your orders, I give you more DPS and group support, I carry supplies, etc., etc.
How can it be I seem to be in the way of not just one but multiple groups only by being present and wanting to help? I sometimes feel absolutely unwelcome
And for those running around with their commander tag on and complaining about wanting to do guild stuff: I know it sucks there’s no real way to keep track of your gild in WvW as soon as you’re more than one party. But if you have to turn your icon on, people will (rightfully?) expect you to represent your server first and foremost and not your guild and in my humble opinion you shouldn’t tell them to bugger off as long as you have a blue dorito floating over your head.
Of course it’s not okay when people follow you around and insult you. Insulting someone’s never ok.
But in general it would be nice if bigger guilds (especially with an active commander leading them) could be a bit more thoughtful concerning the “man on the street” wanting to follow them and in turn we try to behave, contribute as much as we can and listen to your tactics
This is embarassing for Gandara.
Yaks give xXx a break they do a good job and xXx it’s clear to everyone you don’t care about the server or the players in Gandara and are only in this tier for the fights you can get. No problem with that, we can all choose how we want to play. If people want to follow you in rvr, they will. If you want to sit in spawn for 15mins because you can’t handle 2-3 pugs following you, that’s also you’re choice. You’re an asset to the server, nothing more, nothing less. Hell, you start throwing your rattlles out of the pram when ONE SINGLE PERSON starts following you around.
Whose REALLY childish here? Because it seems to me everyone is. Whereas on the other hands, all yaks ever do is follow people. They have gotten better since merging with Dius, and I believe they can now exit a spawn area not only together, but not get wiped within 5minutes too, and have seen them also getting some good fights and winning more regularly.
MMO and trolling goes hand in hand, but Gandara is gonna have to get used to the way each guilds ‘personality’ is because this game is amazing, and unless you’re a bandwagoner, we’re all here for the long run. So let’s be adults and not give the other servers more ammo to troll us while we troll each other? (Some better than others, looking at you yaks)
Just wanted to tell everyone to stop being childish and we’re on the same team, not sure how it turned into a rant… oh well. Donning flamesuit.
See you on the battlefield.
well imo our “big” guild, dont coloborate with our starnge pugs. they just roam and etc etc etc. they can help ud defend some towers and keeps. but no. they dont come, they just play self wvw game. who care what they take some keeps in other borders if we lost self.
ok nvm, see u in the game
p.s. sry bad english
Someone pls explain them what does speed group and rally means in www…
I understand you want to play with your guilds. But do randoms really bother you that much? They don’t prevent any of your guildies from running with you, do they? How do they hinder/harm your guild play? You can still plan and coordinate in TS to your hearts content and you even get some more manpower!
Commander tags attract people. Big groups of people attract even more people. This nearly can’t be helped, I think. So why don’t you try to make the best out of it and put them to good use?
That’s a legit question, i’ve answered it yet so many times i guess one more won’t make me sick. Randoms don’t prevent our guildies to run with each others, no, but they actually harm our gameplay and people should know why at this point.
First of all, we can’t buff swiftness on everyone and since boons arent guild/party prioritized, when people start following us, some guildies will start losing swiftness, making us slower, weaker and an easier target. Speed is one of our main strenght, losing it makes us predictable and easier to fight.
Second, downed system. It happened so many times i can’t even think about it, (even with people who said “do you think i’m going to die?” in say chat, after being asked not to follow for this reason) randoms followers pushing a zerg with us, we down almost all of our enemies and the poor follower dies rallying all the ones we would have killed and probably leading us to a wipe if the group have big numbers. Isn’t this harming our gameplay?
Third, zerg. We don’t use commander icon for a reason (only if we’re having culling issues actually, and for short times). We blame many guilds for having the right numbers to provide good fights and still blob around with other guilds and pugs. Why should we do the same? We don’t want to have bigger numbers, what we have is enough to feel the challenge and play the way we prefer. Why this has to be a problem? I don’t get it. You want to follow someone? There are commanders. You want competitive WvW? Join a WvW guild then, it’s called Guild Wars for a reason (just one tho).
well imo our “big” guild, dont coloborate with our starnge pugs. they just roam and etc etc etc. they can help ud defend some towers and keeps. but no. they dont come, they just play self wvw game. who care what they take some keeps in other borders if we lost self.
This is embarassing for Gandara.
xXx it’s clear to everyone you don’t care about the server or the players in Gandara and are only in this tier for the fights you can get. No problem with that, we can all choose how we want to play. If people want to follow you in rvr, they will. If you want to sit in spawn for 15mins because you can’t handle 2-3 pugs following you, that’s also you’re choice. You’re an asset to the server, nothing more, nothing less. Hell, you start throwing your rattlles out of the pram when ONE SINGLE PERSON starts following you around.
About the follower thing, read above, the rest are just lies. We’re not siegers, but that doesn’t mean we don’t help our server. We always come to help if called, always help commanders and guilds in trouble if we can. Many commanders usually love to have us around, just in case they need help, so what you’re saying is totally invalid. We usually care about Gandara’s community and we actually came back before paid transfers just because we love many people we got to know here. I don’t see why “caring” about people and servers should mean playing the game wrong, or in a way we wouldn’t enjoy. It’s you guys, preventing us from playing the way we would like to, really harming Gandara’s results. Why we should “care” about you while you don’t “care” about us? Don’t need an answer, rhetorical question.
Guys who are being followed, it is simple. If someone is following your guild group in WvW, they are well within their rights to do so and no, they are not harassing you. Especially now that there is no worries about puggies popping orange swords on gates when you want to ninja something with a small group.
Guys who are following, it is also very simple. If you are not commanding, turn the kitten commander icon off.
So don’t fight each other, you’re gonna get pwned that way. :p
Even this is new “matchup”, i’ll throw here our last week short video from our events
Thank you again for last week challenges and fun
Good luck in this matchup and lets have good spirit and fights
People following you can be annoying because they might use squishie builds and die, resulting in rallying the enemy. Or they die because they can’t hear the leader shouting commands via TS etc. Dieing is such a big deal because of rallying that it’s very undersstandable for guild groups to want to play alone. Besides, followers might not hide in time, so enemies will find them and the whole ninja attack or whatever might be ruined.
THAT SAID! YaK has good players that know how to play in an organised group so XxX is overreacting a little bit. That said, i would personally respect a guild leader and just go away if he asks me nicely.
Can Everybody PLEASE shut the … up? Jesus Christ save me, your acting like morons. ._.
On the night cap size issue; I can confirm that Piken has less players when it comes to night time than Gandara although there has been nights where it’s been questionable. But lets be honest here guys; neither Server can compare with the size of the French Leviathan that pours forth from the heavens at like 2am.
I’ve been having a blast on Piken. Very awesome and accepting people. Had a fair amount of duels (and lost every single one of them!) against old server mates, one duel was actually a golem vs golem duel which was funny xD
Oh and yea I see some comments here about the Semper Yak Alliance thing, that only really ever happened when Dius or YaK was lacking or both were lacking. I think the most we had together on the field was against Kodash Vs KoA and we numbered 31? But this no longer happens due to Dius being on break til patch day >.<
On the topic of Piken guilds having Mahoosive numbers; I haven’t seen all guilds but I can confirm that at least Vii, Scnd, TNTD all run with around 15-20ish or less without Pugs and yea sometimes pugs are unavoidable so they will have pugs about. From what I have seen though is that people on both sides have a tendency to exaggerate numbers or to de?exaggerate their own.
Thats all I am going to say on those matters now because I am on vacation so lets just have some fun 8-)
Also Ghetto, you such a troll!
People following you can be annoying because they might use squishie builds and die, resulting in rallying the enemy. Or they die because they can’t hear the leader shouting commands via TS etc. Dieing is such a big deal because of rallying that it’s very undersstandable for guild groups to want to play alone. Besides, followers might not hide in time, so enemies will find them and the whole ninja attack or whatever might be ruined.
On the other hand, guild groups who actually think they can hide in WvW are very entertaining! Seriously guys, those huge red invader tags hovering over your heads, dead giveaway. And no, hiding behind corners and in buildings doesn’t work either. Those things sometimes even poke through walls.
Puggies used to be a problem for ninja groups when they would instantly go berserk on gates and pop swords, but that’s not an issue any more. As for rallying enemies, unless the group in question can guarantee that not a single one of them will be downed in any fight, I think that’s just an excuse to act elitist and creates division.
So forget all that, WvW is a server vs server thing, so just let’s all be nice to our team mates and play along.
honestly more and more i hear crap that reeks of guilds fooling themselves into believing wvwvw is a private playground where they can blob around the map and treat anyone not in their blob like pariahs…. if this is where wvw is headed it’s the road to empty maps and a dead game.
good guilds should be measured by how well they treat and intigrate with EVERYONE in their map and not how well they ignore everyone else and zoom around as a blob and then make videos to stroke their egos afterwards in threads like this.
This is embarassing for Gandara.
xXx it’s clear to everyone you don’t care about the server or the players in Gandara and are only in this tier for the fights you can get. No problem with that, we can all choose how we want to play. If people want to follow you in rvr, they will. If you want to sit in spawn for 15mins because you can’t handle 2-3 pugs following you, that’s also you’re choice. You’re an asset to the server, nothing more, nothing less. Hell, you start throwing your rattlles out of the pram when ONE SINGLE PERSON starts following you around.
About the follower thing, read above, the rest are just lies. We’re not siegers, but that doesn’t mean we don’t help our server. We always come to help if called, always help commanders and guilds in trouble if we can. Many commanders usually love to have us around, just in case they need help, so what you’re saying is totally invalid. We usually care about Gandara’s community and we actually came back before paid transfers just because we love many people we got to know here. I don’t see why “caring” about people and servers should mean playing the game wrong, or in a way we wouldn’t enjoy. It’s you guys, preventing us from playing the way we would like to, really harming Gandara’s results. Why we should “care” about you while you don’t “care” about us? Don’t need an answer, rhetorical question. [/quote]
I see. So you say it’s all lies and I must believe you. Well I’ll leave that part of your post at that, seeing as your rhetorical question MUST be true.
Don’t put words into my mouth. It’s not inavlid and we both know it. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, bad or good, and you don’t even have to man up and admit it (as a guild, no need to get personal, sir). Everyone can play the way they want. It REALLY is as simple as that. For example, if xXx are throwing your rattles out because of ’random’s following you, go ahead, but if they want to sit at the wp and play the waiting game to join you, don’t act as if you’re right to play is higher than theirs. Get kitten y, do everything you can to preserve how you play, but realise everyone has equal right to play how they please. I stated that I (and the server) acknowledges you are a clear asset to us, but be honest, you guys just want good fights (nothing wrong with that, so do I). But you seem to think you are ENTITLED to it, without interference. As a long standing rvr guild I know you know this isn’t how it goes down…
Now it’s MY fault? Oh this is good Ok, I’ll indulge in a bit of personal storytime seeing as I was invited.I follow you if I get the chance since you won’t respond to my requests to trial. I didn’t go down at all and I run centaur runes buffing 4 of your guildies with 12-14s of swiftness every 15sec. You can’t know that, but your attitude seems to suggest you lump ‘us’ all together, which is naieve. And playing the “you’re harming Gandara not letting us do what we want how we want” card… Really, given the context of this thread? I know you’re better than that, but it seems like you do seem to think you are entitled to play how you want, and others not how they want. Please correct me if this wasn’t what you meant. But if YOU choose to sit in spawn until the randoms leave YOU are ‘harming Gandara’ through the choice you are making, not them, and their choice to want to wvw and in their eyes help Gandara, even if it is ultimately detrimental.
I clearly do care about ‘you’ (being everyone in wvw thats not xXx? or are we still being personal? wow can’t believe this is going here, we can hug it out after man), since when I run with you I rarely wipe, and my builds are always for the group. I GIVE YOU more swiftness than many of your guildies will. But we are both now making huge generalisations. I realise this, do you? My point is there are others that aren’t bad, and there are many that are. Nothing will change it and certainly people cannot be made to play how we want, but as you do, they can be asked. Just don’t get you’re knickers in a twist when when they decide to say ‘no’, because then players like Yak are gonna have a field day trolling you… I mean, come on, it’s not ‘harassment’ in a legal sense, they’re just annoying you lol.
Getting a taste for this forum stuff.
I didn’t mind the first time I was told to not follow a group. But it feels like it’s getting more and more often and it’s very frustrating and demotivating if it happens multiple times per evening (different groups).
I only want to tag along and have fun too. What’s the big deal? I keep quiet, I can follow your orders, I give you more DPS and group support, I carry supplies, etc., etc.
It sounds like u guys on Gandara r having serious issues about how ‘pro’ u really are… shame
I can say im a regular pugger (like yourself) on Piken and ive NEVER been asked to leave a guild zerg as it travels round the map, ever!
We are such low population right now for WvW that commanders positively welcome anyone to join their group. In fact i think that there are probably more commander tags with full groups of randoms than there are guild groups on Piken atm.
Like Lloantix/Kinkywarrior says, us on Piken are not leet and certainly dont take ourselves too seriously in WvW, we just wanna have lols and giggles and play competitively. Our ‘leet’ guilds all bandwagoned onto SFR and r now playing T1. But on the flip side u must remember that we are experienced at playing WvW at high level and i would argue that pound for pound we have stronger individual players… lets face it has anyone ever got beat up by an AR zerg thats the same size as your own? :P
All in all Yuki id suggest seriously thinking about moving to somewhere like Piken cos right now we actually need good small teams of players to tag along and join up with our commanders… it really sounds to me like the top WvW guilds on Gandara r having issues with deciding just how pro they actually want to be… never seen that on Piken since our ‘pro’ guilds left a couple of weeks ago…
Last I heard we had community forums, wouldnt it be better trolling/flaming on them than here where most of the WvW community really doesnt want to read it unless for the entertainment value as they take a break with their popcorn.
For those Gandarans not knowing where to find the forums.. ask in chat and someone will send you in the right direction, so can the kittening stop here and be addressed in its rightful place.
I didn’t mind the first time I was told to not follow a group. But it feels like it’s getting more and more often and it’s very frustrating and demotivating if it happens multiple times per evening (different groups).
I only want to tag along and have fun too. What’s the big deal? I keep quiet, I can follow your orders, I give you more DPS and group support, I carry supplies, etc., etc.
It sounds like u guys on Gandara r having serious issues about how ‘pro’ u really are… shame
I can say im a regular pugger (like yourself) on Piken and ive NEVER been asked to leave a guild zerg as it travels round the map, ever!
We are such low population right now for WvW that commanders positively welcome anyone to join their group. In fact i think that there are probably more commander tags with full groups of randoms than there are guild groups on Piken atm.
Like Lloantix/Kinkywarrior says, us on Piken are not leet and certainly dont take ourselves too seriously in WvW, we just wanna have lols and giggles and play competitively. Our ‘leet’ guilds all bandwagoned onto SFR and r now playing T1. But on the flip side u must remember that we are experienced at playing WvW at high level and i would argue that pound for pound we have stronger individual players… lets face it has anyone ever got beat up by an AR zerg thats the same size as your own? :P
All in all Yuki id suggest seriously thinking about moving to somewhere like Piken cos right now we actually need good small teams of players to tag along and join up with our commanders… it really sounds to me like the top WvW guilds on Gandara r having issues with deciding just how pro they actually want to be… never seen that on Piken since our ‘pro’ guilds left a couple of weeks ago…
VII were saying in the last thread that they try to get rid of the pugs following them so lets not pretend your any different, theres perfectly good reasons to want to try and run without the extra players following you around, none of them due to being ‘better’ than them
Gandaras problem is we have a lack of commanders atm so the extras dont really have anyone to follow around. Hell we have a lack of everything last couple of weeks as no one is logging into wvw.
Yuki i understand the frustration but its not XxX’s fault and giving them a hard time isn’t going to achieve anything. We are in need of some fresh commanders so if you feel up to it then go for it. I’m sure many players would appreciate and enjoy following you around.
(edited by Caid.4932)
VII were saying in the last thread that they try to get rid of the pugs following them so lets not pretend your any different
Ive run with VII group plenty of times and theyve never asked me to leave them alone… and as far as i know theyve never asked or told anyone else to leave them alone. Maybe ur pointing out the difference that our guys on Piken are actually respectful towards fellow Pikens and gandarans r just rude and spiteful?
Sounds to me like VII was just saying that they would prefer to run without puggers but theyll tolerate us tagging along cos they fully understand thats a fact of life in WvW… very different attitude to what im reading on this thread from the gandara WvW guilds who appear to be flaming their fellow gandarans.
I see. So you say it’s all lies and I must believe you. Well I’ll leave that part of your post at that, seeing as your rhetorical question MUST be true.
Don’t put words into my mouth. It’s not inavlid and we both know it. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, bad or good, and you don’t even have to man up and admit it (as a guild, no need to get personal, sir). Everyone can play the way they want. It REALLY is as simple as that. For example, if xXx are throwing your rattles out because of ’random’s following you, go ahead, but if they want to sit at the wp and play the waiting game to join you, don’t act as if you’re right to play is higher than theirs. Get kitten y, do everything you can to preserve how you play, but realise everyone has equal right to play how they please. I stated that I (and the server) acknowledges you are a clear asset to us, but be honest, you guys just want good fights (nothing wrong with that, so do I). But you seem to think you are ENTITLED to it, without interference. As a long standing rvr guild I know you know this isn’t how it goes down…
Now it’s MY fault? Oh this is good
Ok, I’ll indulge in a bit of personal storytime seeing as I was invited.I follow you if I get the chance since you won’t respond to my requests to trial. I didn’t go down at all and I run centaur runes buffing 4 of your guildies with 12-14s of swiftness every 15sec. You can’t know that, but your attitude seems to suggest you lump ‘us’ all together, which is naieve. And playing the “you’re harming Gandara not letting us do what we want how we want” card… Really, given the context of this thread? I know you’re better than that, but it seems like you do seem to think you are entitled to play how you want, and others not how they want. Please correct me if this wasn’t what you meant. But if YOU choose to sit in spawn until the randoms leave YOU are ‘harming Gandara’ through the choice you are making, not them, and their choice to want to wvw and in their eyes help Gandara, even if it is ultimately detrimental.
I clearly do care about ‘you’ (being everyone in wvw thats not xXx? or are we still being personal? wow can’t believe this is going here, we can hug it out after man), since when I run with you I rarely wipe, and my builds are always for the group. I GIVE YOU more swiftness than many of your guildies will. But we are both now making huge generalisations. I realise this, do you? My point is there are others that aren’t bad, and there are many that are. Nothing will change it and certainly people cannot be made to play how we want, but as you do, they can be asked. Just don’t get you’re knickers in a twist when when they decide to say ‘no’, because then players like Yak are gonna have a field day trolling you… I mean, come on, it’s not ‘harassment’ in a legal sense, they’re just annoying you lol.
Getting a taste for this forum stuff.
This is just funny. I don’t know why you feel guilty mate, but i definitely wasn’t thinking about you. To answer you briefly (i’m sorry you’re getting a taste for it, but i’m stuffed) you’re right, those are huge generalisations, but we can’t choose who can and who can’t follow us, so we prefer not to have followers. Simple as that.
This is harassment definition from wiki: " behaviour intended to disturb or upset, and it is characteristically repetitive". Not a legal sense tho, no. I guess people who found that “field day” fun can’t really have fun with this game, so they need something to do to feel accomplished somehow. We’re trying to preserve our game style, you’re right, i tried explaining why in the more polite and polished way i can, once more. The ones willing to understand our point of view will (i know there are some), the others will just keep trolling and talking anyway, so i’m out of here for now. Cya
I can also state that Vii have asked for people to not hang about them. Im not taking sides, merely stating facts. In fact I commanded for Piken Square the second day I was there because they asked for a commander to draw Puggers away. now im not saying they were disrespectful and all that, they’re very respectful. I’m just saying that it happens on Piken too ;D
I understand your point of view xXx (and its my preferred view) but hopefully you understand that that was my point, everyone has their own Asking for people to do/not do stuff is cool, but getting kitten y when they don’t isn’t.
Can Everybody PLEASE shut the … up? Jesus Christ save me, your acting like morons. ._.
On the night cap size issue; I can confirm that Piken has less players when it comes to night time than Gandara although there has been nights where it’s been questionable. But lets be honest here guys; neither Server can compare with the size of the French Leviathan that pours forth from the heavens at like 2am.
I’ve been having a blast on Piken. Very awesome and accepting people. Had a fair amount of duels (and lost every single one of them!) against old server mates, one duel was actually a golem vs golem duel which was funny xD
Oh and yea I see some comments here about the Semper Yak Alliance thing, that only really ever happened when Dius or YaK was lacking or both were lacking. I think the most we had together on the field was against Kodash Vs KoA and we numbered 31? But this no longer happens due to Dius being on break til patch day >.<
On the topic of Piken guilds having Mahoosive numbers; I haven’t seen all guilds but I can confirm that at least Vii, Scnd, TNTD all run with around 15-20ish or less without Pugs and yea sometimes pugs are unavoidable so they will have pugs about. From what I have seen though is that people on both sides have a tendency to exaggerate numbers or to de?exaggerate their own.
Thats all I am going to say on those matters now because I am on vacation so lets just have some fun 8-)
Also Ghetto, you such a troll
VACATION? This is war, soldier. Get back here and lift that gun!
VII were saying in the last thread that they try to get rid of the pugs following them so lets not pretend your any different
Ive run with VII group plenty of times and theyve never asked me to leave them alone… and as far as i know theyve never asked or told anyone else to leave them alone. Maybe ur pointing out the difference that our guys on Piken are actually respectful towards fellow Pikens and gandarans r just rude and spiteful?
Sounds to me like VII was just saying that they would prefer to run without puggers but theyll tolerate us tagging along cos they fully understand thats a fact of life in WvW… very different attitude to what im reading on this thread from the gandara WvW guilds who appear to be flaming their fellow gandarans.
XxX are very respectful with how they ask and ghetto is far more experienced than he claims. Hes trolling them, end of story.
YAK vs XxX? o_O
Greetings gentlemen and other assorted creatures
I’m trying to get together a Duelling and Small Scale Combat Day/Event for Friday at the end of the matchup.
The aims of this are mostly to have fun, bring together a feeling of respect and give the roamers and small groups of each server some good fights and challenges of skill
Venue will be the area north of Speldan Clearcut in Eternal Battlegrounds, with fights ranging from 1vs1 to 5vs5, maybe 2-3 fights occuring simultaneously depending on sizes. The time will be 18:30 GMT on Friday (19:30GMT+1), just turn up and have fun – each group size will be done individually, 1vs1 first, then 2vs2, etc. all fights will be until downed.
Any help advertising this would be very much appreciated for any further questions whisper me in-game
Hope to see some of you guys there!
(edited by Immolator.5640)
Hello everyone. Thanks for lootbags on Gandara map when trying to take Bay. I almost died once also.
Hello everyone. Thanks for lootbags on Gandara map when trying to take Bay. I almost died once also.
thanks for free taunt
However it’s true this evening was just awfull but it can’t be awesome every time, i guess you know that too =D
In VII we do ask friendlies to follow another commander during our guild raids and the reasons for doing so are numerous. Mainly It’s poor distribution of manpower to stick to a guild raid if there are other commanders available and I won’t even start on the hazards of the rally system when you run an average of 15 vs all.
With that said, I like to think we are respectful with our requests. We know VII only plays 3-4 hours primetime, it’s the friendlies who make Piken tick.
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