Got Whispered By Enemy in WvW
Aside from an exploit, maybe you’re well known to the enemy so they asked around about your name?
I highly doubt I’m well known. I don’t play WvW all that much and this is the first time I’ve played against the server we are up against right now, and it changed since last I played WvW.
Hey may have invited you to his group or joined yours which is possible by /invite or /join your current target.
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]
I did get a brief party invite request. So they disabled the report feature so that you couldn’t get people’s names, but they didn’t disable the ability to invite people on the opposing team to a party??
Nope, they didnt ^^
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.
Surprisingly, it happened to me too yesterday!
Actually, as I am writing this post I just realized that maybe there are “spies” on my server because I was saying earlier how I was at a keep that was captured by the enemy, and that they haven’t found me yet. Several minutes later a thief found me, and after I ran, he/she whispered to me.
Initially, it was a group invite from the ‘… invader’ with a generic picture, then moments later the name was revealed and I saw the inviter’s character picture. I did not accept the invite, but the next thing i see is he/she whispering to me.
Perhaps, Shufflepants, you used map, team, guild, say chat etc, and someone on your team, who can talk with your opponents, gave them your name?
Nevertheless, I think Arenanet should make it that you cannot talk to your opponents at all in WvW, even if you know their character name / account name. Opponents can verbally abuse each other and it is easy for “spies” to help your “team’s” “opponents” because you can whisper them in real-time. For example, you can be at your “team’s” keep and whisper to your “opponents” aka friends on the other team if a trebuchet is hitting a wall or not etc. EDIT: or that a golem rush will come for X in Y time…
Of course, it won’t stop such cheating from occurring completely but it can help to minimize and discourage unfair play. Above all, by not being able to whisper to your opponents it will help to keep a “clean” game.
(edited by HeeHee.5208)
i think talking to your opponents in wvw is a good thing, helps with duels and stuff like that.
You have a history on the forums
Once you have someone’s ID you can whisper them or add them to your contact list.
- Some people troll (or friendly rib) the enemy. <— I do not endorse this behavior.
- Some communicate to resolve “issues” of diplomacy or inappropriate behavior.
- Some people have honest-to-goodness, real life friends on other servers.
Whispers between servers is common. I’m surprised this is a surprise to people.
You have a history on the forums
Once you have someone’s ID you can whisper them or add them to your contact list.
- Some people troll (or friendly rib) the enemy. <— I do not endorse this behavior.
- Some communicate to resolve “issues” of diplomacy or inappropriate behavior.
- Some people have honest-to-goodness, real life friends on other servers.
Whispers between servers is common. I’m surprised this is a surprise to people.
I doubt this has anything to do with the forums. The whole point of my confusion is how the person obtained my ID during a WvW match in the first place when every one is just a nameless invader. After reading some of these posts and doing a little experimenting, it seems the way people are doing it is by targeting you typing “/join” without adding a name which automatically initiates a party invite request which then shows the name of the person on the other team and from there they can whisper.
In wvw today i had a group invite from an “invader” i did not accept in fear of being hacked, but it seems they can just invite you and find out your I.D. easy from your picture. i use to fight one of my friends in wvw for fun and we could be in the same party. Anet does need to fix this >.>
Its distracting when you are in a huge zerg standoff or fight in general.
i had a group invite from an “invader” i did not accept in fear of being hacked
All I could find on this subject was from a month ago when they supposedly disabled the reporting feature to prevent people from getting people’s name to message them.
But just tonight I got a message from some one in WvW telling me how bad I was after I killed some one.
How is this possible?
As every one mention previously. Enemies can /join your group or /invite you to theirs to get your account ID to whisper you. If you don’t want this to happen. Simply get 4 friends and invite them to group. That way no one can /join or /invite you due to being in a full party.
Just to state one thing: Inviting enemy does NOT help spys. If you know the name/id of one player (the spy will know someone of his “real” server) you can talk to him. No matter if its EU/DE/SP/FR/US!
It just helps by talking to enemys. I rly dunno why its such a problem, that you can talk to your enemy. If an enemy is being offensive, just report and ignore. But you can use a chat with an enemy, to share builds or something like that.
Member of Eclipse Gaming
I think that being able to invite or join the party of the enemy team is definitely a good thing. However, the party request should always be a generic picture along with a generic name so you still have the option of retaining your anonymity if you choose to decline.
Please leave the feature, Anet.
there’s 2 reasons i like to do the /invite /join, when ive had a good fight with some one from another server and i want to have a few duels and friendly conversation, to which ive made lots friends cross servers we don’t share info on whats going on in WvW simply talk builds and setup duels to test each other’s skills and such, the other reason is when some kitten decides to gank u mid fight and dance on your body when he clearly didnt do anything but interuppt a fair fight(that kittens just rude) so i line up a proper 1v1 on said fail player, i wont do that if they just gank and get back to what there doing, only when they jump on your body and dance
I hope they leave this feature in as well. I’ve met interesting people from both Blackgate and Tarnished Coast in this manner and we’ve set up some good fights this way.
If a person has an issue with someone harrassing them then they can simply report or put the person on ignore. All of those who enjoy a friendly, personal battle shouldn’t be punished because others don’t bother using the features they have avaliable to them.
“I smell like pomegranate.”
i think talking to your opponents in wvw is a good thing, helps with duels and stuff like that.
omg not this! think of all upcoming flame wars!!
[LNS] – Legion Night Stalkers
Abaddons Mouth
I don’t see an issues with this. GW1 AB, you could talk to the other team during the match and even in spvp matches in gw2.
only a few times in 5 years of playing gw1 was bad and uncalled for by the other team but normal y it was general trash talk.
Keep this
Darkhaven Asuran Guardian
S O T D Warband [SotD]
Even if someone did know his ID from the forums, how would he know what his character looks like let alone knowing that character is Shuffle’s? I’m sure Shuffle looks like some other random in WvW.
So yeah. I’m pretty sure I know what’s going on here. Yes you can invite an enemy to your party, or join theirs. The little pop up in the party area lists them as “Blah Blah Blah Invader”. But if you waypoint while that pop up is still there, the “Blah Blah Blah Invader” changes to the actual name, at which point you can whisper away to your heart’s content. Despite this, I believe strongly that they should leave the option to invite to party ingame. Certainly fix this bug, but leave the actual system in place.
It’s really a matter of choice. If I want to chat with the enemy and they accept my party invite, they’ve accepted my offer to talk. If they reject it, then they clearly don’t want to talk and both of us move on. This bug takes that choice away by allowing whispers to get through without the recipient’s permission, but if the party invite ability is taken away then Arena-Net is taking away all of our choices in a much worse way; by cutting off all communication. In my opinion, not cool and not a good route to direct this game.
I hope they don’t fix the invite thing. Thats the only way I can speak with the enemy and ask him for a 1v1 fight somewhere out of traffic. If Anet would make the server transfer available only once per month or you can’t play WvW on that week when you made the transfer would solve the spy issue.
It’s really a matter of choice. If I want to chat with the enemy and they accept my party invite, they’ve accepted my offer to talk. If they reject it, then they clearly don’t want to talk and both of us move on. This bug takes that choice away by allowing whispers to get through without the recipient’s permission, but if the party invite ability is taken away then Arena-Net is taking away all of our choices in a much worse way; by cutting off all communication. In my opinion, not cool and not a good route to direct this game.
I agree, give players at least a choice as to whether or not they wish to communicate with others while hiding their character name and account ID.
Once someone accepts, then their character name / account ID can be revealed and he/she can start chatting away.
Unsolicited whispers from your opponents are not only annoying but distracting, especially if they r being spammed, and currently we can only ‘react’ by blocking.
Of course, you block them, then they come back with another character / account and start immediately spamming you again because they know your account ID… etc.
Sooo annoying!
People on enemy WvW servers should not be able to communicate across servers. It encourages cheating and griefing. I’ve had multiple situations where you kill some guy in a group and while you continue fighting the rest of his group you get constant invite spam because they are mad and want to disrupt you. Then there’s the “duelers”…
To those who like to have organised 1v1 duels: GTFO. This isn’t WoW. Their are many other games that cater to 1v1 duels. GW2 isn’t one of them. I will never accept an offer to duel, but i do like to have fun with these guys, I might pretend I want to duel while I watch some friends to sneak up and gank you and jump on your corpse. This is a war, not a tea party.
I am a fan of partying with other servers.
You fight someone and say GF. Lets u know that the other person respected ur skills even tho u lost.
Most people I do this to are cool….cept some Yak peeps. They get all bent outta shape after dying…..especially if ya just stomped them in the middle of thier zerg.
I actually had this happen today also. I accepted we stood together outside of a tower and had a nice conversation. Then my Zerg came and took his tower, I didn’t attack him/her but everyone else. We stayed in a party for about an hour, they did their thing I did mine. Except when we met we did not fight each other, but laughed at our kills of our allies.
Most people I say are nice and this was actually a pleasant experience I look forward to it again. It’s nice to talk to an enemy and make a friend we had a good time.
Partying with an enemy..I see it like a bug, all other features were turned off except this one. You can easily spy an enemy zerg, just put your party spy in the zergs and watch them moving on map. That’s not the worst part, the kiddies duelers messing up is the cherry on top.
Curious Guardian with thorns leading a (Kodan) Sanctuary unit.àt
Partying with an enemy..I see it like a bug, all other features were turned off except this one. You can easily spy an enemy zerg, just put your party spy in the zergs and watch them moving on map. That’s not the worst part, the kiddies duelers messing up is the cherry on top.
Curious Guardian with thorns leading a (Kodan) Sanctuary unit.àt
Partying with an enemy..I see it like a bug, all other features were turned off except this one. You can easily spy an enemy zerg, just put your party spy in the zergs and watch them moving on map
. That’s not the worst part, the kiddies duelers messing up is the cherry on top.
You know you don’t have to accept the join request…..
That being said most players you talk to are honestly looking for build/class help.
Great “feature” of WvW I must say
I would like to see a cross server map channel (and everyone, who doesn’t want to talk to the enemy can disable this channel) and also the possibility to right click on the invader and choose to whisper him. This would also work through an added whisper channel for WvW and can be disabled too.
This way the ones who wanna talk, can talk, the others can choose not to.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Once, before WvW reset, SoR were down duelling this one guardian from an enemy server. He was full on bunker build, and of everybody who duelled him he never fell below 80% health. Two or three of our SoR guys managed a stalemate. It was crazy.
I stepped up to the plate and laid the kitten down. For the first time in all the matches, I saw the guardian withdraw. It was full on crazyness but I had him on 10% health at one point. Stuffed up though and lost. Afterwards the player contacted me via a group /invite (didnt know this was possible at the time), and shared some very kind words. I was also treated to a /salute (which nobody else got). This was a positive inter server communication.
Two days ago I had a thief come at me while out roaming in WvW. I did my usual drill, but also had a brainwave and did something a little different in the moment of contact. Thief went down, flawless victory, stomp, away I went. I got another group invite and it was the thief. They asked me about my build, which I shared, and explained a couple things. The thief then congratulated me on the kill, saying it was their first death that day. Another positive inter-server communication experience.
I think the thing is that, at least with the group invite feature, you don’t have to answer the invite. If you do answer the invite, and find something distasteful, you can actually leave the group without saying a word.
1) Click on enemy
2) Type in /invite
3) grab name
4) Whisper
If you don’t know the ‘phone number’, don’t ‘pick up the phone’. Easy peasy, move along! Nothing to see here!
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
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Partying with an enemy..I see it like a bug, all other features were turned off except this one. You can easily spy an enemy zerg, just put your party spy in the zergs and watch them moving on map
. That’s not the worst part, the kiddies duelers messing up is the cherry on top.
You know you don’t have to accept the join request…..
That being said most players you talk to are honestly looking for build/class help.
Great “feature” of WvW I must say
No you don’t, nothing at all indicates that a enemy could send a join request, and why not accept allies ? we’re there for a common goal.
Curious Guardian with thorns leading a (Kodan) Sanctuary unit.àt
i think talking to your opponents in wvw is a good thing, helps with duels and stuff like that.
IMO you shouldn’t be duelling in WvW anyways as it contributes nothing to the ongoing battle / your server.
If you don’t know the ‘phone number’, don’t ‘pick up the phone’. Easy peasy, move along! Nothing to see here!
It’s not a matter of picking up the phone as these enemies will spam you with text messages instead.
The “phonecall” you receive for getting you into a party you can obviously ignore, but that will still provide your name to the enemy.
I would imagine this is more of a problem for griefing, rather than genuine situation where someone is “spying” and reporting back to the other server. For spying to be very effective, the person would likely be in a guild, which is likely on voip, negating the need to cross-server communicate.
Still annoying, to be sure, but I would guess it’s not much of a game breaking exploit or advantage for wv3.
Edit* While, there would still be an advantage to joining the enemy zerg and tracking their movement, I wouldn’t imagine that terribly useful either, as if you’ve been paying much attention to the map, or have any communication on your server, their location is usually plainly apparent.
(edited by misanthropes.8365)
Today I also got wispered by an enemy in WvW. Didn’t they fixed that issue yet? Was the player probably using some sort of hacking tool?
I’m just asking because I was a bit annoyed since he tried to spy out our zerg which did’t quite work as he expected and so, after we killed his people, he offended me and simply left the group afterwards.
He wasn’t able to do any serious harm, but I don’t really like the idea that this is still possible, because as in my example people tend to offend other fractions.
Who cares, block and move on.
Today I also got wispered by an enemy in WvW. Didn’t they fixed that issue yet? Was the player probably using some sort of hacking tool?
I’m just asking because I was a bit annoyed since he tried to spy out our zerg which did’t quite work as he expected and so, after we killed his people, he offended me and simply left the group afterwards.
He wasn’t able to do any serious harm, but I don’t really like the idea that this is still possible, because as in my example people tend to offend other fractions.
So when all you that are ‘sensitive at heart’ folks are frolicking in PvE and someone annoying starts insulting you, tells you that you are bad, doing it wrong, <insert whatever insult you find personally offensive> what do you do? Report? Block?
All those same tools are available for you in WvW too, so use them instead of continually trying to stamp out the fun of those of us that like an avenue of communication.
Today I also got wispered by an enemy in WvW. Didn’t they fixed that issue yet? Was the player probably using some sort of hacking tool?
I’m just asking because I was a bit annoyed since he tried to spy out our zerg which did’t quite work as he expected and so, after we killed his people, he offended me and simply left the group afterwards.
He wasn’t able to do any serious harm, but I don’t really like the idea that this is still possible, because as in my example people tend to offend other fractions.
You didn’t notice the Words x invader/defender when trying to join your party or invite you to his?
I like talking to the enemy. <shrug>
Your enemy is your friend, without him you wouldn’t have a game.
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
Yeah, it’s a good thing. It’s always fun to have some duels and comparing builds.
If i see a skilled enemy i’ll try to invite him/her. ^^
I hope anet will make it easier to invite enemy players.
Long post made short: if you are too sensitive then turn off chat.
If they are trying to “troll you” after you killed them, laugh it off that you made them mad in real life over a game.
Talking and inviting into wvw is a great ability that a lot of us use for duels and to settle things like if we see hackers etc. It really helps the wvw community in general and as far as spying goes, they can always find someone from the other server to relay information to via the forums or talking on a voice chat… imho there’s probably “spies” with friends on almost every server… it’s silly to think otherwise and quite surprising that you think it makes that much of a difference.
Èl Cid
(edited by SniffyCube.6107)
I don’t see anything bad that you can actually talk to your enemy. Maybe they should remove the ability to get your gametag with the party invite, but not removing the invite possibility. That way you could still talk to enemy if you and the enemy accepts it and if not, you just move on. Just like everyone said here already.
If you feel offended by the actions of the enemy, just block and report. Its the same as you would do in PvE.
And about duels. I do duels, when ever I can actually. But for that when ever, it needs to be pretty calm or either near the end of the week when the match up has already been decided so that it doesn’t really matter in any way to the match up. Also if something crucial happens in the middle of Duel, I don’t feel bad to leave dueling and go defend or something, nor do I feel bad if my duel partner does it.
And if you gank us between our duel. Well, ofcourse its kind of annoying when people interrupt, but thats how it works. We know we are in open world PvP area where enemy can kill me if they so want. I don’t see anything bad.
I can’t understand why some have so much hatred towards dueling. Sure, we eat a slot on the map, but on low pop servers like mine, it doesnt really matter. I hope they would bring /duel in this game. And don’t try to say “Go sPvP, thats why its there for”, as I want to test out my WvW character and sPvP jewel system is kinda bleh anyways. I like to have diversity in armor and trinkets.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
the first time enemy invite was surprising for me2. Was sometime last year solo guarding a camp. One guy jumps me but it goes my way. Then he whispers and says to wait so he can bring his other character. Unfortunately in the middle of 2nd fight he gets owned by another of our guys passing through the camp.
guess Arenanet failed in fixing this properly if the initial reporting feature fix is being circumvented. While I like the duels If someone can observe & report enemy movements its obviously not intended for WvW
Strike Force
I get random invites from time to time….If you accept them you just have to be aware, sometimes I get people that say random things like: “How’s it going?” or just generic nonsense…More than likely this is someone trying to get intel by watching your party “dot” on the minimap etc.
Many times though it is just as other have said, just someone asking a question or congratulating etc, or trolling but I don’t mind those either lol…..If I kill you in WvW and you go through the trouble of inviting me just to gripe, I am always going to enjoy that.
I party up with the enemy at times after I die.
It’s the easiest way to spy.
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]
Funniest thing ever was when an enemy invited me to a group and he started saying things like “SURRENDER JQ FOE! I AM SOS SPY! PLEASE TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER!” and such nonsense. We had a fun time talking for about an hour.
Point is, being able to do this is not a bad thing. It’s more that bad people will find anyway to abuse the current abilities of a system to troll and grief others.
I’m pretty sure the reason this but was never fixed was because players have found interesting and beneficial uses for it. Fight clubs and GvG for example. It’s unfortunate a community would not be able to handle cross server communication. Playful trash talk can be a lot of fun, but it’s the few trolls and abusive players that ruin that for us.