Hello ArenaNet,
I am the guild leader of a PVP focused guild called Illegitimus. Our sole reason for jumping into Guild Wars 2 was because we shared fond memories of PVP from other RvR titles and were really hopeful that a GW2 could recapture that same experience.
We all quit at roughly the same exact time 3 months after release.
Why? WvW lacks depth. WvW is nothing more than a large group running around for XP. It has effectively become what AV became in WoW; a quick way to earn XP and get on with your day.
We were following rumors that WvW would see a major overhaul in August and now that the latest patch notes are out, I have to wonder if the team still cares about providing a thorough WvW experience.
Can we please get an update on what the status is on future WvW content releases.
I can’t be the only person who doesn’t care for the living story, crafting content, dungeons, or PVP zones. We want WvW to be a commercial success, one that lures PVP players in from other games.
Commanders are horribly executed and practically worthless beyond just having an icon to follow around the map.
In short:
Our guild is still together but we aren’t interested in coming back until WvW sees some major overhaul. We’re not particularly interested in new maps or stronger siege weapons, we just want more depth and reasons for people to stay spread out.
In long:
We have talked about several ideas, although you might not ever choose to include any of them, I’m going to list them out as options that we would be interested in.
Allow players to steal supplies from enemy Dolyaks
This would encourage the team that holds the supply camp to actually protect the Dolyaks on their paths of travel. This could even have some sort of reward to the guild that has claimed that supply camp. This even persuades players to upgrade the supply caravans instead of just capping them and moving on to the nearby keep.
This would encourage the opposing team to use tactics such as diversions, distractions, and flanking maneuvers in hopes to steal as many (or as little) supplies from the caravan as possible before reaching the destination. By stealing supplies they hurt the enemy stonghold(s) directly and allow the robber a chance to bring some much desired resources to the nearest keep.
The Mechanics
-When players are running with the 10 supply that they stole from the Dolyaks, characters have a crate in hand, remain unable to attack enemies, and walk 10% slower. If they want to attack, they have to drop the crate first. This encourages bodygaurds for the ‘runners’ as they won’t get far without protection (Anyone here play Pirates vs Vikings vs Knights on Steam?… it’s kind of like that).
To prevent malicious players from immediately building something just to waste the resources once they have stolen supplies, the runners cannot use the 10 supply to build anything. It must make it to a keep.
If a team of 5 run in and only 2 steal supplies, the other 3 would (ideally) protect them all the way back to base. This even adds a new risk : reward type scenario where that group of 5 could potentially get 50 supplies, if they are all confident in making the run with no protection all the way back to the nearest keep. The ‘runners’ should be rewarded somehow for bringing supplies to a keep or camp that needs it.
If the defending team kills a ‘runner’ they should get some sort of bonus for having to leave the Dolyak slightly more vulnerable during that period of time whilst chasing down the enemy. When the supply is dropped, it needs to be picked up a returned to the Dolyak, otherwise the Dolyak will remain lower on supplies by the time it gets to base. When the supply is dropped it can be picked back up again by a nearby teammate (Think Keg Brawl, I’ll let ArenaNet decide if players can pass the supplies around from player to player too )
I bring this suggestion mostly to spread things out more but I also think that there is a certain bit of excitement that everyone experiences when stealing from the enemy. It’s that, "I stole the flag!!! running!!! running!!! Protect me!!! " type feeling, that feels so good.
Give Guilds more incentive to stay and defend keeps
If Guilds stay to defend a capture point, they should have more things to build and receive buffs for defending that area. This will help to slowly break down chunks of each zerg as capture points are taken.
Allow players the ability to harvest materials to build an additional building(s) that allows for the construction of craftable WvW items. Add mines or nearby trees that contain resources for the crafting of WvW items that only certain bases have access to.
Add quests to gather armor and weapons for the Quaggans and take them into battle with you every hour or so.
Please think of the WvW players that are holding out for something more.
(edited by Creaky.8596)