Guilds: Improved UI in WvW?
Guild notifications when claimed forts are being attacked.
exe. " your Hill’s Servername/map is currently under attack!"
+100 to this!!!
PB Officer
Guild notifications when claimed forts are being attacked.
exe. " your Hill’s Servername/map is currently under attack!"+100 to this!!!
A man can dream
Always thought the first two would be nice, I think the third should be an upgrade.
Don’t even go there, we’re still waiting for the option to kick people from parties let alone all of this fancy UI stuff….
Anet are innovators. They don’t use things that worked in other mmos.
my guildies and i have talked a lot about this, especially the first. it sucks trying to organize multiparty attacks with my guild and not able to see your 2nd and even 3rd 5 man team on the map and the 3rd add in would be greatly acceped by the WvW ppl and make claiming a keep or tower worth it, the +40 buffs just dont cut it anymore, claiming is almost pointless other than the +10% to healing and +5% speed buff
Storm Bluff Isle [EVOH]
+ 1
Simple and Seems like it can be easily implemented and Just this can be a game Changer. Where guild’s can actually feel responsible for defending the Tower they Claimed.
One more suggestion tho.
In Some Bright Color in the Chat Box it Should Inform everyone which Guild has claimed what in your server.
Ex. Guild “Side Effect” has claimed Stonemist Castle.
So people can get the sense of who would be the ones with a bit more responsibility In reacting to it’s attack for a Defense.
- Zannito [SE]’s Green Ranger
- DarkHaven
I love the first 2 but not the notification. You want to know what’s happenin in your keep, be there =P WvW is a lot about misdirection, so step up.
I could deal with a location becoming unclaimed after all the buffs wear out though.
Extra addition:
Guild commander pins (yellow) – works in all guilds you are a member of – only visible to guild members for the guild you are currently repping. Cost: 20g
Guild commander badge
- visible to representing guild members only
- non-guild members can only see the commander boon on the commander
- badge in yellow color instead of blue
- normal commander functionality
- joining and leaving squad, /d chat, hiding other commanders’ badges
- /squadinfo, /supplyinfo, alt-click commands
- display commander badge as guild badge option
- available for players who are in a guild and have used the Commander’s Compedium
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire
Yeah me wants.
Guild commander badge
- visible to representing guild members only
- non-guild members can only see the commander boon on the commander
- badge in yellow color instead of blue
- normal commander functionality
- joining and leaving squad, /d chat, hiding other commanders’ badges
- /squadinfo, /supplyinfo, alt-click commands
- display commander badge as guild badge option
- available for players who are in a guild and have used the Commander’s Compedium
I’ve been asking this badge for a while now but no response from dev. We can only dream that this will be implemented so my guildies can see our own leader on the battlefield or PvE maps.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Actually, I think people were asking for this since BWEs. this would be really welcome addition, it’s really silly that we only have either 5 man group or map wide commander :/
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
Report enemy units
- A skill with cooldown or a usable upgrade in towers/keeps (signal fire, looking glass, pigeon holes)
- Enemy players which are in your field of view are displayed as dots on map for all team members
- The dots are stationary
- The dots are shown in dark green/blue/red color according to the team or simply bright red for any enemy
- The dots fade in 15 seconds
- One unit can only have 1 dot associated with it at any given time
- If an enemy unit gets reported twice within fade timer, the earlier dot is instantly removed
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire
I also made up this idea for improving commanders:
- Make a cap on the number of players who can join a squad. 20 seems reasonable
- Add extra squad interfaces, and tools:
- The commander has an option to see the people in his squad in a new “Squad interface”
- The Squad interface shows the number of supplies of each of the people in squad, shows the guild tag and the profession of the player, aswell as the name.
- Squad members can also open this squad interface to see the other guys in it.
- People in squad now have yellow names instead of green ones (such as gold names for guilds).
- Commanders can decide to hide their command tag from everyone who is not a member of their guild. This allows for covert guild operations.
- Also possibility to hide the tag from everyone who is not yet in the squad.
- Players can search for commanders (who are showing tag) in the Squad interface.
+1 to all OP suggestions.
Royal Legion – Polish MMORPG Guild
- Guild notifications when claimed forts are being attacked.
exe. " your Hill’s Servername/map is currently under attack!"
Strongly disagree with this one, but I liked the other two.
The skill cap on WvW is already insanely low, making it so there was no longer a need for active scouting to me is a making the game even easier not to mention more people standing in the zerg ball. If the maps were bigger and time to respond was an issue I would agree, but as it stands no.
- Guild notifications when claimed forts are being attacked.
exe. " your Hill’s Servername/map is currently under attack!"Strongly disagree with this one, but I liked the other two.
The skill cap on WvW is already insanely low, making it so there was no longer a need for active scouting to me is a making the game even easier not to mention more people standing in the zerg ball. If the maps were bigger and time to respond was an issue I would agree, but as it stands no.
+1…. It only encourages zerging – bad idea.