GvG Overtaking WvW

GvG Overtaking WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Well there used to be a few guilds like you described on gunnars hold, they were abusive in team, did nothing to help out home bl in primetime when they were wasting slots, and in their offtime they trolled our commanders/other guilds. They were wasting slots on the map in primetime and not defending, so we were losing the whole map alot of the time b/c we simply could not get enough actual defenders in.

So myself, my guild, and quite a few other just decided to do what we could to make them leave, we’d treb their fights, stealth trap the enemies they fought, hit with siege, call ppt zerg to wipe enemy, basicly we made it clear we did not want them on our home bl, and we didn’t stop this until they left, it took about a month. It was worth it.

100% worth doing if they are becoming a detriment to your server, if they do nothing to assimilate into the population and do not play to help the server then you should do what you can without breaking the rules to get them off ya server, ruining their fights and using siege to kill the enemies they fight, running over their fights with ppt blob, all things you can do that break no rules. It’s also ALOT of fun doing it, lol.

[Rise] Madness Rises Guild Leader [Kei Shade-ranger]
May our BL break all foes. Fear our babou!
Gunnars Hold Represent! <3

You realize statements like these will make your entire guild KOS to enemy servers right?

What you’re describing and admitting to is trolling/purposefully griefing. And I believe you can get banned for that.

What section of the ToS states it is illegal to use siege attacks against enemy combatants? Can you quote the specific section that makes placing traps for enemy combatants against the rules?

This is the only time I’ll respond to you, because you have a history of just arguing for the sake of arguing, but here you go:

While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.

Found here:


And it wasn’t the siege used, or the traps used, it was her saying she and her guild purposefully harassed another guild to get them off the map. In effect, it was her confession post here that did her in.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

GvG Overtaking WvW

in WvW

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


Your not understanding what you read their I guess. Examples are listed in your own quote. Nothing about attacking an enemy is listed.

Yes they stated using siege and traps. I can literally quote it in thier post is your having difficulty locating it.

Oh and if your going to proclaim that this is the only time you will respond to me because you dislike discussions with anyone who has a different opinion then you, then please, by all means stop at any time.

And siege and traps or not. Nothing you linked, or will find in any Anet posted rule, will support any argument against attacking players on enemy servers, under any conditions what so ever.

(edited by dancingmonkey.4902)