HOD is tanking this week for what?
Or….we’re a little burned out from the season and don’t have as many people in WvW as we did before? Personally, the only WvW I did last week was dueling in OS. Also, we should be matched with BG or JQ? That’s pretty funny if you really believe that…
ok Anet please pay attention to what HOD is doing. They faced FC for the past two weeks and they completely steamrolled them all week long. Now all of a sudden their players aren’t steamrolling FC all week. I believe they are purposely tanking the scores so they wont have to play against more competitive servers. I wouldn’t be complaining if the scores were close before but they really need to be in the same division as Blackgate or Jade Quarry. The only reason the scores are this close this week is because they are TANKING. This crap sucks for FC and its just stupid to continue to keep them in our division.
[Rawr] – HoD
Somebody give this guy a medal.
But we love fighting FC so much that we just wanna be together forever! Don’t push us away, FC! Take us wholeheartedly!
they really need to be in the same division as Blackgate or Jade Quarry
This guy is on to something! SoR and HoD should switch spots for a week!
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
they really need to be in the same division as Blackgate or Jade Quarry
This guy is on to something! SoR and HoD should switch spots for a week!
NA Prime Time. One Map. Come at me brah.
I’ll make you think back to when tequatl first came out and you had no clue what was going on. You’re gifs don’t even belong in T1. Go back to T9 bro. I’ll eat you up quicker than a fat kid.
Lololololol omg this is gold
Grammar aside I probably have a point in there somewhere.
Valkyria Immortalis [VLK]
Guild Leader
ok Anet please pay attention to what HOD is doing. They faced FC for the past two weeks and they completely steamrolled them all week long. Now all of a sudden their players aren’t steamrolling FC all week. I believe they are purposely tanking the scores so they wont have to play against more competitive servers. I wouldn’t be complaining if the scores were close before but they really need to be in the same division as Blackgate or Jade Quarry. The only reason the scores are this close this week is because they are TANKING. This crap sucks for FC and its just stupid to continue to keep them in our division.
Lol @ HoD vs Blackgate. You have no idea.
You could be the mighty David vs Goliath, and topple them, whose to say you couldnt
they really need to be in the same division as Blackgate or Jade Quarry
This guy is on to something! SoR and HoD should switch spots for a week!
NA Prime Time. One Map. Come at me brah.
I’ll make you think back to when tequatl first came out and you had no clue what was going on. You’re gifs don’t even belong in T1. Go back to T9 bro. I’ll eat you up quicker than a fat kid.
Teqwhatl? Is that a new FotM?
New bunker meta sux
they really need to be in the same division as Blackgate or Jade Quarry
This guy is on to something! SoR and HoD should switch spots for a week!
Yes, pls. Make it happen!
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
ok Anet please pay attention to what HOD is doing. They faced FC for the past two weeks and they completely steamrolled them all week long. Now all of a sudden their players aren’t steamrolling FC all week. I believe they are purposely tanking the scores so they wont have to play against more competitive servers. I wouldn’t be complaining if the scores were close before but they really need to be in the same division as Blackgate or Jade Quarry. The only reason the scores are this close this week is because they are TANKING. This crap sucks for FC and its just stupid to continue to keep them in our division.
Most servers are getting hit hard by the end of leagues/content updates… ESPECIALLY lower tier servers. Darkhaven was queuing 1 map almost 24/7, even at night. Now? We literally have 1 zerg at 15 people at night time. That’s it, + a few random roamers. Lol, I even (with one friend) took FC’s garrison, bay, sw tower and nw tower in one night. 2 people. That’s how dead FC’s night crew was and Dh isn’t fairing much better. Now that leagues are over, bronze servers are losing a massive amount of their population (cept for some of the lower ranked ones). HoD is no exception I’d wager.
Also note that there was never a good three way fight with HoD. That is, it was always FC and some lame server that couldn’t keep up. Darkhaven is at least as strong as FC, and so that provided some balance to the matchup (that is, if they would start to beat on FC, we’d use that opportunity to beat on them, and FC would do the same, keeping them from steam rolling everyone).
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
I dont even.
Yeah, HoD is massive! Put em against BG.
Sorry, BG can’t handle fighting HoD with Anvil Rock spawn camping us every day.
HoD T1 too OP must nerf
Wait, what year is it again?
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
He’s onto us. Our massive server-wide conspiracy to face the exact same servers we’ve faced for the last seven weeks is out in the open. Let’s hope no one discovers all the other conspiracies we’ve masterminded; big foot, chemtrails, the U.N., rainbows, all of this work could be for naught if we are revealed.
Wait, could it be? Did our fairweathers and treasure hunters finally finish their metas and go home? Nah, they would never do that to us….
Phaze [PHZE] – HoD
I just can’t wait till he faces NSP or IoJ in order to see what he’s missing
He’ll be crying about them tanking next lol
All classes, level 80
Dropbear Massacre, Necro Main
Wait, could it be? Did our fairweathers and treasure hunters finally finish their metas and go home? Nah, they would never do that to us….
Maybe it’s in preparation for the return of TA. Tank as hard as possible, then steamroll all those low ranked servers for months on end :P
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
ok Anet please pay attention to what HOD is doing.