HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: willwill.9318


ET is no JQ. Everyone should be worried in that previous match up.

www.the-darkhand.com <DDH>

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


ET is no JQ. Everyone should be worried in that previous match up.

Actually even if things change 100% when ET enters the arena, I welcome it.
Kinda sick of fighting JQ, because over half our 24hr matches were with them, then the week one as well. While we only had 1 maybe 2 vs ET on the 24hr matches.

HoD I’m not sick of, because they are fun to fight against. They bring new tactics into the field and are a challenge. Challenges I accept, and have fun trying to overcome, and I’m sure the majority of SBI would agree we want a challenge, not “hand me wins”.

Now just to get the roflnubs off WvW who just come on, and sit on a piece of siege hitting an auto clicker on it to not dc, or just sit in a tower talking crap.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Barab.9016


The real fight will be in two weeks HOD/ET/JQ. That 24 hour match up was the smallest in score difference and by far the most epic fighting match up to date with all three servers fighting equally each other.

The problem with SBI in my opinion, and they are a good WvW server make no doubt about it with good guilds and players, are they are too content being number two whereas ET and JQ aim for number 1.

Kurthos “When Jade Quarry awakens, they will ask themselves, when were we ever asleep?”

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Tarinis.6054


HOD/JQ/ET would be epic. ET realizes that its best to team up with number 2 to kill number 1. Not hold number ones hand

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


The problem with SBI in my opinion, and they are a good WvW server make no doubt about it with good guilds and players, are they are too content being number two whereas ET and JQ aim for number 1.

People still don’t get it. Lets see do I attack a keep that is fully upgraded, has defensive seige and people defending it or do I attack the keep that no one bothered to upgrade, put defensive siege in or upgrade? If you want to keep your stuff defend it. The zerg from point to point capping and not defending days are gone now that it is a weeklong match.

I know last night on SBI borderlands threw themselves at Ascension bay relentlessly rather than pushing east. You were going up against a keep that was fully upgraded, had defensive trebs, mortars, cannons, arrow carts, balistae you name it. you didn’t even bother to try to set up siege when you did cap the supply camp and instead just tried to throw shere numbers at it.

The only reason you took AB last night was because HOD was seiging garrison and we went to defend it instead of staying at AB. You would have never taken AB if we didn’t get hit by HOD at garrison and I can garuntee you that.

I can’t speak for other maps since I only play on SBI borderlands but this is the mentality I have seen from JQQ all week. Ignore HOD completely and push SBI till we are pushed out. The reason we fortified the hell out of AB last night was because franky I am tired of giving you guys any room to brethe whatsoever and you just focusing us. Learn to tak oportunities you are given. Figure out when your not going to take something and either improve your tactics or assault a softer target.

Every night it was the same story on SBI borderlands we would get pushed to garrison by both sides right when we had people start logging for the night. Did JQQ take anything from HOD? newp they blined it for us every time with a vengeance.

Ah well mad props to HOD and less QQ from JQQ

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Arkin.7356


Looking forward to going up against HoD again tonight

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: emoleas.4309


HOD/JQ/ET would be epic. ET realizes that its best to team up with number 2 to kill number 1. Not hold number ones hand

You’ve been told repeatedly by HoD and SBI why you get attacked: your defense are crap.

There is no alliance. There is stupid positioning and sieges by JQ. Learn to defend, learn to look at the map, learn to STRATEGIZE.

Keep this crap out of a positive thread.

HoD put up a great fight this match; JQ sometimes did, but seriously: learn to defend properly.

I’d say next match will be good, but I honestly don’t know if ET will be up to date on current strategy since they’re coming from a week of total domination. The days of the zerg winning the match are over; this is no longer 24 hour format. SBI and HoD has had a lot of time to refine strategy and learn the metagame.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Barab.9016


The problem with SBI in my opinion, and they are a good WvW server make no doubt about it with good guilds and players, are they are too content being number two whereas ET and JQ aim for number 1.

Did JQQ take anything from HOD? newp they blined it for us every time with a vengeance.

Nope we never attacked HoD !http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/107610/gw2_2012_09_20_14_02_44_0304563Pop.jpg!

Here is a pro tip winners chest thump about being number 1 not number 2. Remember that when SBI is the fourth ranked server in a week. Unless of course your overlords HoD decide to keep you in 2nd as a buffer from the real competition.

Kurthos “When Jade Quarry awakens, they will ask themselves, when were we ever asleep?”

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


HoD has been humbled this week, I hope they realize that during primetime when the bulk of SBI is on they have more than their hands full. of course there will be many (most) who say ‘look at the score’ I just hope the guys who know better…know better.

Yes I was amazed last night when I looked and HoD was in 3rd place for point accumulation. Of course you guys more then make up for it late night, but come prime time it’s a very even fight.

Sick of seeing HoD and SBI working together to destroy JQ. Every now and then, their players get distracted and maybe hit each other, but if they’re not running a pincer on some undermanned JQ stuff, they’re literally running together.
It’s disgusting, it’s shady… and it’s hilarious when JQ actually manages to take stuff while being double-teamed.

I wish you two only the worst and most exploiting combatants in your next matchup.

The undermanned part is key to why you are attacked by both sides. Easy targets tend to fall 1st. If your team consistently has easy targets you will be attacked.
It’s kind of funny that you state the reason for what happens yet fail to understand it.

Edit: “Double teams”?? You can count right… THREE servers… 1..2..3.. which means its 1 vs 2, you’ll always be against 2. What do you want? SBI staying on the west and HoD staying on the East and never both deciding what JQ have is a viable target at the same time? L2W3!

They don’t understand. It’s always 2v1, but if they are consistently the easiest targets they are going to feel the full brunt of that 2v1 more often then the server that plays smart and efficient.

And as for huge zergs bypassing SBI guys to kill JQ.. maybe the zerg is actually focused on one goal and chasing after two or three randoms isnt going to be benificial to them.

Exactly. When there is a goal that people are moving to, stopping to fight at random places is not beneficial to anyone except the group that was going to be attacked. It greatly delays the siege, allows time for reinforcements to arrive, time for people to make upgrades, and will result in deaths of your group which will weaken your siege.
It’s called fighting efficiently.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: drwookie.6391


The problem with SBI in my opinion, and they are a good WvW server make no doubt about it with good guilds and players, are they are too content being number two whereas ET and JQ aim for number 1.

People still don’t get it. Lets see do I attack a keep that is fully upgraded, has defensive seige and people defending it or do I attack the keep that no one bothered to upgrade, put defensive siege in or upgrade? If you want to keep your stuff defend it. The zerg from point to point capping and not defending days are gone now that it is a weeklong match.

I know last night on SBI borderlands threw themselves at Ascension bay relentlessly rather than pushing east. You were going up against a keep that was fully upgraded, had defensive trebs, mortars, cannons, arrow carts, balistae you name it. you didn’t even bother to try to set up siege when you did cap the supply camp and instead just tried to throw shere numbers at it.

The only reason you took AB last night was because HOD was seiging garrison and we went to defend it instead of staying at AB. You would have never taken AB if we didn’t get hit by HOD at garrison and I can garuntee you that.

I can’t speak for other maps since I only play on SBI borderlands but this is the mentality I have seen from JQQ all week. Ignore HOD completely and push SBI till we are pushed out. The reason we fortified the hell out of AB last night was because franky I am tired of giving you guys any room to brethe whatsoever and you just focusing us. Learn to tak oportunities you are given. Figure out when your not going to take something and either improve your tactics or assault a softer target.

Every night it was the same story on SBI borderlands we would get pushed to garrison by both sides right when we had people start logging for the night. Did JQQ take anything from HOD? newp they blined it for us every time with a vengeance.

Ah well mad props to HOD and less QQ from JQQ

Um now I am not that familiar with gamer slang But my understanding of QQ is like crying and whining right? Correct me if I’m wrong on that.

If I’m right though…you should reread your post and ask yourself….don’t you sound a little whiney? I don’t really know how to properly use it in a sentence but doesn’t your post seem a little, QQish?

Edit. Just FYI I’m staying out of the peakittening. I am on JQ, but arguing/putting each other down in a video game seems like kind of a waste of time and energy to me. I just thought your post was funny.

Edit again: haha I can’t name the animal that wanders around with big bright feathers to show off…it censors it. Well…I meant the male version of a peahen, in verb form.

(edited by drwookie.6391)

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


@drwookie.6391 I am not QQ’ing in the least. I am just sick of all the baseless accusations by JQQ about some sort of quasi alliance HOD and SBI have. I really should stop responding though because the people making the argument are never going to be convinced either way so its pointless as evidenced by the last thread about it that got to 7 pages before getting locked and the original poster getting an infraction.

I simply gave JQQ the reason they are getting attacked and what they can do to change it or at least make it where it isn’t so easy. They seem to want an alliance to take down HOD yet they themselves focus SBI every time they see us. Its like ooh team up with us to take down HOD so make sure you only attack them. Us here at JQQ on the other hand are going to attack everyone so just make sure you let us have anything we attack and instead focus on HOD

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: drwookie.6391


I felt the last couple paragraphs of your post was definitely sounding a little whiney. And you sound upset/teary eyed right now as well.

I agree though, just ignore the people making the accusation. There isn’t anything you can say to change their . Believe me. I’m on JQ and on the battleground map chats I see it all the time. They want to find a reason for why their are losing,..let them complain. There is no reason to complain right back at them. Just let them deal. You will come out looking like the better person in the end.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Richard.8207


HoD put up a great fight this match; JQ sometimes did, but seriously: learn to defend properly.

JQ definitely did put up a great fight for the first few days of the matchup, and they do deserve massive credit for that. They just never seemed to transition to that next phase of the battle, so they got stuck constantly fighting to take back what should have been theirs the entire time. I suspect most JQ players did learn from that, and we probably should recognize it’s only a vocal minority of JQ that are acting like sore losers.

I think HoD has so much respect for SBI because they haven’t been whining. They’ve just been learning and adapting and getting insanely good. That demands respect, and admittedly at least a little fear

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: rndmize.9274


As a JQ player, I had a pretty good opinion of SBI until this week. I tend to play at off hours so maybe I’m not seeing them at their best, but there was a notable fight in the HoD borderlands where we held an orb in our keep and HoD was attacking from the north while SBI was bottling us up near our tower/spawn/camp. The whole thing felt like badly done opportunism, which was only made worse because HoD had two orbs already at the time. If you’re going to be opportunist, at least go attack the keep and get the orb for yourself rather than handing it over to HoD freely.

A few days later, there was a similar event except with the positions reversed – HoD was defending a keep with an orb on JQ’s borderlands from us, and SBI was bottling them up at tower/spawn. At least this time, SBI had a zerg that tried to take the orb as we moved it to our keep, but it was still badly done; even if they’d killed our escort, its doubtful they could have gotten it to their keep before it reset, which would have left it in our hands anyway.

Finally, I’ve never seen HoD camp the borderlands jumping puzzle; I saw at least three instances of it this week by SBI players.

TL;DR – Several instances of poor strategic choices by SBI made me wonder what the heck they were thinking.

Jade Quarry | Feign Disorder | Guardian
Interested in discussing WvW strategy? Contact me in-game.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: zoobaby.7804


Being on SBI, I’ve been seeing the improvement day to day. Better guild to guild communication and better map coordination is helping us hold more against HoD and JQ. We on SBI still have a lot to learn and need to keep improving though.

Laughable that JQ thinks we are allied with HoD. HoD pressed us all night on the red map.

An example of why JQ struggles. 12+ JQ versus 5 SBI. The 5 SBI press into the 12+ JQ and guess what the JQ players do? They run and run and run and run….The comment in mumble that was the most telling by a thief that chased 5 away on his own. “I felt like Han in Star Wars chasing a squad of stormtroopers on the Death Star.”

SBI native and Altoholic
[Rage] Smelly Tree Sap — Band Camp Babe — Bannned Character--Spooner

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


New name for HoD= Hand(s) of Death.
JQ already got theirs…
SBI has theirs as well.

JQ got the nickname JQQ because all the false accusations of an alliance between SBI/HoD on the forums.

-Steelbluff Isle member

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: fractalKinesis.8569


HoD put up a great fight this match; JQ sometimes did, but seriously: learn to defend properly.

JQ definitely did put up a great fight for the first few days of the matchup, and they do deserve massive credit for that. They just never seemed to transition to that next phase of the battle, so they got stuck constantly fighting to take back what should have been theirs the entire time. I suspect most JQ players did learn from that, and we probably should recognize it’s only a vocal minority of JQ that are acting like sore losers.

A lot of the JQ successes are coming from- surprise surprise- teamwork and communication. Generally via teamspeak, but also just plain old through map/team chat. The times when Stonemist turned red, it was actually a coordinated attack.

Still, there are many that don’t listen to the voip, call out incs… or even read the map chat at all. Just kind of off doing whatever. Maybe standing at the asura gates. Maybe doing the jumping puzzle, then tossing the arrow cart plans they got because you can’t deploy it in Queensdale. If they’re running with the pack, that’s fine, even if they can’t damage anyone at all, they can at least distract enemy players, or charge their back lines and force them to pull back a bit. But otherwise, those kinds of non-entities are really damaging to the game environment because they’re not involved at all, but are taking up space that a PvP player could be filling. (and they’re easy targets)
If you played WoW, recall how obnoxious it was to have half of your Alterac Valley team messing around with the harpies, or standing afk in the entrance tunnel, instead of helping to fight over Snowfall. It caused a lot of losses.

Xiro, High Five Warriors [HFW], Jade Quarry

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: drwookie.6391


New name for HoD= Hand(s) of Death.
JQ already got theirs…
SBI has theirs as well.

JQ got the nickname JQQ because all the false accusations of an alliance between SBI/HoD on the forums.

-Steelbluff Isle member

Ya I’ve heard, and I continue to hear it from my server mates (I’m not proud to be fighting alongside those who say that). Hopefully people just remember that those children are a very vocal minority. I’m sure all three servers do their fair share of QQing.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: greeblez.7841


GG to both SBI and JQ. It has been a fun week with many memorable battles.

WvW Officer Condemned
Titan Alliance on HoD

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Paragus.5948


GGs. I will say that I have a little bit more respect for HoD than I do for Stormbluff. In a straight PvP fight, I find that the HoD people overall are better in combat. I’ve been in a lot of battles where Sb outnumbered my group substantially and still managed to bumble it and lose, where this seems less likely to happen again HoD.

To the guy whining about getting laughed at or danced on, I am one of those guys. It’s half the reason I picked an Asura (aside from them being the master race) and I’m glad it got under your skin

Paragus Rants
MMORPG.com Featured Blog Writer
Co-Leader of Inquisition (Jade Quarry)

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Barab.9016


New name for HoD & SBI= StormHenge

-SteelHenge Isle member

Fixed that for you

Kurthos “When Jade Quarry awakens, they will ask themselves, when were we ever asleep?”

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


New name for HoD & SBI= StormHenge

-SteelHenge Isle member

Fixed that for you

Aww are you a JQQ?
Stop assuming things, get facts or better yet…Defend your towers, and don’t run into 10 ballista’s head on thinking you’ll get somewhere with it.

Wasn’t it the last time SM went red, it was because SBI had pushed HoD all back to defending their keep in lowlands, and ya’ll took the opertunity to take SM? Once SBI backed off you instantly lost it, SBI took it and held everyone at bay in the lord room for 3hours of constantly being attacked by both JQ and HoD.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

(edited by Mishi.7058)

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: emoleas.4309


GGs. I will say that I have a little bit more respect for HoD than I do for Stormbluff. In a straight PvP fight, I find that the HoD people overall are better in combat. I’ve been in a lot of battles where Sb outnumbered my group substantially and still managed to bumble it and lose, where this seems less likely to happen again HoD.

To the guy whining about getting laughed at or danced on, I am one of those guys. It’s half the reason I picked an Asura (aside from them being the master race) and I’m glad it got under your skin

It would seem every server has seen that.

SBI has fought outnumbered to HoD and won.

HoD has fought outnumbered to SBI and won.

JQ has fought outnumbered to SBI and won.

SBI has fought outnumbered to JQ and won, JQQ QQ about it.

JQ has fought outnumbered to HoD and won.

HoD has fought outnumbered to JQQ and won, JQQ QQ about it.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: IomegadriveOne.5291


@Keldrath, I read it all. JQQ everywhere. I think you have your rose colored glasses on.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: shortcake.8659


the cool kids spent the whole week in hod borderlands killing over a hundred trebuchets

some terrible idiot in [pre]

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Piripiri.8497


Well, just thought I’d add that I’m from JQ and I don’t share the whole “QQ we’re being double teamed” mentality.

Reading this thread made me sad =(. I’m always a gentleman while being roflstomped haha.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Arreyanne.2683


I find it most huliorous that the only matches that SBI ends ahead of JQ is the times that HoD SBI and JQ are all in the same match.

There were several of the 1 and 2 day matches were JQ had over 100k more points than SBI

Thats the reason people on JQ suggest the alliance between the two worlds

its also very funny to watch SBI and HoD stand on a ledge attack JQ with both zergs and never fire a shot at each other, Huh

Hod however is a monster and plays very well coordinated match even when SBI doesn’t come help them

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Wotah.2975


People still don’t get it. Lets see do I attack a keep that is fully upgraded, has defensive seige and people defending it or do I attack the keep that no one bothered to upgrade, put defensive siege in or upgrade? If you want to keep your stuff defend it. The zerg from point to point capping and not defending days are gone now that it is a weeklong match.

I know last night on SBI borderlands threw themselves at Ascension bay relentlessly rather than pushing east. You were going up against a keep that was fully upgraded, had defensive trebs, mortars, cannons, arrow carts, balistae you name it. you didn’t even bother to try to set up siege when you did cap the supply camp and instead just tried to throw shere numbers at it.

The only reason you took AB last night was because HOD was seiging garrison and we went to defend it instead of staying at AB. You would have never taken AB if we didn’t get hit by HOD at garrison and I can garuntee you that.

I can’t speak for other maps since I only play on SBI borderlands but this is the mentality I have seen from JQQ all week. Ignore HOD completely and push SBI till we are pushed out. The reason we fortified the hell out of AB last night was because franky I am tired of giving you guys any room to brethe whatsoever and you just focusing us. Learn to tak oportunities you are given. Figure out when your not going to take something and either improve your tactics or assault a softer target.

Every night it was the same story on SBI borderlands we would get pushed to garrison by both sides right when we had people start logging for the night. Did JQQ take anything from HOD? newp they blined it for us every time with a vengeance.

Ah well mad props to HOD and less QQ from JQQ

We were constantly attacked by HoD at RedBriar. The few pushed we made to Greenlake were pushed instantaneously back with their siege. The constant battle and building and takes from the supply camp left us with very little supply to make anything. We did make siege at the camps SB would come and destroy it (you must’ve missed that). We were left with pushing bodies at it. We saw that HoD had the NE supply and wanted to just remove supply from the keep in hope that the possibility was there. Obviously they did this to their advantage (good job HoD) so that they could form Voltron on Garrison.

HoD seems to be brilliantly playing you to where they want you to go. Which is the reason for people’s beliefs (here on JQQ) that you are united.

Wotah, Brutaler [SICK]/[SG]
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


Well, regardless are of the opinions I’ve seen form in a thread I created to return thanks publicly, all in all it was a good time. I personally have yet to refer to JQ as JQQ, I won’t let the opinion of very few out of 1000+ players, although it is catchy.

As one of the strat callers for my server a note to JQ. Trust me, when we call a tactic, we always have you in mind and plan accordingly. You guys are recognized as a force to be reckoned with at times. I can tell your server most definitely has skillful players. Don’t think that we underestimate what you can accomplish, because if gone unchecked, I’ve seen you assist in handing out free visits to the proctologist to many of my team mates. Trust me, they would rather you keep the free coupons for yourselves for when we give the same favors. I’ll be interested to see how our competition in the future fairs. It’s been dynamic working against your squad as well. I know we learned some things from you guys too. Thanks for keeping the gameplay dynamic and competitive.

A note to HoD, see you next round, I don’t feel like losing another one. We are rallying up our troops and going for the jugular. We’ve learned a lot and are developing our own playstyles and countermeasures. Let’s throw down on the map like Bobby Flay and have some fun again!

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF]
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: mangocheesecake.1487


I use JQQ as endearment rather than mock, mostly because it’s catchy. Good natured teasing should be okay, it’s a game, don’t make like a bloodfeud out of it. Not cool.

Terrifying Kitties | SBI | Recruiting Active Players for WvW and PvE
PM Carme, Soji, Taper, or Mrsowrd in game

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


I use JQQ as endearment rather than mock, mostly because it’s catchy. Good natured teasing should be okay, it’s a game, don’t make like a bloodfeud out of it. Not cool.

I prefer not to be misread, but I can chuckle whenever I read it

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF]
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Rishara.1684


Good lord, we have no alliance with HoD. There was always some weird push and pull between SBI and JQ between Ogrewatch and Durios that never seemed to want to go away, but it was never anything coordinated with HoD. Some of us even tried to back off and get you guys (JQ) to fight with HoD so we could focus on HoD as well, but you just kept coming back to us, so people got butthurt and felt they needed to retaliate. With the way things were going, we could say that it seemed like JQ had an alliance with HoD (I am NOT saying that), with the way we would get hit by JQ at Umber/Durios at the same time we were getting hit by HoD at QL/Dane.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


Cant help it if JQQ have the tastiest, undefended points on the map…

Wonder if HoD will QQ about us having an alliance with ET? Doubt it… In fact, i guarantee it.

(I also dont expect the points to look quite this good when i log on in the morning lol)

looking forward to another week of some great fights against HoD, even if the scores DONT remain so attractive.


Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


Cant help it if JQQ have the tastiest, undefended points on the map…

Wonder if HoD will QQ about us having an alliance with ET? Doubt it… In fact, i guarantee it.

(I also dont expect the points to look quite this good when i log on in the morning lol)

looking forward to another week of some great fights against HoD, even if the scores DONT remain so attractive.

Nobody QQ’d when ET and JQQ teamed up

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: draculthemad.6273


Its a self fulfilling prophecy, about JQ being the least upgraded. We always have to retake our keep because when its always 2v1 we don’t manage to get them upgraded.

Its always fun when we had a decent fight going on with HoD, and despite being in the process of losing their keep to HoD’s OTHER force, SBI still had plenty of people around to ninja supply camps every 3 minutes and contest the other entrance to our keep.

Time after time, wed have to defend our border tower against SBI, or theyd be camped out preventing reinforcements from reaching a keep under attack by HoD.

SBI is largely content to play defensively and settle for 2nd.

Ill point out that when we had matches against SBI, they did the same thing. Except JQ was number 1 in those, and SBI was busy mapping Gates of Madness for the last 30 points when JQ was ticcing over 400.

You don’t get to first by beating on number 3 when number 1’s got more than half the points.

Stormbluff was not facing the numbers against them JQ was, or they wouldn’t have had the people to spare to stick a knife in the back of JQ all the time.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Nubz Unite.5694

Nubz Unite.5694

I gotta say while this thread went south after today I got mad respect for SBI you guys have always been a strong competitor and as a HoD player my favorite attacks were agasint you because I knew it would be a good battle today you guys have shown how good you can be as for 10pm PST SBI is in the lead with all three orbs and smashing down our assualts of Ask Hills Respect to SBI and hopefully an intense week of fighting also good luckk ET

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


Nubz, you guys fended us off for a whole freakin’ 3 hours on to take those hills!!!! kittenyou guys go to sleep first! >:P

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF]
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Nubz Unite.5694

Nubz Unite.5694

didn’t even know we defended it that long lol, I got on to find us losing on every front lol

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: aceventura.8275


Even though I love the three server thing anet has with WvW. I would like to see a match against HoD ans SBI, just to see those two server pushed to their limits against one another.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Raf.3840


Nice Teamwork guys,


HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Lifeline.4062


Nice Teamwork guys,

Teamwork? That’s why we were trebbing AB the whole time we held Redbriar. SBI told us their gate was to far to walk to and wanted us to punch holes in their wall.

As if servers could inter-mingle and not be killing each other even if they were allied. On the other hand a server doing nothing but trying to take champ supply instead of using afore mentioned whole in AB wall to actually push for your own keep yourself.

ET has done nothing in SBI BL but fight HoD even going so far as to give up their keep/fort so they can cap HoD’s supply camps. Good work ET

(edited by Lifeline.4062)

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Raf.3840


Lol right, losing Greenlake to HOD while Woodhaven was hit by SBI thats expected.
Defending Acension Bay from SBI while losing Redbriar to HoD normal stuff.

Losing Acension Bay to SBI while HoD camp our southern entrances pretty standard stuff aswell really.

HoD Ignoring the gaping hole you mentioned in SBI’s Acension Bay to double team Redvale as per pictures…… pretty pathetic

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Cruore.2486


Hahaha, how can anyone take JQQ seriously?
They lose and blame it on alliances, game mechanics, Aussies.
Face it JQQ, you’re simply not nearly as good as you think you are.
You’re not bad by any means, but get off your high horses already.
Every server everywhere complains about 2v1s.
In a 3 way battle this will always happen somewhere at some time.
Last week Saturday we were fighting on HoD bg. Not our own or EB but on green’s bg.
We held bluevale, bluebriar and Dreadfall.
We were fighting HoD over Dreadfall, only to find that JQQ was sieging bluebriar.
After BB had fallen to JQQ they continued to TRY and get bluevale while we were fighting HoD at Dreadfall.
At one point we literally had JQQ south of bluevale and HoD north of bluevale, both attacking, yet not fighting each other.
Very few of us started crying about an alliance.
We all understood that HoD wanted to push it’s position and clear us out of THEIR bg.
We also understood that JQQ was too chicken kittene to fight HoD on the east side of the map, so instead chose to fight against us on HoD bg.
SO, later we not only took back bb, but also proceeded to take Hero’s, and both the red tower and supply camp.
We didn’t think it was an alliance, we just realised that we were ripe for the picking and even so we not only held off both of you, we took back dreadfall and ran JQQ off HoD bg.
There are no alliances and even if at one point two teams attack the same position, they will end up fighting each as soon as it has fallen.
QQ mote JQQ

When you have to shoot, shoot, don’t talk!!!!

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


Unsuccessfully defending a 2v1 as an invading team in the Borderlands will almost always end up with one taking your keep while the other is preventing you from reinforcing it. It’s just how the map works.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Nevron.9413


SBI has been impressive, and I enjoy the fights the server brings to the table as a whole. The server has improved significantly over the past week and from the 24 hour match-ups.

Guild – Shadow of Apophis [SoA]

(edited by Nevron.9413)

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Cruore.2486


Aye mate, I am impressed with our steps as well.
As always I have to give my respects to HoD.
As a matter of fact, much resoect to ET as well, they have their heads on straight and their priorities clear.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don’t talk!!!!

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.7361


We here at JQ would like to award SBI the golden poodle award for faithful and speedy assistance to their HoD masters. Truly, you set the standard to which all lapdogs should aspire.

funny if you are from JQ how does it feel to slowly fall out of the top 3 list.. without your HoD keepers your server and your WvW group can barely hold on to anything yet you seem to come in here and easily talk trash

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Bunnehboo.6025


this thread gives me a headache
it went from a peaceful supportive thread and JQ came in and made it a whining thread…

Thanks for the awesome fights HoD you’ve really pushed us in the right direction as a server and i look forward to fighting you guys as well as ET in the soon to come 2week matches ^^


(edited by Bunnehboo.6025)

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: fractalKinesis.8569


We here at JQ would like to award SBI the golden poodle award for faithful and speedy assistance to their HoD masters. Truly, you set the standard to which all lapdogs should aspire.

funny if you are from JQ how does it feel to slowly fall out of the top 3 list.. without your HoD keepers your server and your WvW group can barely hold on to anything yet you seem to come in here and easily talk trash

feels great man
I never chose to be in the top 3

Xiro, High Five Warriors [HFW], Jade Quarry

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


I’d also like to point out that if we were HoD’s lapdogs, we wouldn’t have seiged them last night for 3 hours to take their orb from our homelands and hold them keepless for quite the few hours. We actually let ET pound on them from the rear to soften them up a bit to accomplish our goal, sorry ET we had to take your keep, HoD apparently took our other one and evicted us >:/

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF]
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com