HoD sweeping in WvW

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lasgana.2798


I guess having a lot of offpeak players does make a big difference in WvW.

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Sea of Sorrows | Dreaminacci | 80 Elementalist / 80 Guardian / 80 Mesmer

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Keldrath.4735


Thats kinda old man, cause like, we took our orb back from sbi :P

80 Necromancer/Guardian/Mesmer
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Saul.3905


uhuh. Nice. Let me show you ours. Hopefully we meet on the next match


Jade Quarry | Exitializ Guild | Ranger | Lord Saul

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


uhuh. Nice. Let me show you ours. Hopefully we meet on the next match


We’ve met you tonnes of times…

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Keldrath.4735


uhuh. Nice. Let me show you ours. Hopefully we meet on the next match


Sorry, you aren’t a T1 server. ET is leagues ahead of you guys.

You are just going to have to be happy with 4th place. or work on upgrading and defending your stuff and sieging properly. Zerging around all day might work in the t2 bracket.

80 Necromancer/Guardian/Mesmer
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kog.6710


just played a bit on this server…fun time

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Smallpoxx.6935


JQ is still better in ET tho.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: CardboardBox.6087


JQ is still better in ET tho.

hopefully we’ll get to settle that one day instead of through just words. if somehow JQ and ET were in a bracket against each other, I’m sure that would be an acceptable method of determining that match up. But all you have now are just words and to be honest, ET can just as well post their scores from last week where we scored over 300k. Nothing special beating on t2 servers. The real challenge has and always will be Henge.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Chromatos.9852


uhuh. Nice. Let me show you ours. Hopefully we meet on the next match


Sorry, you aren’t a T1 server. ET is leagues ahead of you guys.

You are just going to have to be happy with 4th place. or work on upgrading and defending your stuff and sieging properly. Zerging around all day might work in the t2 bracket.

Unfortunately, there is a rather large gap between the first 4 servers and then all of the others, and it means that the other two worlds in the second tier match will always get completely and unfairly dominated by whichever of these 4 servers is currently in 4th place (at least until one of them starts to sink, or two more rise to match them).
It really quite markedly shows the difference between a server with a dedicated alliance and organisation, and all the other servers with a more casual approach.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pants.8207


As one of the offpeak, casual RUIN crowd, I’m enjoying the match-up at the moment. We’re completely outmanned and it’s made us have to fight quite tactfully.
I’d really like to see more Oceanics come bolster our forces, but they seem to be all at HoD; I’m pretty sure most of Asia is there as there’s just millions of you guys at every turn. I can’t imaging those queue times would be much fun though.

Server – Eredon Terrace
Guild – [RUIN]

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Corti.6857


I’d love for SBI to get knocked to 4th so I can finish map completion. Its hard to do get vistas, POIs, and skill points at 3AM PST when Henge owns everything. (and no I can’t get on during prime time PST because that’s not prime time for me)

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Click.5123


War Machine wasn’t online when these screenshots were taken, eh?

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


Yeah HoD is ticking 545, ET is at 80 and SBI is at 90. HoD made up over 15K deficit in less than 24 hours due ONLY to the fact they have people online when the other two servers do not.

HoD is maybe the 4th or 5th ‘best’ server in terms of actual ‘skill’ or talent’ but they simply can throw people in there 24/7 when other servers cant.

Pretty much why I am totally done with WvW for now. No sense to waste money in there and worrying about objectives when the best youre going to hope to get out of it is 50 or so hours because once everyone starts work on Monday the server s empty in WvW starting at around 1AM server time Monday morning.

If you want map completes just transfer servers and hope they dont start charging for it before you can transfer back.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


We have jobs guys but we win when we are on so gj night capping I guess we might lose lol or do we win idk

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Aza.2105


This should show you that HoD only makes progress when everyone else is sleeping. I agree with Rodarin, in terms of the best HoD probably is 4th or 5th. I actually felt ET was better in terms of skill, HoD not so much.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


Don’t you hate when your waypoints get shut down by one single annoying elementalist?

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: insignia.3625


ok be back later when the world resumes once the US wakes up.

[SYN] Synapse
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


This should show you that HoD only makes progress when everyone else is sleeping. I agree with Rodarin, in terms of the best HoD probably is 4th or 5th. I actually felt ET was better in terms of skill, HoD not so much.

Hmm? 1 match out of the whole month since release that HoD has not led and suddenly we are not “skillful”? Sure.. I guess.. xD

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Eurlin.4256


Those pictures mean nothing unless they are during peak time when you’re actually against another server or both. Bragging rights about hitting an empty door great job guys

Commander Eurlin [VNG]
Sanctum of Rall Server

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Aza.2105


This should show you that HoD only makes progress when everyone else is sleeping. I agree with Rodarin, in terms of the best HoD probably is 4th or 5th. I actually felt ET was better in terms of skill, HoD not so much.

Hmm? 1 match out of the whole month since release that HoD has not led and suddenly we are not “skillful”? Sure.. I guess.. xD

Where did I say anything about leading? This is your poor interpretation of what I’ve said.

Since HoD are night time warriors their ranking during the hours when others are sleeping means absolutely nothing, they aren’t fighting against anyone.. In regards to what I said, when I said skillful I mean pvp skill. From the fights I’ve had since this round started, ET has put up way better fights with similar numbers. Were as HoD gets rolled when they have greater numbers.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


You guys have got to calm down a bit.

HoD has some excellent players, and very organized guilds. That’s the truth. HoD can not stand against two other T1 servers. That’s also truth. HoD has a greater participation rate 24/7 than any other NA server. That’s truth too.

No need to badmouth anyone here. W3 scores will NEVER tell you anything about SKILL. The only way to judge a guild’s general W3 skill is to fight against them, or with them.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


This should show you that HoD only makes progress when everyone else is sleeping. I agree with Rodarin, in terms of the best HoD probably is 4th or 5th. I actually felt ET was better in terms of skill, HoD not so much.

Hmm? 1 match out of the whole month since release that HoD has not led and suddenly we are not “skillful”? Sure.. I guess.. xD

Since we have faced HoD a few times now I can say that when the numbers are even they arent even really a challenge. They are showing right now exatly why they are ‘number one’, playing a completely flawed and borken system to the best of its potential because it is an allowed mechanic. That mechanic being you are able to have 100% of the map population if no one from the other servers is logging in or not around to log in.

It is obviously not a question “SBI and ET DON’T want to play” it is a question (fact) that they arent around TO play.

The whole argument about dynamic caps was that ‘if your world doesnt want to play that shoudnt punish the other server(S)" well the fact is that people on some servers have jobs while some obviously do not or are in completely different time zones. Regardless HoD is an exception not the rule, they are the ONLY server from what I have seen from data provided by Anet that shows 24/7 queues. Therefore they would be the only ones ’punished’ if there were a dynamic cap put in place, and since more than half their server transferred there anyway once the first scores were released, then there is no reason whatsoever to use them as a poster child since if the people who thought the queues were even more ‘punitive’ than they are now could just migrate back tot heir original servers.

Like I said I am done, we sunk 3 or 4 gold into upgrades across the map, then due solely to population imbalances that stuff was basically wasted.

I will PvE or play alts or run SpvP (if my game would ever stop crashing in there) before I waste anymore time in WvW.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sociopath.1509


Yesterday, monday, the score were about equal, non-NA time. Today, since a truck load of PUG from HoD ( They had more than any1 due to winner popularity) went back to that other game expansion that launched today, leaving more spot to TA to get in WvW.

Rest is history.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Binafus.8153


The only way ET beats HOD during primetime is when they get SBI to help them.

ET knows it
SBI knows it
HOD knows it

No matter how many times you post in the forums it does not change anything come prime time tonight SBI and ET will be tag teaming us again.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


I think its pretty cool making comments about how bad servers are when you dont display your guild or server, so manly of you.

For reference: its about as manly as my level 1 draeni female priest. …in wow.

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] Trf-guild.com – Now Recruiting.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zahdane.4029


I don’t see the point in trying to compete in a system that rewards PvD (Player vs Door)

The pvp can be fun, I’ll keep playing for that reason. But I think it’s best if I don’t give a kitten about the scores anymore.

Zahzah – Stormbluff Isle
Asura Engineer

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


Server Pride™ when server transfers are free, instant, and every 24 hours.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Calae.1738


No one can compete against a server that has more players 24/7. It’s not about skill; it’s about resources. HoD might have guilds from different time zones or more unemployed people playing on it. The fact of the matter is; the average player on ET cannot play during weekdays and early mornings.

Until Oceanic servers are brought up and IPs from different continents play on thier own servers; this will remain an issue.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: CardboardBox.6087


Credit where credit is due, HoD has many skilled guilds. They have numbers and they are organized. So to those from ET (which I’m from) saying that HoD isn’t skilled, then you are dead wrong. I’d like to think ET and HoD are on par skill wise just not quantity of player wise.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Smallpoxx.6935


ok be back later when the world resumes once the US wakes up.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Malarky.9546


I am having so much fun with this matchup. As a HOD player, and a member of TA…It’s a bit frustrating to see all the extent of the flame war, the QQ about night capping, and the QQ from my own server about being ganged up on.

After all, they (whoever “They” are) always said it’s lonely at the top….

But what people seem to be failing to realize is that HOD is doing things like holding Garrison (in HOD borderlands at least) against simultaneous and nonstop attack from both servers. I think we had 2 gates down at one point, with SBI on the second level, and ET storming the bottom. Didn’t we expect people to gang up on us? That’s the FUN part!

What SBI and ET are doing by attacking HOD first and each other second (whether it’s a coordinated effort or the simple drive to dethrone the reigning champ) is the obvious and effective strategy. They’re capitalizing on their opportunity to give us a good fight. For HOD’s primetime crew, we have to do all we can to hold the ground and keep the momentum going so that our night-crew can capitalize on their own opportunity to get us the points we need.

It’s all about using what you have, ET and SBI are doing it — so is HOD.

But I’m not ashamed of the “nightcapping” complaints one bit. That’s the way the game was designed, for a 24/7 war. T he NA primetime players are fighting tooth and nail to keep a foothold when everyone from NA is playing, and the oceanic players are

(edited by Malarky.9546)

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


Im sorry…. but HoD isn’t skillful because because they didn’t have the lead during prime time? Lets look at some facts.

During prime time HoD was neck and neck with both SBI and ET even though both servers were focusing them with the majority of their servers.

I am sorry how does that make HoD less skillful? I dare any other server to take 2 T1 servers on and hold current PPT while lowering the other 2 servers PPT.

You guys are so full of yourselves its not even funny.

Heres some screen shots taken during last nights primetime, Please note the time stamps on my minimap….. it clearly shows a massive offensive by BOTH ET and SBI on HoD’s door step at garrison…. BOTH servers working to take the garrison which they didn’t even after HOURS of attacking.


And you have the nerve to jump in with comments about them not having skill? lol.

Time for a reality check.

If both T1 servers weren’t hell bent on HoD, and HoD had room to breath instead of having to defend 2 servers all day….. well things would be much much different. But thats neither here nor there, because thats the game. But heres the thing HoD is keeping pace during primetime PPT wise with two servers primarily focusing them…. some of you need to take your pride and put in your pockets and stop with the trash.

Its starting to stink. Win or lose its good pvp.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


10 bucks says no one comments about my screen shots which show the glaring truth about the tag teaming going on lol….. not saying its intentional just saying its happening and its put HoD on the big D during primetime because we literally cant do anything else while being swarmed by both servers.’

Which is just fine, part of the game, but stop acting like your server is better then someone elses server when your playing dirty and you know it.

(edited by Namu.5712)

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Redundancy.7325


Heres some screen shots taken during last nights primetime, Please note the time stamps on my minimap….. it clearly shows a massive offensive by BOTH ET and SBI on HoD’s door step at garrison…. BOTH servers working to take the garrison which they didn’t even after HOURS of attacking.

You realize that if 2 forces are attacking the same keep, they not only have to defeat the defenders for control of the keep but also fight the opposing side for control.

I daresay it’s harder to take the garrison in a 3 way fight than trying to assault it 1v1.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Aza.2105


Heres some screen shots taken during last nights primetime, Please note the time stamps on my minimap….. it clearly shows a massive offensive by BOTH ET and SBI on HoD’s door step at garrison…. BOTH servers working to take the garrison which they didn’t even after HOURS of attacking.

You realize that if 2 forces are attacking the same keep, they not only have to defeat the defenders for control of the keep but also fight the opposing side for control.

I daresay it’s harder to take the garrison in a 3 way fight than trying to assault it 1v1.

I was going to say the same thing. Clearly in this screenshot it enforces that fact: http://imageshack.us/a/img100/3343/gw074c.jpg

ET is attacking SBI from the walls. They aren’t working together, so yeah its a three way battle. Sounds like that’s how the game should be, so what is the complaint?

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: DeLLy.1897


Trolls out in force as usual.

MoP release must be killing server pops right now.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


10 bucks says no one comments about my screen shots which show the glaring truth about the tag teaming going on lol….. not saying its intentional just saying its happening and its put HoD on the big D during primetime because we literally cant do anything else while being swarmed by both servers.’

Which is just fine, part of the game, but stop acting like your server is better then someone elses server when your playing dirty and you know it.

Playing dirty? How’s that?

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


Heres some screen shots taken during last nights primetime, Please note the time stamps on my minimap….. it clearly shows a massive offensive by BOTH ET and SBI on HoD’s door step at garrison…. BOTH servers working to take the garrison which they didn’t even after HOURS of attacking.

You realize that if 2 forces are attacking the same keep, they not only have to defeat the defenders for control of the keep but also fight the opposing side for control.

I daresay it’s harder to take the garrison in a 3 way fight than trying to assault it 1v1.

Except they were mainly just ignoring each other, I saw a few ET vs SBI skrimishes at our door but they were few….

ET was on our east side firing trebs into our commander room trying to hit from there while SBI hammered the west and north gates with ET at the south gate on foot. For the most part they ignored each other.

But the difficulty of it wasn’t what I am talking about its the fact that they both knew by doing so we had no choice but to stop all offensive and focus on defending for if we lost the garrison it would have been bad.

Being locked down by two servers that really could care less about each other unless they cross paths is what caused HoD to basically have to turtle up during primetime, that some how has been translated as them being bad or less skillful…. then the two servers attacking them at the same time on almost every front….. yet its not okay for HoD to cap and regain ground at night because they are outnumbered…… welcome to HoD primetime I say…. part of the game just as much as the primetime tag teaming going on.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: shakedown.1472


10 bucks says no one comments about my screen shots which show the glaring truth about the tag teaming going on lol….. not saying its intentional just saying its happening and its put HoD on the big D during primetime because we literally cant do anything else while being swarmed by both servers.’

Which is just fine, part of the game, but stop acting like your server is better then someone elses server when your playing dirty and you know it.

ET and SBI have no choice but to “tag team” against HoD because your night crew cleans up the map when the two other servers are sleeping. There’s no strategic benefit in us attacking each other when we collectively own like 10% of the map.

I play on ET and it does suck seeing the server make so much progress during EST peak hours only to see it all gone the next morning.

Shakedown – Shakedown Victim – Vidian Red
[CDS] Caedas | Sanctum of Rall

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


Heres some screen shots taken during last nights primetime, Please note the time stamps on my minimap….. it clearly shows a massive offensive by BOTH ET and SBI on HoD’s door step at garrison…. BOTH servers working to take the garrison which they didn’t even after HOURS of attacking.

You realize that if 2 forces are attacking the same keep, they not only have to defeat the defenders for control of the keep but also fight the opposing side for control.

I daresay it’s harder to take the garrison in a 3 way fight than trying to assault it 1v1.

I was going to say the same thing. Clearly in this screenshot it enforces that fact: http://imageshack.us/a/img100/3343/gw074c.jpg

ET is attacking SBI from the walls. They aren’t working together, so yeah its a three way battle. Sounds like that’s how the game should be, so what is the complaint?

Your missing the point… ya if ET went down the wall to north gate they would get attacked of course by SBI.

The point is BOTH were putting pressure on HoD for hours on end at garrison making any progression outside of the usual camp take overs pretty much impossible for HoD….. Which is good strategy, pressure the strong server. Not saying theres anything wrong with it at all.

But sitting in the forums saying they are less skilled because during prime time they are getting hammered by two servers…. comon now, lets be real here.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pants.8207


There’s no coordination between us and SBI; none that’s been communicated on team speak nor on map chat. We kill on sight and vice versa. As for the nightcapping, that will even out over time I think. When I’m online during Aussie evening time, we’re laughably outnumbered. It’s still good fun though, we do what we can to cause mischief, I reckon it’s much more entertaining to pull off feats of tactical genius with a small team of coordinated people against all odds than to just steamroll due to having unlimited players.

Server – Eredon Terrace
Guild – [RUIN]

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


10 bucks says no one comments about my screen shots which show the glaring truth about the tag teaming going on lol….. not saying its intentional just saying its happening and its put HoD on the big D during primetime because we literally cant do anything else while being swarmed by both servers.’

Which is just fine, part of the game, but stop acting like your server is better then someone elses server when your playing dirty and you know it.

ET and SBI have no choice but to “tag team” against HoD because your night crew cleans up the map when the two other servers are sleeping. There’s no strategic benefit in us attacking each other when we collectively own like 10% of the map.

I play on ET and it does suck seeing the server make so much progress during EST peak hours only to see it all gone the next morning.

Which is fine… whats not fine is saying they aren’t skilled because they are losing the PPT race during primetime….. the fact that they stay with in range of both SBI and ET during primetime speaks for itself.
And just like strategic hits based on the other servers offense is a good strat so is off peak hour WvW, its HoD’s chance to make up the point gap without two servers breathing down their backs nonstop forcing them to just sit on D unable to increase their PPT significantly enough to overcome the lead server in this case SBI.

But in the end its all good fun and pvp imo. Just stop the trash talk about whose better based off a point system that has far to many factors to account for player skill.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


im not going to sugar coat it.

HOD is properly prepared for the WvW of this game.
they have numbers
they have skill

the simple fact is neither SBI/JQ/ET alone have the ability to field and army the size of HOD combined during off hours. AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT TACTIC with WvW in its current state, it is he who has the largest army and the greatest coordination. thus HOD is currently the only server prepared to dominate WvW during the week days.

this week is a good fight and it has been interesting and ruin anyway is happy for the fight. we will be seeing you out there this afternoon.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


im not going to sugar coat it.

HOD is properly prepared for the WvW of this game.
they have numbers
they have skill

the simple fact is neither SBI/JQ/ET alone have the ability to field and army the size of HOD combined during off hours. AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT TACTIC with WvW in its current state, it is he who has the largest army and the greatest coordination. thus HOD is currently the only server prepared to dominate WvW during the week days.

this week is a good fight and it has been interesting and ruin anyway is happy for the fight. we will be seeing you out there this afternoon.

Its been alot of fun fighting both servers on multiple fronts rather then steam rolling one server and the other is the only one putting up a fight…. has made for a intense week….

but the trash talking in the forums is getting annoying. QQ about tag teaming, QQ about night capping….. its like if your not winning 24/7 someones gotta QQ…. and if you are winning your talking about how your winning because the other server just aint that good…. lol

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Redundancy.7325


And just like strategic hits based on the other servers offense is a good strat so is off peak hour WvW, its HoD’s chance to make up the point gap by capping the whole map when nobody’s online to fight back to increase their PPT significantly enough to overcome the lead server in this case SBI.


HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


im not going to sugar coat it.

HOD is properly prepared for the WvW of this game.
they have numbers
they have skill

the simple fact is neither SBI/JQ/ET alone have the ability to field and army the size of HOD combined during off hours. AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT TACTIC with WvW in its current state, it is he who has the largest army and the greatest coordination. thus HOD is currently the only server prepared to dominate WvW during the week days.

this week is a good fight and it has been interesting and ruin anyway is happy for the fight. we will be seeing you out there this afternoon.

Its been alot of fun fighting both servers on multiple fronts rather then steam rolling one server and the other is the only one putting up a fight…. has made for a intense week….

but the trash talking in the forums is getting annoying. QQ about tag teaming, QQ about night capping….. its like if your not winning 24/7 someones gotta QQ…. and if you are winning your talking about how your winning because the other server just aint that good…. lol

I believe if you’ve read the posts, nobody is actually QQing about being double teamed, just stating a fact that it is happening and we welcome the challenge Double teaming =/= alliance, let’s get this straight ^^ Both want to topple HoD, and so their mutual interest brings them knocking on HoD’s gates and walls pretty darn often xD

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


Well thats true Sam im not implying a alliance or truce. Just a mutal hate and bloodlust towards HoD. Which is good made this week fun lol.

The QQ about the night capping is getting old though, just as much part of WvW as the primetime shennanigans going on everyday. If they had a strong night time force I bet they wouldn’t complain.

(edited by Namu.5712)

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


The only way for HoD to be taken from the #1 spot is for #2 and #3 to double team them every single day during prime time and to have an actual working and lasting truce.
Complete domination of HoD, like what happened in EB day 1 is the only way to put them so far behind that their night crew cant make up the difference.

Any 3 way fighting will result in a win for HoD, any.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178



im not downplaying your accomplishment. im pointing out where the others servers failed, its a simple observable fact and arenanet has provided the evidence to prove it. your night forces are skilled and work well together, this coupled with the extreme lack of any forces on our side is why you win. again its not QQing, its not an excuse, its an observable fact. if the other 3 servers want to be competitive, we will have to find oceanic players… if thats not an option, arenanet might have to step in (an option i am NOT a fan of, its either 24/7 or some kittenized sPvP)

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


The only way for HoD to be taken from the #1 spot is for #2 and #3 to double team them every single day during prime time and to have an actual working and lasting truce.
Complete domination of HoD, like what happened in EB day 1 is the only way to put them so far behind that their night crew cant make up the difference.

Any 3 way fighting will result in a win for HoD, any.

But even that has proven….. well difficult as ET was unable to get any substantial point gain over HoD even with both servers primarily focusing their main force on HoD.

I believe after what I saw yesterday during primetime is that ET will remain in 3rd place unless they really step up their game tonight during primetime, because the PPT during primetime is close, sometimes HoD is ticking the most and sometimes the least.

But we remained 1k points behind ET during primetime unwavering and now we have a good lead on ET, so if it plays out the same as last night ET might be in trouble. SBI is probably going to remain in the lead… who knows, good server.