HoD sweeping in WvW
LMAO last comment in this or any WvW thread.
HoD was getting owned and in a DISTANT thrid place for basically 3 days. SBI had the lead and extended that lead for all of those 3 days.
Then miraculously on Sunday night HoD suddenly takes over the whole world. Funny how that happened. SBI went from having queues on every map just about for 55 hours or so to having instant access to any map they wanted.
People can talk about double teaming or ganging up or any sort of nonsense theywant to. Point is when SBI had numbers close to what the other servers had it wasnt even a contest.
SB was fighting a 2 front attack all wekend as well, there was NO ganging up on HoD WITH ET that is just stupid. We had stonemist and we were trebbing ANY tower or people we could reach regardless. We were also semi-simultaneously pushing at Klovan as well as AP towers. While also dancing around Umber supply camp and guarding other supply camps for the 5 minute ninja squads looking to ‘steal’ points.
All this ‘we are the best and most skilled’ talk is just complete nonsesne. Its called proof by inspection. HoD got destroyed all weekend, not even a factor basically. Then just as I predicted Come early Monday morning they come to and take everything and what was once a 35K or so SBI lead, will by the time resets happen probably be a 20-30K SBI deficit.
WvW is horribly broken, from the scoring system to the population dynamics. Considering there are so many full worlds in terms of over ll players an no one willing to play WvW it shows what the general population thinks of it.
That’s why I am done debating and discussing it, it isnt worth it. If it isnt fixed then I will play alts or stop playing the game since the game doesnt offer a whole lot beyond WvW in terms of long term playability.
for what was supposed to be some epic genre changing release it has really been nothing but disappointment after disappointment. With the ultimate disappointment the whole WvW fiasco.
Anyone who looks at these images can tell ET is assaulting the south gate, and storm is attacking the east and west gates. Anyone who has been inside garrison before, knows there isnt a way for either ET or Storm to engage one another till they meet at the lords room. So yes, HoD had the defend garrison against both Storm and ET.
If this is the same engagement I was in last night, then i can tell you ET didnt stay at garrison for long. We actually wiped ET shortly after they knocked on the south gates. Afterwards ET turned their attention on Greenlake, which was being hammered by 5 trebs.
Once HoD took care of ET, we focused our attention on storm and the tower, dawn, they were trebing us from. We countered the first treb with our own. But then they built another while we were assaulting dawn and destroyed the our treb. Me and my guild ran down to the bottom of the cliff right below Dawn. The position was at the sentry between Dawn and the east keep. We built a treb in a position their’s couldn’t counter because they were too high up. After we destroyed the treb we pushed storm out of garrison, and storm gave up.
After successfully defending garrison, HoD turned their focus on ET assaulting greenlake. We managed to make it just in time for the wall to fall. When we realized there wasnt a supply camp, HoD zerg took one and everyone used the supplies from it to repair the nearly defeated wall. My small guild help push greenlake’s defender out. Myself and some friends charged into the middle of ET’s zerg to destroy a half health treb, and a second. At this time HoD pushed ET far enough to burn down the last three.
After all of that i logged. I dont know what happend after. But im sure our night crew cleaned up.
I’m getting tired of people saying HoD only wins because of our night crews. This isnt true. I only play at primetime, and everytime im online we are fighting two fronts, and some how HoD is still able to defend and assault at the sametime.
If it was true, that HoD only wins because of night hours, then explain why storm’s borderland was completely green during most primetime hours last week?
(edited by aceventura.8275)
Well thats true Sam im not implying a alliance or truce
. Just a mutal hate and bloodlust towards HoD. Which is good made this week fun lol.
The QQ about the night capping is getting old though, just as much part of WvW as the primetime shennanigans going on everyday. If they had a strong night time force I bet they wouldn’t complain
Listen, we all know that “night capping” is a part of the game. But it is frustrating from our perspective.
HoD is the only NA server that doesn’t have any issue with it, because they are the only NA server with a high participation rate from non-NA primetime players.
Every W3 matchup is primarily decided on these once-a-day population mismatches. It’s unavoidable, and will result in 2 week matches being a landslide in points victory. Hell, 1 week matches can’t be balanced properly because of it.
The only solution to this would be to integrate all EU and NA servers into a single large server pool.
Otherwise, they should simply do away with the score totals. Because when you spend 20 hours on a weekend fighting tooth and nail to secure and defend your position you feel awesome. You invested money and time into your position. Then you get home Monday and you’re bottom of the pile, have no objectives controlled, and can not get a cohesive force together because most people already gave up.
And then you start to push back the dominant server (ie: whoever has the most off hours W3 players), and you consider… “how much money/time am I going to invest in this map THIS time?”… and you just figure you’ll save it for next Friday when you actually have a chance to see your investment pay off.
Please don’t misunderstand my post for QQ – I still play W3 and love every moment of it. But I also understand the frustration of being night capped. It isn’t something worth getting upset about, but it does induce a long sigh.
And for anyone who doesn’t play on HoD (or any server that completely dominates via off hours capping), we all know that the best part of the W3 match is the first weekend after reset. Once the week starts, it’s meh at best – not really worth putting any gold into (or trying to win), but still fun for a few epic fights.
Surely you can see how that has the MAJORITY of W3 players rather frustrated?
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.
and this is why we 2 v 1 HoD during the weekend and personally ill continue trying to do so during the week.
big picture, HoD HAS TO LOSE. the longer HoD goes on undefeated the more players give up, or worse, transfer to HoD. next cycle will be what, sbi vs jq vs hod and itll be their turn to try 2 v 1 HoD and if they fail…. prepare for a huge mass of people playing wvw to put a lot less energy into it.
defeatist attitudes are strong when your opponent is undefeated…. if HoD were to lose just 1 match itll result in months of strong play, people wont give up because they can always point to that one time they lost and use it as hope.
ET vs SBI vs JQ would be an awesome epic fight that we’ll never see.
Well thats true Sam im not implying a alliance or truce
. Just a mutal hate and bloodlust towards HoD. Which is good made this week fun lol.
The QQ about the night capping is getting old though, just as much part of WvW as the primetime shennanigans going on everyday. If they had a strong night time force I bet they wouldn’t complain
Listen, we all know that “night capping” is a part of the game. But it is frustrating from our perspective.
HoD is the only NA server that doesn’t have any issue with it, because they are the only NA server with a high participation rate from non-NA primetime players.
Every W3 matchup is primarily decided on these once-a-day population mismatches. It’s unavoidable, and will result in 2 week matches being a landslide in points victory. Hell, 1 week matches can’t be balanced properly because of it.
The only solution to this would be to integrate all EU and NA servers into a single large server pool.
Otherwise, they should simply do away with the score totals. Because when you spend 20 hours on a weekend fighting tooth and nail to secure and defend your position you feel awesome. You invested money and time into your position. Then you get home Monday and you’re bottom of the pile, have no objectives controlled, and can not get a cohesive force together because most people already gave up.
And then you start to push back the dominant server (ie: whoever has the most off hours W3 players), and you consider… “how much money/time am I going to invest in this map THIS time?”… and you just figure you’ll save it for next Friday when you actually have a chance to see your investment pay off.
Please don’t misunderstand my post for QQ – I still play W3 and love every moment of it. But I also understand the frustration of being night capped. It isn’t something worth getting upset about, but it does induce a long sigh.
And for anyone who doesn’t play on HoD (or any server that completely dominates via off hours capping), we all know that the best part of the W3 match is the first weekend after reset. Once the week starts, it’s meh at best – not really worth putting any gold into (or trying to win), but still fun for a few epic fights.
Surely you can see how that has the MAJORITY of W3 players rather frustrated?
For sure I dont deny it would be frustrating to wake up to a server totally turned.
But without that 24 hour mechanic, WvWvW just wouldn’t work.
Because no matter the match up the server that gets teamed up on during primetime is going to lose no matter what, and it would really have nothing to do with skill at all.
Server A and B decide server C is going to lose…. they make it happen… then A and B fight each other. Well server C is probably like this game blows, broken game is broken because A and B put us so far behind that theres no possible way to catch up.
The only way to not do 24 hour wvwvw is just have server vs server match ups or possibly do a 4 way match up.
and this is why we 2 v 1 HoD during the weekend and personally ill continue trying to do so during the week.
big picture, HoD HAS TO LOSE. the longer HoD goes on undefeated the more players give up, or worse, transfer to HoD. next cycle will be what, sbi vs jq vs hod and itll be their turn to try 2 v 1 HoD and if they fail…. prepare for a huge mass of people playing wvw to put a lot less energy into it.
defeatist attitudes are strong when your opponent is undefeated…. if HoD were to lose just 1 match itll result in months of strong play, people wont give up because they can always point to that one time they lost and use it as hope.
ET vs SBI vs JQ would be an awesome epic fight that we’ll never see.
This is 100% right.
I played Aion for 3 years…. I know better then anyone what happens to a side that never wins. RvR Eylos always dominating Asmo because of their sheer numbers. Asmo players would be locked out of pve areas due to losing during pvp events, was really just a horrible game design in general. But after awhile no one even bothered showing up to pvp during seige it was just meh why bother not like we will have enough people…. and if we do get alot they will just bring more like always.
So ya I see exactly what you mean there.
But at least wvw is ranked… so smaller servers dont have to fight HoD never will fight HoD. But if the top servers cant even 2v1 HoD…. well ya thats gonna have a negative effect that makes pvp very stale.
I would still pvp for the sake of pvping however… but not everyone shares that mind set.
ChromatosUnfortunately, there is a rather large gap between the first 4 servers and then all of the others, and it means that the other two worlds in the second tier match will always get completely and unfairly dominated by whichever of these 4 servers is currently in 4th place (at least until one of them starts to sink, or two more rise to match them).
It really quite markedly shows the difference between a server with a dedicated alliance and organisation, and all the other servers with a more casual approach.
I’d have to disagree with this assessment. DB has organized guilds and alliances but JQ simply has better 24/7 coverage. Dragonbrand has been able to hold its own consistently during prime time, taking and holding the lead in points gain equally between the three servers.
There is simply is no marked skill gap between the servers when players are online for all sides. Props to JQ for having oceanic and/or EU guilds to support them (seriously). But asserting that JQ is more organized and that it has better alliances is just plain inaccurate.
And that is a good point Namu…
" the top servers cant even 2v1 HoD…"
Mike Ferguson said that they designed W3 around the concept of having 3 servers, so that 2 servers could always team up and keep a more powerful 3rd server in check – thus maintaining the competitiveness of the match.
This week is proof that there is a flaw that interferes with that design.
ET and SBI are two very competent W3 servers. I mean, we have high participation, coordination, and sink massive resources into our W3 games. We BOTH went full force at HoD while only basically maintaining borders with one another, and due to the population mis match at off hours, HoD will still win this match.
Therefore, 2 servers can not keep 1 server in check, and it has nothing to do with the quality of any server. Population mis-matches mean that there is NO WAY HoD will ever lose. Their off-hours player base is so large and active that there are literally (seemingly) not enough players with a similar schedule on any other NA server, maybe not even combined.
There is no systemic change that can fix or even help this situation. This must be solved with server rules. Combine them all, or forcibly break them up, or whatever.
Until ANet is willing to do that, this won’t change.
They really need to offer guilds the opportunity to keep their influence during transfers, even if only temporarily.
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.
I don’t get all of this “henge has no skill because they just attack doors all night” argument. I play at Primetime and I also play during the night a lot of the time as well. At night it is never just “player vs door” You just act like these servers have no presence at night. Well sorry, they very much do. Maybe not to the same extent as during primetime, where they can defend and attack simultaneously pretty easily, but it’s never a case of “player vs door” We fight for all of the keeps and towers we take, we just are able to take them and hold them at night much easier because we aren’t on the defensive the entire time. They have just as many players defending their stuff at night as they do during the day. they just aren’t attacking us at the same time as easily, and we can hold both defense and offense at night. They take stuff at night as well, the bigger difference is we are better than both servers at defending what we take. It’s something SBI is very good at as well. but when they atack at night they overextend a bit and we just take whatever we are attacking, then take back the place we lost and defend them both. because once we take a place, we don’t give it up very easily.
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
(edited by Keldrath.4735)
ET vs SBI vs JQ would be an awesome epic fight that we’ll never see.
That would be a great match up. As it currently stands, HoD is in a league of their own due to max WvW population 24/7.
The dominance of the night crew also make it much harder for the prime time crew to make progress as there are a large number of objectives that have to be taken to even balance the score, let alone push and take the point lead in the amount of time available.
The night crew problem, is a problem which effects the game at all hours. It’s almost impossible to turn a 300 point deficit into a lead in the matter of a few hours.
And that is a good point Namu…
" the top servers cant even 2v1 HoD…"
Mike Ferguson said that they designed W3 around the concept of having 3 servers, so that 2 servers could always team up and keep a more powerful 3rd server in check – thus maintaining the competitiveness of the match.
This week is proof that there is a flaw that interferes with that design.
ET and SBI are two very competent W3 servers. I mean, we have high participation, coordination, and sink massive resources into our W3 games. We BOTH went full force at HoD while only basically maintaining borders with one another, and due to the population mis match at off hours, HoD will still win this match.
Therefore, 2 servers can not keep 1 server in check, and it has nothing to do with the quality of any server. Population mis-matches mean that there is NO WAY HoD will ever lose. Their off-hours player base is so large and active that there are literally (seemingly) not enough players with a similar schedule on any other NA server, maybe not even combined.
There is no systemic change that can fix or even help this situation. This must be solved with server rules. Combine them all, or forcibly break them up, or whatever.
Until ANet is willing to do that, this won’t change.
They really need to offer guilds the opportunity to keep their influence during transfers, even if only temporarily.
Yup, basically this. HoD while getting hammered was still hanging in there during primetime… even assualting at some points. But after about 9pm my time POOF SBI/ET had seemed to just vanish.
I think at one point tonight not even that late we were at around 600 PPT and both SBI/ET 50 or lower.
Its 1030AM and SBI/ET are starting to claw back in and regain lost points from the night HoD is around 445 las I checked and SBI/ET over 150 so things are starting to level back out.
I suspect tonight will be another epic fight with all 3 servers neck and neck PPT wise, but come night fall I fear HoD will pass up SBI for the lead. They closed the gap by nearly 20k in just around 8 hours o.o and put ET in 3rd by around 17k points. Just one night is all it took for them to take a 3rd place position and bring themselves very close to the first place slot.
I don’t get all of this “henge has no skill because they just attack doors all night” argument. I play at Primetime and I also play during the night a lot of the time as well. At night it is never just “player vs door” You just act like these servers have no presence at night. Well sorry, they very much do. Maybe not to the same extent as during primetime, where they can defend and attack simultaneously pretty easily, but it’s never a case of “player vs door”
Its unfair to say that you PvD all night for sure. However, if you’re competing against opponents where you have a 3:1 or 2:1 population advantage then you really aren’t competing much at all. Anyone should be able to overcome defenses with those odds stacked in your favor.
It isn’t your fault and I’m not judging your personal skill level. I’m just trying to make sure that people understand that this isn’t a competitive environment and in my own experience… there isn’t a large skill gap between any of the servers when the odds are even.
They have just as many players defending their stuff at night as they do during the day. they just aren’t attacking us at the same time as easily, and we can hold both defense and offense at night. They take stuff at night as well, the bigger difference is we are better than both servers at defending what we take. It’s something SBI is very good at as well. but when they atack at night they overextend a bit and we just take whatever we are attacking, then take back the place we lost and defend them both. because once we take a place, we don’t give it up very easily.
You just summed up the population imbalance. Also, like you said, you zerg location to location because you know that their defense stands no chance and as you put it, you take back what you lost, like there was never a doubt in your mind that you could break their defense.
There is also not just as many people defending as during prime time, because if a keep is going to fall, generally a good portion of the zerg will return and run off the attackers.
This is not possible when you already have every man available defending whatever positions you have.
I don’t get all of this “henge has no skill because they just attack doors all night” argument. I play at Primetime and I also play during the night a lot of the time as well. At night it is never just “player vs door” You just act like these servers have no presence at night. Well sorry, they very much do. Maybe not to the same extent as during primetime, where they can defend and attack simultaneously pretty easily, but it’s never a case of “player vs door” We fight for all of the keeps and towers we take, we just are able to take them and hold them at night much easier because we aren’t on the defensive the entire time. They have just as many players defending their stuff at night as they do during the day. they just aren’t attacking us at the same time as easily, and we can hold both defense and offense at night. They take stuff at night as well, the bigger difference is we are better than both servers at defending what we take. It’s something SBI is very good at as well. but when they atack at night they overextend a bit and we just take whatever we are attacking, then take back the place we lost and defend them both. because once we take a place, we don’t give it up very easily.
Yup I recall taking ET’s tower tonight on Green map closest to their spawn…. they had just as many people as we did bunkered in the tower, they had lots of seige as well. Was about an hour fight, we had 2 trebs hitting the walls from a keep we took earlier to help with the battle.
Seems like they vanish after primetime but they dont… they just aren’t EVERYWHERE attacking and defending. niether are we at night
Alot of us are doing ALOT of running back and forth. Oh we have xxx SBI at xxx location…. stop attacking xxx and come back or we are losing this spot! Run back accross the map flank SBI wipe them out and secure our spot again. Not with overwhelming numbers either.
ET has very little presence at night but they stay grouped up. And I believe they get the outmanned buff because both SBI/HoD are factored into that enemy count.
A possible fix to make people feel better is lowering the amount allowed in wvwvw from all sides at night.
so if wvwvw during the day is 500v500v500
then after a certain point at night it would lower the cap to like 200v200v200….. but even then servers that only have like 40 on at 3am are going to suffer regardless.
Because if you make it to low then you make people mad with ques. Currently on HoD there is no que at night between like 9pm-4amish, early morning there is however.
Can those of us at work get a Score/Potential Points update?
Server – Fort Aspenwood
A possible fix to make people feel better is lowering the amount allowed in wvwvw from all sides at night.
so if wvwvw during the day is 500v500v500
then after a certain point at night it would lower the cap to like 200v200v200….. but even then servers that only have like 40 on at 3am are going to suffer regardless.Because if you make it to low then you make people mad with ques. Currently on HoD there is no que at night between like 9pm-4amish, early morning there is however.
This is a bad idea, in my opinion. No solution should be one that restricts access to WvW during some predetermined portion of the day.
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.
Can those of us at work get a Score/Potential Points update?
sure its
SBI: 124,078
HoD: 115,904 (3 orbs)
ET: 97,645
HoD: 11 camps, 14 Towers, 10 Keeps, 1 castle, +475
SBI: 7 camps, 5 towers, 1 keep, +110
ET: 7 camps, 5 towers, 1 keep, +110
caps and score are changing as i type it so it’s slightly off on like the camps numbers, because one changed as i typed and i didn’t reflect it because when i do it changes again and id never get it posted.
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
(edited by Keldrath.4735)
Servers that play against HoD will eventually stop investing time and money into WvW if the nightcapping continues. There is no point to invest so much when it’ll be taken away when everyone is sleeping or working. What will eventually happen is lower WvW participation against HoD. HoD will end up playing with themselves which will be fun for no one.
The problem as I see it is that eventually, everyone becomes the loser because of how the system was designed.
I tried to put three asterisks to represent the orbs but only 1 goes through if you put 3 in a row i guess. but i wanted that to be reflected to give as much info as i could.
I would edit it, but the forum seems to break sometimes and only allow the permalink button.
Now it lets me edit after i post this, strange so ill just say in here that blue has also since posting taken 1 keep from hod and towers changed a bit like now et has 6 and sbi has 4 while hod still has 4.
I cant say how they were taken because they fluctuated a lot. it looked like red took from blue then green took one from red and red took a different one from green i think. and red just got a second tower took one from hod so yeah its changing a lot really quickly.
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
(edited by Keldrath.4735)
Servers that play against HoD will eventually stop investing time and money into WvW if the nightcapping continues. There is no point to invest so much when it’ll be taken away when everyone is sleeping or working. What will eventually happen is lower WvW participation against HoD. HoD will end up playing with themselves which will be fun for no one.
The problem as I see it is that eventually, everyone becomes the loser because of how the system was designed.
This. 100% this.
All three of these servers are pretty even primetime but the night crew on HoD is just so overwhelming. There is really nothing you can do for this mechanic wise that doesnt alienate some portion of the playerbase.
ANet needs to step in and coerce/force GUILDS (not individuals) to swap servers and make it as painless a process as possible.
Maybe combine say the top 3 tiers points wise? Like 3v3v3 fighting over 12 maps? HoD would get two weak servers and SBI/ET/JQ would be mixed in with the medium servers map-wise?
Erm, this maybe happen on NA off hour but definitely not ET and SBI offpeak hour. contrary to what ppl beleive, SBI and ET have many oceanic guild and RUIN usually likes to play at HK night time (oceanic prime time, i know since i always see at least 30+ of RUINS in SBI BL) . SBI never outnumbered them on NA and Oceanic prime time.
We were having a 3 way fight before server restart but somehow ET and SBI players didn’t bothered to login after server restart (which WvW downtime is less than 5 min).
Servers that play against HoD will eventually stop investing time and money into WvW if the nightcapping continues. There is no point to invest so much when it’ll be taken away when everyone is sleeping or working.
They need to do something about HoD, period.
As it stands they are in a league of their own due to night capping while #2, #3 and #4 are fairly balanced and then everyone else is way below them.
What will happen is #2 and #3 will always lose to HoD and #4 will always win vs #5 and #6 which willr esult in #4 moving up every week to lose to HoD only to have a new server fall back down to #4 to dominate #5 and #6. Week after week after week.
HoD should be put with the Euro servers since all they play is off hours. Its no fun to have no one to fight at prime time and then you wake up and they own everything because everyone on your server is sleeping.
Get peek hours for servers and match them accordingly.
Servers that play against HoD will eventually stop investing time and money into WvW if the nightcapping continues. There is no point to invest so much when it’ll be taken away when everyone is sleeping or working.
They need to do something about HoD, period.
As it stands they are in a league of their own due to night capping while #2, #3 and #4 are fairly balanced and then everyone else is way below them.What will happen is #2 and #3 will always lose to HoD and #4 will always win vs #5 and #6 which willr esult in #4 moving up every week to lose to HoD only to have a new server fall back down to #4 to dominate #5 and #6. Week after week after week.
Ya, but 2 always gets screwed. Which right now is SBI and it sucks for us. I just want a fight against JQ and ET without HoD.
I propose, get rid of HoD and make it into a new server lol.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
that or give extra guards to objectives that are owned by servers that dont have a lot of players on.
HoD should be put with the Euro servers since all they play is off hours. Its no fun to have no one to fight at prime time and then you wake up and they own everything because everyone on your server is sleeping.
Get peek hours for servers and match them accordingly.
Both ET and SBI have a strong oceanic presence. Maybe you should check your fact first. ET and SBI are servers that play on ‘off hours’ too.
read the comments above dude, I am not the only person saying this. Get a clue before you post, thanks.
Hi, I would just like to ask anyone from SoS or IoJ reading this thread something about last week’s matchup. Since you guys have a predominately Oceanic population, how was the battles with ET during your peak hours?
HoD is not winning the match they are currently in.
Instead of complaining on the forums, maybe head in and fight to keep SBI on top (or retake second for ET). It is still very possible for Henge to lose this week – and even still possible for them to come in third.
The important thing is that the matches stay exciting and engaging. There have been some epic battles across EB and all of the borderlands in this match this week. When I go in and my side is losing, I don’t throw up my hands and say “oh well.” I look at the tick score when I start and commit myself to making it higher before I’m done.
Play the match in front of you, stop obsessing about the overall score and, not only will it be a more fun experience, you may even make a real difference.
The one thing we know for sure that doesn’t make a difference is complaining on the forums when there is fighting to be done.
read the comments above dude, I am not the only person saying this. Get a clue before you post, thanks.
Get a clue or check the graph from ANet, the queue for WvW didn’t get to 0 for ET and SBI until BOTH NA and Oceanic ‘off hours’. Take 17th of September (Monday) for example, the queue for WvW only reach 0 for a short period.
Any value aboue 0 means that, the map is full.
HoD should be put with the Euro servers since all they play is off hours. Its no fun to have no one to fight at prime time and then you wake up and they own everything because everyone on your server is sleeping.
Get peek hours for servers and match them accordingly.
Both ET and SBI have a strong oceanic presence. Maybe you should check your fact first. ET and SBI are servers that play on ‘off hours’ too.
You are right they got a strong oceanic presence…unfortunately they probably all PvE, I don’t know just guessing. Since this is a topic about WvW, the only thing that matters is that clearly they are not doing WvW.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
Servers that play against HoD will eventually stop investing time and money into WvW if the nightcapping continues. There is no point to invest so much when it’ll be taken away when everyone is sleeping or working.
They need to do something about HoD, period.
As it stands they are in a league of their own due to night capping while #2, #3 and #4 are fairly balanced and then everyone else is way below them.What will happen is #2 and #3 will always lose to HoD and #4 will always win vs #5 and #6 which willr esult in #4 moving up every week to lose to HoD only to have a new server fall back down to #4 to dominate #5 and #6. Week after week after week.
That assumes things will remain static and they wont. SBI is getting better all the time, they are a good server and I and many on my server respect their ability in WvW. They can certainly play at a similar level to HoD. Their coordination and siege tactics are almost at the same level, at the very least its on a higher level than the other 2-4 servers. ET also has a ton of potential as well, if AA was going at it harder i’m sure they could compete for first place easily as well, I know they have a ton of very good players and they are very good at siege, though the rest of their server, idk so much. But they know as well as I do they can’t do it all by themselves, just like titan can’t do it all by themselves.
HoD is ahead of the rest still, but the other servers in the top 3 are closing the gap pretty quickly. I know one thing that helps a lot on my server is the chat, there is a lot of communication going on and things not related t the battle are practically non existant. people call things out, respond quickly, and often the titan players will relay messages to the rest of us, telling the “militia” where they are needed etc. There is a lot of coordination and teamwork going on. That is something I think anyone who wants to compete for #1 is going to need to have.
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
What will happen is #2 and #3 will always lose to HoD and #4 will always win vs #5 and #6 which willr esult in #4 moving up every week to lose to HoD only to have a new server fall back down to #4 to dominate #5 and #6. Week after week after week.
To make things worse, I’ve already seen rumblings from the #5/#6 servers about taking intentional losses to be matched up with servers that aren’t going to night cap them and wreck all of their primetime holdings/upgrades.
I’m not sure how this is a sustainable game mode in the long term.
I am having so much fun with this matchup. As a HOD player, and a member of TA…It’s a bit frustrating to see all the extent of the flame war, the QQ about night capping, and the QQ from my own server about being ganged up on.
As an ET player, I have to agree. Frankly, the last few days have been the most fun I have had in WvWvW yet.
Servers that play against HoD will eventually stop investing time and money into WvW if the nightcapping continues. There is no point to invest so much when it’ll be taken away when everyone is sleeping or working.
They need to do something about HoD, period.
As it stands they are in a league of their own due to night capping while #2, #3 and #4 are fairly balanced and then everyone else is way below them.What will happen is #2 and #3 will always lose to HoD and #4 will always win vs #5 and #6 which willr esult in #4 moving up every week to lose to HoD only to have a new server fall back down to #4 to dominate #5 and #6. Week after week after week.
That assumes things will remain static and they wont. SBI is getting better all the time, they are a good server and I and many on my server respect their ability in WvW. They can certainly play at a similar level to HoD. Their coordination and siege tactics are almost at the same level, at the very least its on a higher level than the other 2-4 servers. ET also has a ton of potential as well, if AA was going at it harder i’m sure they could compete for first place easily as well, I know they have a ton of very good players and they are very good at siege, though the rest of their server, idk so much. But they know as well as I do they can’t do it all by themselves, just like titan can’t do it all by themselves.
HoD is ahead of the rest still, but the other servers in the top 3 are closing the gap pretty quickly. I know one thing that helps a lot on my server is the chat, there is a lot of communication going on and things not related t the battle are practically non existant. people call things out, respond quickly, and often the titan players will relay messages to the rest of us, telling the “militia” where they are needed etc. There is a lot of coordination and teamwork going on. That is something I think anyone who wants to compete for #1 is going to need to have.
You’ve never played on any server but HoD, right?
You still seem to think that it’s just HoDs ability to communicate and organize. You aren’t seeing what is right in front of you.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday – very close, exciting match.
Monday, Tuesday – everything has been capped by HoD, and they will soon take #1 in points.
So you think that obviously, it’s because HoD has superior tactics and these other servers just aren’t on your level yet.
Open your eyes, buddy. HoD has excellent communication, organization, and strategy… but SO does SBI and ET. What HoD has that SBI and ET don’t have is 24/7 W3 participation.
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.
HoD is ahead of the rest still, but the other servers in the top 3 are closing the gap pretty quickly. I know one thing that helps a lot on my server is the chat, there is a lot of communication going on and things not related t the battle are practically non existant. people call things out, respond quickly, and often the titan players will relay messages to the rest of us, telling the “militia” where they are needed etc. There is a lot of coordination and teamwork going on. That is something I think anyone who wants to compete for #1 is going to need to have.
What you describe here isn’t unique to HoD. What makes the top 4 servers unique is their 24/7 coverage.
I am having so much fun with this matchup. As a HOD player, and a member of TA…It’s a bit frustrating to see all the extent of the flame war, the QQ about night capping, and the QQ from my own server about being ganged up on.
As an ET player, I have to agree. Frankly, the last few days have been the most fun I have had in WvWvW yet.
As an SBI the last 3 days up to monday morning was fun. We were fighting against each other back and forth. Unfortuantely, the flaw of WvW finally kicked in. I see one of the problems with it being that the devs are unwilling to make hard choices with respect to population balance. The top and lower tier matches are going to get screwed while the middle tiers get good matches. Kinda wish I was in the middle tier, it will be fun, exciting while still giving any of the sides a chance to win. The top tier you are screwed the moment monday morning hits.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
I am having so much fun with this matchup. As a HOD player, and a member of TA…It’s a bit frustrating to see all the extent of the flame war, the QQ about night capping, and the QQ from my own server about being ganged up on.
As an ET player, I have to agree. Frankly, the last few days have been the most fun I have had in WvWvW yet.
As an SBI the last 3 days up to monday morning was fun. We were fighting against each other back and forth. Unfortuantely, the flaw of WvW finally kicked in. I see one of the problems with it being that the devs are unwilling to make hard choices with respect to population balance. The top and lower tier matches are going to get screwed while the middle tiers get good matches. Kinda wish I was in the middle tier, it will be fun, exciting while still giving any of the sides a chance to win. The top tier you are screwed the moment monday morning hits.
The middle tier matches are all the same, too.
The reason is because no matter where you fit into the grand scheme of things, one of the three servers WILL have an opportunity to full cap while facing little resistance, and then it’s a downhill ride from there.
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.
I am having so much fun with this matchup. As a HOD player, and a member of TA…It’s a bit frustrating to see all the extent of the flame war, the QQ about night capping, and the QQ from my own server about being ganged up on.
As an ET player, I have to agree. Frankly, the last few days have been the most fun I have had in WvWvW yet.
As an SBI the last 3 days up to monday morning was fun. We were fighting against each other back and forth. Unfortuantely, the flaw of WvW finally kicked in. I see one of the problems with it being that the devs are unwilling to make hard choices with respect to population balance. The top and lower tier matches are going to get screwed while the middle tiers get good matches. Kinda wish I was in the middle tier, it will be fun, exciting while still giving any of the sides a chance to win. The top tier you are screwed the moment monday morning hits.
The middle tier matches are all the same, too.
The reason is because no matter where you fit into the grand scheme of things, one of the three servers WILL have an opportunity to full cap while facing little resistance, and then it’s a downhill ride from there.
When i meant middle tier i meant SBI, ET and JQ, in terms of coverage per say.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
The middle tier matches are all the same, too.
The reason is because no matter where you fit into the grand scheme of things, one of the three servers WILL have an opportunity to full cap while facing little resistance, and then it’s a downhill ride from there.
Yeah, Dragonbrand beat the crap out of TC and Maguuma because we had a better night presence. Now Dragonbrand is getting crap kicked out of it by JQ because their night presense is better.
One thing that I notice between the two weeks? TC, Maguuma, JQ, and Dragonbrand all play at the same approximate skill level during prime time (my play time) and the level of coordination/organization is pretty much the same. The landslides occur late in the weekend and throughout the week when people start to sleep.
When i meant middle tier i meant SBI, ET and JQ, in terms of coverage per say.
A match between SBI, ET and JQ would be epic. Not going to happen with the current system though.
Having a ton of fun but it is obvious there are some serious flaws in the current system. The Devs have some work to do.
(edited by Grim West.3194)
I am having so much fun with this matchup. As a HOD player, and a member of TA…It’s a bit frustrating to see all the extent of the flame war, the QQ about night capping, and the QQ from my own server about being ganged up on.
As an ET player, I have to agree. Frankly, the last few days have been the most fun I have had in WvWvW yet.
As an SBI the last 3 days up to monday morning was fun. We were fighting against each other back and forth. Unfortuantely, the flaw of WvW finally kicked in. I see one of the problems with it being that the devs are unwilling to make hard choices with respect to population balance. The top and lower tier matches are going to get screwed while the middle tiers get good matches. Kinda wish I was in the middle tier, it will be fun, exciting while still giving any of the sides a chance to win. The top tier you are screwed the moment monday morning hits.
I had fun fights last night also, it just meant more map to try to retake. I think part of the problem is the scoring. I never look at, nor do I care about, the ‘score’. When I, or my guild, WvWVW, we look at the map and decide which zone needs the most help and go there. We (my guild) usually have between 6 and 12 in TS and looking for objectives to take, and we have a good time doing so. The points are irrelevant (especially since everything just resets after a set period of time anyway). I would really hate Anet making any changes that try to force balance to be honest. It’s just one more artificial restriction (like the population caps causing queues).
Lol wow, looks like its comeback time now that work week has begun.
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry
Servers that play against HoD will eventually stop investing time and money into WvW if the nightcapping continues. There is no point to invest so much when it’ll be taken away when everyone is sleeping or working.
They need to do something about HoD, period.
As it stands they are in a league of their own due to night capping while #2, #3 and #4 are fairly balanced and then everyone else is way below them.What will happen is #2 and #3 will always lose to HoD and #4 will always win vs #5 and #6 which willr esult in #4 moving up every week to lose to HoD only to have a new server fall back down to #4 to dominate #5 and #6. Week after week after week.
That assumes things will remain static and they wont. SBI is getting better all the time, they are a good server and I and many on my server respect their ability in WvW. They can certainly play at a similar level to HoD. Their coordination and siege tactics are almost at the same level, at the very least its on a higher level than the other 2-4 servers. ET also has a ton of potential as well, if AA was going at it harder i’m sure they could compete for first place easily as well, I know they have a ton of very good players and they are very good at siege, though the rest of their server, idk so much. But they know as well as I do they can’t do it all by themselves, just like titan can’t do it all by themselves.
HoD is ahead of the rest still, but the other servers in the top 3 are closing the gap pretty quickly. I know one thing that helps a lot on my server is the chat, there is a lot of communication going on and things not related t the battle are practically non existant. people call things out, respond quickly, and often the titan players will relay messages to the rest of us, telling the “militia” where they are needed etc. There is a lot of coordination and teamwork going on. That is something I think anyone who wants to compete for #1 is going to need to have.
You’ve never played on any server but HoD, right?
You still seem to think that it’s just HoDs ability to communicate and organize. You aren’t seeing what is right in front of you.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday – very close, exciting match.
Monday, Tuesday – everything has been capped by HoD, and they will soon take #1 in points.So you think that obviously, it’s because HoD has superior tactics and these other servers just aren’t on your level yet.
Open your eyes, buddy. HoD has excellent communication, organization, and strategy… but SO does SBI and ET. What HoD has that SBI and ET don’t have is 24/7 W3 participation.
That is right, I have never played on any server but henge. I played on Darkhaven in the beta, but since headstart release night I have been on Henge and never moved.
The weekend is an interesting topic and I can speak a little bit about it and what I observed. First the other two servers went at it hard, and we struggled to hold them off from their constant attacks on us, and little on each other the entire time. we went into 3rd place in points sure, but we hung in there and didn’t get “trounced”. Despite having for a lot of the time the other servers focusing virtually solely on us, because of the threat we pose. So what you have is 1 server that’s stuck only defending, us and 2 servers who rarely had to defend and were on the offensive virtually the entire time. You should be able to see how that would afect the score, if we are on defense the entire time then it’s hard to get higher points, because you need to actually have offensive in order to gain points, in our case we were holding what we had and losing/regaining things we had, all while having no orbs. which gave the other servers, who had them, sbi holding 2 and et holding 1, an advantage over us, because not only are they good competition without the orbs, it makes them even tougher to kill when they have those boosts.
Now to the weekdays, well MoP released last night, I’m sure a lot of the pug players of the game and heck maybe even a lot of the hardcore wvw crowd in the big guilds left the game to play that for a while. I’m sure we lost a ton of pugs to it as well. Also there is the fact that it’s the work/school week. many players on all of the servers are going to have less active periods for a lot of hours of the day simply because of this. Are we facing no opposition at night? not even close. But we are beating their night teams, which are NOT non existant, heck just last night i was in the battle for SBI’s orb in HoD Borderlands It took quite a long time and a lot of work, their defenders were tenacious but we overcame it eventually with a lot of great tactics. It was not a simple walkover.
Think that’s enough for this post, maybe I will say more if you reply.
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
Even when HoD was behind, we weren’t behind by that much. I think more than having a 24/7 presence, HoD does seige very well. They’re very good about building trebs, and they’re also very good at using them. But a problem HoD faces is that we get clogged up by people who should be PvEing instead of WvWvW during primetime. Because our server is so large, we have even more people that need to collect those vistas and POI’s.
I would love to see the data on server populations at each hour, because I don’t see proof that HoD is the only server with a NA night time presense.
During prime time HoD was neck and neck with both SBI and ET even though both servers were focusing them with the majority of their servers.
Heres some screen shots taken during last nights primetime, Please note the time stamps on my minimap….. it clearly shows a massive offensive by BOTH ET and SBI on HoD’s door step at garrison…. BOTH servers working to take the garrison which they didn’t even after HOURS of attacking.http://imageshack.us/a/img140/3526/gw068z.jpg
http://imageshack.us/a/img100/3343/gw074c.jpgAnd you have the nerve to jump in with comments about them not having skill? lol.
Time for a reality check.
If both T1 servers weren’t hell bent on HoD, and HoD had room to breath instead of having to defend 2 servers all day….. well things would be much much different. But thats neither here nor there, because thats the game. But heres the thing HoD is keeping pace during primetime PPT wise with two servers primarily focusing them…. some of you need to take your pride and put in your pockets and stop with the trash.
Its starting to stink. Win or lose its good pvp.
i was there at your map, at your garrison, and i can only say one thing… BOTH worlds wasnt together, they were against it other… that was pretty much the only reason why we could’nt take it.
even later, when we lost sunnyhills for some dumb reason, when we were going to take it back, ET start to attack our tower with crazy siege (4 trebs, 4 cats, all their zerg there)
and if you take a look at last night overall, HoD map was the only one with a good SBI force, ET was attacking us everywhere too, so dont come with the “2v1” to us… we suffer from it too, its the mechanic of the WvW
HoD got stomped while everyone was online over the weekend. Now that the adults are back to working they are making points back. Sounds like you have a lot of children/nighttime crew or jobless people on HoD. Friday – Sunday is the real match everything else is just for the teenagers and jobless to catch up. Either way not really something to be proud of. Considering that WvW is not a show of skill and individually most players are terrible.
I find it hilarious how angry you guys are at the fact that HoD is night capping if we have such a strong night presence that we just instacap everything at night how does that explain that we weren’t able to take anything during friday saturday and sunday? we have a strong night presence but I find it funny how this thread was made on the day we start winning.