HoD sweeping in WvW

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Trik.1039


As Henge of Denravi’s new herald of how awesome we are I am ready to prove it with this graph. You can’t argue with mathematics and science and this proves it so all you complainers can stop the tears any time now. Just give us your towers and supply camps and log out because we need the realm bonuses so we can complete Arah explorable mode.



HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: haderach.2410


Sigh. If you can’t even talk using facts then there is no basis for discourse. Ignored.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seikatsu.7150


So basically people whining because of night capping? Do you go to a war and tell the enemy “Hey! I’m going to sleep don’t attack me while then ok?!” Seriously,I like how alot of people whine about it. It’s not a flawed system,It’s called strategy,of course to some it may seem unfair but that is how war is,take advantage of the enemies weak spot.

Once you laugh at my jokes,you have my permission to cry. – Mad King Thorn

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: haderach.2410


Do you go to a war …

Just stop comparing this to actual war. It has been covered a 100 times all the numerous items and strategies missing that real war has to prevent or mitigate this exact problem.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


It’s not a flawed system,It’s called strategy,of course to some it may seem unfair but that is how war is,take advantage of the enemies weak spot.

You’re delusional. You’re not taking advantage of your enemies weak spot, you’re simply playing when you have people that want to play. There is no strategy, there is no secret plan. People of certain groups tend to want to play together, and as a result you have the largest Oceanic population of the NA servers.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Do you go to a war …

Just stop comparing this to actual war. It has been covered a 100 times all the numerous items and strategies missing that real war has to prevent or mitigate this exact problem.

And it’s not a war, it’s a game. Football is sometimes called a war, but it too is a game. And nobody would play that game if one side could score touchdowns while the other team was asleep.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Just to be quick…

1. HoD is not the 5th or 6th best server during prime time, they are easily just as good as SBI, with JQ and ET very close behind.

2. Obviously SBI/JQ/ET all have a very strong night presence…but that doesn’t mean HoD doesn’t still have 600 people on at night while the other servers have 400 or so.

3. There’s definitely less people playing in general now in WvW during the night solely because they cant match HoD’s numbers/skill during the early morning hours.

4. When HoD owns 8-9 fully upgraded keeps when people start logging in at 4pm its kinda hard to take them back.

5. Just fix the stupid outmanned buff so fights are actually fair at night.

6. ET/SBI/JQ fight pls.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rabinu.6423


HoD 4 or 5 … really ? lol We never was behind during prime time, expect this week since SB and ET clearly had the same objective, make us lose which is normal since we won every game since launch. And from what i know we were 15-20k behind since Friday we managed to get ahead in point after wow launch that it.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Aza.2105



HoD was behind from the time the match restart happened until after the weekend was over. Do you think that is no coincidence?

I’m not saying HoD is full of bad players, rather HoD has a ally no one else has. Sleep.
While everyone is sleeping they capture points. When everyone wakes up, not only do they have to deal with taking everything back that they worked hard for and had no way to defend. But they have to deal with a now buffed HoD.

I suppose its working as intended, but working as intended doesn’t mean its working well. The system is clearly flawed. If there was no night time pvp, chances are that HoD would still be in 3rd place.

And SB and ET aren’t working together, you are just using that as a excuse.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Razeo.2309


Well I’m from SBI, logged in last night around 12 midnight and the SBI BL and EB queues were instant (don’t know about the other 2 maps.) While I was roaming around both maps, /map chat wasn’t as “chatty”. So yea, night capping definitely played a big part in HoD’s comeback.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tango.7089


No one from HOD is saying the night capping doesn’t lead to our success. It is absolutely key to our success.

We are saying stop FKing crying about us playing 24/7 in a 24/7 battle…

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: eXplicit.8045


Just a few things before I start… First of all I am from HoD, I guess that alone is a major talking point in here and I’ll probably get flamed for it. I have been in every WvW map during all times of day/night, Yes I work a full time job, yes I still choose to occasionally play nights into mornings (11pm-3-4am).

Now, after reading through this very long 5 pages of excuses, complaints and walls of text… I noticed one pattern. Everybody seems to have a solution of their own to this problem but every single one of them involves a handicap. This is not going to be solved by penalties or anything of the sort. This is a war, it’s meant to be 24/7 and it’s meant to be a battle of endurance not spurts of power. Other servers NEED to have players on at late/early hours or it will never be balanced no matter what kind of rules are imposed or concepts changed. It’s as simple as that.

Secondly I want to mention that I was on last night in particular before and after the WvW maintenance. I played all 3 borderlands maps between about 1am – 4am and we were by no means a huge overwhelming force. We had 2 commanders on leading people. As soon as we saw swords on the map we sent backup there to defend. We had siege going up. We had resistance, but it seemed to lack leadership. I saw at least 3-4 different groups of guildless/pug SBI groups running around doing absolutely nothing to help defend instead just doing quick run in, attack, run back attacks on our smaller squads or taking a camp JUST to claim it then leaving it there with the supply full while our yaks run free unguarded even. ET put up a great fight even late into the night (up until the reset they were pushing us back from briar) and then it seemed like no one decided to log back in. Sounds a lot like giving up to me…

I don’t want to get into an argument, My point is that other servers should take it upon themselves (As TA has clearly done so well and everyone hates them for thinking of it first and getting it done) Is create a team that covers ALL aspects of WvW. No I don’t think ANet needs to change the concept or make new rules or limitations at all, I think we’re 2 months into game release it needs time to settle and level out and people need to organize instead of posting nonsense on forums because you don’t like the way something is going.


And just because I thought this was funny from last night:
“All our camps are full… too many supplies not enough siege to use it on #HoDProblems”

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

No one from HOD is saying the night capping doesn’t lead to our success. It is absolutely key to our success.

We are saying stop FKing crying about us playing 24/7 in a 24/7 battle…

A 24/7 battle where only one server has full occupancy at all hours and the rest are ghost towns at off hours.

Obviously the system is broken. You don’t want to admit it, but if it isn’t fixed then we will all lose and GW2 will be just another forgotten and failed PvP mmo in the dustbin of shame.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Uruu.3468


yawn, so much qq from ppl

as a player that have fought against and for hod

WvW has always been a 3 way realm vs realm 24/7 epic persistent on going battle. I am not sure why is night capping even looking downed upon at all, its intended that way and servers that have the organization to have presence 24/7 should be top, and not punished. Having 24/7 coverage is actually THE best strat any server can and should aim for.

I am sure i cannot be the only one that came from other 24/7 pvp games, where 24/7 camping and griefing occurs, really? would anyone complain that you should only be allow to pvp during your own ‘peak hours?’, ‘pls only pvp me and my guild when i can be online of my choosing’

Also, all of this oceanianic/ asian guilds show up off NA peak hours, i have zero queque time during off peak hours on HOD on all borderline maps on any giving day. Yes, you got it, instant queques.

There is NO magical time where NA must log off, i, as an NA player go take a nap after dinner, put on an alarm clock and wake up early or middle of the night to get my fix of wvw in to help out my server (on all the servers i have been in), i should not be punished for doing that. I do this cuz i want to give bigger organized guilds groups shorter queque time and get in their guild groups in easier during peak hours.

I have logged in to wvw at many off peak weird hours, 2am, 4am, 6am, (pst), not once have i logged in and feel, wow i am a zerg, theres no one to fight at all, there are plenty of off peak presence from many other servers. Whether or not they were organized is another matter. There are plenty of times where i actually feel outnumbered playing on off peak hours on Hod.

There are plenty of non casual NA gamers that have np staying up late or waking out early if they are serious about winning. And win or lose, it can still be a great fight. WvW is never meant to be a serious balanced pvp, there are plenty of other ways to get that in gw2 if thats what you prefer 8v8, 5v5 on your peak hour of choosing.
I feel ashamed to be represented by other NA players that feel overnight presence in a 24/7 WvW is somehow bad. If that’s a server’s weakness, that’s what that server should work on first. On a even more serious note, how is any oceanianic / asian guild suppose to want to go to your server if all they see is qq on forums how they do not want to have any overnight presence and that somehow they are worth less since they don’t play on your peak hours. -.-

NA peak hours aren’t some magical hour, there’s at least a 5 hour difference coast to coast, there are plenty of NA player in non NA guilds and international players in NA guilds also, it is sooo narrow minded to think and limit yourself that way.

Complaining about ppl capping when you aren’t around is like complaining other ppl have better gear than you, so you should just not let ppl have gear in wvw? no, you get better gear. Low overnight organization?, get organized, take shifts in your wvw play.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


Transfer to the low population servers permanently, then say night capping is alright.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vehementi.1094


No one from HOD is saying the night capping doesn’t lead to our success. It is absolutely key to our success.

We are saying stop FKing crying about us playing 24/7 in a 24/7 battle…

A 24/7 battle where only one server has full occupancy at all hours and the rest are ghost towns at off hours.

Obviously the system is broken. You don’t want to admit it, but if it isn’t fixed then we will all lose and GW2 will be just another forgotten and failed PvP mmo in the dustbin of shame.

You can leave if you want, the stronger players and servers will get organized and learn to deal with the way the game is meant to be played. Instead of just giving up because it is “unfair”

This is FKING WAR!!!!!

It’s not war and there’s no such thing as getting organized and “dealing with it” when it’s a population issue. When there’s a super awesome enemy commander that always seems to zerg you, but both servers have max players, then that is something you can deal with.

Other PVP games (darkfall, shadowbane, …) made the same mistake of ignoring the effects of time zones, and they learned from their mistakes and implemented systems to deal with it. When will GW2?

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tango.7089


No one from HOD is saying the night capping doesn’t lead to our success. It is absolutely key to our success.

We are saying stop FKing crying about us playing 24/7 in a 24/7 battle…

A 24/7 battle where only one server has full occupancy at all hours and the rest are ghost towns at off hours.

Obviously the system is broken. You don’t want to admit it, but if it isn’t fixed then we will all lose and GW2 will be just another forgotten and failed PvP mmo in the dustbin of shame.

You can leave if you want, the stronger players and servers will get organized and learn to deal with the way the game is meant to be played. Instead of just giving up because it is “unfair”

This is FKING WAR!!!!!

It’s not war and there’s no such thing as getting organized and “dealing with it” when it’s a population issue. When there’s a super awesome enemy commander that always seems to zerg you, but both servers have max players, then that is something you can deal with.

Other PVP games (darkfall, shadowbane, …) made the same mistake of ignoring the effects of time zones, and they learned from their mistakes and implemented systems to deal with it. When will GW2?

When the tears fill up the tear pool out back and they can have tear pool parties. Then they will fix it for the little babies.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Deboog.1847


That is INCREDIBLY EVEN. Last week, Eredon had EVERY SINGLE point capped at one point, and the points were something like 300,000 50,000 50,000. This isn’t even bad. Quit whining that you are losing by a little bit.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: BleedOrange.6073


SBI/JQ/ET match needs to happen. HoD can play by themselves and fight NPC’s ‘cause that’s what they’re doing anyway.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mog.1589


$50 says the standings would be very very different if ALL servers fielded relatively equal numbers at all times of the day.

If the above could be true things would be very different, then it would come down to what guilds were skilled, what were not, who was organized etc… This is the goal A.Net needs to work towards, no matter what and no matter what has to be done to reach it. Until such a time that this goal is reached, which server has the better population at all times of the day will be the winning server in any given match up.

Now if we had match ups between servers with similar or same pops at all times of the day then this could be disregarded, however we currently do not have this.

[LGN] Legion For We Are Many – a Blackgate guild

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: BleedOrange.6073


Quoting this from GW2Guru because it makes too much sense not to:

The general consensus we hear from the community and the other hardcore old school pvp guilds is a general lack of respect for HoD because they rely on their late morning / day presence to claim victory, server resets at patch time favoring HoD, and taking advantage of WvWvW bugs/glitches then bragging about how great they are. Even more laughable is by far the largest chest thumpers you see in this thread are the non NA HoD players who think they have accomplished something by running up the score during NA weekdays with little or no opposition.

Then you sprinkle in all the excuses from HoD, when getting pushed hardcore by SBI/ET over the weekend, such as, and these are direct quotes we’ve read “we are all playing borderland 2 / torchlight 2 this weekend” “a few good non TA guilds left HoD so all we have left is the militia coattail riding players”, “the WvW server reset was a hour late preventing us from queuing as a group/guild.”, " ET/SBI is ganging up on us" etc and I could go on with more excuses from HoD.

Bottom line is a lot of us who date back pre Shadowbane to UO etc laugh at what HoD has needed to do to secure wins every match. It’s like they are the Brittany Spears of GW2.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tango.7089


$50 says the standings would be very very different if ALL servers fielded relatively equal numbers at all times of the day.

If the above could be true things would be very different, then it would come down to what guilds were skilled, what were not, who was organized etc… This is the goal A.Net needs to work towards, no matter what and no matter what has to be done to reach it. Until such a time that this goal is reached, which server has the better population at all times of the day will be the winning server in any given match up.

Now if we had match ups between servers with similar or same pops at all times of the day then this could be disregarded, however we currently do not have this.

Absolutely agree, once again, no one is saying late night caps do not lead to our success.


This is the game, this is the strategy.

You think organizing guilds to have 24/7 coverage is not skill based? If it takes no skill then why dont you guys do it???

Stop complaining about how you don’t have anyone on at night and organize some guilds together like the Titan Alliance has done. Then perhaps you can get some crews fighting at night and dont have to waste so much time and energy crying like babies.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


That is INCREDIBLY EVEN. Last week, Eredon had EVERY SINGLE point capped at one point, and the points were something like 300,000 50,000 50,000. This isn’t even bad. Quit whining that you are losing by a little bit.

We’re half way through the week and HoD over came a 30K deficit in a matter of a day and a half to pull into the lead.
It looks even now with HoD just pulling into the lead, but at this point they should be roughly 100K ahead by next reset.

And we are “whining” about a problem that effects every server with only a couple servers having the benefits (HoD and Frances server Vizunah Square).
This is something that needs to be addressed as every single WvW player on every single server except for those 2 are effected negatively.

Read the EU WvW forums. There are people there complaining about the french Canadians and their presence during off hours just as we are complaining about the oceanic population.

It is a game wide problem, and a problem that effects the vast majority of the player base is a problem that needs to be fixed.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

$50 says the standings would be very very different if ALL servers fielded relatively equal numbers at all times of the day.

If the above could be true things would be very different, then it would come down to what guilds were skilled, what were not, who was organized etc… This is the goal A.Net needs to work towards, no matter what and no matter what has to be done to reach it. Until such a time that this goal is reached, which server has the better population at all times of the day will be the winning server in any given match up.

Now if we had match ups between servers with similar or same pops at all times of the day then this could be disregarded, however we currently do not have this.

Absolutely agree, once again, no one is saying late night caps do not lead to our success.


This is the game, this is the strategy.

You think organizing guilds to have 24/7 coverage is not skill based? If it takes no skill then why dont you guys do it???

Stop complaining about how you don’t have anyone on at night and organize some guilds together like the Titan Alliance has done. Then perhaps you can get some crews fighting at night and dont have to waste so much time and energy crying like babies.

Lol, so sad. So you are admitting you are a no skill zerg server. Thanks for being honest.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tango.7089


Yes exactly, the part about organizing several large guilds under one alliance takes no skill. That’s why everyone is doing it right?

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: agripa.7319


Quoting this from GW2Guru because it makes too much sense not to:

The general consensus we hear from the community and the other hardcore old school pvp guilds is a general lack of respect for HoD because they rely on their late morning / day presence to claim victory, server resets at patch time favoring HoD, and taking advantage of WvWvW bugs/glitches then bragging about how great they are. Even more laughable is by far the largest chest thumpers you see in this thread are the non NA HoD players who think they have accomplished something by running up the score during NA weekdays with little or no opposition.

Then you sprinkle in all the excuses from HoD, when getting pushed hardcore by SBI/ET over the weekend, such as, and these are direct quotes we’ve read “we are all playing borderland 2 / torchlight 2 this weekend” “a few good non TA guilds left HoD so all we have left is the militia coattail riding players”, “the WvW server reset was a hour late preventing us from queuing as a group/guild.”, " ET/SBI is ganging up on us" etc and I could go on with more excuses from HoD.

Bottom line is a lot of us who date back pre Shadowbane to UO etc laugh at what HoD has needed to do to secure wins every match. It’s like they are the Brittany Spears of GW2.

There are plenty of guilds on HoD that have been around since UO. Your arguments are invalid.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tango.7089


The fact is people are crying because they are losing and blaming HOD for playing the game AS IT IS MEANT TO BE PLAYED! 24/7 means 24 hours a day, 7 days a week not just when you are online and able to play.

Deal with it, stop the tears, shut your mouths, and then figure out how to do it yourselves.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Quoting this from GW2Guru because it makes too much sense not to:

The general consensus we hear from the community and the other hardcore old school pvp guilds is a general lack of respect for HoD because they rely on their late morning / day presence to claim victory, server resets at patch time favoring HoD, and taking advantage of WvWvW bugs/glitches then bragging about how great they are. Even more laughable is by far the largest chest thumpers you see in this thread are the non NA HoD players who think they have accomplished something by running up the score during NA weekdays with little or no opposition.

Then you sprinkle in all the excuses from HoD, when getting pushed hardcore by SBI/ET over the weekend, such as, and these are direct quotes we’ve read “we are all playing borderland 2 / torchlight 2 this weekend” “a few good non TA guilds left HoD so all we have left is the militia coattail riding players”, “the WvW server reset was a hour late preventing us from queuing as a group/guild.”, " ET/SBI is ganging up on us" etc and I could go on with more excuses from HoD.

Bottom line is a lot of us who date back pre Shadowbane to UO etc laugh at what HoD has needed to do to secure wins every match. It’s like they are the Brittany Spears of GW2.

There are plenty of guilds on HoD that have been around since UO. Your arguments are invalid.

The only argument that matters is that HoD loses during primetime and wins with an unopposed nite cap crew. Those facts have formed the playerbase’s opinion of you. You could change that, but you wont’.

What really is interesting to me is how you can sit in those extremely long queues. I couldn’t stand that. I prefer to actually PvP than to be in a 7 hour queue. But to each his own.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zanther Deathbringer.4762

Zanther Deathbringer.4762

Yes exactly, the part about organizing several large guilds under one alliance takes no skill. That’s why everyone is doing it right?

Actually, we we’re doing so. We were doing it for 4 days on SBI which explains why you were in last place. Unfortunately, we had to sleep at some point.

Want to know how much skill is involved with organizing people?

GMOTD: “Log on at this time to do this”

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zanther Deathbringer.4762

Zanther Deathbringer.4762

The fact is people are crying because they are losing and blaming HOD for playing the game AS IT IS MEANT TO BE PLAYED! 24/7 means 24 hours a day, 7 days a week not just when you are online and able to play.

Deal with it, stop the tears, shut your mouths, and then figure out how to do it yourselves.

Figure out how to call out of work/school/life and stay up all night?

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


People saying you should “grow” or “create” or whatever 24/7 coverage are being incredibly smug.

Bringing up with HoD setup prior to the game’s release has little to zero reference on today’s picture:

1. Servers aren’t always easy to transfer to. For example a server with good population over all may read out as Full during the morning hours. Just because the server is full doesn’t imply it has a good WvW presence during those times. Many of the servers that are full currently (at 7:30pm EST) were full also this morning at 7am when I checked. If I ever felt the desire to move to the Far Shiverpeaks server and battle during my prime time for the Euros it’s simply not possible because it’s listed as full most of the time.

2. Even if you do manage to find one of the non full servers, there are NUMEROUS servers who all want Oceanic/Euro players to cover the off hours. There’s a real competition trying to attract those players currently.

3. Worse still, many of those existing players already play on other servers. For example SoS and IoJ is infamous for having numerous off hour players. These large groups are already established on their servers and have no interest in moving.

4. Guilds lose any and all Influence upon transferring. Not only do they risk not getting everyone on over (because of the “Full” cap) but in addition they end up losing their Guild bonuses and Influence.

These factors are all out of the players’ hands. Trying to imply the players can do anything about “night capping” is simply misleading and smug.

People ultimately want competition. No one is going to keep trying to compete in an environment with a foregone conclusion (IE: Who has better morning coverage). Players will never work that out and it’s ultimately up to the developers to make that happen. If they refuse then the people who are looking for competition will go elsewhere and let people know what kind of game GW2 is. Maybe ANet won’t care, that’s up to them in the end. Kinda up to them if they decide to not have a competitive game or not.

Kodiak X – Blackgate

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mog.1589


$50 says the standings would be very very different if ALL servers fielded relatively equal numbers at all times of the day.

If the above could be true things would be very different, then it would come down to what guilds were skilled, what were not, who was organized etc… This is the goal A.Net needs to work towards, no matter what and no matter what has to be done to reach it. Until such a time that this goal is reached, which server has the better population at all times of the day will be the winning server in any given match up.

Now if we had match ups between servers with similar or same pops at all times of the day then this could be disregarded, however we currently do not have this.

Absolutely agree, once again, no one is saying late night caps do not lead to our success.


This is the game, this is the strategy.

You think organizing guilds to have 24/7 coverage is not skill based? If it takes no skill then why dont you guys do it???

Stop complaining about how you don’t have anyone on at night and organize some guilds together like the Titan Alliance has done. Then perhaps you can get some crews fighting at night and dont have to waste so much time and energy crying like babies.

You clearly did not understand my post at all. I was saying exactly what you are saying. However at the same time I am saying that it should not be this way at all and that A.Net needs to somehow fix it so each server is on a somewhat equal footing in terms of population balance.

Or at the very least match up the servers correctly based off population data.

[LGN] Legion For We Are Many – a Blackgate guild

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Razeo.2309


I don’t care what anyone says “The proof is in the pudding.” as far as the WvW numbers go. You don’t go from being 20k+ pts behind and having nearly no orbs through the entire weekend to having all 3 orbs and being ahead of SBI in points in a little over a day through just having “better communication”. Sorry HoD’ers, but not everyone is that dense.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


The fact is people are crying because they are losing and blaming HOD for playing the game AS IT IS MEANT TO BE PLAYED! 24/7 means 24 hours a day, 7 days a week not just when you are online and able to play.

You do realize that you are saying that 50 out of 51 servers aren’t playing the game as it’s suppose to be played, right?
If you want to talk about 24/7 population, HoD is the ONLY server out of 51 that has a queue for at least one of the WvW areas at all times of the day.
That means you are the ONLY server that is playing the game how it is suppose to be played. The “way the game is suppose to be played” is flawed greatly if less then 2% of the servers are able to play that way.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Isomyr.6319


You’re delusional. You’re not taking advantage of your enemies weak spot, you’re simply playing when you have people that want to play. There is no strategy, there is no secret plan. People of certain groups tend to want to play together, and as a result you have the largest Oceanic population of the NA servers.

This is simply not true, both SBI and ET have larger oceanic populations than HoD, look at the rosters for Ascension Alliance oceanic guilds and the size of Warmachine / Evil for SBI and then compare them to the size of the HoD Oceanics.

HoD does however have far more W3 focussed players in these timezones.

I would love to see some graphs of queue size vs concurrent population on each of the servers as it would highlight this further.

I suggest that ET focus on getting their people into W3 as opposed to PvE, as for SBI yes you are lacking coverage for around 2 hours between US west coast logging off and WM / Evil logging on, if you can get they covered then you will be fine as I can assure you that your SEA guilds are brutal opposition and certainly have the numbers.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sinisgood.7520


You must give up your jobs, your families, your lives! Fight for the server, glory to Eredon Terrace!

lol jk, WvW is fine, everyone is just mad that they aren’t getting the delicious ichigo off of the keikii. I guess this is subete wa keikaku doori.

That being said, why is HoD so bad at jumping puzzles? Gotta zerg it with 15+ just to fend off a warrior and a mesmer? Also, EB was a ton of fun last night/this morning (PST) getting our territory back.

Why do people get so mad over video games, anyways?

Blum Chugga – Supreme Weaboo of Eredon Terrace
— [Tewi] is Mai Waifu --

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zahdane.4029


Really the NA members of HoD have nothing to do with the imbalance.
It’s not their fault that the Oceanic servers don’t want any challenge and choose to all play on the same server.

Some people like pvp and some people like to break down doors without opposition.
To each their own I guess.

Zahzah – Stormbluff Isle
Asura Engineer

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Brome.7036


I don’t care what anyone says “The proof is in the pudding.” as far as the WvW numbers go. You don’t go from being 20k+ pts behind and having nearly no orbs through the entire weekend to having all 3 orbs and being ahead of SBI in points in a little over a day through just having “better communication”. Sorry HoD’ers, but not everyone is that dense.

Yes you do. TA could not get their players on during the 9 hour ques all weekend. Our guild had 100 people online QUEING on Friday reset. Guess how many got on? 13

Beat us tonight.

AA moved so they could get their alliance in without the Ques, now they cry because not enough people.

Do you not see the irony here?


Don’t make it HOD’s problem that your server is scared to fight us at night!
Hell you have WM, and you are still complaining!

Tears, oh tears.

I have gained A ton of respect for RUIN. Of all the guild, they are the most fierce by a mile. When they lose they come back. I really hope they stay because to be honest WvW needs them.

(edited by Brome.7036)

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lollie.5816


Really the NA members of HoD have nothing to do with the imbalance.
It’s not their fault that the Oceanic servers don’t want any challenge and choose to all play on the same server.

Some people like pvp and some people like to break down doors without opposition.
To each their own I guess.

Oceanics don’t all play on the same server though. They just probably don’t want to play on YOUR server because of gim.p comments like that.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: TheBob.9863


LMAO last comment in this or any WvW thread.

HoD was getting owned and in a DISTANT thrid place for basically 3 days. SBI had the lead and extended that lead for all of those 3 days.

Then miraculously on Sunday night HoD suddenly takes over the whole world. Funny how that happened. SBI went from having queues on every map just about for 55 hours or so to having instant access to any map they wanted.

People can talk about double teaming or ganging up or any sort of nonsense theywant to. Point is when SBI had numbers close to what the other servers had it wasnt even a contest.

SB was fighting a 2 front attack all wekend as well, there was NO ganging up on HoD WITH ET that is just stupid. We had stonemist and we were trebbing ANY tower or people we could reach regardless. We were also semi-simultaneously pushing at Klovan as well as AP towers. While also dancing around Umber supply camp and guarding other supply camps for the 5 minute ninja squads looking to ‘steal’ points.

All this ‘we are the best and most skilled’ talk is just complete nonsesne. Its called proof by inspection. HoD got destroyed all weekend, not even a factor basically. Then just as I predicted Come early Monday morning they come to and take everything and what was once a 35K or so SBI lead, will by the time resets happen probably be a 20-30K SBI deficit.

WvW is horribly broken, from the scoring system to the population dynamics. Considering there are so many full worlds in terms of over ll players an no one willing to play WvW it shows what the general population thinks of it.

That’s why I am done debating and discussing it, it isnt worth it. If it isnt fixed then I will play alts or stop playing the game since the game doesnt offer a whole lot beyond WvW in terms of long term playability.

for what was supposed to be some epic genre changing release it has really been nothing but disappointment after disappointment. With the ultimate disappointment the whole WvW fiasco.

Best post in this thread that I fully agree with, it’s sad to see there are people still thinking that a server that loses the entire weekend magically just outplays everyone during normal week days and just gets 90% of the map due to sheer skill, people with this kind of mind set do not deserve the time of day.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zanther Deathbringer.4762

Zanther Deathbringer.4762

I don’t care what anyone says “The proof is in the pudding.” as far as the WvW numbers go. You don’t go from being 20k+ pts behind and having nearly no orbs through the entire weekend to having all 3 orbs and being ahead of SBI in points in a little over a day through just having “better communication”. Sorry HoD’ers, but not everyone is that dense.

Yes you do. TA could not get their players on during the 9 hour ques all weekend. Our guild had 100 people online QUEING on Friday reset. Guess how many got on? 13

Beat us tonight.

AA moved so they could get their alliance in without the Ques, now they cry because not enough people.

Do you not see the irony here?


Don’t make it HOD’s problem that your server is scared to fight us at night!
Hell you have WM, and you are still complaining!

Tears, oh tears.

I have gained A ton of respect for RUIN. Of all the guild, they are the most fierce by a mile. When they lose they come back. I really hope they stay because to be honest WvW needs them.

Considering the amount of rage coming from all the message boards and in game, I give anet a few weeks before they start throwing in mechanics to assist with this sort of thing.

I cant wait for the tears to come during that time.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vehementi.1094


Quoting this from GW2Guru because it makes too much sense not to:

The general consensus we hear from the community and the other hardcore old school pvp guilds is a general lack of respect for HoD because they rely on their late morning / day presence to claim victory, server resets at patch time favoring HoD, and taking advantage of WvWvW bugs/glitches then bragging about how great they are. Even more laughable is by far the largest chest thumpers you see in this thread are the non NA HoD players who think they have accomplished something by running up the score during NA weekdays with little or no opposition.

Then you sprinkle in all the excuses from HoD, when getting pushed hardcore by SBI/ET over the weekend, such as, and these are direct quotes we’ve read “we are all playing borderland 2 / torchlight 2 this weekend” “a few good non TA guilds left HoD so all we have left is the militia coattail riding players”, “the WvW server reset was a hour late preventing us from queuing as a group/guild.”, " ET/SBI is ganging up on us" etc and I could go on with more excuses from HoD.

Bottom line is a lot of us who date back pre Shadowbane to UO etc laugh at what HoD has needed to do to secure wins every match. It’s like they are the Brittany Spears of GW2.

The only argument that matters is that HoD loses during primetime and wins with an unopposed nite cap crew. Those facts have formed the playerbase’s opinion of you. You could change that, but you wont’.

What really is interesting to me is how you can sit in those extremely long queues. I couldn’t stand that. I prefer to actually PvP than to be in a 7 hour queue. But to each his own.

/thread really

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ald.9418


Astonishes me how some people cannot see how having all the Oceanic players crammed on 1 or 2 NA servers is absolutely terrible big picture wise.

If people can’t see this is hurting WvW and GW2’s longevity, then i don’t know what to tell you.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lollie.5816


I’m oceanic and I’m getting angry that you can’t see when we’re asleep you’re capping us during our off hours, which is unfair according to your logic. Would you prefer that we aren’t allowed to play at all? Maybe NA players need to be handicapped during our sleeping hours.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zahdane.4029


Really the NA members of HoD have nothing to do with the imbalance.
It’s not their fault that the Oceanic servers don’t want any challenge and choose to all play on the same server.

Some people like pvp and some people like to break down doors without opposition.
To each their own I guess.

Oceanics don’t all play on the same server though. They just probably don’t want to play on YOUR server because of gim.p comments like that.

What are you 10 years old?
When a server has zero resistance at night time that generally implies that most if not all of the pvp oceanic guilds are on their server.

Zahzah – Stormbluff Isle
Asura Engineer

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


Does not matter if its my peak hours or not. Bottom line is Friday-Sunday people can stay up all night (LARGE MAJORITY) Americans included and pvp. An when that happens you got steamrolled and your population advantage with a huge showing from 10pm-7am was meaningless cause your not allowed that handicap when people stay up. So you want to brag and showboat then maybe you should accomplish something of value instead of get beat down for the entire weekend when majority of the entire population of the people who purchased the game can play. If you lose when most people are playing then your bad. If you win when most people are offline then your bad. No self respecting good player …hell even “Average” player would ever claim to be good when they cannot even win when competition is at it’s highest peak. That’s just for people who need a reality check it that most likely has something to do with the hours they are playing. (Bad job, Very few Responsibility’s, Unemployed, etc)

quoted for F-ing truth lol. this is what was funniest of all, when everybody had full queues and everybody was playing.. hendge was last place, but when people log off, and they dont have to play vs anything but nps guards, they take the lead lol.

ALSO. i would like to add this quoted quality post as well, because they both lay it down quite well

Quoting this from GW2Guru because it makes too much sense not to:

The general consensus we hear from the community and the other hardcore old school pvp guilds is a general lack of respect for HoD because they rely on their late morning / day presence to claim victory, server resets at patch time favoring HoD, and taking advantage of WvWvW bugs/glitches then bragging about how great they are. Even more laughable is by far the largest chest thumpers you see in this thread are the non NA HoD players who think they have accomplished something by running up the score during NA weekdays with little or no opposition.

Then you sprinkle in all the excuses from HoD, when getting pushed hardcore by SBI/ET over the weekend, such as, and these are direct quotes we’ve read “we are all playing borderland 2 / torchlight 2 this weekend” “a few good non TA guilds left HoD so all we have left is the militia coattail riding players”, “the WvW server reset was a hour late preventing us from queuing as a group/guild.”, " ET/SBI is ganging up on us" etc and I could go on with more excuses from HoD.

Bottom line is a lot of us who date back pre Shadowbane to UO etc laugh at what HoD has needed to do to secure wins every match. It’s like they are the Brittany Spears of GW2.

The only argument that matters is that HoD loses during primetime and wins with an unopposed nite cap crew. Those facts have formed the playerbase’s opinion of you. You could change that, but you wont’.

What really is interesting to me is how you can sit in those extremely long queues. I couldn’t stand that. I prefer to actually PvP than to be in a 7 hour queue. But to each his own

this is basically the way HoD wins every time…. yes they have good guilds and good players, but honestly, during the prime times, we see them fall down so much, that its just clear how they get the point lead so easy.

(edited by Moderator)

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Derek.9254


^lol thats what most NA players fail to see its quite dumb.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lollie.5816


It’s kitten rude. These people calling for nerfs during our only peak hours need to go get an education. THE WORLD IS ROUND – DEAL WITH IT.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


It’s kitten rude. These people calling for nerfs during our only peak hours need to go get an education. THE WORLD IS ROUND – DEAL WITH IT.

the world is round, the problem is not NA and its not oceanic…. its when only 1 server has the majority of both on it. because we know there are lots of NA servers, and there are some pure oceanic with some sprinkled NA… and then there is 1 server with the majority of both.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lollie.5816


It’s kitten rude. These people calling for nerfs during our only peak hours need to go get an education. THE WORLD IS ROUND – DEAL WITH IT.

the world is round, the problem is not NA and its not oceanic…. its when only 1 server has the majority of both on it. because we know there are lots of NA servers, and there are some pure oceanic with some sprinkled NA… and then there is 1 server with the majority of both.

You can’t make people play where they don’t want to play. People go where they want to go.

If you nerf NA offhours then you’ll also have to nerf Oceanic offhours (imagine how that would go down with NA). I’m sure the main Oceanic servers would appreciate that, yet you don’t see them endlessly kittening about that stuff.

(edited by lollie.5816)