HoD vs JQ vs ET

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


New match-up, scores, discussions etc.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Setch.2398


I assume since HoD lost TA we will no longer be a threat to any server. It was fun while it lasted though for sure.

SOR – [Boss]

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Faeldan.8296


Where did TA go to?

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: rndmize.9274


I suspect HoD will be only slightly weaker and remain the server to beat for some time. It won’t really be possible to tell until Tuesday though.

Jade Quarry | Feign Disorder | Guardian
Interested in discussing WvW strategy? Contact me in-game.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: willwill.9318


lol TA is still on hod, but hey early excuses for possible losses nothing new

www.the-darkhand.com <DDH>

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: CarelessKrow.8032


I assume since HoD lost TA we will no longer be a threat to any server. It was fun while it lasted though for sure.

Are you serious?

Some guy posts that TA disbands and people just give up? The people are all there. Titan Alliance is just a name. Why should that prevent you from playing the game like always?

Look at Kaineng as a server. I constantly see posts about how much fun they have despite being in absolute last place. Those guys don’t give up. Neither should you.

[AoS] Army of Shepherds | Jade Quarry
That thief shooting rainbows at you? That’s me.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Setch.2398


I am not giving up. I will always have fun in wvw. I am just saying that without TA we are no longer the powerhouse. I will still have fun

SOR – [Boss]

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


I predict HoD to come in 2nd place this week. JQ has really stepped up their game and HoD has lost some of its organization/morale . Unless ET has gotten several new euro/oceanic guilds, I don’t think they’ll be able to compete with the JQ/HoD night crews past the weekend, just like last time they were in tier 1.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Boxen.3094


Someone forgot to tell PRX they don’t play anymore.

Officer in [RUIN] – Desolation

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Setch.2398


Not ALL guilds from TA left. It’s just that The Titan Alliance is no more. It was evident lastnight when there wasn’t a queue for anything and we had the outmanned buff. I am not begrudging any server anything. I remember fighting other servers with that buff.

SOR – [Boss]

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: TastyBeverage.1958


why did the alliance break up? Found that they were arguing more and more? Did one guild constantly see other people and make the others jealous?

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: willwill.9318


nice work JQ in your own borderland obsessing over the orb while HOD just backdoors you over and over… gg

www.the-darkhand.com <DDH>

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: rndmize.9274


Those that have questions about TA can find most of the info here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Titan-Alliance/first

Hopefully this lets us keep the thread mostly on track.

Jade Quarry | Feign Disorder | Guardian
Interested in discussing WvW strategy? Contact me in-game.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


Three hours after the reset !


HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Zierk.4289


anyone else getting endless loading screens when WPing to your BL entrance? i posted an additional thread about it. It’s getting a lot of JQ players in green BL tonight.

Zierk [VA] Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
Vigiliant Addiction – Multi-Gaming Community

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: OzK.7189


Three hours after the reset !

Lies, we have 3 orbs.


HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


anyone else getting endless loading screens when WPing to your BL entrance? i posted an additional thread about it. It’s getting a lot of JQ players in green BL tonight.

Yeah I got it, and I know a lot of people got it too.

Three hours after the reset !

Lies, we have 3 orbs.

Wow, nice, we’re doing good ! Looks like my screen is bugged, I only see two.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


If JQQ in fact got all those transfers theyll probably win this week. ET will be lucky to hit triple digits.

But JQ doing well and even winning will basically prove that ‘skill’ doesnt mater, JQQ didnt magically get better they simply got a bunch of people to play during the times they had empty maps before. But JQQ gain is another servers loss to be sure.

That doesnt make it ‘right’ but what can you do in a flawed system?

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


If JQQ in fact got all those transfers theyll probably win this week. ET will be lucky to hit triple digits.

But JQ doing well and even winning will basically prove that ‘skill’ doesnt mater, JQQ didnt magically get better they simply got a bunch of people to play during the times they had empty maps before. But JQQ gain is another servers loss to be sure.

That doesnt make it ‘right’ but what can you do in a flawed system?

I can tell you that the guilds I see on JQ are the same that were here two and three weeks ago, and the queues are the same. So I think those transfers are not even true, maybe a guild or two transferred over to JQ, but I don’t see any difference.

I think that we are winning (I said winning, as for now, and not won) and playing better because our community grew, we got to know each others, commanders are coordinating with other commanders, two or three guilds are merging into one, etc.

I know a lot of people hate us, but you can’t forget that JQ has #1 in mind since day one, and we are all working together to get it.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Fateless.6985


Seems like a lot of HoD members are upset that they lost their meal ticket. As it stands, JQ has been getting better and better, while HoD has been getting worse and worse (going by the Anet stats). With the so called “disbandment” of Titan Alliance because they “conquered” the game and were the BEST ALLIANCE FOR A WHOLE MONTH AND A HALF, obviously HoD stands no chance against JQ anymore.

I mean seriously, who brags to have conquered the game after just over a month, when your win differential is less and less every match up, and this last week you won by a mere 25k?

As far as I’m concerned, JQ has grown the most out of any of the top tier servers, they have stepped up their game and coordinated as a community. This is showing in their results, and they deserve to be #1.

As for you people laughing about them obsessing about the orbs… looks like they have all 3 now, and have a large lead now. Good job on those back-doors.

Phantasmal Fate
Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts (MMAC)

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


you wont see the guilds who transferred now, they are the ones filling you up during the day during the week, you guys were just as empty as SBI was during the off times, but if those guilds came in and filled that gap you’ll win. That is how it goes. Its a total numbers game dont fool yourselves that you are getting better, there is only so much improvement you can make in a game that is set up like this one. It all comes down to the ability to throw as many bodies out there 24/7 that you can, if you cant it doesnt matter how good you are you wont compete in the long run. But if you can then you can be competitive.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Fateless.6985


Rodarin, our server has received next to zero new guilds transferring is. As it stands, our community has banded together and coordinated our WvW efforts so that we aren’t all fighting over queue times at peak hour. Instead, we have some guilds who play during the day, some at night.

Its called being a good server. You treat your fellow guilds with respect. You coordinate with them as if you are all extensions of the same body.

Is it about having people in WvW at all hours? Yes.

The difference is having people that work as a team. People that respect each other and have one another’s backs.

Jade Quarry has this.

Does your server?

Phantasmal Fate
Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts (MMAC)

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: CarelessKrow.8032


you wont see the guilds who transferred now, they are the ones filling you up during the day during the week, you guys were just as empty as SBI was during the off times, but if those guilds came in and filled that gap you’ll win. That is how it goes. Its a total numbers game dont fool yourselves that you are getting better, there is only so much improvement you can make in a game that is set up like this one. It all comes down to the ability to throw as many bodies out there 24/7 that you can, if you cant it doesnt matter how good you are you wont compete in the long run. But if you can then you can be competitive.

1. All the top servers are quite numbered even during off-hours. Your numbers argument is kinda invalid. It might be true for tier 2 matchups, but definitely not tier 1 servers. We’ve been actively getting of our community into lower timeslots and I’m pretty sure the other servers are doing the same.
2. Why would Titan Alliance guilds transfer to Jade Quarry of all servers? Last I checked, we’re pretty full. And I highly doubt they’d get full guilds in even in off-hours.
3. Numbers =/= win. Organized groups win. Communication wins. Not random masses of numbers. Our server constantly has a consistent number of people on teamspeak.

Go fight for your server and stop hanging out on the forums misspelling “JQ” as “JQQ”. Not only are you being disrespectful, it makes you and your server look bad. This isn’t the place to whine and complain about your opponents.

[AoS] Army of Shepherds | Jade Quarry
That thief shooting rainbows at you? That’s me.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Troop.1369


Rodarin, our server has received next to zero new guilds transferring is. As it stands, our community has banded together and coordinated our WvW efforts so that we aren’t all fighting over queue times at peak hour. Instead, we have some guilds who play during the day, some at night.

Its called being a good server. You treat your fellow guilds with respect. You coordinate with them as if you are all extensions of the same body.

Is it about having people in WvW at all hours? Yes.

The difference is having people that work as a team. People that respect each other and have one another’s backs.

Jade Quarry has this.

Does your server?

Amen to that.

Black Talons – We make you nervous.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: shortcake.8659


I hope JQ wins because Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts is my favorite guild name ever

some terrible idiot in [pre]

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Limulus.4380


JQQ and ET teaming up, sad news for HoD


HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Fateless.6985


Its not teaming up. Its called JQ vs. ET. HoD is a non-factor at the moment.

Phantasmal Fate
Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts (MMAC)

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Limulus.4380


ET and JQ teaming up ? that’s why ET is at attacking our keep @HoD borderland…

Those guys must have missed the memo. Did you check the TPS reports?

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


ET and JQ teaming up ? that’s why ET is at attacking our keep @HoD borderland…

Those guys must have missed the memo. Did you check the TPS reports?

I don’t know why my post got deleted, but whatever, you quoted it :P. And nice one, that made me smile hahaha

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


you wont see the guilds who transferred now, they are the ones filling you up during the day during the week, you guys were just as empty as SBI was during the off times, but if those guilds came in and filled that gap you’ll win. That is how it goes. Its a total numbers game dont fool yourselves that you are getting better, there is only so much improvement you can make in a game that is set up like this one. It all comes down to the ability to throw as many bodies out there 24/7 that you can, if you cant it doesnt matter how good you are you wont compete in the long run. But if you can then you can be competitive.

1. All the top servers are quite numbered even during off-hours. Your numbers argument is kinda invalid. It might be true for tier 2 matchups, but definitely not tier 1 servers. We’ve been actively getting of our community into lower timeslots and I’m pretty sure the other servers are doing the same.
2. Why would Titan Alliance guilds transfer to Jade Quarry of all servers? Last I checked, we’re pretty full. And I highly doubt they’d get full guilds in even in off-hours.
3. Numbers =/= win. Organized groups win. Communication wins. Not random masses of numbers. Our server constantly has a consistent number of people on teamspeak.

Go fight for your server and stop hanging out on the forums misspelling “JQ” as “JQQ”. Not only are you being disrespectful, it makes you and your server look bad. This isn’t the place to whine and complain about your opponents.

LOL SBI cant field 40 people during the day, and up until last week JQQ had less people than we did in there. So if you now suddenly have a lot of people where did they come from?

I have seen you guys in every match up we had and your numbers were pathetic, just like ours were during the day time during the week. So dont try and sell the ’we are banding together nonsense. Unless half your server quit their jobs and decided to play GW for a living you had people transfer in if youre filling the map during the week and the say time.

This past week SBI didnt have hardly anyone in there during the day, even worse than in weeks past, due to some guilds leaving but mostly due to us not bothering anymore. The core SBI guilds will stay and hope changes take place but we wont be competitive because of the way the system is.

But if we got 200 Euro players to transfer in and play during the weekdays days we would suddenly be ‘the best’. Thats just how it works. Its all about numbers during off peak hours, if you ave them youre set if you dont you dont have a chance.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Kai Allard.1746

Kai Allard.1746

Nah ET and JQ are not teaming up at least in the BLs. I don’t even think they need to team up for EB, as HoD has the mighty xRx leading the way there! :p

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Rofl, can’t wait for MMAC to claim victory in the game after everyone has left just like they did in Rift


Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


you wont see the guilds who transferred now, they are the ones filling you up during the day during the week, you guys were just as empty as SBI was during the off times, but if those guilds came in and filled that gap you’ll win. That is how it goes. Its a total numbers game dont fool yourselves that you are getting better, there is only so much improvement you can make in a game that is set up like this one. It all comes down to the ability to throw as many bodies out there 24/7 that you can, if you cant it doesnt matter how good you are you wont compete in the long run. But if you can then you can be competitive.

1. All the top servers are quite numbered even during off-hours. Your numbers argument is kinda invalid. It might be true for tier 2 matchups, but definitely not tier 1 servers. We’ve been actively getting of our community into lower timeslots and I’m pretty sure the other servers are doing the same.
2. Why would Titan Alliance guilds transfer to Jade Quarry of all servers? Last I checked, we’re pretty full. And I highly doubt they’d get full guilds in even in off-hours.
3. Numbers =/= win. Organized groups win. Communication wins. Not random masses of numbers. Our server constantly has a consistent number of people on teamspeak.

Go fight for your server and stop hanging out on the forums misspelling “JQ” as “JQQ”. Not only are you being disrespectful, it makes you and your server look bad. This isn’t the place to whine and complain about your opponents.

LOL SBI cant field 40 people during the day, and up until last week JQQ had less people than we did in there. So if you now suddenly have a lot of people where did they come from?

I have seen you guys in every match up we had and your numbers were pathetic, just like ours were during the day time during the week. So dont try and sell the ’we are banding together nonsense. Unless half your server quit their jobs and decided to play GW for a living you had people transfer in if youre filling the map during the week and the say time.

This past week SBI didnt have hardly anyone in there during the day, even worse than in weeks past, due to some guilds leaving but mostly due to us not bothering anymore. The core SBI guilds will stay and hope changes take place but we wont be competitive because of the way the system is.

But if we got 200 Euro players to transfer in and play during the weekdays days we would suddenly be ‘the best’. Thats just how it works. Its all about numbers during off peak hours, if you ave them youre set if you dont you dont have a chance.

Uhhhh… Don’t say you know our numbers if you’re not even on our server. Our day force has always been great, we were almost always #1 PPT during the day. It’s just during the night that our numbers drop a bit.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Adathir.2563


From what I saw in my few hours in EB tonight after the new match started there wasn’t any kind of teaming up. JQ and ET were both attacking Hod’s keep at the same time but that’s all there was left to take in that part of the map. JQ and ET promptly fought each other once both sides got past the outer gate.

I think over the next week this should be a pretty good match up. There was a fair bit of decent fighting out there tonight so if that carries over each day, it should be close in the end.

Rodarin math and logic should help make these forums even more amusing to read, especially for the former lotro players who got to enjoy his posting for so long.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Every fight for HoD is against two servers who want to beat us. Every fight for HoD when ET is present is a fight against two servers where one doesn’t want to also beat the other guy.

2v1 fights are boring, but they do add balance to the game. Our undefeated run was nice, but maybe losing for a while would be good. The transfers might go elsewhere, and we might actually see shorter queues.

As for the loss of TA, it will hurt us, but really, how bad it is doesn’t matter. I’ll still make my monthly. It really makes no difference, win or lose, because in the end, even if we go down a bracket, all we’ll do is absolutely slaughter the next people down.

We’re the top ranked server, will always be a top ranked server, and both ET and JQ know it.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


GJ Exploiting the orb in Red borders guys, needing to cheat to win is pretty epic.

[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Kaia.6859


I look forward to fighting you guys. I dunno if there’s any truth whatsoever about TA disbanding or whatever the recent rumor is, and I hope not, but I was/am really looking foward to a week of fighting JQ/Henge. Win, lose, I just want some epic fights, so I hope to see all of you JQ/Henge people on the battlefield!

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: vSwifty.3179


Alright, Who’s the ET who just exploited the altar of power in the Red borderlands.
We saw you warp out, Now the altar of power is bugged.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


Wow, we did everything to get 3 orbs, and someone exploits it, that’s just sad.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Angel.1374


Its not teaming up. Its called JQ vs. ET. HoD is a non-factor at the moment.

Lolol I’ve been watching the EB map for over an hour checking every few minutes, and NOTHING has changed. No supply camps are taken in the east, no towers. Seriously? There’s nothing left on HoD to take in EB but the keep, yet they still don’t battle it out for anything between ET and JQ. It may be more or less a fair fight in other BL’s but obviously not in EB.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Strange.9607


I haven’t logged in yet and watched but it sounds like a dejavu from 2 weeks ago, this time with Jade Quarry instead of SBI.

[CRS]Strange Tw (Mesmer)
Member of Henge of Denravi

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: CarelessKrow.8032


I’m on EB and I’ve killed countless ET at Ogrewatch already. We then took the supply camp and tower.

[AoS] Army of Shepherds | Jade Quarry
That thief shooting rainbows at you? That’s me.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: willwill.9318


Incase you were wondering how popular this game is, and how bad the ET overnight crews are.. it’s 2:52 am EST and no queue to enter blue borderlands

www.the-darkhand.com <DDH>

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


Another screenshot just before bed time, good night gentlemen. Impatient to see what score I will wake up to


HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Currently in JQ borderlands: ET is attacking our only tower, while JQ is attacking our only supply camp. This has been going on for ever. Fun times on the HoD side of things.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: blink.4239


Currently in JQ borderlands: ET is attacking our only tower, while JQ is attacking our only supply camp. This has been going on for ever. Fun times on the HoD side of things.

Believe me. There’s no treaty between us. ET just used an exploit to bug-out one of our orbs for crying out loud.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Fateless.6985


MMAC claiming victory after the game is already dead? Its been less than two months bro. The game isn’t dead. Grow up.

This is a team game. Our server is kicking your kitten at the moment. Get over yourself.

Phantasmal Fate
Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts (MMAC)

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Angel.1374


I’m on EB and I’ve killed countless ET at Ogrewatch already. We then took the supply camp and tower.

Yeah I saw that happen just after my post. But was it really necessary to take 2 hours to cap a supply camp? It only takes 2 people to do that lol

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Zierk.4289


Currently in JQ borderlands: ET is attacking our only tower, while JQ is attacking our only supply camp. This has been going on for ever. Fun times on the HoD side of things.

Believe me. There’s no treaty between us. ET just used an exploit to bug-out one of our orbs for crying out loud.

Just happened again right now in all 3 boarderlands.

Zierk [VA] Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
Vigiliant Addiction – Multi-Gaming Community

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: rulzo.3189


Yes, ET is exploiting they have taken all of our orbs from all of our bordrlands by somehow being able to get under the map and kill the alter. The thing is we could get it back… but you cant REPAIR THE ALTER.