HoD vs JQ vs ET

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Archaos.4953


To whom it may concern,

HOD will likely win this match for the same reason it has always won previous matches: higher off hour population.

Individual player skill and guild coordination will only get you so far in Guild Wars 2. Given the choice between highly skilled guilds and off hours population, off hours population wins every time. The departure of TA from Henge will merely highlight this issue. Numbers during the early morning, particularly during the weekdays have always been Henge’s main strength. In the last two match ups ET has beaten Henge during the weekends (when we have some night presence to field) and generally will lose ground during the week.

Even absent some of TA’s guilds HOD’s night capping will generally win out on points.

Beyond that JQ/ET must focus what player resources they can on Henge if they have any hope of gaining a significant enough point buffer to make any difference.

That said the server match up system provides no tangible rewards beyond bragging rights and has the effect of at least providing for a more competitive pvp environment which at the very least is far more entertaining than spawn camping ghost town servers.

These issues are ultimately up to Arenanet to address. Many WvW/RvR games have developed counters to these issues: Off hours buffs to under-populated servers and “reinforced modes” to prevent or limit night capping. In Warhammer Online it was literally impossible to capture empty zones, as player kills in the zone were the major source of points towards zone flipping.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Casia.4281


yes, lets create a system that encourages players to log off, after getting a lead. Thats well thought out.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: blink.4239


To whom it may concern,

HOD will likely win this match for the same reason it has always won previous matches: higher off hour population.

Individual player skill and guild coordination will only get you so far in Guild Wars 2. Given the choice between highly skilled guilds and off hours population, off hours population wins every time. The departure of TA from Henge will merely highlight this issue. Numbers during the early morning, particularly during the weekdays have always been Henge’s main strength. In the last two match ups ET has beaten Henge during the weekends (when we have some night presence to field) and generally will lose ground during the week.

Even absent some of TA’s guilds HOD’s night capping will generally win out on points.

Beyond that JQ/ET must focus what player resources they can on Henge if they have any hope of gaining a significant enough point buffer to make any difference.

That said the server match up system provides no tangible rewards beyond bragging rights and has the effect of at least providing for a more competitive pvp environment which at the very least is far more entertaining than spawn camping ghost town servers.

These issues are ultimately up to Arenanet to address. Many WvW/RvR games have developed counters to these issues: Off hours buffs to under-populated servers and “reinforced modes” to prevent or limit night capping. In Warhammer Online it was literally impossible to capture empty zones, as player kills in the zone were the major source of points towards zone flipping.

TBF, JQ has gotten as far as it has in part because we have better off-hour activity than the servers below us. HoD just has even more off-hour activity. So we can’t really complain when the big fish meets the bigger fish.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Khoja.1054


This entire game is bugged to hell. ET borderlands is just a mess.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Zierk.4289


As of 2 pm the altar is still broken.

Walk up to broken alter, spam F. You’ll see it heal. There is no indication that it is healing outside of you targeting it. the prompt will say “Place Orb at Alter” or something like that. Try it and see, I’ve done this personally a couple times and it works.

Zierk [VA] Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
Vigiliant Addiction – Multi-Gaming Community

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


HoD lost a lot of their top guilds because they packed up and left because they got the “we beat the game” mentality.

Queue’s have been instant all week + weekend when usually it’s an hour++ queue which is a pretty significant drop on players.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (http://bit.ly/12RNvtK)
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Natural.7013


In Anet’s eyes , there is no “off-hours” as it’s peak hours somewhere in the world. However, there needs to be some type of “real” undermanned buff whereby no matter the time of day, a server with 500 can’t map cap all the points vs. the server that has just 200 on. What type of system that could properly balance the buff/player ratio is up to Anet to figure out, but something can be done to make it more balanced for all sides/timezones/server populations.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Natural.7013


HoD lost a lot of their top guilds because they packed up and left because they got the “we beat the game” mentality.

Queue’s have been instant all week + weekend when usually it’s an hour++ queue which is a pretty significant drop on players.

Hmm, I’ve heard a few tell me they’ve been in long Q’s all weekend and were surprised at this due to some guilds leaving. I guess only Anet Q data really knows.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


Nah, Q’s were almost nonexistent throughout the weekend. Ques just got huge again though ):

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: rndmize.9274


Well, I’m done for the week. The orb hacking on Friday was very disappointing, and now ET can’t even put enough people out to man more than two maps (as of 10 PM PST). So it looks like its us vs. HoD for the rest of the week, except for the hours of the morning when its HoD vs 1/4 of us.

And I’m tired of the crap rewards we get on taking a keep or tower. Six silver for an upgraded keep? Give me a break. That covers four deaths or 1/4 of a treb. If you have issues with people trading locations to make money, then figure something else out. Maybe the capture value goes up as upgrades are added. Maybe it goes up over time, or when they hold an orb. None of these should be hard to implement.

There was a thread in the bugs forum two days ago about using one of thief’s underwater skills to bypass walls in keeps. There was a video about it today on reddit. Word is this has been an issue since early beta weekends. And still no changes? I’m fairly confident this is by no means “working as intended” the way mesmer portals are, or we’d have to consistently have a decent sized group of players just to watch over orbs at keeps (not much fun).

And there’s still the issues of badges and kill credit. I have a guardian with a DPS spec and I still get crap loot. Three hours of running around killing people and getting four badges is absurd. It would be worse if I had a practical guardian spec that could actually help my side with shields and the like for siege… but really, who’s going to waste time with that when all it gets you is higher repair costs? “Good job man, you helped us take that tower! Here’s 1.8 silver and a couple hundred karma.”

I like WvW a lot. It’s 75% of what I do in-game. I’ve hauled my guild into weekly sessions on Fridays. But it feels like the issues (basic issues) are piling up and nothing is being done. Seeing stuff like this is sapping what patience I have left. Who’s going to waste hours of planning and organization and a gold or two worth of siege to capture an orb that’s going to be jacked within the next day or less?

Jade Quarry | Feign Disorder | Guardian
Interested in discussing WvW strategy? Contact me in-game.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: HulkaGem.2568


To whom it may concern,

HOD will likely win this match for the same reason it has always won previous matches: higher off hour population.

Individual player skill and guild coordination will only get you so far in Guild Wars 2. Given the choice between highly skilled guilds and off hours population, off hours population wins every time. The departure of TA from Henge will merely highlight this issue. Numbers during the early morning, particularly during the weekdays have always been Henge’s main strength. In the last two match ups ET has beaten Henge during the weekends (when we have some night presence to field) and generally will lose ground during the week.

Even absent some of TA’s guilds HOD’s night capping will generally win out on points.

Beyond that JQ/ET must focus what player resources they can on Henge if they have any hope of gaining a significant enough point buffer to make any difference.

That said the server match up system provides no tangible rewards beyond bragging rights and has the effect of at least providing for a more competitive pvp environment which at the very least is far more entertaining than spawn camping ghost town servers.

These issues are ultimately up to Arenanet to address. Many WvW/RvR games have developed counters to these issues: Off hours buffs to under-populated servers and “reinforced modes” to prevent or limit night capping. In Warhammer Online it was literally impossible to capture empty zones, as player kills in the zone were the major source of points towards zone flipping.


for u to read. and to say ET beat Henge during weekend i will LOL. everyone knws whats going on.. stop lying to urself . but all over again its a good fight..

Mjdeathless – Necromancer
Kopiousiudai – Thief
Canadian Pizza – Warrior

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Casia.4281



Yeah, a bit disappointed with ET’s performance last night. Partially a HIGHLY suspect steal on an upgraded Hills. and largely due to the lack of any resistance beyond the afore mentioned. Ruin, came to green. Left. outmanned. TL came to green, left. outmanned. Foe came, left. outmanned. I feel bad for the ET militia that were at least trying to fight, and just getting pummeled by JQ and us.

“Six silver for an upgraded keep”
You are looking at that all wrong. 6-8s for 30-40 people. 1g8s- 3g20s is what its actually giving. If you are not distributing the wealth, then thats kindof your fault. You can’t expect them to have an algorithm to check to see who spent siege.

Just deleting vids of the wall bypass exploit.. yeah. Not even commenting on it. When is this going to be addressed?
4 separate people did a mesmer sweep after we pushed JQ out of hills. you never even got into inner. Then suddenly ET takes hills without putting up swords, and inner walls never being breached? would love to know what happened there.

The only thing more silly about lack of badges is lack of things to buy with them.
Badge gear is awful.
Siege from badges is WAY overpriced. 100badges or 1g for a golem?what? Can make 3 gold a day, collect 30 badges maybe.

(edited by Casia.4281)

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Gaslov.9164


Yeah, the stealing of Hills was pretty good. There were probably at least 10 of us inside this keep setting up siege when it mysteriously turned red. I would love to know how you pulled that one off.

Anyway, anyone have a score update?

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: JAX.8347


JQ and HoD are too much for us for ET as a whole. ET has 1 guild not giving up and playing consistently, unfortunately.


Ruin on Desolation

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


I think JQ is still up about 6k or so but as of 8am est HoD is everywhere I think they were up to like 60% map

And to Rook watching things go from full to high or vice versa doesn’t give any indication to WvW population
HoD’s population in WvW in the early morning to midafternoon is exponentially higher then JQ
Having outmanned buff on one map, one map pinned at spawn, one map with only the tower by our map, and defending a keep on another map with 25 vs 60 or more and that was this morning. The most progress HoD makes is early morning into afternoon.
They are certainly not PvDing by any stretch but vastly outnumber JQ
What Archaos stated is probably correct but we’ll see as the week goes out
With the 3 orb hacks aside I am having alot of fun this week

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


@ Casia

“Why was Ruin on NSP? Because AA said they were going to go to NSP. You and many other like minded WvW focused players flooded NSP. NSP was crowded because it was FULL of players that wanted to WvW. Queues were heavy, and AA made the choice to ditch all those people that wanted to pvp, to go to a low pop server."

oh the fun we will all have when the video is done showcasing how many times freelancer was trying to get ruin to come with them to ET. no one followed AA, they asked reputable guilds to come with them, and like sheep to the slaughter, they followed only to be yet again let down by freelancer and his lackies.

why do i say this you ask..

well… just ask TL where they are now… they transfered to JQ!!!! because they want to bandwagon on a victory instead of making their own. congrats on losing the battle, the war, and the respect TL. lol.. jumping ship, not to a low end server to rebuild, but to a high end, already tier 1 server.

also, i love their excuse as to why they continually never showed up in the borderlands to cover their zones during prime times…. they claimed they had “raid schedules” to keep…. in gw2…….. raid schedules…. lol

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: rndmize.9274


> You can’t expect them to have an algorithm to check to see who spent siege.

Sure I can. If siege weapon dropped by X does greater than Y wall/door damage, double event reward for X. There’s nothing intrinsically difficult or unfair about this. And 2g40s (6s per person, 40 man group) is still crap, honestly; fully upgrading a keep costs 5g+, not including any siege you might be putting on the walls (or the money/effort required to take it).

Keep capture rewards were much greater at release and were cut down because sides would trade them to get the reward over and over. My point is that its been a month since then and this is not a hard fix. Even having a running tally of deaths in the proximity of the location and basing the value off that would work.

> JQ is now more populated, or at least, now has more active players actually playing at a given time than HoD.

Server population does not equal WvW population.

Jade Quarry | Feign Disorder | Guardian
Interested in discussing WvW strategy? Contact me in-game.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: alphillyboy.2064


Well, on HoD borderlands there are 60-70 HoD (we did a number count with scouts, could be more) and we had around 10 ET and only 20-30 JQ on this morning around 6AM PST.

HoD had a force of 30 hitting Shaderan hills and a group of 20-30 hitting Dreadfall bay.
Our queues are all insta-que for all Borderlands. Its rough trying to rally people when you have only 25 people max on your map.

Sylviandra [ESOL] – Jade Quarry

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


Update – 2h50 PM EST, HoD getting closer and closer !


HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


I know HoD recently lost a lot of WvW players, but if this is anything like every other week Tuesday will be the nail in the coffin.

Fall behind on weekend (fair enough, they have a huge target on their back), and by Tuesday their lead is insurmountable and they are nearly all-capping every night.

I will be interested to see what happens with HoD this week after TA broke up.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


I highly doubt the server is event impacted at all. I can tell you a 8am est it was 6 k now it is 1k and JQ is charging again, but man 5k in 7 hours if they can do that every weekday they will probably win easily
It will be about how much of a lead can be built before their huge early am crew gets on

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


Lightning prolly killed your guys alters. TA you guys did a great job exploiting to #1. Well at least Hod can get some legit work done now we will see you guys 5:30 pm to 1am est. lol

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Lasaonar.9132


Jade Quarry is winning, we should all just server transfer to Jade Quarry! ArenaNet said it would all balance itself out! Let’s prove it by having every server transfer to Jade Quarry!

~Maguuma Warrior Princess, Hedda-chan~
[MLG] Professional ~gamer grrrl~ <3
[DARP] Guild

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Madsalty.6570


JQ Staying Strong!
HoD Keeping it close.
ET Having problems.

JQ Server is usually full. Glad to see so many bandwagon jumpers!
HoD Keeping it close even after the TA breakup!
ET Even with your big guild Ruin aligned with JQ, you guys still can’t capitalize! It looks like all your people jumped ship to JQ!


HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Binafus.8153


HOD had the outmaned buff all Saturday in one of our BL’s

No Ques this weekend except for EB.

If you guys think that HOD outnumbers JQ you are only kiding yourself.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


It’s overnight when they definitely outnumber us. Like taking candy from a baby. No one there to defend. Just an open world for you guys.

[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Corvindi.5734


Jade Quarry is winning, we should all just server transfer to Jade Quarry! ArenaNet said it would all balance itself out! Let’s prove it by having every server transfer to Jade Quarry!

That’s fine, just be sure to follow those commander icons and listen to our commanders. The more seasoned ones are very good and the newer ones learn fast.

Also, would be great if you happen to play during morning hours east coast US time, I think we could use more coverage.

“…we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame.”


HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Madsalty.6570


For potential points JQ is killing HoD and ET, as of 4:45EST.

From 10am to 4pm est, JQ had queues for all of them.
From 10am to 4pm est HoD, only Eternal had a queue time.
From 10am to 4pm est ET, no queues at all.


HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


For potential points JQ is killing HoD and ET, as of 4:45EST.

From 10am to 4pm est, JQ had queues for all of them.
From 10am to 4pm est HoD, only Eternal had a queue time.
From 10am to 4pm est ET, no queues at all.

How do you know that ? :O

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Madsalty.6570


I play on HoD. Couple of the people I us to play with, jumped ship to JQ (Grr…), and ET, has been pissing and moaning, in the forums, about how nobody is playing. So I just assumed.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


Hmm, well I’m on JQ and I can assure you we had no queues from 10am to 2pm (I entered 2-3 times, no queues, or 30 seconds queues)

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


Wow, never seen HoD that low when they aren’t leading.


HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


I was in HoD server for 1 day tour 2 days ago.

JQ and ET just cheated, I fought in JQ map for 4 hrs, ET controlekittenep 2 towers(1 in front of HOD WP), JQ controll all the rest. and they both fighting HoD the same time!!!

they never even put a fight against each other! When we trying to take our tower back, ET hide in the tower, and JQ attacking us from the tunnel and vellay. they never put a fight against each other for 4 hrs!

nice, u got a truce, just fight HoD, HoD has its pride, they dont care, they believe they r still the best without TA even against 2 servers at the same time.

But, I really really dont appreciate that, for a guy from tier 4 server trying to learn something from tier 1 server, it looks just disgusting. just for the No1 tittle? where is ur pride JQ? And, what is the point for ET? just revange? HoD kicked ur butt too much?

I know it was designed to make 2 servers united against 1 best server, but even under this condition? Shouldnt HoD unite with ET? if they can drop their pride?

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Senai.1804


I was in HoD server for 1 day tour 2 days ago.

JQ and ET just cheated, I fought in JQ map for 4 hrs, ET controlekittenep 2 towers(1 in front of HOD WP), JQ controll all the rest. and they both fighting HoD the same time!!!

they never even put a fight against each other! When we trying to take our tower back, ET hide in the tower, and JQ attacking us from the tunnel and vellay. they never put a fight against each other for 4 hrs!

nice, u got a truce, just fight HoD, HoD has its pride, they dont care, they believe they r still the best without TA even against 2 servers at the same time.

But, I really really dont appreciate that, for a guy from tier 4 server trying to learn something from tier 1 server, it looks just disgusting. just for the No1 tittle? where is ur pride JQ? And, what is the point for ET? just revange? HoD kicked ur butt too much?

I know it was designed to make 2 servers united against 1 best server, but even under this condition? Shouldnt HoD unite with ET? if they can drop their pride?

People can play however they want. No server is obligated to “be nice”.

It’s hilarious you’d call this cheating.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


I was in HoD server for 1 day tour 2 days ago.

JQ and ET just cheated, I fought in JQ map for 4 hrs, ET controlekittenep 2 towers(1 in front of HOD WP), JQ controll all the rest. and they both fighting HoD the same time!!!

they never even put a fight against each other! When we trying to take our tower back, ET hide in the tower, and JQ attacking us from the tunnel and vellay. they never put a fight against each other for 4 hrs!

nice, u got a truce, just fight HoD, HoD has its pride, they dont care, they believe they r still the best without TA even against 2 servers at the same time.

But, I really really dont appreciate that, for a guy from tier 4 server trying to learn something from tier 1 server, it looks just disgusting. just for the No1 tittle? where is ur pride JQ? And, what is the point for ET? just revange? HoD kicked ur butt too much?

I know it was designed to make 2 servers united against 1 best server, but even under this condition? Shouldnt HoD unite with ET? if they can drop their pride?

Uhh…. I hope you’re trolling. You said you just joined Tier 1, so you don’t know how it was before, HoD did the exact same thing with SBI, SBI did the exact same thing with JQ, JQ did the exact same thing with HoD. It’s just back and forth double-teaming. And for your information, if JQ was really teaming with ET, points wouldn’t be that way. It’s like 490 JQ, 150 ET and 60 HoD right now. It’s more like JQ vs ET while HoD is a non-existent factor for the moment.

I’m on Red BL, and HoD was attacking Briar while ET was attacking Bay, WHY DO YOU DOUBLE TEAM US ?!?!?

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Madsalty.6570


Update 7pm est.

JQ maintains it lead
ET second in Potential Points
HoD still staying strong overall!


HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Madsalty.6570


RiversOnFire.3607, the guild Ruin on ET seems to have, somewhat an alliance with JQ. Yes, HoD and ET should align to fight JQ, however, due to prior weeks. Many feel that HoD “deserves” what they are getting. HoD is still in second place though, fighting a good fight!

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


it is unbelievably sad that a small group of players are given nearly 100% of the credit for the servers wins, just because they are a bunch of forum warriors who play PR more than they play when the odds are even.

when HoD wins, it will be insurmountable proof that HoD was HoD, and TA…..well…. they quit the game before all the players got rendered

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: vSwifty.3179


@Madsalty We don’t have an Alliance with RUIN at all.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Setch.2398


People talking about alliances makes me laugh. There aren’t any alliances, there are just strategies, or heck, random coincidences.

SOR – [Boss]

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


Exactly what the two above me said. It’s not even possible to make an alliance, more than half of the players on WvW are PUGs doing their own thing…

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: globe.7238


RiversOnFire.3607, the guild Ruin on ET seems to have, somewhat an alliance with JQ. Yes, HoD and ET should align to fight JQ, however, due to prior weeks. Many feel that HoD “deserves” what they are getting. HoD is still in second place though, fighting a good fight!

There is no alliance with JQ and Ruin, my group spent a few hours fighting against them at ogre/umber/orgath last night. Not sure who concocted this idea but its pretty funny. Better yet when HoD made that big push to SM last night why did they help take durios/umber from us if they were working with us? Some people need to take off their tin foil hats already and stop making excuses for why their server isnt performing well.

Imminent Demise » [iD] « Blackgate

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


I was in HoD server for 1 day tour 2 days ago.

JQ and ET just cheated, I fought in JQ map for 4 hrs, ET controlekittenep 2 towers(1 in front of HOD WP), JQ controll all the rest. and they both fighting HoD the same time!!!

they never even put a fight against each other! When we trying to take our tower back, ET hide in the tower, and JQ attacking us from the tunnel and vellay. they never put a fight against each other for 4 hrs!

nice, u got a truce, just fight HoD, HoD has its pride, they dont care, they believe they r still the best without TA even against 2 servers at the same time.

But, I really really dont appreciate that, for a guy from tier 4 server trying to learn something from tier 1 server, it looks just disgusting. just for the No1 tittle? where is ur pride JQ? And, what is the point for ET? just revange? HoD kicked ur butt too much?

I know it was designed to make 2 servers united against 1 best server, but even under this condition? Shouldnt HoD unite with ET? if they can drop their pride?

Uhh…. I hope you’re trolling. You said you just joined Tier 1, so you don’t know how it was before, HoD did the exact same thing with SBI, SBI did the exact same thing with JQ, JQ did the exact same thing with HoD. It’s just back and forth double-teaming. And for your information, if JQ was really teaming with ET, points wouldn’t be that way. It’s like 490 JQ, 150 ET and 60 HoD right now. It’s more like JQ vs ET while HoD is a non-existent factor for the moment.

I’m on Red BL, and HoD was attacking Briar while ET was attacking Bay, WHY DO YOU DOUBLE TEAM US ?!?!?

The point of 3 ways fighting is in a map, the other 2 servers should work together against the one holding garrison, i know it doesnot work that way currently, but, ppl should do that.

when HoD holding nothing in one map, ET and JQ still not fighting against each other, they were not fighting for the point, they just want to push HoD to the wp. Which is just wrong.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Setch.2398


No. You go for the low hanging fruit first.

SOR – [Boss]

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Mordyth.9018


There are some reports of a large guild on ET (ahem) breaking into an HoD keep, destroying all the siege, then standing in the tunnel and doing nothing while JQ later broke through another gate and took it. No attempt made on the inner gate. Now, there is no alliance necessary for that to occur. All it takes is one very large guild with the knowledge that it can not win a match and the desire to ensure another server loses it.

Mithrull (TSym) Sanctum of Rall

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


Seriously, this is SO ironic.

First week : JQ says SBI and HoD are teaming up.
Result : JQ gets the new name JQQ

Third week : SBI says JQ and HoD are teaming up.
Result : JQ and HoD laughs at SBI.

Fourth week : HoD says JQ and ET are teaming up.
Result : no information yet.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Setch.2398


Keep in mind that the person who is claiming this is not from HoD.

SOR – [Boss]

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.9852


I know Setch, I’m just making fun of the situation, but you know that one person action is enough to stain a whole server.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: globe.7238


There are some reports of a large guild on ET (ahem) breaking into an HoD keep, destroying all the siege, then standing in the tunnel and doing nothing while JQ later broke through another gate and took it. No attempt made on the inner gate. Now, there is no alliance necessary for that to occur. All it takes is one very large guild with the knowledge that it can not win a match and the desire to ensure another server loses it.

If you or others are going to make accusations like that you guys better state names and show some proof, plain and simple. I honestly dont spend as much time in the BL as I do EB so I cannot account for what goes on there, but for the sake of bringing stuff up like that then the persons making that claim need to show proof of it. Similar to the orb hacking thread(proof provided), if people see stuff going on and its wrong then they typically take proof(screen shot/fraps). I’d like to see something that backs up these claims.

Imminent Demise » [iD] « Blackgate

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Raeder.3159


Full disclosure: I’m from ET, and actually we were struggling to find the Lord because no one is loading and he isn’t in the circle. By the time we found him HoD came in and wiped us or we pulled out to defend Rogues.