“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
How is your server's WvW community?
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Lmao @ everyone hugging DH like it’s the greatest server ever. I’ve never had so many people try to curse me out through whispers after they either lost a 4v2 or just lost a 1v1 in seconds. Their WvW is full of trash players, maybe a decent guild or 2 for fights. Trash roamers, 1 decent roaming guild that still has to 3v1 people at the bare minimum (and still gets easily upset when someone (1 or 2)v3’s them and calls them out about winning it). Out of several months (about 17 separate weeks) of match-ups with them I’ve only met a few people (3-4 at the most) who were cool to whisper back and forth with—a.k.a. no salt, no immature retaliation (which describes a majority of the server when they lose). Never played on the server, never plan to; seems to be full of disillusioned kids who make the most out of the smallest things, {i.e. “Our WvW k/d is 1.2 and we’re beating the other 2 servers, (disregarding the fact that 18+ hours a day our server outnumbers both other servers so we just have roaming groups that get easy kills for those 18 hours. But when we meet up with a server with fight guilds online we get wiped 9 times out of 10 unless we double their size.)”}
Trash server, trash players (for the most part). I still don’t know why people join the server, maybe the name just sounds cool when they sign up, I don’t know. But I’ve met enough people who left the server because of the reasons I’ve mentioned and a considerable amount of other reasons. Never met a different server (including guilds from Darkhaven) that likes Darkhaven players as a whole.
I could believe it. I’ve seen how some of our roamers hug each other for dear life, especially [XOXO] which never go anywhere without at least half a dozen Thieves holding hands. But on the server itself, all the people are extremely nice to each other and enjoyable to be around. As I’d said in my posts here from a while back now, and I still feel the same, DH has been my favorite server. Unfortunately it’s become a ghost town since HoT release as have many of the other servers but I feel so much a part of it now I’m not sure I’d want to transfer to another.
I’ve certainly given my share of salt as a roamer but you know what? Being high Mithril rank I get hate whispers for no reason sometimes. I don’t even have to engage someone, just be nearby when they get killed, and I get hate whispers. So I think any salt I send out to those who (most times gank and emote on my corpse) kill me is justified because of the heaps of it I receive.
And on the note of salt, if you happen to be from Ehmry Bay, I’m willing to bet you’re one of the 10 – 20 Thieves and Mesmers that would group up, steam roll the map with Omegas when everyone’s asleep then spawn camp with arrowcarts on a nightly basis before HoT dropped.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
since this is a thread necro I think it could use a serious update. I tend to agree with Straegen’s assessment of distinct world personalities falling by the wayside recently but I can only base most of that opinion on forum attitudes. Having recently moved down to Ehmry Bay from JQ I will say it feels like the middle worlds (the one I am on and the ones we battle) have probably done a better job preserving some of their identity being tight enough to hang together but big enough to battle through some of the HoT hardships. Meanwhile the top tiers lost a lot of their personality awhile ago between megaservers and stacking for seasons so probably even more so in the current environment of PvE kings and the bottom is likely hurting for numbers too much to even figure out what its community wants to be right now.
I certainly do not see some of the same well known names representing particular worlds posting as much these days but that could be for a lot of other reasons too.
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .
Lmao @ everyone hugging DH like it’s the greatest server ever. I’ve never had so many people try to curse me out through whispers after they either lost a 4v2 or just lost a 1v1 in seconds. Their WvW is full of trash players, maybe a decent guild or 2 for fights. Trash roamers, 1 decent roaming guild that still has to 3v1 people at the bare minimum (and still gets easily upset when someone (1 or 2)v3’s them and calls them out about winning it). Out of several months (about 17 separate weeks) of match-ups with them I’ve only met a few people (3-4 at the most) who were cool to whisper back and forth with—a.k.a. no salt, no immature retaliation (which describes a majority of the server when they lose). Never played on the server, never plan to; seems to be full of disillusioned kids who make the most out of the smallest things, {i.e. “Our WvW k/d is 1.2 and we’re beating the other 2 servers, (disregarding the fact that 18+ hours a day our server outnumbers both other servers so we just have roaming groups that get easy kills for those 18 hours. But when we meet up with a server with fight guilds online we get wiped 9 times out of 10 unless we double their size.)”}
Trash server, trash players (for the most part). I still don’t know why people join the server, maybe the name just sounds cool when they sign up, I don’t know. But I’ve met enough people who left the server because of the reasons I’ve mentioned and a considerable amount of other reasons. Never met a different server (including guilds from Darkhaven) that likes Darkhaven players as a whole.
Ahah an enemy hates us, oh noes, we’re doomed. Also what server are you from? TAG will beat any guild from your server if you’re below t3 in 15s. Put up or shut up?
As a final word, a lot of enemy servers actually like Dh: to name a few, NSP, GoM, BP, AR, EBay all prefer Dh over most other servers (check comments section on gw2wvw to verify, though I mostly know EBay does because of my ungodly amount of friends from that server lolol).
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
I’d recommend going to www.gw2wvw.net and just reading the forum match threads to get an idea of server, um, personality.
What you see in those threads, trolls aside, is pretty much what you’ll see in map chat.
Trolls aside? Seriously? The only “content” that people post on that site is trolling. It’s a bunch of bored 10 year olds constantly trying to out-toxic each other.
What are some of you doing that you have been on so many servers?
Why are people transferring so many times?
How long have you been away from some of those servers that you can suggest you have any concept of the current community?
Where have you been? Over the last year, most serious WvW guilds have transferred from server to server like some crazy ping pong tournament with 18 tables and 54 balls all in play at once. All you have to do is look at how quickly servers get bandwagoned up the tiers, hit T2 and then drop like a rock, or YB who skyrocketed to the top of T1, you aren’t under the impression that those YB players just suddenly got “better”?
This is the reality of serious WvW guilds and players. The question is, what have you been doing that you haven’t a clue as to what has been the last year of WvW?
What are some of you doing that you have been on so many servers?
Why are people transferring so many times?
How long have you been away from some of those servers that you can suggest you have any concept of the current community?
Where have you been? Over the last year, most serious WvW guilds have transferred from server to server like some crazy ping pong tournament with 18 tables and 54 balls all in play at once. All you have to do is look at how quickly servers get bandwagoned up the tiers, hit T2 and then drop like a rock, or YB who skyrocketed to the top of T1, you aren’t under the impression that those YB players just suddenly got “better”?
This is the reality of serious WvW guilds and players. The question is, what have you been doing that you haven’t a clue as to what has been the last year of WvW?
Aside from the post being 2 months ago, I think you’re going off on a tangent. I’m not sure why asking a question renders someone most clueless about world vs world, when one only has to be concerned at max 1-3 servers at a time; I’m not sure why being up to date on the drama suddenly makes one ignorant about World vs World as a whole, since people come and go all the time. And people /=/ serious guilds. I mean, it’s fun trivia to learn of the convoluted plan to prop YB to t1,the next band of refugees going to Dragonbrand for the 26th time, or yet the next bronze league bandwagon trying to move up and collapse again, but in the long run, it’s just trivia. And that crosses my mind about once in a while when it screws up a match or two— and whatever happens in EU I don’t even know. It means nothing to me.
The main purpose of that post in context as it were seem to me and bolded by me, would be the suggestion that people have been either, not on a server long enough, or not been on it recently enough to give an accurate description of the server itself. And furthermore, I don’t think bandwagoning is the sole reason either.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
The main purpose of that post in context as it were seem to me and bolded by me, would be the suggestion that people have been either, not on a server long enough, or not been on it recently enough to give an accurate description of the server itself. And furthermore, I don’t think bandwagoning is the sole reason either.
Well, I only noticed this today, I guess someone necroed the thread. As to the “other forums” I read them regularly for entertainment and/or rumors, but they really don’t represent any particular servers players or culture, so people should be warned in my opinion.
As to Monkey’s post, there 3 questions of which you highlighted the last one. And I do think one can get a very good idea of a server in a very short time if you are active in WvW in the main times that the server is populated, and actively participate in the server’s teamspeak as well as the server’s forums. WvW communities are really not all that big, and almost every server is organized. As to bandwagoning, or transfer ping ponging, perhaps my perspective is skewed, but I have been from BP to DB to HoD to now Mag and in my case, none of them were really my choice. But in my experience, the rate of guild transfers is staggering. My guild was extremely reluctant to transfer every time, but we were faced with declining guild participation due to essentially crappy match-ups, so transfer or watch the guild die. Server transfers is what is killing WvW in a big way, or maybe it’s just a symptom of the lack of attention by Anet leading to a stale game mode. I think the new WvW metric based server status is great, but probably too little too late.
Edit* Also, transfers aren’t screwing up a match or two, look at almost every Tier 3 and below, only one match up is anywhere near competitive… this is a big problem and it’s due to transfers up and down.
(edited by Tspatula.9086)
The main purpose of that post in context as it were seem to me and bolded by me, would be the suggestion that people have been either, not on a server long enough, or not been on it recently enough to give an accurate description of the server itself. And furthermore, I don’t think bandwagoning is the sole reason either.Well, I only noticed this today, I guess someone necroed the thread. As to the “other forums” I read them regularly for entertainment and/or rumors, but they really don’t represent any particular servers players or culture, so people should be warned in my opinion.
Personally, I’ve always thought the nerf to the matchup threads really hurt it, and gw2wvw is still good for comedy every now and then, and maybe the pics. As I joked, the forums are the 5th map, and it’s clear some prefer it over the borderlands. :p
As to Monkey’s post, there 3 questions of which you highlighted the last one. And I do think one can get a very good idea of a server in a very short time if you are active in WvW in the main times that the server is populated, and actively participate in the server’s teamspeak as well as the server’s forums. WvW communities are really not all that big, and almost every server is organized.
Well, the main thing was all 3 questions were rhetorical and I assume related. I can only base it on what I read, so I might be wrong. And sure, personally, I think you can certainly get a good feel but the concern is that sometimes things really may have changed. And yea, it didn’t take long for me to observe the differences in server attitudes through a trip to JQ, though I don’t think it was enough to make too absolutist of a statement. The funny irony in this if there has been a lot of movement then everything is different. Anyhow, I just didn’t think the poster asking these questions really impacted their credibility, since as I listed as an example, I wouldn’t know what the heck is going on in lower bronze NA or EU. And as a side note, we have no EU forum specialist, which seems to be a problem if you ask me.
As to bandwagoning, or transfer ping ponging, perhaps my perspective is skewed, but I have been from BP to DB to HoD to now Mag and in my case, none of them were really my choice. But in my experience, the rate of guild transfers is staggering. My guild was extremely reluctant to transfer every time, but we were faced with declining guild participation due to essentially crappy match-ups, so transfer or watch the guild die. Server transfers is what is killing WvW in a big way, or maybe it’s just a symptom of the lack of attention by Anet leading to a stale game mode. I think the new WvW metric based server status is great, but probably too little too late.
Well, that’s something I wanted to get at too, and you were nice enough to give an example.
I’m doubting your guild wanted to transfer just to win matchups, but rather the health of your guild takes precedence over the health of your server. So that I think is a leading factor I felt was missing from your post. Recently, we had folks leave because the BL maps did not contain enough action and I understand that. (Though to where it’s full, remains a issue. =p). It does not help that my own server in general was very shy outside of EB, and this did not help matters. I mean when you have people thinking Alpine is a pain to navigate……..
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
The main purpose of that post in context as it were seem to me and bolded by me, would be the suggestion that people have been either, not on a server long enough, or not been on it recently enough to give an accurate description of the server itself. And furthermore, I don’t think bandwagoning is the sole reason either.Well, I only noticed this today, I guess someone necroed the thread. As to the “other forums” I read them regularly for entertainment and/or rumors, but they really don’t represent any particular servers players or culture, so people should be warned in my opinion.
I’ve been on about seven different servers on both NA and EU. While NA tends to be over-the-top on that forum, what seemed to hold true was the loud-mouths on that forum were equally loud in map chat.
I suggested people visit it, to at least understand a server’s culture.
what seemed to hold true was the loud-mouths on that forum were equally loud in map chat.
Plenty of the loud-mouths there hide their in-game identity while spewing the biggest lies and kitten talk on that forum. It is not really representative of the actual WvW server communities.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
I’m on Augury Rock (fr).
It has it’s ups and downs.
There is a core of grear players who really enjoy seeing new faces.
They are welcoming and communicate much in map.
Out of that core, most are individualistic. They do the minimum to be nive to the community, no more, no less.
Welcoming and open to real interest, they are hard on broken promises and hardly ever forget any kind of perceived wrongdoings. They also take to trolling any newbies who they perceive as arrogant.
Communication in /map are not optimal, but they are existent.
Organisation made up of coordinators and moderators try to hold ot together, but the more time passes, the harder it is to keep the guilds cooperating.
We have been stable at 9th position for quite some time, but the increasingly individualistic approch of some, the lack of pug commander in-prime and off-prime and a lack of continuity in the coordination team had our numbers going down.
When you have guild you don’t need community.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
TC was always a fun, fairly low drama server.
TC was doomed on the WvW front as soon as the players/commanders who destroyed SoR transferred to it, and started there drama all over again, and now some of them people have bailed from TC to another server, when they seen it moving up the ranks.
Right now I’d say Gate of Madness is upbeat. Always felt it was a friendly server and still true (though only one I’ve known).
Right now I’d say Gate of Madness is upbeat. Always felt it was a friendly server and still true (though only one I’ve known).
Of the servers ive been on GoM always seemed to be the snuggliest to me as well. But the population just hasnt been there for some time. I havent been back in several months so maybe HoT is treating you well.
Maybe it is just because i started on GoM at launch. So i have fond memories.
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-
I’ve been on Ehmry Bay since the start of the game. I have no plans to leave.
Currently we are rank #12, right in the middle of the pack and have had a number of guilds transfer to us recently.
I remember the days back with guilds like [pk], [Void], and others and how we were a very strong server to match up against. I also remember days when we were bottom of the barrel and it seemed like we were going to be stuck there for some time.
I remember the days when we went through a giant bought of drama when guilds left us to try out higher tiered servers.
But I also know those days are behind us. We have an incredible core of people who have also been on Ehmry Bay since the beginning. We have guilds that were once a part of us, returning. And we have new ones transferring because they’ve heard of the little drama and friendly atmosphere of the server. [TV], [PS], and [Rekz] to name a few.
I think the biggest selling point for this server, is frankly, loyalty. You just have some people that will never leave, good or bad, getting stomped or rolling.
Come give the Bay a try. www.ehmry.com
EB for the win! =D
Same here, been on EB since launch and have no reason to leave. Got some amazing guilds like Ebay and CoT on WvW most days.
Ehmry Bay Guardian
I started out on SoR. Moved to TC (with the guild I was in back then) when SoR exploded. Reason of going to TC was simple, the guild was partly a european guild and we wanted to keep fighting active servers in that timezone. Another reason is that basically, the SoR community moved all along to TC, making SoR an empty shell.
SoR felt like a fun community at first and managed to get tough times when reaching the high tiers. Once in tier 1 and with the league system in WvW more and more drama emerged. Low pug population and commanders making extra hours was too much for some people. Resulting in some guilds leaving, putting even more pressure on guilds/commanders who remained on SoR. Lots of factors and drama that resulted in the entire community leaving.
TC was a very nice warm and welcoming server when I came there. But again, being in tier 1 (since SoR took a freefall), having to compete against other servers (BG and JQ) in numbers and coverage, especially during league caused again for drama. I think it’s cheap to say that all the trouble in TC started when the SoR guilds came to TC. Perhaps a hand full was causing some trouble, but in general it gave a nice boost to the TC server. Until WvW league happened.
It’s no surprise I think to see the same sort of happened to TC as what happened to SoR when moving up the ranks and finally hitting tier 1. It probably has more to do with the desire to compete with the other servers and simply putting too much drain/pressure on your players because otherwise you can’t fight the higher numbers.
I started this thread because I was looking for a server who had a similar community as the servers SoR and TC used to have. But I quickly realized that such servers don’t exist anymore.
I moved to deso at some point since I wanted to join a guild there. And even though it’s a tier 1 server, I never witnessed so much drama within a community as in deso. It even came to a literal split where people used 2 different websites and 2 different teamspeaks. Not sure if it’s still the same situation now. But it still remained at the top somehow, largely due to coverage I believe? but honestly you couldn’t speak of a community there. I moved away from deso to piken to join a specific guild instead of looking for a server.
Now I’ve seen a lot of server “hatred” before which I find quite silly. And even now I see people blaming groups/guilds/players/servers for things that happened. But I rather not go there and instead point my fingers in another direction: ANET.
WvW should have been a great place for servers to build communities and eventually that happened, but the lack in balance of the gamemode and the lack of attention the gamemode gets, I think it causes communities to suffer and partly get dissolved due to players splitting from others or losing interest in the game entirely.
The new maps and system again proves the devs think they have the answer when they don’t. Since when do WvW players want a labyrinth to play in? The new mechanics in some places are interesting and even fun at times but the map in general is hard to navigate through. But they could have kept things simple as with the alpine map with big fields and forest to keep things more straightforward. In the end, people come into WvW to fight and not to enjoy the scenery. How often have devs asked us what we like to see in a new map ?
WvW needs more love and attention from anet, because right now all I see are bleeding communities waiting for a miracle to happen for WvW that probably won’t come.
(edited by Retsuko.2035)