How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: Aurust.8961


Ricky already made this thread before, and when people realized that Ricky is, well Ricky… they stopped responding and it got buried. Please let this one die in peace as well…..

Funny read actually…..

Master- [DKLT] The Darkness and The Light

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


When the winners of the season come from the top servers in each league, BG/SoR/JQ and YB/KN/IoJ, then WvW is doomed to fail.

However, if the winners of the season come from the lower servers, like Ebay/CD/BP and FC/DR/AR, then WvW will thrive and you’ll see the breakup of stacked servers and a better influx of PvE players into WvW.

For EU it’s tough to overcome the language centered servers but breaking up the 1 week match into a series of 12, 8, or even 6 hour matches might prevent Monday burnout that you see with the current lopsided matchups.

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Ricky already made this thread before, and when people realized that Ricky is, well Ricky… they stopped responding and it got buried. Please let this one die in peace as well…..

Funny read actually…..

yeah, hoonestly i cant stand that the op puts us all in the box of button 1 spamming zerglings.

ive been on fa since day 1 and our ioj members have been here for around 10 months now. if we had even numbers ricky, u would get crushed still as fa for example is used to be outmanned and pushes zergs far bigger then their own numbers.
and a lot of sor have been in sor since beginnig too, im sure. same with all the other t1 and t2 servers.
im facing the same guilds from tc and db i’ve been facing for months. u havent even seen any of our fights ever. and 12 maps?!? wtf? my guild is mainly australian and if i cant play with them i wont play gw2 and also when i get off work i cant play wvw because ricky is not able to deal with nightcapping.

hey in 2 days its free trial again. maybe should make an alt with my guild and come visit u guys..or actually your opponent server.:-)

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: declan.3968


Come to a T1 server and see the huge difference in play style.

While I agree the suggestions are silly, the only thing you can learn from a T1 server is how to pay people to transfer over and how to stack 80+ players in one place.

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

When the winners of the season come from the top servers in each league, BG/SoR/JQ and YB/KN/IoJ, then WvW is doomed to fail.

However, if the winners of the season come from the lower servers, like Ebay/CD/BP and FC/DR/AR, then WvW will thrive and you’ll see the breakup of stacked servers and a better influx of PvE players into WvW.

So WvW is doomed to fail then…Because if the FCs/DRs/ARs or anyone below IoJ could hope to win they would already be the favorites….Because the favorites are ranked as such because they have in the past been able to maintain the PPT necessary to gain said ranking…

The only upsets you will see in this league thing, are going to be either directly due to server transfers (transferring in or out), or will be the “middle servers” of each league randomly upsetting another middle server. IE: a 21 beats a 19…Which is not much of an upset at all.

Mag Server Leader

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Ricky already made this thread before, and when people realized that Ricky is, well Ricky… they stopped responding and it got buried. Please let this one die in peace as well…..

Funny read actually…..

yeah, hoonestly i cant stand that the op puts us all in the box of button 1 spamming zerglings.

ive been on fa since day 1 and our ioj members have been here for around 10 months now. if we had even numbers ricky, u would get crushed still as fa for example is used to be outmanned and pushes zergs far bigger then their own numbers.
and a lot of sor have been in sor since beginnig too, im sure. same with all the other t1 and t2 servers.
im facing the same guilds from tc and db i’ve been facing for months. u havent even seen any of our fights ever. and 12 maps?!? wtf? my guild is mainly australian and if i cant play with them i wont play gw2 and also when i get off work i cant play wvw because ricky is not able to deal with nightcapping.

hey in 2 days its free trial again. maybe should make an alt with my guild and come visit u guys..or actually your opponent server.:-)

Why for a second would you care what he thinks? He’s never played at top tier levels so he has no idea how skilled anyone is. Anyone can make baseless claims of how great they are and how horrible everyone else is. It means absolutely nothing and you shouldn’t even give it a second thought.

It’s been roughly a year since I transferred to SoR. They were T7 at the time. I came from a T1 server. I can say with absolute certainty at that point in time there was a huge difference between a T1 server and a T7 server from an mid to large scale fight skill level. That was a long time ago though so who knows how it is now.
Individual skill is going to be the same across all servers. You will have great solo/small group roamers at all levels because there is no reason to be on a big server if all you want to do is solo roam.
From a mid-large scale perspective there will be differences because low populated servers aren’t going to get the experience fighting that way. It’s a completely different type of skill. It’s not about knowing how to fight someone in a 1v1 situation or individual skill. It’s about knowing where to position yourself. Knowing how to react to the other zerg. Knowing where they are going to move before they move there. Knowing how to trait that best supports the zerg.

Sanctum of Rall

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


When the winners of the season come from the top servers in each league, BG/SoR/JQ and YB/KN/IoJ, then WvW is doomed to fail.

However, if the winners of the season come from the lower servers, like Ebay/CD/BP and FC/DR/AR, then WvW will thrive and you’ll see the breakup of stacked servers and a better influx of PvE players into WvW.

So WvW is doomed to fail then…Because if the FCs/DRs/ARs or anyone below IoJ could hope to win they would already be the favorites….Because the favorites are ranked as such because they have in the past been able to maintain the PPT necessary to gain said ranking…

The only upsets you will see in this league thing, are going to be either directly due to server transfers (transferring in or out), or will be the “middle servers” of each league randomly upsetting another middle server. IE: a 21 beats a 19…Which is not much of an upset at all.

I think he’s talking about the Individual winners. Which according to ANet they are going to be able to be won on all tiers.

However, as you said. If that is the basis for WvW failing then WvW will definitely fail.

I don’t know what they plan to base their individual merits on but there is little I can think of wouldn’t give you an advantage if your on a top tier server.

Most Kills – People fighting the most people are going to win. That is T1-3 because of big fights.

Most Points earned – Lower tier servers are going to be facing blow out matches against T1 servers where they have no hope to score points.

Most stomps – Lower tier may have an advantage because it’s hard to get stomps of in huge fights. Top tier roamers still have more people to fight though. Plus again low tier servers will be facing blowout matches where they can’t enter the BL without fighting 20 people at once.

Dolyak Kills/Camp flips. Same as above. Blowout matches will give them weeks where they can’t get any. They will have to work hard in their few close matches.

Basically it all boils down to people on lower tiers are going to be facing insurmountable odds several weeks during the league and won’t be able to score points so all the individual winners will likely come from T1 servers.

Sanctum of Rall

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


does anyone else notice how a t1 or t2 server automatically says they will crush little ol me …without even knowing me ? this sense of entitlement in t1 and t2 is not healthy.

I was in a t1 server when you guys were still trying to hit level 80 – I moved back to my main server when the bots were gone – I’ve played in your field …it’s stressful …not fun ….it’s a big blob of people screaming at each other …..while people from other servers come over to grief each other …’s a cesspool of people insulting people for not saving a keep. It’s a dominion of people that are willing to use 3rd party software to squeeze every edge of advantage they can in the field ….

because they fear losing……the irony that they lost before they even started fighting eh ?

if you guys decide to pay me a visit…do it as an adversary so I don’t have to hear your whining.


IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


does anyone else notice how a t1 or t2 server automatically says they will crush little ol me …without even knowing me ? this sense of entitlement in t1 and t2 is not healthy.

I was in a t1 server when you guys were still trying to hit level 80 – I moved back to my main server when the bots were gone – I’ve played in your field …it’s stressful …not fun ….it’s a big blob of people screaming at each other …..while people from other servers come over to grief each other …’s a cesspool of people insulting people for not saving a keep. It’s a dominion of people that are willing to use 3rd party software to squeeze every edge of advantage they can in the field ….

because they fear losing……the irony that they lost before they even started fighting eh ?

if you guys decide to pay me a visit…do it as an adversary so I don’t have to hear your whining.


I hope you’re not addressing me. If you are, reading comprehension is good.

Sanctum of Rall

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


anet just made clear to me they favor the imbalanced servers. won’t be posting anymore. not feeling the censorship.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Good riddance?

Sanctum of Rall

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


When the winners of the season come from the top servers in each league, BG/SoR/JQ and YB/KN/IoJ, then WvW is doomed to fail.

However, if the winners of the season come from the lower servers, like Ebay/CD/BP and FC/DR/AR, then WvW will thrive and you’ll see the breakup of stacked servers and a better influx of PvE players into WvW.

So WvW is doomed to fail then…Because if the FCs/DRs/ARs or anyone below IoJ could hope to win they would already be the favorites….Because the favorites are ranked as such because they have in the past been able to maintain the PPT necessary to gain said ranking…

The only upsets you will see in this league thing, are going to be either directly due to server transfers (transferring in or out), or will be the “middle servers” of each league randomly upsetting another middle server. IE: a 21 beats a 19…Which is not much of an upset at all.

I think he’s talking about the Individual winners. Which according to ANet they are going to be able to be won on all tiers.

However, as you said. If that is the basis for WvW failing then WvW will definitely fail.

I don’t know what they plan to base their individual merits on but there is little I can think of wouldn’t give you an advantage if your on a top tier server.

Most Kills – People fighting the most people are going to win. That is T1-3 because of big fights.

Most Points earned – Lower tier servers are going to be facing blow out matches against T1 servers where they have no hope to score points.

Most stomps – Lower tier may have an advantage because it’s hard to get stomps of in huge fights. Top tier roamers still have more people to fight though. Plus again low tier servers will be facing blowout matches where they can’t enter the BL without fighting 20 people at once.

Dolyak Kills/Camp flips. Same as above. Blowout matches will give them weeks where they can’t get any. They will have to work hard in their few close matches.

Basically it all boils down to people on lower tiers are going to be facing insurmountable odds several weeks during the league and won’t be able to score points so all the individual winners will likely come from T1 servers.

I’m not talking about individuals, I’m talking about how the T1 servers (BG/SoR/JQ) have been the same for the past 28 weeks, over 6 months, HALF THE TIME GW2 has existed they have been the top three servers. Before that there was at least a shuffling of servers.

A little over 1 week until the first season and these three servers are STILL recruiting, uh buying, guilds to come experience the thrill of 24/7 queues, megablobs and skill lag. These servers, and to a lesser extent TC, a T1.5 server, have done this just so they can be looked at as the best NA server with no other rewards. Now that there’s going to be a carrot given out at the end of 7 weeks they’re stacking even more.

The majority of matches in the first season will be with one server dominating, one server playing for second and a third server getting played. This does nothing to grow WvW. What it does do is alienate 2/3 of the servers, not something that creates sustainability.

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Good riddance?

:-) yup.

the whole league thing is going to be pretty rough though. facing u sor atm is tough. im having fun still, but there is like no way to beat a t1 server for fa atm. we have a hard time vs tc already….
t1 atm is something like sor/jq/bg/tc
t2 fa/db
t3 mag/sos/ebay

… the servers are very far apart from eachother so it is pretty bad to think a league is gonna be fun.
oh well if we fa face a t4 server ill not wear armor then and level an alt…. and not go for bloodlust.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

When the winners of the season come from the top servers in each league, BG/SoR/JQ and YB/KN/IoJ, then WvW is doomed to fail.

However, if the winners of the season come from the lower servers, like Ebay/CD/BP and FC/DR/AR, then WvW will thrive and you’ll see the breakup of stacked servers and a better influx of PvE players into WvW.

So WvW is doomed to fail then…Because if the FCs/DRs/ARs or anyone below IoJ could hope to win they would already be the favorites….Because the favorites are ranked as such because they have in the past been able to maintain the PPT necessary to gain said ranking…

The only upsets you will see in this league thing, are going to be either directly due to server transfers (transferring in or out), or will be the “middle servers” of each league randomly upsetting another middle server. IE: a 21 beats a 19…Which is not much of an upset at all.

I think he’s talking about the Individual winners. Which according to ANet they are going to be able to be won on all tiers.

However, as you said. If that is the basis for WvW failing then WvW will definitely fail.

I don’t know what they plan to base their individual merits on but there is little I can think of wouldn’t give you an advantage if your on a top tier server.

Most Kills – People fighting the most people are going to win. That is T1-3 because of big fights.

Most Points earned – Lower tier servers are going to be facing blow out matches against T1 servers where they have no hope to score points.

Most stomps – Lower tier may have an advantage because it’s hard to get stomps of in huge fights. Top tier roamers still have more people to fight though. Plus again low tier servers will be facing blowout matches where they can’t enter the BL without fighting 20 people at once.

Dolyak Kills/Camp flips. Same as above. Blowout matches will give them weeks where they can’t get any. They will have to work hard in their few close matches.

Basically it all boils down to people on lower tiers are going to be facing insurmountable odds several weeks during the league and won’t be able to score points so all the individual winners will likely come from T1 servers.

I’m not talking about individuals, I’m talking about how the T1 servers (BG/SoR/JQ) have been the same for the past 28 weeks, over 6 months, HALF THE TIME GW2 has existed they have been the top three servers. Before that there was at least a shuffling of servers.

A little over 1 week until the first season and these three servers are STILL recruiting, uh buying, guilds to come experience the thrill of 24/7 queues, megablobs and skill lag. These servers, and to a lesser extent TC, a T1.5 server, have done this just so they can be looked at as the best NA server with no other rewards. Now that there’s going to be a carrot given out at the end of 7 weeks they’re stacking even more.

The majority of matches in the first season will be with one server dominating, one server playing for second and a third server getting played. This does nothing to grow WvW. What it does do is alienate 2/3 of the servers, not something that creates sustainability.

That is what I thought you were saying from the beginning….So I totally agree 100%…All this league is going to do (especially if it remains 2 leagues only) is give us a few weeks of terrible matchups, and then they will crown the “winners” of which 99% could probably be predicted right now.

I mean if you match YB or Kain against ET/FC/SF/AR they win 100 times out of 100 on pure points/PPT.

Mag Server Leader

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


yup agree with u if fa faces anythig below t3(which is already a blowout matchup) it will be like our current matchup with sor

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

BTW, is anyone else shocked they didn’t base the league on some type of rating system rather than 1/2/3 finish per matchup?

Or did I totally miss something?

Mag Server Leader

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: Aurust.8961


When the winners of the season come from the top servers in each league, BG/SoR/JQ and YB/KN/IoJ, then WvW is doomed to fail.

However, if the winners of the season come from the lower servers, like Ebay/CD/BP and FC/DR/AR, then WvW will thrive and you’ll see the breakup of stacked servers and a better influx of PvE players into WvW.

So WvW is doomed to fail then…Because if the FCs/DRs/ARs or anyone below IoJ could hope to win they would already be the favorites….Because the favorites are ranked as such because they have in the past been able to maintain the PPT necessary to gain said ranking…

The only upsets you will see in this league thing, are going to be either directly due to server transfers (transferring in or out), or will be the “middle servers” of each league randomly upsetting another middle server. IE: a 21 beats a 19…Which is not much of an upset at all.

I think he’s talking about the Individual winners. Which according to ANet they are going to be able to be won on all tiers.

However, as you said. If that is the basis for WvW failing then WvW will definitely fail.

I don’t know what they plan to base their individual merits on but there is little I can think of wouldn’t give you an advantage if your on a top tier server.

Most Kills – People fighting the most people are going to win. That is T1-3 because of big fights.

Most Points earned – Lower tier servers are going to be facing blow out matches against T1 servers where they have no hope to score points.

Most stomps – Lower tier may have an advantage because it’s hard to get stomps of in huge fights. Top tier roamers still have more people to fight though. Plus again low tier servers will be facing blowout matches where they can’t enter the BL without fighting 20 people at once.

Dolyak Kills/Camp flips. Same as above. Blowout matches will give them weeks where they can’t get any. They will have to work hard in their few close matches.

Basically it all boils down to people on lower tiers are going to be facing insurmountable odds several weeks during the league and won’t be able to score points so all the individual winners will likely come from T1 servers.

I’m not talking about individuals, I’m talking about how the T1 servers (BG/SoR/JQ) have been the same for the past 28 weeks, over 6 months, HALF THE TIME GW2 has existed they have been the top three servers. Before that there was at least a shuffling of servers.

A little over 1 week until the first season and these three servers are STILL recruiting, uh buying, guilds to come experience the thrill of 24/7 queues, megablobs and skill lag. These servers, and to a lesser extent TC, a T1.5 server, have done this just so they can be looked at as the best NA server with no other rewards. Now that there’s going to be a carrot given out at the end of 7 weeks they’re stacking even more.

The majority of matches in the first season will be with one server dominating, one server playing for second and a third server getting played. This does nothing to grow WvW. What it does do is alienate 2/3 of the servers, not something that creates sustainability.

Here is what you dont understand…. the MAIN REASON these servers dominate others is off hour coverage. This off hour coverage converged to these server because during the “stagnant” tier period this was pretty much the only place for Oceanic/SEA/EU players to find good fights.

Anet were the ones that decided adding variety was a good thing for whatever reason even though they were told massive blowouts will occur.

At this point, no destacking will occur, because oceanic/SEA/EU players have no reason to move now. Anywhere they go, chances are, they will still PVD.

It was never about being the best, but being able to find fights 24/7……..

Master- [DKLT] The Darkness and The Light

How to tear a new kitten in T1 and T2 servers

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


That is what I thought you were saying from the beginning….So I totally agree 100%…All this league is going to do (especially if it remains 2 leagues only) is give us a few weeks of terrible matchups, and then they will crown the “winners” of which 99% could probably be predicted right now.

I mean if you match YB or Kain against ET/FC/SF/AR they win 100 times out of 100 on pure points/PPT.

Agree 100%. I guess I misunderstood what he was saying.

Sanctum of Rall