I cant participate in leagues

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


Take a step back and think of the first time you ventured into something as big as this and remember how it felt. Maybe it wasn’t GW2, but there was a time that was your first. Was it overwhelming? Was there things you needed to learn? Did someone help you? Did they show you how to do things to help? I’m pretty certain you didn’t pop out knowing exactly how to do all this, and giving a little consideration and guidance goes a lot farther than vile, venom, and vinegar.

Yes. Yes. No. No.

When I first ventured into WvW, I didn’t mindlessly run around giving enemy servers loot bags. I saw a call to enter teamspeak and joined right away. I then saw a WvW guild recruiting and joined them too. It took maybe 2 days to learn the basics of WvW. It didn’t take guidance. I wasn’t given consideration. I went out of my way to learn before I started taking some action on my own. This is a vastly different experience to PvErs heading to WvW now. They’re (for most part, since they’re there just for achievements) not willing to participate or learn. This ruins the WvW experience for those who are there to WvW or those who are there to try it out and learn.

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: nachtritter.8961


yeah us people on stacked servers who had in average a minute wait to play on the map we wanted to be on and no wait on at least one map now have hours long ques. You can’t tell me this is from wvw guilds only. A bulk of this is from pve people who want the achievements and most likely will not do wvw after they get them. In the mean time the people who do wvw daily get to sit around in wait. Not the best way to reward dedication.

Why would PvErs xfer to upper-tier servers just to get achievements? No one in their right mind would pay for a server transfer to a busier server in order to get achievements that they’ll have to wait hours before they can even try to go for. That’s completely stupid.

Besides, those PvErs you’re accusing are waiting in the queue, too. And odds are that if it was a problem, it wouldn’t be a problem just for your W, but for all the Ws in the W3. So if the PvErs were really a problem, they’d be a similar problem for your 2 enemy worlds and in the end, the point is moot.

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Groonz.7825


ANET should sell “Express Queue Card” in Gem Store, something work like year-ticket for sport fan.

The sad thing about this is that I honestly would not be surprised if it happened.

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Madora.9340


You know, I’m actually happy that a lot of the achievement hunters came to WvW. I can’t tell you how many people probably have looked past it initially and now have a reason to explore. Everyone was complaining about how WvW was dying and it would never get people back, now we have more people playing it. Granted, they don’t have much of a clue of what’s going on, but that’s where the more experienced people come in to explain the rules to them. Granted, not all of them will stick around but there might be some that will, and I think that is a good thing. I guess only time will tell, really.

ANET should sell “Express Queue Card” in Gem Store, something work like year-ticket for sport fan.

Seems more akin to the ‘Alpha Membership’ that Planetside 2 already has.

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: gidorah.4960


I’m on a server with no queues. You can transfer to a server with no queues as well.

What about those players that actually give a kitten about their community and built is from the ground up over the course of a year? Like SoR? Telling people to transfer so they can play the game mode that was the REASON WE BOUGHT THIS GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE is not a valid argument.

You mean the people who paid for other player’s transfer costs to your server? Maybe it’s time for top tiers to transfer DOWN for a change.

I have already explained that SOR has never paid for a guild to transfer. The one exception was IRON and we do not regret that one bit as they are one of the best and most dedicated guilds on our server. On SoR we see other servers buy guilds and we have seen just where that got them.

So you don’t pay for guilds, except you have in the past. So you just don’t do that anymore?

no one paid for IRON we had the choice of all na servers and scouted as many servers as we could before coming to our decision to join SOR. As a guild we paid for 90% of our own transfer and was helped by the community for the ones after we had run out of money .
We came to sor because we felt we would fit in there better not because we were offered gold to move .

how is fitting in to a t1 server working out now? did you just decide to ignore it when devon warned this would happen?

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


The best thing about all the whining from some players (the vocal minority) about queues on these servers (really top 4 in NA) is it is a good advertisement not to transfer there. i had hoped that leagues would see the population spread out – at the very least I reckon stacking to T1 is looking a lot less attractive. I suspect this was part of Anet’s thinking.

Sea of Sorrows

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


A better solution is twofold:

1: reduce map population capacity

2: create 1-2 new maps

Trying to force transfers to other servers because of long queue times is a backhanded way of handling the issue.

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


A better solution is twofold:

1: reduce map population capacity

2: create 1-2 new maps

Trying to force transfers to other servers because of long queue times is a backhanded way of handling the issue.

totally agree with idea number 1

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


I cant participate in WvW and do something good for my server because my free spot is occupied be useless, achievement farming kittens.

You don’t deserve the “spot” any more than anyone else does.

This right here is always the debate in games like this. Depending on how Arena net handles this issue will determine larger the type of playerbase they retain. Personally I disagree with you. Simple fact is some people are more useful in WvW.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


A better solution is twofold:

1: reduce map population capacity

2: create 1-2 new maps

Trying to force transfers to other servers because of long queue times is a backhanded way of handling the issue.

The issue was caused by people transferring to those servers.

So I don’t see why it cant be solved by people transferring off those servers.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


I find it humorous that people are going full “elitist” and saying they have a greater right to be there than anyone else.

1. It’s just for the season
2. The achievement hunters are already thinning out.
3. Is it really that surprising that this would happen to already stacked servers?
4. You should be happy that some new people are taking interest, even if it’s only temporary
5. It’s only for the season (repeated for emphasis)

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I have no sympathy for you. SoR encouraged guilds to transfer to them. You get what you ask for.

You stack your server you suffer the consequences.


Viva la Revolución!

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Laurelinde.4395


If you want to control all the variables and units in a game, then you’re going to have to play a single-player game. In an MMO you are always going to be at the mercy of other people and there will inevitably be some that you don’t like/aren’t good/clash with your ideas.

Anyone who paid for the game and is not actively griefing (and no, being clueless or disorganised or not speaking your language is not griefing) has as much a right to be there as anyone else, like it or lump it.

Laurelinde & Cookie/Beorna Bearheart
[TWG] – Gunnar’s Hold
Always remember Wheaton’s Law

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I cant participate in WvW and do something good for my server because my free spot is occupied be useless, achievement farming kittens.

You don’t deserve the “spot” any more than anyone else does.

This right here is always the debate in games like this. Depending on how Arena net handles this issue will determine larger the type of playerbase they retain. Personally I disagree with you. Simple fact is some people are more useful in WvW.

I dunno if that’s true. If you want to keep gettin new people you gotta make room for them too. Not to mention everyone thinks they’re the skilled player/guild who kills twice/three times their number all day long no problem. I would say players’ opinions on who should be in should never count.

I believe one of WvW’s biggest skill tests for organized WvW is working with all sorts of people. I have seen lots of people fail to do this spectacularly. A server player base is going to have all sorts of people, not only is the game not WvW exclusive (no matter how much people wish it were) but the player base changes over time as people move on and new people arrive.

Gate of Madness

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


If you want to control all the variables and units in a game, then you’re going to have to play a single-player game. In an MMO you are always going to be at the mercy of other people and there will inevitably be some that you don’t like/aren’t good/clash with your ideas.

Anyone who paid for the game and is not actively griefing (and no, being clueless or disorganised or not speaking your language is not griefing) has as much a right to be there as anyone else, like it or lump it.

You’re talking about PvE. In which case I would totally agree with you.

PvP is a different ballgame. Those that want to try to win should be there, and Team synergy and cooperation are arguably the most important factors in a match. Why bother with having PvP at all if you can’t coordinate anything? It doesn’t make any sense to say you can’t form teams in a competitive environment…

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

(edited by Obsidian.1328)

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


If you want to control all the variables and units in a game, then you’re going to have to play a single-player game. In an MMO you are always going to be at the mercy of other people and there will inevitably be some that you don’t like/aren’t good/clash with your ideas.

Anyone who paid for the game and is not actively griefing (and no, being clueless or disorganised or not speaking your language is not griefing) has as much a right to be there as anyone else, like it or lump it.

You’re talking about PvE. In which case I would totally agree with you.

PvP is a different ballgame. Team synergy and cooperation are arguably the most important factors in a match. Why bother with having PvP at all if you can’t coordinate anything? It doesn’t make any sense to say you can’t form teams in a competitive environment…

sPvP is a ballgame. WvW is a pub brawl.

Gate of Madness

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


If you want to control all the variables and units in a game, then you’re going to have to play a single-player game. In an MMO you are always going to be at the mercy of other people and there will inevitably be some that you don’t like/aren’t good/clash with your ideas.

Anyone who paid for the game and is not actively griefing (and no, being clueless or disorganised or not speaking your language is not griefing) has as much a right to be there as anyone else, like it or lump it.

You’re talking about PvE. In which case I would totally agree with you.

PvP is a different ballgame. Team synergy and cooperation are arguably the most important factors in a match. Why bother with having PvP at all if you can’t coordinate anything? It doesn’t make any sense to say you can’t form teams in a competitive environment…

sPvP is a ballgame. WvW is a pub brawl.

Not really. Granted the zergfests can boil down to 1spamming, but that’s because of lag which is a separate issue. GW2 professions and skills exist in such a way that cross-class interaction is the most effective means of beating your opponent. While sPvP is more individual or very small-man oriented, W3 is simply large scale PvP. It’s only a brawl if you let it be(current stunwar meta notwithstanding!)…which, by the way, is what introducing PvE into the mix does. It dilutes the gameplay to random and meaningless fights with no purpose.

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: albotelho.2931


It is worthless to put the blame on pvers, kitten, Twhatever… the issue is WvW was not ready for this kind of influx, we already had queues and skill lag before rewards or season…

ANet knew about it and they should had foreseen it would get much worse with season and rewards. The new instanced map for people in queues should have been a priority before season, the skill lag issue that they already working on should be high priority.

So instead of accusing each other we should focus on asking ANET for a solution, I would ask them to cancel season and bring it back after those issues are solved at least the new map for queue.

The season and rewards ideas are great and I tottaly support it, but WvW was just not ready for it right now…

Turig Wolfsbane Norn Guardian
Rangrorn Charr Necromancer
Ultimate Legion [UL]

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


There are really just 2 issues here: lag and achievements. The lag may never go away, which is incredibly unfortunate, but the achievements can simply be removed. Anyone who wants to PvP can stay, and the farmers can go back to PvE. Easy.

As far as the high tier queues go, they were bearable before this week. Reset night sucks, but it always does and we’re used to it. We don’t mind having queues, it’s an acceptable inconvenience for getting coverage. It’s the incredible length of the queues now that irk us. Some are nearly 5 times as long…we need to sleep sometime.

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Laurelinde.4395


If you want to control all the variables and units in a game, then you’re going to have to play a single-player game. In an MMO you are always going to be at the mercy of other people and there will inevitably be some that you don’t like/aren’t good/clash with your ideas.

Anyone who paid for the game and is not actively griefing (and no, being clueless or disorganised or not speaking your language is not griefing) has as much a right to be there as anyone else, like it or lump it.

You’re talking about PvE. In which case I would totally agree with you.

PvP is a different ballgame. Those that want to try to win should be there, and Team synergy and cooperation are arguably the most important factors in a match. Why bother with having PvP at all if you can’t coordinate anything? It doesn’t make any sense to say you can’t form teams in a competitive environment…

I’m talking about WvW. You are free to try to form teams but ultimately it’s not a team, it’s a world (server.) There’s no signups, there’s no tryouts, you get who you get. My overall point stands: we do not control the parameters of GW2 or WvW no matter how invested we are (or aren’t) in it. PUGs are a fact of life. The only way around it is to leave the open MMO environment and move into something where players can set more of the parameters.

Laurelinde & Cookie/Beorna Bearheart
[TWG] – Gunnar’s Hold
Always remember Wheaton’s Law

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


If you want to control all the variables and units in a game, then you’re going to have to play a single-player game. In an MMO you are always going to be at the mercy of other people and there will inevitably be some that you don’t like/aren’t good/clash with your ideas.

Anyone who paid for the game and is not actively griefing (and no, being clueless or disorganised or not speaking your language is not griefing) has as much a right to be there as anyone else, like it or lump it.

You’re talking about PvE. In which case I would totally agree with you.

PvP is a different ballgame. Those that want to try to win should be there, and Team synergy and cooperation are arguably the most important factors in a match. Why bother with having PvP at all if you can’t coordinate anything? It doesn’t make any sense to say you can’t form teams in a competitive environment…

I’m talking about WvW. You are free to try to form teams but ultimately it’s not a team, it’s a world (server.) There’s no signups, there’s no tryouts, you get who you get. My overall point stands: we do not control the parameters of GW2 or WvW no matter how invested we are (or aren’t) in it. PUGs are a fact of life. The only way around it is to leave the open MMO environment and move into something where players can set more of the parameters.

Eh…it’s not really an open environment though. I’d agree it was ANet’s intention with W3 to be a casual PvP game-mode, but that’s not how it turned out. The reality is that W3 is primarily controlled by the various guilds that have put the time and effort into creating a competitive server. Most, including my own server, welcome new players who are interested in large-scale PvP. But we do so with the agreement that cooperation and planning supercede individual interests in the Borderlands. It’s not because we want to control you, it’s because that’s how you win: teamwork. Any team-based professional athlete would agree to that.

Our “team” as you put, isn’t just everyone on the server, but rather those on the server that actively participate and cooperate in W3 together. Why would someone who’s never set foot in W3 before this week expect to have the same rights and respect as someone who’s been doing it over a year?

When I first set foot in W3 I was a nobody. I didn’t expect to just walk in and be on par with all the other Rallians. It took me months to earn the trust of everyone else in there. That’s how team-based PvP works. And quite frankly, that’s how it should be. Otherwise, your server, or team, would never succeed.

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Ahlen.7591


Seniority does count when you are the group out there bustin your kitten each week in WvW and people who only come for AP comes in and ruins your organization and hard work. People who don’t want to listen and just wanna take SM and other foolish things. Same people who will be gone after getting there achievements

It only counts in your mind though, not in reality.

Them folk got just as much rights to be there as ya’ll.

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


For sale, for a short-time only in the BLTC gem store: The Season 1 “I WvW all the time, so I’m entitled” booster.
This one day booster will cut your queue times by up to 33%. Only 1200 gems!

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: sirflamesword.3896


For sale, for a short-time only in the BLTC gem store: The Season 1 “I press the 1 key better, so I’m entitled” booster.
This one day booster will cut your queue times by up to 33%. Only 1200 gems!


Pinnacle of Responsibility[Mom]-Yaks Bend
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


For sale, for a short-time only in the BLTC gem store: The Season 1 “I WvW all the time, so I’m entitled” booster.
This one day booster will cut your queue times by up to 33%. Only 1200 gems!

What’s really sad is I know some players who would buy that.

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

ANET should sell “Express Queue Card” in Gem Store, something work like year-ticket for sport fan.

The sad thing about this is that I honestly would not be surprised if it happened.

Think this through. It cannot happen. If everyone had an express queue card, then it would nullify the purpose of the item.

Also, would be a waste of money, and would really tick off people that want to play without having to shell out more money to lower their wait to get into WvW.