Idea: Bonus Points for Attacking Leader

Idea: Bonus Points for Attacking Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Sebrent.3625


Provide bonus points for capping a point owned by the 1st place server in a match.

The idea behind a 3-team system is that if team A is dominating, teams B and C will gang up on team A. Sadly, for whatever reason(s), this is not what happens. Instead, we see B and C ignore A and beat each other up while A continues to dominate.

So why does this happen? My guess is that A is dominant because of some reason(s) that make them ultimately stronger (more people, better commanders, better PvPers, etc.). This makes it harder to take Towers, Keeps, etc. from A and easier to take Towers, Keeps, Camp from B and C.

Since you get the same reward for these regardless of who you take them from, we often see people going for the easier targets. Why work harder for the same thing when you can work less and get the same reward?

So, to combat this, I was wondering what people’s thoughts were on providing bonus points for capturing points held by the current leader?

We’d have to obviously tweak the numbers to find a good balance, but what if you had A dominating with a 10% lead. Why not provide 10% (rounded) of the points for holding that Tower/Keep/Camp from A immediately upon taking it from them ? If 10% isn’t enough, tweak it to 20% or more. If it’s too much, lower it to 5%.

Now the 2nd and 3rd place servers have more incentive for attacking the 1st place server.

Now the 2nd and 3rd place servers have a way to gain points faster to close the gap that has been growing between them and the 1st place server.


Christian. Husband. Father. Friend. Developer. Gamer.
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Better yourself.

Idea: Bonus Points for Attacking Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Provost.6210


My server would dominate our match-up if the other two servers didn’t gang up on us. On Friday night they each attacked separate gates to our keep in coordination to prevent us from getting an early lead.

Why do I mention this? Because, frankly, I don’t think your suggestion would change these patterns. Your server’s commanders will continue to select their targets based on the match-up composition and whatever alliances are formed between server leaders. My server will continue to be double-teamed because we demolish our enemies in open combat on equal terms.

The only way to really fix it is for enemies to only be called by their rank (e.g. “Gold Raider”) and not their server. Have your team one colour, and other servers a separate, single colour. Essentially, make all enemies identical so that nobody can tell the difference between potential ally and target foe.

Idea: Bonus Points for Attacking Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Matches would be tighter if losing servers could only fight against winning server.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Idea: Bonus Points for Attacking Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

This is a great idea and has been brought up before. It is one of the simplest solutions to the bad matchup issue that has plagued the game since launch and that is constantly complained about.

In an unbalanced matchup there should be some incentive for attacking the stronger server.

Idea: Bonus Points for Attacking Leader

in WvW

Posted by: the krytan assassin.9235

the krytan assassin.9235

LOL thought you mentioned commander sniping when i opened your post ^.^,
might be a decent idea, but in the end there’s no way that a dev would take a single look at this forum so probably it’s all for nothing

DDD|elementalist| Piken commander|RaW|