Idea to make Ruines Useful for roamers

Idea to make Ruines Useful for roamers

in WvW

Posted by: Luthic.7290


I am mainly a wvw / spvp player. I mainly enjoy roaming with a few friends to find zergs and then pick off stragglers or engage in smaller 5v5 level fights.

With the addition of the new WVW map, i was hoping for higher incentives for roamers as well as zergs.

The Role of a zerg should be to take towers and keeps and defend vs other zergs.
The roles of roamers should be to support zergs in ways the zerg shouldnt be able to do itself. The prime example is in roaming. here they can find the locations of enemey zergs and inform them of where they are heading so that it can be defended. Or in picking off the stragglers to increase your zergs chance at stopping the attack. But anet has other ideas in mind.

Anet has claimed that they want more imporance for roamers in taking camps and stopping supply dolyacks to slow down the automated upgrade system. As it currently stands this is Completly worthless to any team and it might become more impcatful with HoT but we shall see. Taking a supply camp does have its use but in general, any zerg who needs supply will just go and take one for themselves making it less useful for roamers to take.

One HIGHLY underutlized mechanic is the rune system. 30ish cele stats for everyone in wvw. In the grand scheme of things this is quite pointless and doesn’t really help zerging as much as it does 1v1 fighters. So I would propose greatly increasing the importance of these runes for each server. If a offensive team is taking it, it should increase the dmg of rams,trebs, and such to help offecnice. On defense it should make walls and structers take less damage or something to that effect. This now heavily incentivizes owning this rune system. But it is impracticle for large zergs to constantly maintain this buff. Here the roamer or small group now has a more useful roll to help large zergs and should (hopefully) keep skirmising for these points a thing which is what i particullary enjoy.

Idea to make Ruines Useful for roamers

in WvW

Posted by: GROMIT.7829


I hope you mean “Ruines” and not “Runes” but could be a good idea or just remove it all together.

Roaming groups of 3-5 will have alot more power than in the current border land maps, solo roamers may struggle but no doubt they’ll find thier footing eventually.


Idea to make Ruines Useful for roamers

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Demolish that cramped sPvP mess in the middle of the map and bring back the Quaggans.

Whispers with meat.

Idea to make Ruines Useful for roamers

in WvW

Posted by: Zalladi.4652


I presume you are talking about the “Ruins” system?

I have to agree to some degree, currently the ruins system is lacking; it is somewhere at the half mark between the old orb system’s balance issues and something that would be ideal.

Of course, remember that the Alpine map is being removed with Heart of Thorns and replaced with the Desert map (which does not contain “ruins”, but instead “shrines” which will give bonuses to local keeps) so it will be quite pointless to focus resources into changing the “ruins” system.

Idea to make Ruines Useful for roamers

in WvW

Posted by: Entenkommando.5208


There won’t be ruins on the new map so there is no point in wasting ressources on this now.

R.I.P Kodasch Allianz [KoA]

All we wanted was a GvG.