Ideas on how to fix WvW

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: LiSensei.4016


I have some constructive feedbacks and suggestions for Anet that I would like to throw it out there for everyone to discuss. If you think some of the ideas are worth spreading, please leave a comment.

It all started with the patch that limits maximum targets from AOE improved server stability and encourage players to play together. Raid groups no longer get wiped in an instant by another raid group. Anet made a right decision. WvW was enjoyable until paid-transfer kicked in. Anet had every right to make money from this because they made a great game. However, paid-transfer inevitably cause tier-1 servers to form up and “Blobs” to occur.

From speculation, there are more WvW focused players/guilds gathered on BG, JQ and SOR than rest of the servers combined. Most importantly, the communities (councils) on those tier-1 servers effectively invited Oceanic and European guilds to join them to improve their WvW coverage. They had every right to win. However, less organized servers tend to suffer when they had to face any one of those three servers in match up.

Currently, the lack of organization and cooperation between guilds caused players to “Blob” up. All you need is one commander to lead a blob. This is very hard to counter. To wipe a “Map Zerg”, an organized group needs at least 25 experienced players which is hard to gather. The other counter will be playing “Gorilla Tactic”, Guilds in groups of 10 or 20 attack on multiple capture points and perhaps on different servers at the same time, they can outplay the blob and force them to spread as well. This requires a whole lot more commanders on the map to lead and players to participate. European servers got this happening and got a positive cycle going. The US servers couldn’t pull it off due to lack of availability, morale and lack of organized WvW guilds. “Blobing” is obviously the winner especially during Off-Peak hours and weekdays since only one commander is required for each “Map Zerg” and they have enough resources to take down keeps without fail.

Players participate in “Blobing” are rewarded with WEXP significantly higher than having smaller groups doing “havoc” guerilla tactics. Anet implemented Supply Traps, Bloodlust Capture Points to counter “Blobing”. However, players are not rewarded for draining supply from “Zerg” or buffing allies. On the other hand, if players do receive benefits for setting supply traps or capture points, they will definitely be abused.

  • to balance server population/coverage
    Option 1 Gold League should be top three servers, not top six. BG, JQ and SOR have way too many people.
    Option 2 Split scoring system into Peak-Hour and Off-Peak-Hour. This might encourage guilds to play together and work together.
    Option 3 Server merges or give Free Transfer Tickets to players from bottom servers.
  • to get more commanders on the map
    Option 1 Players who are not in a Commander’s Squad receives a penalty on the amount of WEXP they receive.
    Option 2 Commanders’ text message shows up in different colors on team chat or only in squad chat.
    Option 3 Commander Tag has the option “Only visible for Squad Members” to avoid “Under Level Pugs” or “Rally Bots”.
    Option 4 Commanders get to set their Squads as “Guild Members Only”, “Invitation Only” or “Free-for-all”. A Squad Window/Menu will sure be handy.
  • to split the “Zerg”
    Option 1 While under the Outmanned Buff, each time a player/group takes out an objective, it places a debuff on the opponents which increases in stacks that reduces their overall stats and/or WEXP gained. This allows the possibility for a small group to wipe out a “Zerg”, force them to spread out or force them to leave the borderland. The debuff is duration based and stay with the opponent when they switch borderland.
    Option 2 set up an area in the EB Jumping Puzzle designed for organised GvG (around 15 vs 15) battles. Don’t forget to give spectators place to stand. Bloodlust does not affect those in the map. This will promote and encourage organized group fights and train commanders.
    Option 3 Scale the difficulty of the Keep Lord on the number of invaders to the point that it hits like a Siegerazer. That will surely give outmanned defenders a chance or at least provide a challenge.

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

The problem with any fixes, is getting ANET to believe that anything is really broken.

Mag Server Leader

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Conner.4702


Replace Devon Carver with someone who cares

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I like the methodical and analytical way in which you determine the problems and accordingly the solutions. I agree with most of them, but I think more drastic changes would be necessary to avoid 1] Lack of Server Balance 2] Blobbing (aka. PvDoor) 3] Night-Capping.

A few other things that make WvW a less fun experience:

  • Ascended armour unbalances the real competition, Pay to win
  • Upscaling low levels makes them about as strong as an ambient creature, takes about 1-2 critical hits to kill? Instead, make everyone as strong and make special 3-stat armour that doesn’t have a rank, like armour in SPvP
  • Bloodlust is horrible
  • Skill lagg seriously needs a fix. High end $3,000 pc, you win?
Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Avalon.6418


The problem with any fixes, is getting ANET to believe that anything is really broken.

Exactly… It just doesn’t feel that the game supports you in WvW. It feels like only we the players put effort to make our WvW time better. In my opinion though WvW needs expansion type refinement, not just patches.

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


I like the methodical and analytical way in which you determine the problems and accordingly the solutions. I agree with most of them, but I think more drastic changes would be necessary to avoid 1] Lack of Server Balance 2] Blobbing (aka. PvDoor) 3] Night-Capping.

A few other things that make WvW a less fun experience:

  • Ascended armour unbalances the real competition, Pay to win
  • Upscaling low levels makes them about as strong as an ambient creature, takes about 1-2 critical hits to kill? Instead, make everyone as strong and make special 3-stat armour that doesn’t have a rank, like armour in SPvP
  • Bloodlust is horrible
  • Skill lagg seriously needs a fix. High end $3,000 pc, you win?

I did not get exactly what you said:
*Ascended armour pay to win = how? you dont spend real money to buy it infact it has not yet been implemented in game atm.
*Upscaled low levels is the player choice to play wvw tbh. Let us say they dont up level and how better will they become than an ambient creature. Although the only problem here is that one upscaled toon in a blob fight dies very fast and rallies half a dozen of enemies that were in downed state turning a winning fight into a loosing one for the whole blob.
*Agreed bloodlust shud be related to dolyaks speed carrying supplies and not any favours in stats.
*No it is not. Skill lag is due to anet servers and not due to your internet service provider or your PC. It is their inefficient servers.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rigel.3092


Here is a better option: Not have the Leagues at all given most of you here cry and whine about them so much as it is.

In short, no matter what Anet implements as it regards Leagues or anything else for that matter, there will ALWAYS BE THOSE THINKING THEY KNOW BETTER or will simply CRY AND WHINE about anything and everything. =.=

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Daendur.2357


Players who are not in a Commander’s Squad receives a penalty on the amount of WEXP they receive.

And why you should force ppl to join a squad ?
I hate commanders and I hate to follow a commander that doesn’t represent me.
ATM: blu icon = stick – 1 1 1 1 tons of points with 0 effort.
Reward must be inversely proportional to the number of players

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: LiSensei.4016


Players who are not in a Commander’s Squad receives a penalty on the amount of WEXP they receive.

And why you should force ppl to join a squad ?

  1. For supply count.
  2. Taking advantage of squad chat which helps when a commander tries to coordinate with players who don’t use teamspeak.
  3. Stop squad members from following the wrong commander tag.
  4. Encourage more commanders to turn their tags on.
  5. Force players to follow a commander rather than running off doing their own things.
  6. Join Squad has been there since the beginning, commanders find it hard to get people to join their squad.

(edited by LiSensei.4016)

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


Players who are not in a Commander’s Squad receives a penalty on the amount of WEXP they receive.

And why you should force ppl to join a squad ?

  1. For supply count.
  2. Taking advantage of squad chat which helps when a commander tries to coordinate with players who don’t use teamspeak.
  3. Stop squad members from following the wrong commander tag.
  4. Encourage more commanders to turn their tags on.
  5. Force players to follow a commander rather than running off doing their own things.
  6. Join Squad has been there since the beginning, commanders find it hard to get people to join their squad.

1. /supplyinfo — displays the supply carried by players near you.
You don’t need to be in a squad to know the supply carried.
2. VOIP eliminates need for most chat.
3. Target commander, anyone can do this. You don’t need to have the tag up any more.
4. We sometimes run tagless, so spies don’t know where we are. If you don’t know where everyone else is, ask in map chat or VOIP
5. There are tools inside and outside the game that have gone way beyond the limited Join Squad mechanic.

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Daendur.2357



sorry wrong question. the right one is:

why would you force ppl to follow a commander ?

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Brutal Arts.6307

Brutal Arts.6307

I like your commander solution, the rest, not so much.

You have gotten what you paid for, all that remains is biweekly gemshop pushing.

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Stillsky.2615


In short, no matter what Anet implements as it regards Leagues or anything else for that matter, there will ALWAYS BE THOSE THINKING THEY KNOW BETTER or will simply CRY AND WHINE about anything and everything. =.=

Sure, there will always be those people, for better or worse. Every game has them.

On the flip side, a lot of the complaints coming from a large portion of the WvW crowd are not necessarily of the “I know better” mentality. They’re more of the “I’d love to play your game Anet, but you’re making it more unplayable every two weeks” mentality.


Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ariel Cor Leonis Inferi.2894

Ariel Cor Leonis Inferi.2894

Replace Devon Carver with someone who cares

Ded gaem

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: meep.2601


Replace Devon Carver with someone who cares

he probably cares, but just has absolutely no idea what he is doing and does everything kitten -backwards.

so yea, replace him with someone who knows what they are doing

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


Players who are not in a Commander’s Squad receives a penalty on the amount of WEXP they receive.

And why you should force ppl to join a squad ?

  1. For supply count.
  2. Taking advantage of squad chat which helps when a commander tries to coordinate with players who don’t use teamspeak.
  3. Stop squad members from following the wrong commander tag.
  4. Encourage more commanders to turn their tags on.
  5. Force players to follow a commander rather than running off doing their own things.
  6. Join Squad has been there since the beginning, commanders find it hard to get people to join their squad.

1. /supplyinfo — displays the supply carried by players near you.
You don’t need to be in a squad to know the supply carried.
2. VOIP eliminates need for most chat.
3. Target commander, anyone can do this. You don’t need to have the tag up any more.
4. We sometimes run tagless, so spies don’t know where we are. If you don’t know where everyone else is, ask in map chat or VOIP
5. There are tools inside and outside the game that have gone way beyond the limited Join Squad mechanic.

This is the issue, everything that fix the problem is on client side while Anet does nothing. No incentive what so ever, it is always the players that make the WvW experience better, not the devs.

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: LiSensei.4016


1. /supplyinfo — displays the supply carried by players near you.
You don’t need to be in a squad to know the supply carried.
2. VOIP eliminates need for most chat.
3. Target commander, anyone can do this. You don’t need to have the tag up any more.
4. We sometimes run tagless, so spies don’t know where we are. If you don’t know where everyone else is, ask in map chat or VOIP
5. There are tools inside and outside the game that have gone way beyond the limited Join Squad mechanic.

/squadinfo will show the names of players in the squad and the amount of supply they are carrying. This command only takes squad members into account. Squad members don’t have to stack on the commander tag for the commander to check supplyinfo.

Good luck getting pugs to get on VOIP and into the same channel you are in. Most pugs are lazy and hopeless. Players on BG, JQ and SOR are used to using TS, this is not happening on other servers.

I GVG a lot with my guild and we are good at running tagless in WvW. We also hate spies, trolls, under levels and rallybot baddies that ruin good fights. Just like you said, players managed to get around all the problems. Having more in-game features that benefit gameplay will still be a bonus!

Ideas on how to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Stillsky.2615


Replace Devon Carver with someone who cares

he probably cares, but just has absolutely no idea what he is doing and does everything kitten -backwards.

so yea, replace him with someone who knows what they are doing

I like to believe that Devon both cares and knows what he’s doing, but like so many us, has someone above him that doesn’t know what he’s doing and only cares about his pockets.
