(edited by Lopez.7369)
Is this kind of dueling against the rules?
Why do you assume it is against the rules enough to make a forum post about this? This “dueling” happens across quite a few servers and is quite organized. Player interactivity across servers is a good thing.
Because it was directly hurting players who were taking part in world vs. world as it’s intended. Server cooperation is supposed to be about forming alliances within the rule set of world vs. world, not defeating the entire purpose of world vs. world and ignoring its mechanics.
A lot of people could easily argue that you’re “hurting your teams efforts” or “taking up a slot” because you’re in the jumping puzzle. Personally I’m not one of those who complain about the jumping puzzle, but the epic irony is still there :P
Because it was directly hurting players who were taking part in world vs. world as it’s intended. Server cooperation is supposed to be about forming alliances within the rule set of world vs. world, not defeating the entire purpose of world vs. world and ignoring its mechanics.
If its an available option even if unintended, then there is nothing wrong with it. If by your logic that players who do not take part in attacking enemy servers en masse and holding PPT giving areas are against the rules, then please explain the presence of a Jump Puzzle in every map in the first place.
They are free to do it, same as those doing the PVE events in WvW, farming up mats, or whatever. But Anet should really make a separate mode for dueling / arena. Hopefully soon, its been bandied about before.
Ohh. I understand here. Only Lopez understands how WvW was intended to be played. Why argue with him?
Or maybe people should just play the game in a way that is fun for them regardless of whether it matches up with what you think is right.
erm how can this be against the rules.We host those duels all the time and it is fun to sometimes sit next to an invader or dance with them while watching epic fights.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Nothing wrong with groups setting up some special dueling spot.
Also nothing wrong with you and your friends coming and wiping them.
That happens enough times and there won’t be anymore dueling.
I’m not here to argue about it; I’m more interested in an official response. You guys are basically trying to justify someone AFKing in a battleground/warfront/warzone with blatant fallacies.
(edited by Lopez.7369)
Let people have their fun, and you go have yours.
hmm you could argue for every person they are dueling against, that’s also one less invader, well, invading your world.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
I’m more interested in an official response.
Good luck with that.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
If Anet does eventually create a zone for dueling then it maybe considered using up a precious WvW spot, until then i dont think Anet tells people how they should spend their time in WvW
hmm you could argue for every person they are dueling against, that’s also one less invader, well, invading your world.
Maybe if all three servers were taking part in it, but that wasn’t the case. Judging by what I saw on the map and was told, Kaineng, the server not participating, made significant gains while this was going on because Tarnished Coast and Blackgate were outnumbered. In my screenshot, you can even see people asking in team chat where “the rest of our team” was.
Nothing wrong with groups setting up some special dueling spot.
Also nothing wrong with you and your friends coming and wiping them.
That happens enough times and there won’t be anymore dueling.
I agree with you. Nothing wrong with holding such event. But if anyone don’t like the idea, one can group up and wipe it. It’s totally allowed as well.
[DKJ] – Jade Quarry
Pull your head in Lopez. If you took the time to jump in and have a duel yourself you might actually find it fun.. We won’t hold it against you if you don’t though keep on enjoying your pvdoor and we will enjoy our pvp.
Fight clubs are amazing<3~
And >>No<<, they’re arn’t against any rules or ToS. kthxbai
Your server is wasting 20slots.
Enemy server is wasting 20slots.
No, it does not hurt your effort. Well they do because there is a third server, but not that much.
Just a remind, whatever i post is my opinion, not representing any community i’m part of.
If that’s against the rules then epic golem costume brawls in the JP with enemy players would also be against it.
Notice the Anet dev having a blast with us?
never been a fan of “D O.o ling” but it’s not against the rules. Now if you had a like minded group of fine gentlemen who like to enjoy a little more unpredictability in their pvp (griefing) you could grab them and roll the cumbaya fest over.
I saw this earlier. It was just a bunch of people dueling from two servers dueling each other.
From what I saw in map chat, it was directly hurting our efforts in the rest of the map. These were people who were essentially taking up a world vs. world slot while failing to contribute in any way to the group. It’s basically the equivalent to people AFK botting in a battleground in other games.
Not against the rules, but pretty much taking up space. If they really want to know who is better, go spvp. Else, the richer kid will win.
Always Loyal
If there was a queue then yes they’re taking up space, but it’s not against the terms of service.
Give the duel kids their own instance to flex their kitten in and everyone will be happy.
Whoa, what a killjoy. You’re telling other people that instead of having fun, they must come and follow you around zerging camps or whatever? You must be a delight in real life.
Fun is permitted within designated Fun mechanic parameters. Praise be to Lopez
When we’re dueling, if some moron comes along and tries to attack the other team, we simply stand by and let our opponents wipe them. If you can’t appreciate the challenging and gentleman-like nature of a duel, whether it be 1v1 or 20v20, kindly leave those who do alone.
That said, there’s no reason duelers can’t take it to a BL with no queue, rather than taking up spots in EB.
well as long as your server is winning, you can afford to do this thing called dueling. and if it is losing, no one can stop you from still doing it.
i mean you play for your own reasons, though i do not agree with it, i can respect it.
I’ll probably be that guy, who will charge and kill or disrupt a duel at all times.
Always Loyal
Because it was directly hurting players who were taking part in world vs. world as it’s intended. Server cooperation is supposed to be about forming alliances within the rule set of world vs. world, not defeating the entire purpose of world vs. world and ignoring its mechanics.
Always someone who can’t stand other people having a good time. They were just duelling. It’s very popular in our tier(tier 2) and I’m sure it is in other tiers as well. Plus lets be real even if you didn’t have a large points lead over TC(which you do) you guys would PvD the points back in the off hours. It’s all good.
Hah, at least they tie up enemy players (I think GvG is fine btw). You should be more worried about underleveled, undergeared and non-organised people just running left and right, dying, not taking or defending anything, if you want to see what’s hurting your WvW efforts :P
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
I saw this earlier. It was just a bunch of people dueling from two servers dueling each other.
From what I saw in map chat, it was directly hurting our efforts in the rest of the map. These were people who were essentially taking up a world vs. world slot while failing to contribute in any way to the group. It’s basically the equivalent to people AFK botting in a battleground in other games.
So let me get this straight. You’re in the JP wasting a valuable slot, while complaining about people being in the JP wasting valuable slots (regardless of what they are doing in there)? Mkay…
To say it again and simply, no, it is not against thr rules. What players choose to do with their time in WvW is their business as long as it does not go against the ToA/C, which it doesn’t.
That being said, fight club participants will almost always go to an empty BL or move if things become heavy. So “wasting a slot” should not be a concern.
Also it is not “basically afk botting”. The players are engaging in duels and having fun on their terms with no in-game profit. It is “basically WvW”.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)
I’ve noticed that if someone isn’t good at something (i.e. Dueling), they’ll complain that it isn’t part of the rules, and cry delicious tears.
Nobody in this thread agrees with OP except me it seems I’m sure it’s not against the rules, but that doesn’t mean it’s a nice thing to do. The other day I was losing a keep in home border, and couldn’t call in reinforcements because the border was already full. Turns out a 20 man guild zerg was busy doing a JP instead of helping us, so we lost the keep.
If OP’s border was full at the time they were dueling, they should have found an empty border to do it. If there was no queue, however, let them duel all they want
Charr Guardian
47k kills and counting
Nobody in this thread agrees with OP except me it seems
I’m sure it’s not against the rules, but that doesn’t mean it’s a nice thing to do. The other day I was losing a keep in home border, and couldn’t call in reinforcements because the border was already full. Turns out a 20 man guild zerg was busy doing a JP instead of helping us, so we lost the keep.
If OP’s border was full at the time they were dueling, they should have found an empty border to do it. If there was no queue, however, let them duel all they want
Meh, you and the OP are not alone.
Just that the more vocal people in this thread are duelists, while those who do wvw to serve their server are in game defending.
Always Loyal
You cannot dictate how people should enjoy the game they’ve paid for.
You cannot dictate how people should enjoy the game they’ve paid for.
True. Some will opt to serve their server. Some will opt to duel. Some will opt to do PVP/PVE/Dungeons.
Always Loyal
Nobody in this thread agrees with OP except me it seems
I’m sure it’s not against the rules, but that doesn’t mean it’s a nice thing to do. The other day I was losing a keep in home border, and couldn’t call in reinforcements because the border was already full. Turns out a 20 man guild zerg was busy doing a JP instead of helping us, so we lost the keep.
If OP’s border was full at the time they were dueling, they should have found an empty border to do it. If there was no queue, however, let them duel all they want
Meh, you and the OP are not alone.
Just that the more vocal people in this thread are duelists, while those who do wvw to serve their server are in game defending.
That kind of passive aggressive tone helps no one and only ignites flame wars. I am not a duelist yet I completely disagree with the OP.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
Nobody in this thread agrees with OP except me it seems
I’m sure it’s not against the rules, but that doesn’t mean it’s a nice thing to do. The other day I was losing a keep in home border, and couldn’t call in reinforcements because the border was already full. Turns out a 20 man guild zerg was busy doing a JP instead of helping us, so we lost the keep.
If OP’s border was full at the time they were dueling, they should have found an empty border to do it. If there was no queue, however, let them duel all they want
Meh, you and the OP are not alone.
Just that the more vocal people in this thread are duelists, while those who do wvw to serve their server are in game defending.
That kind of passive aggressive tone helps no one and only ignites flame wars. I am not a duelist yet I completely disagree with the OP.
Well I agree with the OP. Are you going to say I’m wrong with how I think because I think like this? I like it when my server fights, but I have no control over their actions. Now is it not correct that I feel not good about it?
Meh, everyone has their own likes in this game. It might be different from what I enjoy, but I can respect it. As I now respect your opinion.
But flames of war are inevitable as different people are biased to different things. Such as DUELIST vs Those who fight to keep land/take land and maintain server bonuses VS PVE/PVD/SPVP. ;3
Everyone is free to think and play as they will provided that it is not hacking.
I think the OP is merely voicing out his thoughts.
Always Loyal
Being someone who enjoys fight clubs or duels does not automatically make you someone who does not care about their server or defending. You are making assumptions about people just because they are doing something else in WvW other than sitting on a tower or seige.. Fight clubs are not full time jobs. Its something you do in between borderland defense and offense.
The people that figth club 24/7 are few and far between and not the kind of people we’re currently talking about.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)
Being someone who enjoys fight clubs or duels does not automatically make you someone who does not care about their server or defending. You are making assumptions about people just because they are doing something else in WvW. Fight clubs are not full time jobs. Its something you do in between borderland defense and offense.
No. I searched for not care in this page and only found it in your post. I deny it vehemently that I accuse you or any duelist of not caring about their server.
What I said is people have their own LIKES. It means preferences. Another way of looking at it is priorities.
Some will duel than choose to defend a supply camp. Or some will defend a supply camp then duel later.
As someone who does not care about dueling, I think you are putting words in my what I’m writing.
Always Loyal
Searching for exact words is silly, as different words can convey the same meaning. You stated people who want to serve their server are defending. Are you not implying that people who are dueling are not? In order to be painted as a defender of your server, use must defend 24/7? Please correct me if I’m wrong, I’m just trying to understand your words.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)
You are backtracking Sovereign, you absolutely did imply that people who enjoy duels are people who don’t help with defending their server.
Some will opt to serve their server. Some will opt to duel.
Just that the more vocal people in this thread are duelists, while those who do wvw to serve their server are in game defending.
Did you not say those things?
Searching for exact words is silly, as different words can convey the same meaning. You stated people who want to serve their server are defending. Are you not implying that people who are dueling are not?
If the circumstance requires players to defend their garisson and there is a team of strong players dueling instead at some forgotten area, then I state clearly and without implication that they do not care about their server’s status in WVW. However, in all other aspects of the game, I don’t know because I don’t read people’s mind.
And in the circumstance that players having nothing much to do, so they end up dueling to pass time, then that is okay – whether they care about their WVW status or their server is not something I would know because again, I don’t read people’s minds.
Simply, I’m merely talking about people’s preference to do as they wish in this game. And that I am biased on the aspect that players should defend or take land for their server for purposes of having bonuses. Else, do what they will.
Always Loyal
You are backtracking Sovereign, you absolutely did imply that people who enjoy duels are people who don’t help with defending their server.
Some will opt to serve their server. Some will opt to duel.
Just that the more vocal people in this thread are duelists, while those who do wvw to serve their server are in game defending.
Did you not say those things?
In the previous post I explained two circumstances from my own point of view. If there is a need to defend, and a strong team wastes their time by dueling when it is not necessary, couldn’t care less about the WVW status.
But if they defend first or attack first, then duel when it is opportune to do so, I can say while i do not know their intention, they do care about their WVW server status.
I do not imply, I state it as is.
Do i need to repeat this every time?
People have their own likes, or preferences, and will do as they will.
You can server your server in your own means or choose not to. But the easiest way to do so is to support the server by ensuring bonus points through WVW score. That is why I used the word serve.
Always Loyal
Its not against any rules. I can understand the argument they are wasting space and not contributing to WvW, and that their choice of activity can be done elsewhere without potentially hindering other players from joining WvW and actually playing it as such.
But as long as jumping puzzles are in WvW, and the Breakout event, i dont think we shouldnt concern ourselves with this. There’s bigger fish to fry.
Its not against any rules. I can understand the argument they are wasting space and not contributing to WvW, and that their choice of activity can be done elsewhere without potentially hindering other players from joining WvW and actually playing it as such.
But as long as jumping puzzles are in WvW, and the Breakout event, i dont think we shouldnt concern ourselves with this. There’s bigger fish to fry.
>3< True true. Okay, I think I shouldn’t be arguing over this small thing as the OP himself isn’t posting much against the replies of our fellow travelers.
See you in the battlegrounds. ;3
Always Loyal
I’m not sure if you know this Sov (do you mind if I call you Sov?), or have been to one, but fight club stops if there is a big attack going on. Now, big attack can be defined differently. Like losing SE tower when you still have East keep is a minimal threat, but losing a northern tower is a bigger deal (unless the match is a blowout).
Anyway the point is like I said before, fight club is usually done when nothing is happening. Between defense and offense. But just being someone who is not in the game at the very moment and not going down with a sunken ship does not mean they do not “serve their server”.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
My opinion, it is not against the rules to pvp in a pvp zone. You don’t like that go to another zone, or like another said above coordinate a hit on the offenders and wipe them out.
As the op feels that this hampers the zone play by the players not contributing to the servers efforts to increase ppt, it is multiple sides involved in the coordinated duels so both teams are at a loss.
Still though you as a player don’t get to dictate how others spend there in game time, if they want to /dance in wvw all day it is their choice.
As WvW has become completely stale while we wait for balances (not going to happen) or updates (prepare to be underwhelmed), people have taken it upon themselves to invent content that they enjoy.
In this case it’s dueling. At other times it’s GvG.
The points have become increasingly meaningless as most of the time it’s pvd in the early hours that determines who wins over the week, and most people have tired of running around capping etc. As the rewards for defending are poor to non-existent, it’s little surprise that zerging is the way it’s played.
Depending on how we feel, we might come and ruin the duels one day and be in them the next- it’s all part of the fun and you’re never quite sure what might happen when a group approaches you. It is quite funny when some solo thief comes along and tries to kill the ‘enemies’ and we stand there and watch, then he dies and qq’s about us not helping, etc.
I’m not sure if you know this Sov (do you mind if I call you Sov?), or have been to one, but fight club stops if there is a big attack going on. Now, big attack can be defined differently. Like losing SE tower when you still have East keep is a minimal threat, but losing a northern tower is a bigger deal (unless the match is a blowout).
Anyway the point is like I said before, fight club is usually done when nothing is happening. Between defense and offense. Just being someone is not in the game at the gery moment and not going down with a sunken ship does not mean they do mot “server their server”.
Duelists take up space only if they duel when there is something at stake. This is not the circumstance you mentioned when the duel stops when necessary. It is like party A vs Party B. Garrison is under seige w/ 20 percent at outer wall. Party A and B are happily fighting irrespective of the circumstance. If any players from party A or B die, they don’t assist nor do they defend in the garrison battle, they return to their duel spot, and re-comense their hostilities. In this instance, they are not helping their server in WVW. The team of party A or B could have defended or taken that Garison as the case may be. And a person who sees them will certainly put the blame on them, even if having them there or not would have made a difference or not.
Now whether it is allowed, is well yes. You can sleep their for 24/7. Just making sure to do something when the timer starts to count, or auto cast a buff. but again, this is my opinion, you do what you want because you bought this game for your own reasons.
I’m no longer supposed to reply to you because of my previous posts, where I’m supposed to drop this topic all together. And yes, people call me sov, so it is okay to call me that.
p.s. as we can’t read each other’s minds, the next best thing is via our action.
If you were my friend, and you asked for my help, and i helped you. You might think, I did it because i like you.
If you were my friend, and you asked for my help at a project, but i didn’t help you – by not contributing and by partying instead. You might think i did it because i didn’t care about you.
Let’s say on either case, I like you. You’d be suspicious of my like now in terms of circumstance number 2 as evidenced by my actions right?
Always Loyal
(edited by Sovereign.1093)
Sounds like a zerglet doesn’t like the idea of people with skill trying to further improve.
Nothing to see here.
In the future, I suggest you be nice and just ask.
“Come spam1 with meh!!!”
Where are these rules that the OP speaks about?