First off, I really don’t intend this as a troll post of any kind. I’m not trying to demean or shame anyone, but I just wanted to address a few things I’ve seen or heard being tossed around by various commanders across many, many servers.
Is your guild struggling? Participation down? Commanders burnt out?
Well you really aren’t alone. Since coming back to this game, I’ve seen a dozen guilds collapse. Guilds that once ran 20+, gvg’d, or even ran havoc are all vanishing.
First let me start by saying this, the guild I am in is not immune. I returned to this game around six to eight months ago. I had about 6 players who actually knew what they were doing. The rest were from other games and a maybe half of those had never touched guild wars 2 in their lives. I had just bought HoT 15 minutes into playing Gw2 again and had no idea what a rev or resistance was. We got run the kitten over. A lot.
Now, being a guy that is pretty prideful, I was bent out of shape. I don’t like losing, and I sure as hell losing that badly, but it happened… multiple times. What did I do? Two things.
First, I found out who was at the top of their game… for open field WvW, GvG (they’re different), etc… and I tried to pick their brains and comps. I also relied on some of the players I had just recruited as well as some of the ex guildies I was in contact with (which were in those top guilds or were now guild leaders themselves).
Many of you are past that step. You at least know how this game works, but here is arguably the most important advice I can give those of you that have declining rosters. Do something about it.
Don’t sit on your kitten and hope that people are going to show up. Don’t “call raids” because you don’t have enough people. Time constraints are understandable, but you have to make sure you proactively figure out what is going on and how to fix it, or even how to work around your schedules. Get a back up driver. Coordinate with other guilds on your off days. You can’t fix anything if you’re sitting around whining about it. It takes you, as a driver, tagging up constantly to recruit. EBG is a great place and if you see a tag, just ask if you can tag up instead. There are many servers where the main commanders will let you try your hand. Be vocal, be patient, and get to know those around you. I didn’t judge pugs when I came back. I only tried to point a few things out, and I pulled quite a few SBIers and later TCers into a channel to talk to them about gameplay.
So, my roster started growing. Slowly at first, and with people who were pretty new to WvW (I even recruited a few from sPvP). It wasn’t, by any means, a home run, but I kept wvwing every chance I got (which isn’t much sometimes because of school). I also made sure to have a back up driver. Most of these little guilds… No one knows you. Don’t be afraid to wipe as long as you learn something from it. I can’t stress that enough. There is zero burden on your shoulders. Swallow your pride and just keep going out there. The recruits will come.
“But Cid, I run a lot and don’t get any recruits.” Do you try? Are you filling a niche? Is it fun for the people around you? I’ve seen a lot of newer commanders and guilds run into brick walls over and over. I see the same group, week after week and they haven’t changed a single thing. You’re just bags. That’s not fun for anyone. Ask established guilds for builds and see what works. I’m not saying to go full GvG kitten meta, but you need to know what’s going on and the basics. You can’t win unless you try, and if trying isn’t working then use the losses as guidance.
There are people out there that are similar to you. They can be taught, and if none of these things work. You should, as a last ditch effort, move servers. Remember there are many special snowflakes out there that can fill your rosters.
Anyway, if you gain anything from this, it’s that you should tag up and try your hand at commanding. If your guild is decaying, you need to do something about it (same concepts for guilds who are starting out). If there is an established commander running and you want to tag up and take the pugs, just whisper him or her. More often than not, they will let you try your hand. There’s a few exceptions, but most of those commanders aren’t very good and will probably log off after they get killed a few times so just be patient.
Èl Cid