JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: shifue.9645


I was in that fight at the garrison along with one of my guild members.I saw that the orb was gone and the timer started it had 10 mins we watched the clock and kept fighting off bg’s people. not even 10 minutes passed and there was no orb indicator on the screen then bam it’s in ac in their control. This is in all honesty total bs which is starting to cement more of a reason not to touch wvw and after all the other bs with the game it’s more a reason to leave and deter anyone else from playing and buying it.

Name:Burningfart. Job: engineer from hell
Server: StormBluff Isle
Guild: Founder and Leader of the Darkhold Redeemers

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Seren.6850


reading this thread you’d think portal bombing was new

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: FatHitman.5074


Also anyone who calls out a SERVER for hacking is in the wrong. If you think about it, I bet every server has at least one hacker/botter. A INDIVIDUALS actions do not represent a server as a whole. Instead of complaining on the forums, you should be taking a screenshot of the player and also reporting him in-game.

BlackGate [KnT] 80 Necro Skinny Demon

(edited by FatHitman.5074)

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


@people talking about the orb being taken at SBI borderlands. I’m not sure why the indicator wasn’t working but the orb carrier was hiding inside the keep for at least 5-10mins before he left for bay. I missed exactly what happened because I died but I did catch the carrier and about 10ish members of his guild swimming through the entrance to bay. wouldn’t be surprised if there were chain portals involved.

in case you were wondering I think it was Thai Alliance that took it

(edited by Wizzey.7845)

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: quidpro.3956


Xeeron, if that was a hack it would be the second orb hack from Blackgate today. We had a speedhacker (flyhack) earlier when I was on from Blackgate (that’s where the orb ended up) and our Altar was broken…

How can a server take pride in a win when they’re cheating?

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

so first fly hack orb @ BG bl and then even at SI bl, still not legit… wow really blackgate 2 orbs that you can not take fair and square… you guys should be really proud of yourselves

Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: quidpro.3956


What’s funny is that a Blackgate player says “don’t call a server out on hacking”. I haven’t seen any orbs magically appear for JQ or SBI, only Blackgate.

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Lorthos.4976


We did not hack the orb in SBI bl. We breached garrison, destroyed altar, Thai Alliance took and held the orb for about 10 minutes then ran it back to AB. No funny business in that.


JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: StreetDoggy.1780


This week’s match-up is looking like one that will end on Sunday, with spawn camping for the rest of the week. I cite two main reasons for this:

1.) JQ lost a lot of man-power so we are in the same position we were in with HoD two weeks ago — an unbalanced fight where true 3-ways are rare.

2.) The EU imports to BG are showing NA Tier 1 just how effective Turtling and Portal Bombing are, especially when combined. These tactics are fine tuned to take advantage of limitations in the game’s technology and are a magnitude superior to traditional fighting. It will take a while for the other Tier 1 servers to adapt to this new tactic. Right now if you are not Turtling and Portal Bombing, you are fighting with spears against nuclear warheads. (I don’t blame BG for embracing this amazing tactic.)

TLDR – take this as a casual week and hope we get a match like last weeks sometime soon. Nothing beats a good fight.

Disclaimer — the author is an active participant in WvW on the SBI server.

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


I like how I just gave an account of what happened that would show it was not a hack and 3 people just completely disregard the post and call it a hack anyways.
Sigh… people will believe what they want to believe, not the truth that is in front of them.

make that 2 people over 3 posts.

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Zahdane.4029


Well so far I’m seeing the exploitation of limited coding and foresight. Exploit by definition means to take unfair advantage of a person or thing. In gaming it generally means to utilize an ability or situation that was not intended to be used in such a manner.
Exploiting is not the same thing as hacking.

A)Turtling. (If you truly believe ANET wanted people to stack to circumvent AoE damage – you are deluding yourself)
B) Portal Bombing – exploiting known and classified rendering issues to make armies invisible.
C) At least one verified Orb Fly Hack.

All of these things from the same server – evidently proud of the fact.

If that’s what it takes to win at any cost; I’d rather lose.

Edit – This combined with your previous opponents and what they have to say about you, well I really have no words for a server like that.

Zahzah – Stormbluff Isle
Asura Engineer

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Smoke.8510


What i see here: alot of SBI and JQ are QQing because BEASTGATE is playing as a team, because we have actual guilds and we organize our entire force, instead of running around randomly zerging supply camps and FAILING to take towers. Also, if you think the entire server is hacking just because your H.U.D. didn’t update correctly you’re, once again, being childish. It’s a game, a fairly new game, there are bugs, deal with it.
As far as the “Turtling” and “Portal jumping” tactics are concerned, its a legit tactic using a skill which happens to be powerful, instead of complaining about it, maybe you should try being organized and use it yourself. (FYI its a few guilds using this tactic, thats maybe 1/10th of BG’s ongoing 24hr zergs)

Edit – This combined with your previous opponents and what they have to say about you, well I really have no words for a server like that.

Sore losers insulting the winning team because they didn’t have the man power to win? Neever heard of that before, im sure THAT doesn’t happen allll the tiiime.

Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy [LiES] (Leader)||Doesn’t afraid of anything.|

(edited by Smoke.8510)

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Yama.9376


if u guys can get the name of the orb hacker i know BG will report the guy for hacking this was done by an individual not by our server i am sry that this happened


Bandwagoneers and passive aggressive cheats.

Guerrilafights SBI thugs.

Zibzab SBI
Pnt N Lol at Bndwgn Zerg Server[sOLo]
Zergling Hunter [ZILF]

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Yama.9376


Also anyone who calls out a SERVER for hacking is in the wrong. If you think about it, I bet every server has at least one hacker/botter. A INDIVIDUALS actions do not represent a server as a whole. Instead of complaining on the forums, you should be taking a screenshot of the player and also reporting him in-game.

all politicians have dirty hand people work for them but never claim so…

Zibzab SBI
Pnt N Lol at Bndwgn Zerg Server[sOLo]
Zergling Hunter [ZILF]

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Xeeron.9254


@people talking about the orb being taken at SBI borderlands. I’m not sure why the indicator wasn’t working but the orb carrier was hiding inside the keep for at least 5-10mins before he left for bay. I missed exactly what happened because I died but I did catch the carrier and about 10ish members of his guild swimming through the entrance to bay. wouldn’t be surprised if there were chain portals involved.

in case you were wondering I think it was Thai Alliance that took it

So apparently, after BG broke into the inner gate, in some way the orb bugged such that SBI defenders could not see it anymore. Someone (likely thai alliance) knew that it was bugged for SBI. Unless you know that SBI can not see the orb, hiding in garrison makes no sense at all. They used that knowledge to keep the orb save inside our garrison, and finally moved it to bay.

Quite sad really. Sad that ANet does not get very important game mechanics bug free. Sad that SBI did not get a fair chance to defend the orb. And also sad for all players of BG who worked to break into garrison, and who deserved to have a clean orb raid, instead of the bug use that happened.

- Xeeron

Xeeron – Strike Force

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: nukeyoo.9516


this is how reading all this made me feel….

stay classy :-*

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


I wouldn’t be so quick to assume that thai alliance knew it was bugged. from what I saw, I think they were trying to gather their players to secure the journey to bay while all the other BG players fought on the first floor

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Steadfast.5827


Hey as an FYI on this orb thing. If you kill someone who is carrying the orb once, ONCE the next person who picks it up has the orb but It does not show up on the map. I spoke with the orb carrier and they reported killing an SBI with it, picking it up, and waiting for backup. Their backup died once (which is mainly why it took 10 min’s.) As for the Fly/speed hacker I do not know, When I logged off last night in Blackgate BL SBI had the orb in hills, and we had ninja teams trying to get in there, Not sure if that was effective or not I do know early on last night one of our guilds had a mesmer hiding inside your hills keep as an FYI, not sure how that panned out. If you guys ever see a resident of Blackgate hacking in some way, let us know their guild tag, and we will try to find them. We do not condone this on Blackgate and it is not what we stand for.

As for our DEY’s alliance’s tactics, enjoy the challenge of trying to find ways to beat it. And SBI, Ask Warmachine, they so far have been the only ones who have ever been able to beat it albeit with limited success. That should be a more constructive use of your time.

Vincent Seyani – 80 Necromancer [HB] Beastgate
Torgrin Direwolf – 80 Warrior [HB] Beastgate

(edited by Steadfast.5827)

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


Well this should be an interesting match…

[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


At work can I get a score update.

As for ppl who think stacking is an exploit stop QQ’n and adjust. Hopefully ANet will fix this portal crap by limiting the amount of ppl able to port. IMO only the grp w/the mesmer should be able to portal. If mesmer is solo than no others but him can use it. To adjust shout healing is a stupid request. AoE dmg limitations is a good thing if it was reverse ppl would complain that AoE would need to be limited. Anyhow only portal needs work.

As for the possible orb hack. F’n cheaters. And don’t act like no one from your servers have ever done this perhaps not this match up yet but perhaps in previous matchups. And 1 person hacking doesn’t represent a community. And according to ANet it’s hard to stop hackers.

Anyhow game update plz

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Azurro.1504


This portal thing is breaking the game , borderline exploting game flaws and lagging the hell out of everyone to the point noone can fight back because no skill will trigger, blatant use of macros and even scripts.

This needs to be fixed asap as it is breaking the game and turning it into a big flat out joke… Like you are.

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Kayla.2498


Score update. Has been an exciting match up so far


Kyzrael / Vyzrael – Mesmer / Guardian
Crimson Sky [Sky] Stormbluff Isle

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Wow so much complaining here. You think people would know by now that if you kill the first orb carrier the orb disappears from the map. Plus so much complaining about stacking, none of us NA servers in T1 have ever seen it before so of course were going to get owned by it. I bet by the end of the week we’ll figure out some ways to counter it. The next person that cries “hacks and exploits” should feel bad.

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Silvius.6240


C) At least one verified Orb Fly Hack.

All of these things from the same server – evidently proud of the fact.

You’re wrong on two counts here. People have been saying that it was a fly hack that removed the orb from hills in bg borderlands and moved it to the garrison last night. I was on blackgate when that happened, and I don’t think it was hacked. We were focused on bay when the altar at hills broke, 10-15 seconds passed, and it appeared at garrison. The conversation on blackgate team chat was this:

blackgater 1: cool!
blackgater 2: not cool. did we cheat?
blackgater 3: no, their altar got hit by lightning, I don’t know why it went to garrison, maybe a glitch?

I’m not saying I know one way or another, but with a fly hack you usually see the orb fly across the map first (thanks to IoJ player that showed me that in action 3 weeks ago), in this case it just popped onto another altar. If it was lightning, I can’t explain why it didn’t go to the north camp, but that doesn’t mean we cheated: there are a few glitches in the game after all. So, not “verified”.

And most importantly, we don’t want hackers on our server, and will report them.

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


C) At least one verified Orb Fly Hack.

All of these things from the same server – evidently proud of the fact.

You’re wrong on two counts here. People have been saying that it was a fly hack that removed the orb from hills in bg borderlands and moved it to the garrison last night. I was on blackgate when that happened, and I don’t think it was hacked. We were focused on bay when the altar at hills broke, 10-15 seconds passed, and it appeared at garrison. The conversation on blackgate team chat was this:

blackgater 1: cool!
blackgater 2: not cool. did we cheat?
blackgater 3: no, their altar got hit by lightning, I don’t know why it went to garrison, maybe a glitch?

I’m not saying I know one way or another, but with a fly hack you usually see the orb fly across the map first (thanks to IoJ player that showed me that in action 3 weeks ago), in this case it just popped onto another altar. If it was lightning, I can’t explain why it didn’t go to the north camp, but that doesn’t mean we cheated: there are a few glitches in the game after all. So, not “verified”.

And most importantly, we don’t want hackers on our server, and will report them.

lol. How did we get the orb? their altar broke and this time it magically appeared in our garrison. Nope, not a cheat. we just super lucky that it happened to us. Couldn’t be a cheat, cause it’s not like the other cheats. This time, it respawned in garrison.

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Silvius.6240


lol. How did we get the orb? their altar broke and this time it magically appeared in our garrison. Nope, not a cheat. we just super lucky that it happened to us. Couldn’t be a cheat, cause it’s not like the other cheats. This time, it respawned in garrison.

If lightning hits the altar, the orb resets. I’m not pretending I know what happened, I’m just saying this was not a “verified fly hack”, and that if it was a hack, Blackgate didn’t want to win the orb that way. You’re going to flame me for that?

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


Never flamed you for it. Just breaking down some logic. I understand that maybe it wasn’t a “verified fly hack”, but to say “doesn’t mean we cheated” is silly. There’s no way it would have respawned in garrison. You don’t want cheaters and hacks, which is great. I don’t think anybody who legitimately enjoys wvw wants cheats and hacks. But situations like this are starting to taint the experience, and it sounds like you’re trying to justify an obviously shady situation. I’m not even in this matchup, just sounds like these are the things that are gonna start to creep into the everyday matchups, thereby ruining the fun for everybody. Especially when people think they have to defend an action taken by someone on their server. If it was a glitch, then you and your whole server took advantage of it.

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Raven Paradox.1860

Raven Paradox.1860

I like how JQ and SBI are complaining about the mesmer portals, yet I just got done playing on multiple borderlands including EBG in which both sides were using it.

Stop accusing others for using tactics your own team is using, and stop accusing servers of cheating when it’s one individual. Every server has hackers, and every other person on that server is willing to report that person to get them banned.

We want a fair fight just as much as everyone else.

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: vorpalbunneh.7268


Remember when WvW was played for enjoyment and was generally a fun experience for everyone involved?

At least we on Blackgate will be able to be proud of being the server with the most forum threads locked!

(The text entry box works oddly in android, apologies for any weird spelling)

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Vitrol.1576


I’m embarrassed by the people complaining about portal bombing, like it’s something new in T1. I personally haven’t seen turtling yet and I lean towards thinking this is a cheap tactic. It’s not an exploit by any means and I fully expect the tactic will be countered by the end of the week.

As for the Orb hacking, get real. The orb didn’t just “magically pop” into your altar. Lightning didn’t hit the altar. I watched the orb as it moved on the map inside your keep. Everyone in the map watched it. Accept your server cheated and move on. Stop making excuses.

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


score update plz

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Steadfast.5827


Warmachine is everywhere!!! Keeping us on our toes there much? Ouch. Lol GG its been rough fighting against you

Vincent Seyani – 80 Necromancer [HB] Beastgate
Torgrin Direwolf – 80 Warrior [HB] Beastgate

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Forest.4197


BG 24954 +170
SBI 22007 +295
JQ 18799 +230

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: profitsports.5789


thanks for hacking our orb BG, u guys cant beat us without ORbs hahahahahahahaa

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Steadfast.5827


Blackgate orb hacker is reported players unique tags are “White Tiger.7123.”

And this time I saw it, confirmed fly hacking. I hope this person gets banned and removed from our server.

Vincent Seyani – 80 Necromancer [HB] Beastgate
Torgrin Direwolf – 80 Warrior [HB] Beastgate

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Yorkie.8950


Massive amounts of siege – Really cheap tactic.
Portal Bombing – Really cheap tactic.
Turtling – Really cheap tactic.
Using Organisation – Really cheap tactic

This is what this thread is all about…


JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Acerac.6428


BG truly is tough to beat with these… strategies.

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Krakah.3582


Anet remove orbs since there’s no fix for the ridiculous fly hacks.


JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Yorkie.8950


BG truly is tough to beat with these… strategies.

So your saying you are out thought?

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


So, I see lots of walls of texts that my attention span can’t handle, but if everyone can take a step back and remember one thing about the orb when someone busts in. It gets glitched if the original player holding the orb is downed and the orb disappears from the map. This isn’t new, this has happened quite a few times. I’d call legitimate take of the orb unless proven otherwise.

As for the shenanigans from last night, our “Orb Defenders” as I called DA last night were truly watching things like a hawk the best they could. I wish someone could have gotten a screenshot of anything that happened. If this was exploits at work, which it appears to be, I hope BG can flush it out and handle business as the rest of our servers would.

Good luck and keep up the hardcore fights!

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF]
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

well forgive me, if i was wrong about the orb @ SI bl since im just reading posts from teammates on their side but definitely the one on BG bl is a VERIFIED hack… please do NOT make excuses for it. We saw it fly through our keep while going out and once it;s out by the time i press M (check map) it appeared in garrison… that was a 3-5 seconds interval from flying out our gate keep to BL keep now we all know it takes more than 5 seconds to get from ours to yours…. some of you saying luckily it appeared on garrison, well ill be dam*** how can u explain it didnt appear at bay instead? oh u got lucky, pls srsly? Right after that ppl on our side left since there’s no point playing past our curfew and pulled a cheap trick like that when ANET is tied up for some reason and not doing supposed actions about it…

Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

Blackgate orb hacker is reported players unique tags are “White Tiger.7123.”

And this time I saw it, confirmed fly hacking. I hope this person gets banned and removed from our server.

thank you so much… ppl like you makes ppl like us wants to play again

Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


White Tiger account is the same one that was trolling in BG BL yesterday. I have no doubt that it is a saboteur.

Beast mode

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Yorkie.8950


White Tiger account is the same one that was trolling in BG BL yesterday. I have no doubt that it is a saboteur.

Perhap from SBI or JQ…. more likely SBI … that server really uses underhand tactics.


/ just incase you did not pick up on the sarcastic tone, it was a joke….

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


No one has seen this person before yesterday and they were calling out well known guilds on the server for hours in BG BL yesterday trolling. I blocked them so that is how I know that person uses the white tiger account. It isn’t a surprise that this same person hacked an orb.

Beast mode

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Mouse.4782


Blackgate orb hacker is reported players unique tags are “White Tiger.7123.”

And this time I saw it, confirmed fly hacking. I hope this person gets banned and removed from our server.

thank you so much… ppl like you makes ppl like us wants to play again

Thank you, and I hope the individual(s) responsible are summarily banned. There is no excuse for ruining a competitive matchup in this manner. Also, I hope that people realize, the persons engaged in such activity are not doing it for the server they’re on, but mostly for selfish reasons, or to troll everyone by starting flame wars between the servers, etc. Please do not fall into the flaming crowd on such “events”, instead work together to identify those who are responsible, and weed them out of this marvelous community.
Looking forward to the rest of the week

Raichi – Sylvari Mesmer (Strike Force)
Stormbluff Isle

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Zahdane.4029


Not even 24 hours in and I’m seeing what, 3-5 cases of orb hacking?

Where did all this trash come from?

Zahzah – Stormbluff Isle
Asura Engineer

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


score update plz

also don’t count on hacker being banned anytime soon. however 3 of my posts already in this thread have been removed for calling out a net for not acting quick enough on this matter but deleting my posts 10mins after posting. gg

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Silvius.6240


I stand corrected then, because White Tiger was definitely in BG borderlands at that time. Not that I ever said it wasn’t a hack, just that I wasn’t convinced, and now I am. Apologies.

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Mindvibe.4630


Not even 24 hours in and I’m seeing what, 3-5 cases of orb hacking?

Where did all this trash come from?

mostly europe. a little from asia. but its all built up on blackgate atm.