JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Kyiv.9621


Sadly it seems they increased the capacity for all the servers as right now none of them are full. Which means more flooding to top end WvW servers and more queues.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


We were discussing on severwide TS today how much SBI has really brought the fight to the matchup .. everyone agreed you guys building a good rep for not giving up, fighting till the fat lady sings and all, and prolly even defiling her corpse a bit… We defiantly getting a sense that SBI has a lot of server pride and makes the matchup a lot of fun for those of us who also love the fight and feel server pride.

I usually only play heavily during “work” hours NA time, but I’ve been drawn into borderlands many times this week because SBI has just really been showing their presence to the whole WvW community. It’s been an honor to play both servers this week regardless of the score and looking forward to much more of it.

Many of us are looking forward to seeing HoD again also either when/if we drop down to T2 or HoD projected return to T1 in a few weeks. One of my favorite fights this week was about 1-2 hours long defending Norhern supply camp in Blue. Some serious not going home empty handed mentality by that HoD crew. And the quote of the week on TS was “HoD whyyyyy????” when you guys came in out of no where and rocked us as we were fighting SBI to take back DB… it was great fights that day (tue I think). Its a good lesson no matter what the score is always play like it’s day one.

In any case, thanks for the continued great fights and classy forums atmosphere, really looking forward to next week!

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Arasuki.6094



Common fight back!

Why don’t you transfer over to SBI? You will always have a constant fight! Win win!

with that kind of attitude, i dont want him in SBI.

[DU]Arasuki – Ranger
Down Under – Stormbluff Isle

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: fixit.7189


Finally threw in the towel last night and moved; best choice I have ever made in GW2.

New server has way more people, way less bots, and generally a much more pleasant experience over all. Actually having fun again.

HoD is dead. I highly suggest to anyone left (and is not a bot, yes you the 5 guys left) to find a new home and I can gaurentee you will be much much happier. I know I am.

(edited by fixit.7189)

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: shortcake.8659


jq should really keep a better eye on their orbs. it’s like their just leave the keep on their own. i wouldn’t want to be green either though so it’s understandable.

some terrible idiot in [pre]

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: earendil.1290


The worst thing that could happen to SBI next week would be to end up winning – we’ll still going to try though ’cause we are crazy.

Seriously, it was really fun last few days. As someone called it on our forums – “a target rich environment”. I even got to see a missile shooting golem for the first time.

Let’s have more fun next week folks

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057






Common fight back!

Why don’t you transfer over to SBI? You will always have a constant fight! Win win!

with that kind of attitude, i dont want him in SBI.

… i doubt anyone wants this, sorry you had to endure poor sportsmanship.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: zhonnika.1784


I am really looking forward to tomorrow when all of JQ gets back in the game. It’s pretty empty, and I don’t want to throw siege money around the day before reset, especially with such a huge lead. Karma farm, getting back everything SBI takes… that’s pretty much it. zzzzzzz.

SBI, win or lose, I’m looking forward to more fights against y’all. May IoJ give us at least SOMETHING to work with. The two-sided fight was ok, but it’s not WvW unless all 3 teams are out there kicking kittens. God that sounds wrong.

Kashmara – Elementalist | Reapermara – Necromancer
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: alanis.6094


JQ truly showed this week what type of server they are…

-Zerging and camping throughout the day, bringing 50+ ppl when 10 enemies take a supply camp
-Getting pushed back during prime-time, despite the 3 orb bonus and all structures upgraded

and now, up by 260k prior to the reset the next day, players from your server exploiting/glitching to take Sharadan Hills on the JQ Borderland.

I’m quite certain that you guys probably have some honorable guilds and players, as most in this thread have been respectable. It is a shame that those in the game are trash.

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 – undeadlords.net

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: greyblue.4962


HoD now owns most of their own borderlands. We killed 3 zergs of 50+ JQ’s, very fun.

Also, someone tried to hack orb away from us just after reset (we owned the keep since before reset, all walls and gates up, then suddenly they were inside with orb, but we killed them anyway ). Anyone get screenshots?

Nice job all.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Sekin.7803




NYS is an Asian guild. As you can guess from the few English words and numbers in their official site, they stated:

They have NYS1 with 500 members full, NYS2 with 500 members full, NYS3 with over 300 members, NYS Champion over 200 members. And the fist sentence read: All members have already been transferred to Stormbluff Isle successfully.

On top of that, my previous guild (SDU) with over 60 active members followed NYS’s migration to SBI and all of them are now playing in SBI server now.

I am a stubborn old fool who think loyalty is more important than winning and I refused to move with my old guild.

(edited by Sekin.7803)

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Rraarrww.3894



Such a shame cause with those kinds of numbers HOD could have been competitive the last 2 weeks. Instead of helping they jump ship, cowards if you ask me.

it’s bad enough you out number us 10-1, on top of that you’re using exploits and hacks when you clearly don’t need to do it. I find it very sad that some of your players have to stoop to that level of play, especially when the odds are overwhelmingly in your favor.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: zhonnika.1784


Yeah, nevermind. Figured it out.

Kashmara – Elementalist | Reapermara – Necromancer
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]

(edited by Moderator)

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Sekin.7803


Whenever we managed to take a tiny little insignificant small tower… 100+ SBI swarm us almost instantly…

must be dang boring for you guys over there…

I’ve been playing 2-3 hours a day for this past week in WvW … I honestly don’t remember there ever being a 100+ swarm on SBI.

And no, it’s not boring, there seems to be great fights everywhere. Last night we pushed back and forth for a while in between Garrison and DFB, was a blast.

I must apologize. I meant JQ not SBI.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Xuan.6294


There was definitely some funny business from SBI tonight at JQ garrison. I’m not sure what the crap was going on here, other than me repeatedly killing this one… over and over over… until they’d stop for a bit.

I think you just killing an illusion of mesmer :S

Their illusion always through the gate and attack gate from behind.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: zhonnika.1784


Yeah, I knew it was a clone, I just didn’t know how it got back there Silly mesmers

Kashmara – Elementalist | Reapermara – Necromancer
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


I’m from Stormbluff.
This SS was from 11pm pst Thursday 10-18-2012

One giant JQ zerg to the north, another to the east and another to the west

Most players I encountered were thief which makes for a great night.


JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


JQ truly showed this week what type of server they are…

-Zerging and camping throughout the day, bringing 50+ ppl when 10 enemies take a supply camp
-Getting pushed back during prime-time, despite the 3 orb bonus and all structures upgraded

and now, up by 260k prior to the reset the next day, players from your server exploiting/glitching to take Sharadan Hills on the JQ Borderland.

I’m quite certain that you guys probably have some honorable guilds and players, as most in this thread have been respectable. It is a shame that those in the game are trash.

It might be overkill to have many vs little, but it’s not meant to be insulting we just come take the target called, you shouldn’t take that as an insult just standard game-play IMO. I’ve been steamrolled many a time and said oh snap they wanted that back i guess.. then dusted off and tried again.

I don’t know a single player or event where a JQ has intentionally tried to glitch or xploit one of the towers, we had a group do it to US this week and people were pretty disgusted over the behavior. We made a thread with screenshots in this forum. We don’t claim that the entire server is a bunch of cheaters, just the exploiter we caught on SS.

As a mesmer people are always claiming we are exploiting something when we are playing within our characters intended methods. The longer the game goes the smarter people have become at countering a lot of mesmer siege breaking abilities. Yesterday at cliffside was a great example of how hard peeps been making it for mesmer siege destruction and the resulting giant hole in garrison wall for a little bit, was the reward.

We can’t throw our CLONES on you without having some line of sight, but it can appear different if they are thrown at the front door, but that’s just graphics. I don’t know a way to portal into an un-breached keep… if i did i would report the glitch via bug report, as this is game ruining behavior to exploit. I don’t know anyone who does it either.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: CarelessKrow.8032


The only reason we’re able to bring a ton of people to swarm a freshly taken supply camp is because at this point, people just want something to do. I don’t find it fun that we own everything, and the zero queue times that we’ve been getting lately kinda shows it.

It’s actually kinda crazy how many people are in the EB jumping puzzle concurrently. Dozens of dots everywhere.

[AoS] Army of Shepherds | Jade Quarry
That thief shooting rainbows at you? That’s me.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: alanis.6094


The only reason we’re able to bring a ton of people to swarm a freshly taken supply camp is because at this point, people just want something to do. I don’t find it fun that we own everything, and the zero queue times that we’ve been getting lately kinda shows it.

It’s actually kinda crazy how many people are in the EB jumping puzzle concurrently. Dozens of dots everywhere.

If only there was a solution to that problem…

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 – undeadlords.net

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: hex.3218


JQ truly showed this week what type of server they are…

-Zerging and camping throughout the day, bringing 50+ ppl when 10 enemies take a supply camp
-Getting pushed back during prime-time, despite the 3 orb bonus and all structures upgraded

and now, up by 260k prior to the reset the next day, players from your server exploiting/glitching to take Sharadan Hills on the JQ Borderland.

I’m quite certain that you guys probably have some honorable guilds and players, as most in this thread have been respectable. It is a shame that those in the game are trash.

Sour. Just sour.

Should we just bring 10 people to fight 10 people to make it fair? Yeah. Okay. Then get jumped by 20 others when we do right? You know that accusations of exploiting are not honorable either, right? In fact, I believe it’s a violation of the ToS here.

Waiting down the road from your spawn is NOT camping. A ton of you still got out and did some damage here and there when played smartly. And oh shoudl we just let 10 folks raid supply camps? Yeah, great idea!

And let’s stop with the zerg blame game. Every server has a zerg when they have numbers. JQ uses tactics. The zergs just happen and they happen on every server.

NONE of what you said says ANYTHING about JQ specifically. That’s WvW. If you can’t take a loss, don’t play. We took our beatings and learned from them. Some of us whined like you about it and we were labelled JQQ for it. And I agreed. So much so that I made JQQ my guild tag.

Less blame, more fighting would do you good. If you can’t even beat so called ‘trash’, what does that make you? Pffft. Please…

Calm Little Buddy

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


JQ isn’t even JQ any more. 50% of the people in wvwvw these days are glory hunting migrants who arrived 2-3 days ago.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062





Brb xferring elsewhere.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


It is amazing they’re still allowing server transfers. Can they not just shut it off. Like now. OR NOW. OR NOW. OR NOW.

Wait, you could do it NOW. OR maybe right now.

Or wait 1 more month and kill your game………………..

Anyone in charge read these forums? Helloooooooooooo! Anyone there?

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: TLSolomon.6083


Alanis – you do realize that most of the people in wvw from JQ arent really from JQ. They are by no means representation of what our server is. Many of our pre-bandwagon commanders and players are taking a break this week. I know Im supposed to be nice, but our server has traded off large organized wvw guilds for a bunch of bandwagoners that are horrible. HoD went through it. JQ is going through it. And I guess you wont understand until your server goes through it.

Any smart server is going to stay out of the top spots until free transfers are over.
And right now is NOT a good time to end them…. JQ still has the potato!

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


Before today’s matchup is over, I’d like to say a couple things.

What happened for HoD’s server this week was pretty bad, but I’m sure they will pick things back up. I know there are quite the tactical minds left over there and people willing to pull through and get things together again. Thanks for attempting to make map presence the best you guys could. I’d hate to see this happen to another server.

For JQ, on the last point with HoD, I hope your normal home teams don’t decide to up and leave to another server. It would really suck to see the HoD effect happen to another server. On the bright side, I believe both SBI and JQ had some really awesome fights during times of higher activity. I know I had a hell of a time during primetime hours with all the other teams that participated. You guys helped us get more creative on how to retake a map. We’ll see if things translate to a 1v1v1 situation that is more proper.

Good fights all round to every participating in WvW from all 3 servers.


Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF]
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: krojack.4920



Common fight back!

Why don’t you transfer over to SBI? You will always have a constant fight! Win win!

with that kind of attitude, i dont want him in SBI.

No attitude at all. I remember the WoW Wrath days in Wintergrasp when every single battle involved our faction graveyard camping the other faction. It was beyond boring and I even stopped going to the battles.

I have stopped going to WvW for this same reason now. I would consider transferring but I’m to tied in with my guild and friends on this server. At least with this game, I can log-in and just chat with my friends and not have “I’m paying $15 a month just to chat” on my conscience.

80 Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


As long as there are instant transfers there will be a wave of people moving from this server to that server. Unfortunately JQ is holding the ball atm. But hopefully with information coming in on the three (or four or five) servers that some of the HoD guilds leaped to hopefully the wave to slosh some of these recent immigrants to those servers.

The queues have sadly chased away many of my guildies. And much of the remaining have been lured away by world of pandas (which I am loathed to admit).

I just hope they do something about this before gw2 turns into War v2.0. =/


JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


really they need to add incentive to WvW. A Realm Rank system like DAoC would do wonders for the game.

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

(edited by Thwomp.3912)

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Spacefish.4623


JQ truly showed this week what type of server they are…

-Zerging and camping throughout the day, bringing 50+ ppl when 10 enemies take a supply camp
-Getting pushed back during prime-time, despite the 3 orb bonus and all structures upgraded

and now, up by 260k prior to the reset the next day, players from your server exploiting/glitching to take Sharadan Hills on the JQ Borderland.

I’m quite certain that you guys probably have some honorable guilds and players, as most in this thread have been respectable. It is a shame that those in the game are trash.

I’ve seen your guilds tag in Borderlands at prime time. I usually run a crew of 5-7, [QT], and we are often behind the lines taking camps and such. Never has a massive outnumbering by your UDL stopped your zergs of 20+ from killing us. That is WvW. SPvP with forced balance is that way —-→. I don’t see how we are trash, considering how many of your guildies we have killed.

As for the second point, you go ahead and try defending every point on the map all at once. See how you do, even with orbs and upgrades. At prime time when the numbers are equal we can’t be everywhere at once. I’m sure those doors enjoyed their orb bonus.

If people are glitching they will get nothing but grief from me, but I personally have not seen much of this in tier when ET isn’t around.

Lastly, I always chuckle a bit now when I see the occasional SBI moaning about anything to do with us on JQ (not all of you, god knows a server couldn’t possibly be made up of individuals and guilds from all over the rainbow). A lot of us have been on JQ from the start, like when SBI wouldn’t shut up about double-teaming us with Henge as good strategy and doing “anything to win”. Welcome to the other side of that coin.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Wotah.2975


JQ truly showed this week what type of server they are…

-Zerging and camping throughout the day, bringing 50+ ppl when 10 enemies take a supply camp
-Getting pushed back during prime-time, despite the 3 orb bonus and all structures upgraded

and now, up by 260k prior to the reset the next day, players from your server exploiting/glitching to take Sharadan Hills on the JQ Borderland.

I’m quite certain that you guys probably have some honorable guilds and players, as most in this thread have been respectable. It is a shame that those in the game are trash.

I feel really sorry about that. I am going to take it up with some people on our server. I wasn’t there when it happened, but I was in the zone. As soon as it flipped I knew exactly why, then you guys got it right back I didn’t feel as bad.

Rest assured this will be talked about. Hopefully Anet will fix it on this server flip, but you never know.

Wotah, Brutaler [SICK]/[SG]
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Shayde.2564


JQ truly showed this week what type of server they are…

-Zerging and camping throughout the day, bringing 50+ ppl when 10 enemies take a supply camp
-Getting pushed back during prime-time, despite the 3 orb bonus and all structures upgraded

and now, up by 260k prior to the reset the next day, players from your server exploiting/glitching to take Sharadan Hills on the JQ Borderland.

I’m quite certain that you guys probably have some honorable guilds and players, as most in this thread have been respectable. It is a shame that those in the game are trash.

I feel really sorry about that. I am going to take it up with some people on our server. I wasn’t there when it happened, but I was in the zone. As soon as it flipped I knew exactly why, then you guys got it right back I didn’t feel as bad.

Rest assured this will be talked about. Hopefully Anet will fix it on this server flip, but you never know.

Now this is representative of the true JQ’ers, respectful and honest, thank you. In the weeks leading up to this one, I never once saw kitten poor behavior like the Server of the Month kids have shown this week. Sitting down the road from spawn is not necessarily spawn-camping, but setting up trebs/ballistas down the road and hitting the stairs certainly is. Hopefully we’ll get some better sportsmanship and competition from all servers with the reset tonight. Good luck all.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: krojack.4920


So before reset JQ there weren’t any queue times on JQ or they were very short. After reset and because they’re fun stuff to do, queue times are a good 1.5 hours. Makes me sad all those bandwagoners wasting all those spots for the original JQ players.

QQ…..QQQ…QQQQQ…. You heard it right….. QQQQQ…

80 Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances