JQ wants YOU! (Recruitment thread!)
and for kittens sake, DB get the kitten off this thread.
That would require them to actually focus on their server but considering they would rather try to bribe, and con JQ guilds into going to DB, I don’t put pitiful attempts at forum sabotage past them.
Nah the cult of the noodle compels them to spread his word. Kinda sad they cant get out of tier 2 with out trying to pull our pve guilds now lol.
Oh well fun is still to be had on JQ got to lead my guild and others with Jed rav and SF into full capping BG bl when we started out manned and with nothing on the map. fun times
Just to be clear, most of us have no problem with the vast majority of DB, but the few coming in to our thread just to make noise and mess around with our recruitment thread are unwelcome.
also, like Blackelk has said, JQ almost never has queues, certainly not at all outside of NA prime, and during NA prime there’s usually a queue on 1 borderland where the majority of our WvW population is for the night, and we have almost nothing on other borderlands.
This might be a positive or a negative depending on your own personal preferrence, but JQ is less prone to playing the map hop game employed commonly by both of our adversaries. We have more of a tendency to go on one map, and defend it all night unless a key objective (usually garrison) is in serious jeopardy on another map. No hate against the methods employed by BG and SoR, they are perfectly valid, just letting you know that JQ map hops far less frequently.
Anyway, if your guild has any interest in JQ, please contact any of our server reps, they would be more than willing to give you any information regarding the server, and even host a scout if you want to check things out on a more personal level.
Note that SoR was basically in this, i.e. third place several weeks ago. Too strong for T2, but not quite staffed to cover all timezones adequately in T1. And now we’re on top of the point heap.
If JQ can fill their coverage gaps, either by adding some guilds, or by getting the current population into WvW they’ll be a force to reckon with again.
BTW, Is JQ running training camps? PvE’ers coming into WvW for the first time will get run over mercilessly in T1 without some guidance.
Note that SoR was basically in this, i.e. third place several weeks ago. Too strong for T2, but not quite staffed to cover all timezones adequately in T1. And now we’re on top of the point heap.
If JQ can fill their coverage gaps, either by adding some guilds, or by getting the current population into WvW they’ll be a force to reckon with again.
BTW, Is JQ running training camps? PvE’ers coming into WvW for the first time will get run over mercilessly in T1 without some guidance.
Not going to give it away but we are doing something all right but it is sad that not as many people do wvw as they use to at the start of the game (hated the ques but the fights were awesome). I think honestly its the same across all servers, hardly any pug players left unless its a steam roll win, most of the borderlands are just filled up with WvW guilds now and the burn out is getting worst because of it.
Just to be clear, most of us have no problem with the vast majority of DB, but the few coming in to our thread just to make noise and mess around with our recruitment thread are unwelcome.
As a Dragonbrand native since BETA+, I wanted to address these part. Thank you for the kind words you’ve said.
“But the few coming in to our thread just to make noise and mess around with our recruitment thread are unwelcome.”
This here has been bothering me as well. I enjoy competition, good natured competition.
Please, for the love of the game just know that these vocal players DO NOT represent Dragonbrand as a whole.
We are really nice people, and the only reason why you see almost the same players posting here, is because most of us are too busy in PVE/WvW to care much about Guild transfers and who ever else rises and falls.
As a native player, I do not enjoy the current influx of players/guilds. And I can say that a large portion of our players feel the same way. Certainly we may be lacking coverage and other resources but it is not something everyone enjoys either.
But please, do not mix us all by generalizing the entire server based on a few vocal people here. That’s all I ask.
I have respect for every member/guild I come across with.
For other general players:
Surely, lately our match ups with TC/FA have become a battle of broken egos between all servers perhaps. This has made tension among all of us.
I have been on the receiving end of a huge zerg as players report the same as DB. These experiences are unique to myself, just as much as they are unique to these players.
I am growing tired however of seeing our server criticized over Guild transfers that we don’t have control of. Just as much as you guys are recruiting, allow us to get our few mins of shine.
Good luck on all your endeavors, and may your server grow and expand to the expectations you desire.
Greetings all.
DB Native
(edited by Ninja Kaze.2468)
LOL let them pull all your PvE guilds – it makes it cheaper for the WvW guilds trying to Xfer to you guys to get there… haha
I wish you all the best in your recovery. But really, looking at the skill of the players you have lost, it seems like the only thing you lost was the drama and attention ::it’s all about me! I carry this server:: seekers. (which makes your server much more attractive!)
Take care!
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at:
(edited by Evalana.5480)
Chocolate is good for fevers as well.
I have a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!
Anyways… As someone from SoR, I approve this thread for the health and balance of T1. This server has been in T1 for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong time seeing the rise and fall of many servers, and yet they are still around. Why? Well I can only assume they have a strong core of WvW players that are committed to their server. If you are looking for a community to join in the aforementioned time slots, give JQ a shot. I doubt you will be disappointed.
“Life is a beautiful lie, and I am a painful truth.”
Chocolate is good for fevers as well.
I have a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!
Anyways… As someone from SoR, I approve this thread for the health and balance of T1. This server has been in T1 for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong time seeing the rise and fall of many servers, and yet they are still around. Why? Well I can only assume they have a strong core of WvW players that are committed to their server. If you are looking for a community to join in the aforementioned time slots, give JQ a shot. I doubt you will be disappointed.
+1 for SoR, classy bunch.
JQ is a quality opponent with very respectable players.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
LOL let them pull all your PvE guilds – it makes it cheaper for the WvW guilds trying to Xfer to you guys to get there… haha
I wish you all the best in your recovery. But really, looking at the skill of the players you have lost, it seems like the only thing you lost was the drama and attention ::it’s all about me! I carry this server:: seekers. (which makes your server much more attractive!)
Take care!
Yea honestly I have played with a lot of those guys since early release. I would have been sad to see them go if they were the same they were at release but sadly they are the chest thumping guilds we have.
I cant think personally off the top of my head any WvW guild that does not work well with our other JQ guilds (ok maybe one but they are pve). 90% of our guilds get in the same teamspeak server and we all work together, down to your pug player up to your experienced field commander all in the same ts3 server and channel. having voice coms and a full community to back you makes WvW a lot more fun.
See that all? We even have our T1 foes endorsing us. OK, maybe under their gruff exterior they’re really a bunch of puddytats, but that’s still evidence that if you want the experience of a quality T1 server for some amazing WvW, you can’t go wrong on JQ.
OK, maybe those other two aren’t all that bad either. Just don’t tell them I said that.
JQ seem like a decent enough bunch and I think it’s the general thoughts of SoR that we enjoy having them as our enemy. That being said, as the balance of power is currently shifted and you are looking for a server, JQ is a good choice if you are NA or Euro.
Also JQ while we support your recruitment efforts, please do so responsibly. Do not overstack, please just properly measure your coverage gaps and fill them to counter your enemy, not demolish it like you had before free transfers were closed. We have an opportunity here to make a balanced tier, lets do that together.
Good luck.
Dear folk that have sent me PMs inquiring about sponsored transfers.
My reply is , Please ask the GM’s themselves as I do not.
As for other request about TS. Yes We can help you set up your very own password secured channel in TS for you.
As for guild influence and best time aside from blackout. Well tue,wed,thur during off peak ours is the best as JQ is currently only very High.
Goodluck and Please do not hesitate to ask us if you have any other questions.
As for guild links and their website here they are. It is only at the basic stage.
(IF you would like your guild info stated here or edited pls PM me or do so here and will I create a master compile post eventually when complete* Apologies if i made a mistake)
[TKG] –
[VAL] – (Need info)
[ATM] – (need info)
[DA] –
[SF] –
[SG] (West Coast NA) (Additional info :22yr old pvp guild)
[EMP] – 180+ Members –
[AOS] – 400+ Members –
(edited by Fuzzion.2504)
Hey now. This thread is critical to the survival not only of JQ, but of WvW, ArenaNet and the human species itself! It’s not time yet to let this fall to the second page!
A sincere and humble thanks to those inquiring about JQ and what we have to offer. Please, feel free to keep tossing any questions you may have on over, we’re happy to get them.
JQ seem like a decent enough bunch and I think it’s the general thoughts of SoR that we enjoy having them as our enemy. That being said, as the balance of power is currently shifted and you are looking for a server, JQ is a good choice if you are NA or Euro.
Also JQ while we support your recruitment efforts, please do so responsibly. Do not overstack, please just properly measure your coverage gaps and fill them to counter your enemy, not demolish it like you had before free transfers were closed. We have an opportunity here to make a balanced tier, lets do that together.
Good luck.
Thank you for your kind words, We’ll try our utmost to keep things balanced. If you check through my post history, I was very outspoken during the end of free transfers when it was clear that JQ would become a stacked server. Unfortunately, we had Rawnoodles continue to recruit off hours guilds despite the obvious lack of balance in the tier. Noodles is gone, and cooler heads have prevailed on JQ, rest assured that once things get back to normal, we will stop actively recruiting.
JQ are a for the most part a good group of people, excluding a trolls but what server doesn’t have them. They are without doubt a wvw legacy guild, and have one of of the longest track records in T1 thus far. Good luck to you guys.
Some footage from this week:
Im Not A Commander – 80 Guardian
Channel –
Best of luck in your recruitment, JQ. You have been a fun server to face, and you’re not allowed to leave this matchup!
Best roaming, best small man action, small groups, gvg, zvz T1 has it all.
Shadow Gypsies is looking for ex-daoc and bitter older gamers, we are a 22 year old pvp guild, focused on smashing faces and dropping rams that don’t hit doors… JQ since 1776.
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.” [SG since ’99]
As for guild links and their website here they are. It is only at the basic stage.
(IF you would like your guild info stated here or edited pls PM me or do so here and will I create a master compile post eventually when complete* Apologies if i made a mistake)
[TKG] –
[VAL] – (Need info)
[ATM] – (need info)EU
[DA] –
[SF] –
[SG] – (West Coast NA) (Additional info :22yr old pvp guild)International
[EMP] – 180+ Members –
[AOS] – 400+ Members –
Updated 17/05/2013
As for guild links and their website here they are. It is only at the basic stage.
(IF you would like your guild info stated here or edited pls PM me or do so here and will I create a master compile post eventually when complete* Apologies if i made a mistake)
[TKG] –
[VAL] – (Need info)
[ATM] – (need info)EU
[DA] –
[SF] –
[SG] – (West Coast NA) (Additional info :22yr old pvp guild)International
[EMP] – 180+ Members –
[AOS] – 400+ Members – 17/05/2013
There’s a lot more than that, you might want to take a look at for more information.
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry
As for guild links and their website here they are. It is only at the basic stage.
(IF you would like your guild info stated here or edited pls PM me or do so here and will I create a master compile post eventually when complete* Apologies if i made a mistake)
[TKG] –
[VAL] – (Need info)
[ATM] – (need info)EU
[DA] –
[SF] –
[SG] – (West Coast NA) (Additional info :22yr old pvp guild)International
[EMP] – 180+ Members –
[AOS] – 400+ Members – 17/05/2013
There’s a lot more than that, you might want to take a look at for more information.
Could you Please PM the guilds and their Info. I would really appreciate that.
As for guild links and their website here they are. It is only at the basic stage.
(IF you would like your guild info stated here or edited pls PM me or do so here and will I create a master compile post eventually when complete* Apologies if i made a mistake)
[TKG] –
[VAL] – (Need info)
[ATM] – (need info)EU
[DA] –
[SF] –
[SG] – (West Coast NA) (Additional info :22yr old pvp guild)International
[EMP] – 180+ Members –
[AOS] – 400+ Members – 17/05/2013
There’s a lot more than that, you might want to take a look at for more information.
Could you Please PM the guilds and their Info. I would really appreciate that. everything you need to know is there.
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry
As for guild links and their website here they are. It is only at the basic stage.
(IF you would like your guild info stated here or edited pls PM me or do so here and will I create a master compile post eventually when complete* Apologies if i made a mistake)
[TKG] –
[VAL] – (Need info)
[ATM] – (need info)EU
[DA] –
[SF] –
[SG] – (West Coast NA) (Additional info :22yr old pvp guild)International
[EMP] – 180+ Members –
[AOS] – 400+ Members – 17/05/2013
There’s a lot more than that, you might want to take a look at for more information.
Could you Please PM the guilds and their Info. I would really appreciate that. everything you need to know is there.
I understand what you mean . I currently only take PM’s or Mail sent to my account. I need to verify their activity and recruitment activites.
Missing EDMW? ???
As for guild links and their website here they are. It is only at the basic stage.
(IF you would like your guild info stated here or edited pls PM me or do so here and will I create a master compile post eventually when complete* Apologies if i made a mistake)
[TKG] –
[VAL] – (Need info)
[ATM] – (need info)
[EDMW] –
[DA] –
[SF] –
[SG] – (West Coast NA) (Additional info :22yr old pvp guild)International
[EMP] – 180+ Members –
[AOS] – 400+ Members – 17/05/2013
WARD and FIRE plays in what timezone?
As for guild links and their website here they are. It is only at the basic stage.
(IF you would like your guild info stated here or edited pls PM me or do so here and will I create a master compile post eventually when complete* Apologies if i made a mistake)
[TKG] –
[VAL] – (Need info)
[ATM] – (need info)EU
[DA] –
[SF] –
[SG] (West Coast NA) (Additional info :22yr old pvp guild)International
[EMP] – 180+ Members –
[AOS] – 400+ Members –
Mind putting HzH in there? 450+Members international. Guild Site-
Phoenixes Reborn [PR] Commander
“Never give up till the last man is down!”
Primarily I see FIRE (me) in NA prime, but I know there are some that extend a little outside that.
don’t forget Ge, one the bigger JQ SEA guild fighting alongside ATM.
JQ’s SEA is no more stacked than our BG and SOR counter parts
we do have a lot of dedicated smaller guilds unmentioned from the list like DC, but ATM and Ge are really the only two that can field 20-30+ consistently to be on equal footing with first rate BG guilds like MERC, ND, WM, Meow, and SoR’s SAHP, NYS, IRON and numerous others. Every one of the above mentioned guilds are worthy opponents with both number and organization. So there will be no shortage of challenge in JQ SEA.
This week, ATM’s primetime roster could easily map jump into an outmanned EB. which again show how ridiculous outmanned JQ has become.
Strike Force
350 Members
25-40 active daily in WvW
International coverage – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
ATM – Running Loot Bags (pure wvw guild)
115 Members and recruiting Chinese speaking players
Operating Time: 12 PM – 4 PM GMT or 5AM – 9 AM Server Time
SEA Coverage
below is ATM at work today in EB, special thanks to Wok [HzH] for defending EB with us
(edited by xeang.3650)
As for guild links and their website here they are. It is only at the basic stage.
(IF you would like your guild info stated here or edited pls PM me or do so here and will I create a master compile post eventually when complete* Apologies if i made a mistake)
[TKG] –
[VAL] – (Need info)
[ATM] – (need info)
[EDMW] –
[DA] –
[SF] –
[SG] – (West Coast NA) (Additional info :22yr old pvp guild)International
[EMP] – 180+ Members –
[AOS] – 400+ Members – 17/05/2013
We are sitting at about 210 rostered members. Fyi
Firstly I plead with fellow JQ’ers to keep things informative and not let the thread get off topic because well then its not really a recruitment thread :P Next I ask anyone who’s looking for any info about JQ or considering JQ to contact any of the team leads. If your not sure who to contact shoot me a message on this forum (Easier to get ahold of me here ) or contact Jedbacca who is always around as well it seems
We can put you in contact with people who will help answer any questions you have about jade quarry. Now some may say JQ its your time to drop a tier we’ve all done it and JQ has as well it’s just been a really really long time since we were in Tier 2 and most of us on JQ have been through the tough times where we had two maps almost always outmanned and we perservered. During these time’s we had some of the most fun ever because well when winning isn’t on the table you do things for your friends/allies and server mates. This attitude has persisted through both the good and the bad times. But one thing is for certain if you do decide to come to JQ you will be pitted against the best competition out there in GW2 and you will be challenged every night to improve both on an individual and a guild level. This is the challenge that will keep you coming back night in and night out and its one of the reason’s GW2 is so fun. So if your willing to face a challenge and have to constantly adapt then JQ is the server for you.
If you have any questions you can contact me on this forum or contact me in game whichever is easier
P.S JQ for LIFE!
Firstly I plead with fellow JQ’ers to keep things informative and not let the thread get off topic because well then its not really a recruitment thread :P Next I ask anyone who’s looking for any info about JQ or considering JQ to contact any of the team leads. If your not sure who to contact shoot me a message on this forum (Easier to get ahold of me here) or contact Jedbacca who is always around as well it seems
We can put you in contact with people who will help answer any questions you have about jade quarry. Now some may say JQ its your time to drop a tier we’ve all done it and JQ has as well it’s just been a really really long time since we were in Tier 2 and most of us on JQ have been through the tough times where we had two maps almost always outmanned and we perservered. During these time’s we had some of the most fun ever because well when winning isn’t on the table you do things for your friends/allies and server mates. This attitude has persisted through both the good and the bad times. But one thing is for certain if you do decide to come to JQ you will be pitted against the best competition out there in GW2 and you will be challenged every night to improve both on an individual and a guild level. This is the challenge that will keep you coming back night in and night out and its one of the reason’s GW2 is so fun. So if your willing to face a challenge and have to constantly adapt then JQ is the server for you.
If you have any questions you can contact me on this forum or contact me in game whichever is easier
P.S JQ for LIFE!
Yes! Jed loves hearing from everyone!
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry
Trebek my answer is Below me ;D – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
Trebek my answer is Below me ;D
Bahahaha! You had me laughing out loud with “Jedsus Saves” and “United Soviet Quarry”, seriously people in my office think I am (more) nuts.
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry
As for guild links and their website here they are. It is only at the basic stage.
(IF you would like your guild info stated here or edited pls PM me or do so here and will I create a master compile post eventually when complete* Apologies if i made a mistake)
[TKG] –
[VAL] – (Need info)
[ATM] – (need info)EU
[DA] –
[SF] –
[SG] (West Coast NA) (Additional info :22yr old pvp guild)International
[EMP] – 180+ Members –
[AOS] – 400+ Members –
Might wanna fix the AoS one. We are no where near 400+ anymore. We recently kicked out a lot of inactive and people that were not hard core wvw and trimmed our fat we are still 240+ though. Roughly run about 25-30 during reset/weekend and field 20 on the week during NA prime. Oceanic we field about 15 currently and SEA ( recruiting a ton) field about 15 bad kitten guys.
Also I would like to point out that we just recently opened back up recruitment and it is very limited down, we take recruitment seriously as we are a solely wvw guild. We still run guild bounties for merits but every night we are running with the guild in full force on a BL or eb lately. Join us -Velkeri-
Thank to our opponents for your support in this thread, its very much appreciated.
Folks, if you would like to fight the best then come to JQ as our T1 opponents are tough nuts to crack and provide some excellent fighting.
JQ has a lot of small WvW guilds that have a rich pvp pedigree from games such as DAoC, DF, SB and as such has we very strong “pug” force, the honey badgers
We also have some premier WvW guilds with greater numbers scattered across the timezones. What we need at present is a few WvW guilds spread out in EU, NA and SEA to bring us back up to the level of our opponents and give them a solid match up.
Our server community is solid, we have a strong WvW core, we have a popular website and community Teamspeak. If you need a break from WvW then there is no shortage of folks to do pve content with.
Please consider JQ if you are interested in WvW.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.
As for guild links and their website here they are. It is only at the basic stage.
(IF you would like your guild info stated here or edited pls PM me or do so here and will I create a master compile post eventually when complete* Apologies if i made a mistake)
[TKG] –
[ATM] – 115+ Members – Contact person : xeang.3650 ( Waha GM, Recruiting Chinese speaking members )
[EDMW] –
[VAL] – 200+ Members – (Singapore)
[DA] –
[SG] – (West Coast NA) (Additional info :22yr old pvp guild)
[NORD] –
[EMP] – 180+ Members –
[AOS] – 210+ Members –
[HZH] – 240+ Members –
[SF] – 350+ Members (25-40 active daily in WvW)
Updated 18/05/2013
(edited by Fuzzion.2504)
Not trying to be rude here, but doesn’t JQ have a community forums? Wouldn’t it have been a better idea to gather all your guilds info and links there first, and then make an official post on the GW2 forums, complete with all accurate and up to date info, instead of having to edit your information?
Again, I am not trying to troll your thread, I wish you the best of luck in your recruitment, but to me, as a neutral party, it seems this thread could use a little more behind the scenes organization, since this thread represents your entire server.
Either way, good luck JQ, it would be a shame to see yet another T1 server die and plummet through the tiers.
Not trying to be rude here, but doesn’t JQ have a community forums? Wouldn’t it have been a better idea to gather all your guilds info and links there first, and then make an official post on the GW2 forums, complete with all accurate and up to date info, instead of having to edit your information?
Again, I am not trying to troll your thread, I wish you the best of luck in your recruitment, but to me, as a neutral party, it seems this thread could use a little more behind the scenes organization, since this thread represents your entire server.
Either way, good luck JQ, it would be a shame to see yet another T1 server die and plummet through the tiers.
Honey badgers don’t care Nah um Fuzzion’s doing an awesome job imo and I commend his efforts. :P
Strike Force
350 Members
25-40 active daily in WvW
International coverage
ATM – Running Loot Bags (pure wvw guild)
115 Members and recruiting Chinese speaking players
Operating Time: 12 PM – 4 PM GMT or 5AM – 9 AM Server Time
SEA Coveragebelow is ATM at work today in EB, special thanks to Wok [HzH] for defending EB with us
Thank you [ATM] [HzH] are learning a lot running with you at sea time. Always fun for us when we can be on the same map.
don’t forget Ge, one the bigger JQ SEA guild fighting alongside ATM.
JQ’s SEA is no more stacked than our BG and SOR counter parts
we do have a lot of dedicated smaller guilds unmentioned from the list like DC, but ATM and Ge are really the only two that can field 20-30+ consistently to be on equal footing with first rate BG guilds like MERC, ND, WM, Meow, and SoR’s SAHP, NYS, IRON and numerous others. Every one of the above mentioned guilds are worthy opponents with both number and organization. So there will be no shortage of challenge in JQ SEA.
This week, ATM’s primetime roster could easily map jump into an outmanned EB. which again show how ridiculous outmanned JQ has become.
Thank you xeang, Sfeeee will appreciate this
from Bulage[Ge]
(edited by carrot.3924)
great fight ! good lucky! JQ!
I didnt realise we at AoS had 400 members =P
JQ server consists of 200-300 player guilds who look at lead the groups of pugs into battle. We do not have the 500+ guilds of other servers, we focus on leadership and strategy over face tanking. Myself personally would welcome anysize guilds willing to co-ordinate multi map pushes, havoc or diversion tactics.
Being in Oceanic timezone I know we need a bigger oceanic presence.. 5-10 people in this timezone would make a massive difference.
If you would more information about Jade Quarry during Oceanic and SEA timezones you can contact Flake(Aus), Indeva (Aus), Zibbeh (SG) or Ooze (NZ). If you have difficulty with English I can organize someone to speak with you from most Asian countries.
FOO/AGGR/SANC/FIRE is no longer in JQ?