Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Hymnosi.5928


All of last night was Maguuma propping up Devona in EB.

It was exceptionally funny when we abandoned our slots on EB and went to maguuma BL, and a few groups of Devona followed us there to attack us as well, ignoring the entire map.

ho hum, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but there sure seems to be some match manipulation going on.

Hymnosi – Lv80 Engineer
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


But we experienced something when we were out manned and out gunned that you can’t get any other time. We had commanders that would look at that sea of red and say we can do this, we can win. PUSH PUSH PUSH!

I forget who’s Garrison it was but me and a party of [D|ERP] were defending it. We asked a mesmer for a portal bomb and they never responded. Finally I said “I’m sick of waiting, I’m going out there.” Nurse agreed along with the others. We walked out the door and proceeded to wipe 10+ red names from the gate. And with help from the other Maguumans, pushed them out completely and back to NE tower.

Stand strong in the face of defeat. Push them when they dare to push you. And for the love of Lord Flame Ram, stop taking supply from the keep!

All of last night was Maguuma propping up Devona in EB.

It was exceptionally funny when we abandoned our slots on EB and went to maguuma BL, and a few groups of Devona followed us there to attack us as well, ignoring the entire map.

ho hum, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but there sure seems to be some match manipulation going on.

BP also abandoned their entire BL to take and attempt to keep stuff in DR last night. So….

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Smitten.3076


I’m learning more and more whom to ignore in these threads, some people are trolls others apparently are deliberately being obtuse.

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


Thanks for keeping us abreast of your personal opinion of other posters.

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


Maguuma is winning due to superior tactics, it has nothing to do with population.

No, it is actually numbers this week. Switch to DR and get chased by literally 50+ Maguuma around the map for a couple of hours in MBL and you might have a different viewpoint. Either that or you are just trolling again. :P

You could try do what OG does and go around killing zergs.

This is what happened the last time [OG] tried to kill a zerg. Funny part is you had your own zerg behind you, but you decided to go and kill underleveled people coming out of our Citadel instead. As you may be aware, I do not appreciate this, and your cronies paid the price of not getting out soon enough.

We don’t kill zergs with two people, it looks like you needed a zerg to kill them both.

Hmm no, I if you carefully read my post you will see that these OG guys were part of their own zerg. We were fighting over the tower. Besides, there were 5-6 OG guys there, not 2. The others ran when they saw my tag I guess.

I go by evidence, You had a zerg to kill 2 people. I do not care for stories.

Good, me neither. The only fiction here is that we needed a zerg to kill two people.

You can deny it all you want, but the faster you realize you are not all that good Bunzy, the faster your guys will learn to improve.

I mean, NAME has been a hard core PvE guild since GW1 and we only started doing WvWvW two weeks ago. We are already stomping your Original “We Always Get Kills” Gankstars, maybe this should ring a bell somewhere?

We are so bad we have never been beaten 5v5, the only guild that has even been a challenge for us was WaR the rest were stomps.

It happened plenty over this past week. Whats better is when you swap guild tags when you’re going down OR run way early so you don’t die.

I have never seen anyone swap guild tags when they are going down, your claims are getting more ridiculous by the day.

Speaking of ridiculous…you said you’ve stomped everyone else is pretty hilarious there smalls.

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


Thanks for keeping us abreast of your personal opinion of other posters.


Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


I can’t wait to see the infraction for that one.

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Smitten.3076


Thanks for keeping us abreast of your personal opinion of other posters.

You are very welcome.

I also think the SM Thief/Commander with the Leg Shortbow is my favorite (enemy) Thief. Kudos to him/her.

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Did Maguuma really get a bunch of transfers?

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067



Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


That’s a shame. I hope they go back to their own servers soon.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


They will once we start losing. Our resident spy said some people were transferring over just for map completion. Either way, the glory chasers will leave and Maguuma will resume its normal schedule.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


That’s a shame. I hope they go back to their own servers soon.

Actually, it could be a good thing and get Mag back up a teir quicker than it would have otherwise happened.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Hymnosi.5928


You guys got WaR from our server, which was our most active WvW guild.

That’s not ‘some transfers’ based on world complete, they abandoned our server.

Hymnosi – Lv80 Engineer
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


Implying that the server hoppers aren’t scrubs.

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


You guys got WaR from our server, which was our most active WvW guild.

That’s not ‘some transfers’ based on world complete, they abandoned our server.

When did I say WaR specifically transferred for server completion? Jeez, are you still mad about that? They had their reasons for leaving, as did SM. Let it go. The fact is we did get some glory chasers and world completion people because I don’t recognize half of these guild tags running around. Its not a bunch of people with one tag, it’s one or three of them.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Zyk.3597


WaR transferred? Disappointing, they were fun to fight. Is Borlis having internal drama issues as well?

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


That’s a shame. I hope they go back to their own servers soon.

Actually, it could be a good thing and get Mag back up a teir quicker than it would have otherwise happened.

Mixed feelings about that. I could go a lifetime without being matched up with YB again. God I hate that server.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Hymnosi.5928


You guys got WaR from our server, which was our most active WvW guild.

That’s not ‘some transfers’ based on world complete, they abandoned our server.

When did I say WaR specifically transferred for server completion? Jeez, are you still mad about that? They had their reasons for leaving, as did SM. Let it go. The fact is we did get some glory chasers and world completion people because I don’t recognize half of these guild tags running around. Its not a bunch of people with one tag, it’s one or three of them.

I’m responding to the people who are saying they got server transfers from world completion.

WaR left very intentionally, and as far as I’m concerned, stabbed us in the back during reset last night very intentionally.

Hymnosi – Lv80 Engineer
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


You guys got WaR from our server, which was our most active WvW guild.

That’s not ‘some transfers’ based on world complete, they abandoned our server.

When did I say WaR specifically transferred for server completion? Jeez, are you still mad about that? They had their reasons for leaving, as did SM. Let it go. The fact is we did get some glory chasers and world completion people because I don’t recognize half of these guild tags running around. Its not a bunch of people with one tag, it’s one or three of them.

I’m responding to the people who are saying they got server transfers from world completion.

WaR left very intentionally, and as far as I’m concerned, stabbed us in the back during reset last night very intentionally.

We did, but I never said WaR was one of them. From what I heard from a WaR member, that doesn’t surprise me. Seems like there was a lot going on there. At times like this I’m glad that Maguuma doesn’t depend on any one guild for WvW.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Hymnosi.5928


We don’t either. We’ve had 4 major guilds transfer in the past month.

Hymnosi – Lv80 Engineer
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


May his name be praised.


Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Was that WaR or WäR? From all the talk in the last thread I was hoping to fight WäR when I get back, would be disappointing if they’re on Mag now.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


WäR. Lots of Maguumans are disappointed for the same reason.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


All of last night was Maguuma propping up Devona in EB.

It was exceptionally funny when we abandoned our slots on EB and went to maguuma BL, and a few groups of Devona followed us there to attack us as well, ignoring the entire map.

ho hum, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but there sure seems to be some match manipulation going on.

It’s not manipulation just because you aren’t able to understand what’s going on.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


It’s called opportunism, learn to love it

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


BP got their entire BL back, congrats! Here’s hoping to some fun fights!

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Forzani.2584


Going to be interesting matchups next week.
Mag is going back up to tier 4 to replace EB who will drop to tier 5.
Kain is moving up from tier 6 to replace either BP or DR…and which one stays or goes is too close to call.
DR is doing all it can to stay ahead of BP. It’s not a double team, it is strategy on their part.
BP should probably drop down to tier 6. An EB+Kain matchup would not go well for BP in tier 5 and would just postpone the eventual drop down to tier 6 the following week.

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: exits.8075


I, for one, welcome our new transfers. The guys from WäR will fit in nicely with everyone when we have to fight better tactically. They have a team that can ninja a keep or tower while a main force focuses on something else. Contrary to what the forums reads, most of the players in WvW welcome you guys and hope you stick around through the tough times that we will face again in T4. My only wish is that they submit to the will of Great Lord Flame Ram.

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


I, for one, welcome our new transfers. The guys from WäR will fit in nicely with everyone when we have to fight better tactically. They have a team that can ninja a keep or tower while a main force focuses on something else. Contrary to what the forums reads, most of the players in WvW welcome you guys and hope you stick around through the tough times that we will face again in T4. My only wish is that they submit to the will of Great Lord Flame Ram.

no one’s saying they dont welcome relatively small but organized and skilled guilds, people are saying they dont want the randoms that only transfer for the wins and world completion.

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Anyone from the SMC guild on Borlis Pass here? Please send me a PM.

Quoting this because I got no response. If there’s a leader/commander that can be put in contact with me, that would be nice.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


no one’s saying they dont welcome relatively small but organized and skilled guilds, people are saying they dont want the randoms that only transfer for the wins and world completion.

I’m fine with randoms, so long as they listen to what the hell they need to be doing.

That should probably be the main focus this week for Mag. Whipping all these new folks into shape so they’re a little more presentable for Great Lord Flame Ram. ’Cause atm, all I see are a lot of bad habits.

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


I like that WäR and SM are on the server now, it’s always good to meet new people. As to the people saying we actively recruited them, not really. I know I talked to Caen a little bit, but he already had an alt here, and I talked to WäR a little bit, but they said they were already pretty much decided on transferring.

I’m sure others talked to them, but we really don’t have any organized guild recruiting setups, tbh. We just kind of talk to people that we duel (which is how I met WäR) or people we respect and have played against a million times (which is how I met Caen). There’s no conspiracy, PM me any time and I’d be willing to tell you guys anything I know about Maguuma.

We make no efforts to hide anything.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma – youtube.com/pyrogw2

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


no one’s saying they dont welcome relatively small but organized and skilled guilds.

I am. Every decent guild that transfers to Mag is one less guild to fight. First SM and now WaR. If too many of the good guilds transfer to Mag, the action is going to suck. Will have to transfer to another server in the tier just to fight them again.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


Okay, me time :0

Ktith, we were told by WaR (with dots over the a) that they were recruited by someone from Mags. Don’t sit there and insult our intelligence by saying your server does not recruit from others. We heard it first hand from them. Thanks for trying to lie though.

I was making a crack at BP’s official line from 4 weeks ago about “never” receiving xfers to their server and that all that new huge surplus of population was from PvE only. A few posts after that crack post, I did say we had several xfers to Maguuma.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Hackuuna.4085


Maguuma is winning due to superior tactics, it has nothing to do with population.

No, it is actually numbers this week. Switch to DR and get chased by literally 50+ Maguuma around the map for a couple of hours in MBL and you might have a different viewpoint. Either that or you are just trolling again. :P

Here is what happened last night from our perspective in Maguuma borderland as I was one of the group chasing you guys down: we wanted to commit a large number of people to defend our borderland until we could get a lot of the upgrades in like waypoints and fortifications. Devona had 1 upleveled person in the entire borderland for the first hour after reset and only Borlis sent anything at all.

You guys showed up while we were working on pushing Borlis off the map and triggered a breakout or two. You threatened the supply camps that we were upgrading to get supplies to the keeps to make upgrades go faster, so we had people watching and calling out for where you were going. After you died a couple of times (and yes, we heavily outnumbered you) you understandably left the area.

Once upgrades finished we had about 5 people holding that borderland down while everyone went off to different maps. As someone who appreciates good PvP and somewhat fair fights, my advice to you guys is to not even bother going into a place like Maguuma borderland at reset without there already being huge pressure from all directions — you will just end up frustrated. Now that the key upgrades are done you should have a better experience in there.

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


I don’t mind the transfers if they start participating. Join mumble, start calling inc/numbers/servers in team, respond to people in team needing help. Maguuma does well because we all work together, so as long as you new transfers do that, you’re welcome to stay.

Also as long as you understand that we will be beaten. Maguuma has gotten first place like 5 times, second place 43ish times, and 3rd the rest. We aren’t going to stomp other servers once we get out of t5. We have zero ambitions for going beyond t4.

(edited by Pinko.2076)

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


no one’s saying they dont welcome relatively small but organized and skilled guilds.

I am. Every decent guild that transfers to Mag is one less guild to fight. First SM and now WaR. If too many of the good guilds transfer to Mag, the action is going to suck. Will have to transfer to another server in the tier just to fight them again.

This would be a problem if all we did was stay in this tier but when we’re outnumbered in other tiers, these skilled players would come in handy.

Also got a chance to run around with War’s group in EB last night and was impressed with their siege placement and teamwork during assaults.


(edited by Ninein.4782)

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Smitten.3076


Maguuma is winning due to superior tactics, it has nothing to do with population.

No, it is actually numbers this week. Switch to DR and get chased by literally 50+ Maguuma around the map for a couple of hours in MBL and you might have a different viewpoint. Either that or you are just trolling again. :P

Here is what happened last night from our perspective in Maguuma borderland as I was one of the group chasing you guys down: we wanted to commit a large number of people to defend our borderland until we could get a lot of the upgrades in like waypoints and fortifications. Devona had 1 upleveled person in the entire borderland for the first hour after reset and only Borlis sent anything at all.

You guys showed up while we were working on pushing Borlis off the map and triggered a breakout or two. You threatened the supply camps that we were upgrading to get supplies to the keeps to make upgrades go faster, so we had people watching and calling out for where you were going. After you died a couple of times (and yes, we heavily outnumbered you) you understandably left the area.

Once upgrades finished we had about 5 people holding that borderland down while everyone went off to different maps. As someone who appreciates good PvP and somewhat fair fights, my advice to you guys is to not even bother going into a place like Maguuma borderland at reset without there already being huge pressure from all directions — you will just end up frustrated. Now that the key upgrades are done you should have a better experience in there.

Yeppers – We learned that the hard way last night, we are determined to atleast bust something up last night. Reseting a few supply camps was about as far as we got, the SE one was camped by SM and I think that’s the only one we didn’t flip. We might have gotten it once, don’t remember. We also thought we could split the zerg, divide them then sweep threw a couple times. kitten if we only split a few off and the rest of the zerg stayed tight. Well done with the leadership there, we were raging before we left. =)

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


no one’s saying they dont welcome relatively small but organized and skilled guilds.

I am. Every decent guild that transfers to Mag is one less guild to fight. First SM and now WaR. If too many of the good guilds transfer to Mag, the action is going to suck. Will have to transfer to another server in the tier just to fight them again.

This would be a problem if all we did was stay in this tier but when we’re outnumbered in other tiers, these skilled players would come in handy.

Also got a chance to run around with War’s group in EB last night and was impressed with their siege placement and teamwork during assaults.

That’s great for people who care about the server winning, but doesn’t do much for those of us who just want good fights.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


no one’s saying they dont welcome relatively small but organized and skilled guilds.

I am. Every decent guild that transfers to Mag is one less guild to fight. First SM and now WaR. If too many of the good guilds transfer to Mag, the action is going to suck. Will have to transfer to another server in the tier just to fight them again.

This would be a problem if all we did was stay in this tier but when we’re outnumbered in other tiers, these skilled players would come in handy.

Also got a chance to run around with War’s group in EB last night and was impressed with their siege placement and teamwork during assaults.

That’s great for people who care about the server winning, but doesn’t do much for those of us who just want good fights.

Sure in this tier it sucks right now for finding good fights. Unless we’re magically tier 1 material, I’m sure we’ll be having good fights in the future.

*I just got farming for a new build and was looking to get back into WvW myself. But it’s boring outnumbering the opponent. Looking forward to competitive matchups in T4.


(edited by Ninein.4782)

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Darwinism.8619


Borlis Pass… Devona’s also lost many players after last weeks loss… you should be grateful the Guilds that transferred out, have gone… the fact they went to a server on the same tier… speaks to their true character and the level of betrayal they were capable of… good riddance… gather your true dedicated players and build a stronger foundation…

and to the Moderator that keeps “infracting” all my posts… My psychiatrist says I have an Issue w/ “Authority Figures”… I think it has something to do w/ watching episodes of “Dukes of Hazzard” during my “Formative years”… plz forgive me



Darwin Ism(HumanThief) Thin The Herd(HumanMezmer) Abuzz Kill(AsuranD/D Ele)
[PRO] World Defender

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Fraeg.9837


I just got farming for a new build and was looking to get back into WvW myself. But it’s boring outnumbering the opponent. Looking forward to competitive matchups in T4.

But, But I have it on good authority from all the other Mag posters that we in fact outnumber you.

Just sayin…

But seriously, I understand your sentiment. happy farming (if there ever is such a thing).

Wyverz – Asura – Mesmer
Xynobia – Asura – Necro
|Gnaw| |BB| |dO| |SOUL| – NSP

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


This reset and last reset are vastly different.

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: shagworth.5017


Thanks to the 8 man BP supply camp group that dropped Zap for me about an hour ago!

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

Thanks to the 8 man BP supply camp group that dropped Zap for me about an hour ago!

We’re generous like that. :-D


Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Loco.9508


no one’s saying they dont welcome relatively small but organized and skilled guilds.

I am. Every decent guild that transfers to Mag is one less guild to fight. First SM and now WaR. If too many of the good guilds transfer to Mag, the action is going to suck. Will have to transfer to another server in the tier just to fight them again.

This would be a problem if all we did was stay in this tier but when we’re outnumbered in other tiers, these skilled players would come in handy.

Also got a chance to run around with War’s group in EB last night and was impressed with their siege placement and teamwork during assaults.

That’s great for people who care about the server winning, but doesn’t do much for those of us who just want good fights.

Wow. Some people will find anything to cry about.

Verdict – 80 Mesmer – EVOH – Maguuma

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Maguuma is winning due to superior tactics, it has nothing to do with population.

No, it is actually numbers this week. Switch to DR and get chased by literally 50+ Maguuma around the map for a couple of hours in MBL and you might have a different viewpoint. Either that or you are just trolling again. :P

You could try do what OG does and go around killing zergs.

This is what happened the last time [OG] tried to kill a zerg. Funny part is you had your own zerg behind you, but you decided to go and kill underleveled people coming out of our Citadel instead. As you may be aware, I do not appreciate this, and your cronies paid the price of not getting out soon enough.

We don’t kill zergs with two people, it looks like you needed a zerg to kill them both.

Hmm no, I if you carefully read my post you will see that these OG guys were part of their own zerg. We were fighting over the tower. Besides, there were 5-6 OG guys there, not 2. The others ran when they saw my tag I guess.

I go by evidence, You had a zerg to kill 2 people. I do not care for stories.

Good, me neither. The only fiction here is that we needed a zerg to kill two people.

You can deny it all you want, but the faster you realize you are not all that good Bunzy, the faster your guys will learn to improve.

I mean, NAME has been a hard core PvE guild since GW1 and we only started doing WvWvW two weeks ago. We are already stomping your Original “We Always Get Kills” Gankstars, maybe this should ring a bell somewhere?

We are so bad we have never been beaten 5v5, the only guild that has even been a challenge for us was WaR the rest were stomps.

It happened plenty over this past week. Whats better is when you swap guild tags when you’re going down OR run way early so you don’t die.

I have never seen anyone swap guild tags when they are going down, your claims are getting more ridiculous by the day.

Speaking of ridiculous…you said you’ve stomped everyone else is pretty hilarious there smalls.

Yes this is right, no one else has even been close to given us a challenge like WaR did… You are not on the same level as either of us in regards to skill level.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


I like the fact WaR came to Maguuma it will make T4 more interesting when we get back there next week. More people to roam with is always a plus for me.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


I just got farming for a new build and was looking to get back into WvW myself. But it’s boring outnumbering the opponent. Looking forward to competitive matchups in T4.

But, But I have it on good authority from all the other Mag posters that we in fact outnumber you.

Just sayin…

But seriously, I understand your sentiment. happy farming (if there ever is such a thing).

The numbers are in our favor now, but they weren’t last reset. The thing is, people need to see where we’re getting the points. We’re basically constantly attacking DR because they’re the weak link, and BP is holding a relatively stable PPT. If DR was as stable as BP, it would be pretty even. We’ve poked into BP a lot and they’re better at defending and sieging their stuff back. Not worth the hassle, so we just annex DRBL/eternal.