Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI
I would just say…remember how long BG took to get to tier 1 back when they so clearly dominated the tier. They took even longer because TC entered the picture and messed up the ratings gain. The same thing will happen to SoR when a third server inevitably replaces SBI in T2 – SoR will likely tank in ratings because they won’t be able to take as many points from them compared to SBI. BG is also doing well enough as T1’s red team to not lose a significant amount of points, if at all.
So don’t take T1 for granted! A week or two of “getting ready” and suddenly you are trapped in T2 for 2 months. And I’m sure nobody really wants that.
I’d rate this as a low possibility, but it’s possible. If BG made a big comeback for instance, it could lock Sor into T2 for a couple more weeks. But I don’t see BG doing that. I think it’s far more likely that Sor goes into T1 next week then sticking around in T2 for a while.
SBI is still going to be in the next matchup, so unless there’s a huge burst out of them, we will probably take at least another 25-50 rating out before they drop.
The more likely scenario is that we will be in T2 another week, and with the rating boost and BG losing rating, we will then move to T1. It sucks for TC and SBI for us to hang around another week I agree, but we have a lot of transfers and are waiting on a lot of transfers still, so we want to get to know as many as we can personally and talk to them and get them involved into the community.
Honestly, we want the extra week, but the way the matchup is looking, who knows if that will happen. There’s only a 8 rating difference between us and BG.
80k kills and counting
If TC wants us out so bad, you can just stop showing up to WvW and tank the match. That is out of our control completely.
The fact is that servers that push to get to T1 unbalance tiers and ruin a lot of good fights along the way. It’s how the system works, it’s a no win situation, and it sucks.
But you don’t have to rub salt in the wound by basically saying i’m going to do what I want, and if you don’t like it you can stop playing for a week.
If TC wants us out so bad, you can just stop showing up to WvW and tank the match. That is out of our control completely.
The fact is that servers that push to get to T1 unbalance tiers and ruin a lot of good fights along the way. It’s how the system works, it’s a no win situation, and it sucks.
But you don’t have to rub salt in the wound by basically saying i’m going to do what I want, and if you don’t like it you can stop playing for a week.
I’m pretty sure that’s not what I said.
80k kills and counting
If TC wants us out so bad, you can just stop showing up to WvW and tank the match. That is out of our control completely.
The fact is that servers that push to get to T1 unbalance tiers and ruin a lot of good fights along the way. It’s how the system works, it’s a no win situation, and it sucks.
But you don’t have to rub salt in the wound by basically saying i’m going to do what I want, and if you don’t like it you can stop playing for a week.
TC relaxed greatly on our last weeks in T3 as we we’re blowing out FA and CD and there was even talk then of not wanting to go to T2 during the holidays, for fear we would lose too many of our pve and rp players to the holiday content. We didn’t really have enough coordination or desire to actually affect anything though, so it was just talk, but we can’t pretend we are somehow above it.
That being said, I think there is some merit to why ruin the momentum you have? There are no certainties in a game of confidence and if something odd does happen, and you lose your opportunity, you will probably regret it.
Honestly do you think that when we push up and BG comes back down that you will have it any easier? I mean lets face it with SBI down and out BG will focus on you and the outcome wont be any better for you.
It’s sad that coverage plays such a huge role in the outcome, and even sadder that the coverage is so different between the top two tiers. But that is the way it is right now not much we can do about it.
Umberage of Death – Thief
~~~Sanctum of Rall~~~
Thank you to all the vocal TC for your concerns, it is really impressive and supportive how much you guys are looking out for SoR and its future.
Nothing but respect for your community and server, you guys really are something else to not only worry about your own server but also ours.
You know our intentions, but we shall see what the future holds.
80k kills and counting
Here’s a rare score update featuring my new thief and a battle royale on TCBL.
Honestly do you think that when we push up and BG comes back down that you will have it any easier?
Yes, because you are larger than BG. I don’t think it’s hard to understand.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Honestly do you think that when we push up and BG comes back down that you will have it any easier?
Yes, because you are larger than BG. I don’t think it’s hard to understand.
We can take nothing for granted, we haven’t worked together for a long enough time yet, and I know for a fact we haven’t gotten everyone over yet.
SoR has a lot of challenges ahead of it still, and we as a community must take it slow one day at a time trying to make the right decisions and fighting together side by side to create the bonds of brother(and sister)hood and really getting to know each other well.
Our primary concern is community building first, that is the only way to stand the tests of time and adversity. Luckily for us, we have a solid foundation which was built and tested on 11 weeks of adversity against SoS and BG, but now we have to continue building on that carefully and thoughtfully.
80k kills and counting
I want to thank all the SoR and TC guys/gals that were pvping on the SoR BL @ Bluebriar. We had a lot of fun both getting killed and killing you all. TC from the bridge and SoR from Bluebrair, it was a ton of fun.
Server: Jade Quarry | Recruitment: Open
Iwe been on TC from the start, and ill probably be here when it ends… During all the wins and losses, yes we TC been utterly crushed in the past, and we been crushing as well… you learn who among you will stick in and fight when it pours and things aint looking the best, that said, i don think TC lost much people, a few probably but i dont know of any big guilds etc… We TC are like a box of choclates, you sort of never know what you going to get, you can run into Pink, thats as goo as they come, or you can run into a mixed mob… regarldess of who and what you run into, im proud when i say, when we have the people to match, we can stand up to any server out there, and there is very little whining ewenwhn things go bad, it happens, but nothing huge mostly… and i feel and think we have great fighting spirit, we are like one of those small angry muts, we will jump and bite hold of your leg, and we just wont let go…
Now enough TC we are great speach, Sor and SBI are geat to face and i have loads of fun… as for all the people SoR got its like winning the lottery, they won, and they are keeping the cash !… and when they go T1, i wish them all the best in the world !
Fey Sparrow – Warrior
If i nag about things, its only couse i care ;P
I’m tired and can’t press any more buttons tonight. Had my Norn mesmer out there and it was fun in TC BL. Yes, I said Norn mesmer. You did not misread this. Close your eyes and relax. When I count to 10 you will wake up and think you are a chicken. Because you are now my chicken, you will be fed to my pet wolf, whom I affectionately named Rolf.
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast
(edited by sceptus.9415)
The reason TC loses so few people win or lose is because of what it offers beyond WvW … It translates into overall stability. I think I’d take that over a weekly/monthly score any day.
I don’t really think it matters whether SOR moves up really. Like everyone said, there are four T1 servers, below us, there’s Mags, FA, DB(?) and Kain. Four servers that could be T2-T1 servers as well. So we’re pretty much screwed either way.
Front line score report.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
Front line score report.
Did you guys get in there yet?
Actually if you guys haven’t gotten into TC Garrison yet, please just have someone post once you do. I’m extremely interested in knowing how it all plays out.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
(edited by Kerithlan.1659)
Jayne, I must say I have always been intrigued with TC mainly due to the rp aspect. I would think that this alone would add a certain flavor to wvw. I personally do not, nor would not rp, but I can sense and have experienced a certain amount of hilarity due to rp alone.
While on CD I was in a group of 5 and we were flipping camps and doing quite well that evening. And then all of a sudden we see a mass of Quaggans bull-rushing us. Must have been at least 30 TC 20 of which were in Quaggan form. Yeah our 5 was zerged but dang….the Quaggans….it made me smile as I ported back to respawn. And then I cursed the fact that we were zerged by friggen Quaggans!
Should TC be able to sustain this sort of gameplay then regardless of the score TC is in a very good place. At one time I truly resented TC due to things that were said by your members on the forums while you were winning. What is being said by TC members now simply saddens me.
You guys are better than this. You should be proud of what you have accomplished. The current situation in WvW is not of your making.
In parting I will say that your defense at hills in SoR BL was completely stellar. Mistakes were made on our part but your tenacity is something to cherish. Great job TC.
Keep that spirit and TC will do just fine.
Haiku FTW
Score update from the great Eternal Battlegrounds!
Notorious Nevermore – Guardian
Is this really happening?
Seriously, did someone kill a dolyak or something?
Edit: I posted this on TC site, I’ll post here for those who aren’t on our site yet – Great job EVERYONE from TC, super proud of you guys with holding our garrison for so long!
Tee See
(edited by phaneo.4597)
Well I’ve been gone now for over a month pretty sure I wasn’t missed. What I have to say is SoR hasn’t won one match up since we been in T2. That is over 4 months of losing maybe 5 months of losing every week. First is was SoS then it was Black Gate destroying us every week.
We got some more wvw players now, but one thing that isn’t being told is we lost so many players in the 5 months we lost. We have a strong wvw community that stuck through it pulling all nighters week after week in undermanned conditions. So it is because of you guys we were able to stay in T2 for so long and I am on a much needed break myself. And it is because of you guys we attracted new players to the server. People wanted to come to SoR when they saw that. Anyways I’m still probably not going to play much at all until the next big WvW expansion comes out. Have fun.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
Is this really happening?
We have 75 people in EB jumping puzzle farming siege with alts.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
Is this really happening?
We have 75 people in EB jumping puzzle farming siege with alts.
Was just about to go in the EB jumping puzzle – nevermind!
Keep it up, been a fun week.
Why do we have 5 keeps at this timing.
Normally we have like 1 and all the walls are down or something.
I can not confirm nor deny Fear and Choo have been doing Fractals…
It’s just a rumor I heard…
Sanctum of Rall
so…… choo and fear have been out there…… fractalating with each other.
tsk tsk tsk
it all makes sense now…..
Jayne, I must say I have always been intrigued with TC mainly due to the rp aspect. I would think that this alone would add a certain flavor to wvw. I personally do not, nor would not rp, but I can sense and have experienced a certain amount of hilarity due to rp alone.
Aye we’re known for our tongue-in-cheek humour. It’s one of the things I love about TC. Bear in mind there’s some growing pains happening right now, and they’ll likely get resolved in a couple weeks, one way or another. Also bear in mind that some of the angst here is from new folks to our server. If you see the negative, check the posting history.
This was pretty impromptu because I was certain that his friends would come and kill me so I didn’t have much time to pose but here it is!
Score update: SoR must be on vacation…
Yes, most of our forces are on vacation this week i.e. leveling alts and doing PvE.
Necromancer Class Lead
Well…the messages about ratings and the possibility of being trapped in the tier have already been posted and don’t bear repeating, so…
w00t for having more than 100ppt at this time slot! For the coast!
Keep it tight guys! We need one or two more weeks to build the community in SoR. And i wouldn’t object to us in a sort of cooldown-mode to keep the points from balancing allowing us not to fluctuate and head directly to t1 prematurely.
Keep it tight guys! We need one or two more weeks to build the community in SoR. And i wouldn’t object to us in a sort of cooldown-mode to keep the points from balancing allowing us not to fluctuate and head directly to t1 prematurely.
I would object.
Wouln’t you be better served to hone your T1 combat strats and T1 combat force size on the actual T1 server?
PINK is the new Black
Tarnished Coast (via Tyranny)
(edited by dirtyoldgoat.5496)
Yup,as nameless night crew random pop up member on SoR www.
I see a lot of new SoR in map and we need to learn each other.
And need to know what is they think what did they do we will watch and learn to know how to do job togather.
Be good if SoR still in T2 more and more week no need to rush…
Ps.Dam I miss my owl did she can go another BL yet?
I see her alway in SoR BL every day in every hard time fight.(yes every night…)
I hope her can walk another BL in some day LOL~
Yup,as nameless night crew random pop up member on SoR www.
I see a lot of new SoR in map and we need to learn each other.
And need to know what is they think what did they do we will watch and learn to know how to do job togather.Be good if SoR still in T2 more and more week no need to rush…
Ps.Dam I miss my owl did she can go another BL yet?
I see her alway in SoR BL every day in every hard time fight.(yes every night…)
I hope her can walk another BL in some day LOL~
Owls doing some Recon. He’ll be back.
Paintrainchoo.com – Conductor – TC
Keep it tight guys! We need one or two more weeks to build the community in SoR. And i wouldn’t object to us in a sort of cooldown-mode to keep the points from balancing allowing us not to fluctuate and head directly to t1 prematurely.
Who would want 1-2 more weeks of blowouts and boredom? Rather be losing in third place in the tier above, then bored out of my mind in first place in the current tier.
If there is one constant in all of the faction based pvp games I have played, it is not once did fighting someone I could dominate ever make me a better player. SoR is getting nothing from these matches other then getting fat and lazy. Most of the good players/guilds will be bored and doing other things, so you just end up with large zerg balls running around pretending they are becoming a better community.
the complete transfers from oceanics are in-progress. and a lot of new guilds are still getting hang of the community SoR is trying to build. <3
There is a lot to be gained from staying in T2 for another week.
There are still good fights to be had in some corners of the map. That helps the new SoR guilds get to know the old. Not just the players but also their fighting styles and to work on communication.
It gives guilds time to finish their transfers that haven’t had a chance to get everyone over yet.
It gets people new to WvW that just joined our server time to learn not to take supply from keeps and proper siege placement, etc…
To all those that are in such a hurry to get SoR out of T2. You do realize that just means you get to deal with BG instead right? It won’t be any better. It will be just as much of a blow out. They had just as good of coverage their last week in T2 as we do now. The difference was they were fighting two strong servers so it wasn’t as big a blow out.
Since most of SBI is no longer on SBI it’s made it a 1v1 and TC doesn’t have the numbers or coverage to compete. The scores and fights will be the same against BG.
The only difference is BG will have their forum trolls spamming the thread with “TC sucks look at the score” crap like they did last time they were in T2.
Sanctum of Rall
It makes a lot of sense for SoR to take their foot off the gas in the match this week. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a post on their internal forums from one of their community leaders saying to do just that. They need time to get the new guilds set up on their website, channels on TS, permissions set up, and get some coordination together.
But more importantly …. rating. The SoR community leaders know how the rating system works, and I’m sure they’d like to capitalize on it. They know that SBI is going to be in the T2 match again next week, and know there is still more rating that can be taken and used to get a lead in T1. If SoR moved into T1 this week, that rating would go to BG, keeping the rating gap between T1 and T2 tighter.
Regardless of the motivations at play, it’s a smart move and it gives them a chance to finally take a breather this week. Win win for the SoR guys who have been busting their butts the past few months.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Simple fact. When things got rough for SoR, we didn’t bail en mass. We learned to respect each other, especially a solid core of our commanders, and we learned a lot about the strengths and weaknesses of our various guilds and how to turn that to our advantage. There are legitimate questions and concerns about the character of the guilds that have joined us en mass, how they will fit in with our style of play, and especially will they stick it out when the going gets rough. In a nutshell, if they want our respect they are going to have to earn it.
Running on SoR from day 1 minute 1
Jayne, I must say I have always been intrigued with TC mainly due to the rp aspect. I would think that this alone would add a certain flavor to wvw. I personally do not, nor would not rp, but I can sense and have experienced a certain amount of hilarity due to rp alone.
Aye we’re known for our tongue-in-cheek humour. It’s one of the things I love about TC.
Bear in mind there’s some growing pains happening right now, and they’ll likely get resolved in a couple weeks, one way or another. Also bear in mind that some of the angst here is from new folks to our server. If you see the negative, check the posting history.
May be i will need to get a leftover cookie at the zombie coast soon in a week or two. Mind passing me that when im there? Next time we meet, will be with even more Thais imported from NSP :P
Commander of Blackgate
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRsSk4l0T4
Owl is doing a little Japanese and Russian friendship building. :P
He’ll be home soon with a lot of new friends for us all to meet and welcome to our home.
Anyways, stay strong SoR, stay tight, and more importantly, take this time to get to know the new guys and welcome them to our community and help them feel at home.
We want our server to be known not only for its prowess and die hard spirit on the battlefield but also our warmth and maturity amongst ourselves. Being able to have the solidarity, organization and discipline in WvW without having the need for any alliance, dictatorship, hierarchy, or politics is something that not many servers have. Let us stay true to our roots and continue forward hand in hand with our new friends and allies.
80k kills and counting
If there is one constant in all of the faction based pvp games I have played, it is not once did fighting someone I could dominate ever make me a better player. SoR is getting nothing from these matches other then getting fat and lazy. Most of the good players/guilds will be bored and doing other things, so you just end up with large zerg balls running around pretending they are becoming a better community.
The problem with that statement is that there’s a difference between dominating the scoreboard and dominating the battlefield. SoR doesn’t really dominate the battlefield unless their numbers are vastly greater than their opponents. Don’t take that statement the wrong way, I’m not trying to start any arguments…I’m just offering an honest assessment of what’s happening on the battlefield.
I think, if they’re being honest, your commanders would admit this as well. SoR is losing a lot of battles that shouldn’t even be close. It’s been that way since this matchup started last week so you shouldn’t chalk it up to certain guilds not being active in RvR the last few days. In fact, it was much worse last week than it’s been this week. I guess that can be partially attributed to the overall growth of the SoR zergs that can withstand heavy losses and still manage to gain ground. However, SoS zergs are considerably larger than what SoR is fielding currently so you won’t be able to rely on numbers alone in Tier 1.
Personally I think the blob tactics are probably the wrong way to go while you’re in Tier 2. I’d go with smaller groups and force your players to learn how to fight properly while you still have the chance.
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)
I do think it’s puzzling however when some of the same people complain that making things organized is making the server “pro-WvW” are the same people who complain that we’re not winning.. And they either don’t care to show up to help or don’t listen to anyone and do their own thing which can sometimes cause additional problems.
You do realize you just insulted two of our more dedicated WvWers? Coral and Tallisi, like me, are often in there 10-12 hours a day working their butt off.
Thanks for defending us
I read mails like this with the same attitude as I read newspapers: I try to ignore the insulting things and focus on the message. I am Zen! I am Unagi!
Seriously… thanks for sticking up for us!
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.
Weak troll Maladon, very weak.
Is simply trying to help people understand some of the strategy’s of WvW, that’s it’s really not just the single player out there, but all of us as a team, does that make me some sort of “T-1 pro-WvW” person?
Kinda, yes.
First: fun does not always mean being organised into one big team.
And TC is a server where alot of guilds are like… 5-10 friends who made their own guild and enjoy the game. Win or loose. It is about fun. In the end, even for big guilds, the game is all about fun.
Alot of people do not act as one single team on TC, discussing overall-strategy. No, people look at their friens and do things that they want to do together with their friends.
This not-too-organised way actually works, because those people are having fun and thus staying in WWW longer, comming back to it, meet new people to have fun with…
And that is why your idea -of having TC act as one single team- will not work. People have too much fun doing what they are doing now.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.
Do you like our rocks? Score update!
If there is one constant in all of the faction based pvp games I have played, it is not once did fighting someone I could dominate ever make me a better player. SoR is getting nothing from these matches other then getting fat and lazy. Most of the good players/guilds will be bored and doing other things, so you just end up with large zerg balls running around pretending they are becoming a better community.
The problem with that statement is that there’s a difference between dominating the scoreboard and dominating the battlefield. SoR doesn’t really dominate the battlefield unless their numbers are vastly greater than their opponents. Don’t take that statement the wrong way, I’m not trying to start any arguments…I’m just offering an honest assessment of what’s happening on the battlefield.
I think, if they’re being honest, your commanders would admit this as well. SoR is losing a lot of battles that shouldn’t even be close. It’s been that way since this matchup started last week so you shouldn’t chalk it up to certain guilds not being active in RvR the last few days. In fact, it was much worse last week than it’s been this week. I guess that can be partially attributed to the overall growth of the SoR zergs that can withstand heavy losses and still manage to gain ground. However, SoS zergs are considerably larger than what SoR is fielding currently so you won’t be able to rely on numbers alone in Tier 1.
Personally I think the blob tactics are probably the wrong way to go while you’re in Tier 2. I’d go with smaller groups and force your players to learn how to fight properly while you still have the chance.
One word…..“alts”.
That’s all that needs to be said. I’m attempting to learn to play a hammer warrior and I frankly suck at it. I know many, many others are out there on alts as well.