KIlling a game mode

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: Callendor.1840


WvW is pretty much dying.. the populations are low and it is not incentivized…

PvE Legendary Armor
Fractals Legendary Back-piece
PvP Legendary Back-piece
WvW sod all…

Are there any plans to bring something cool as a reward for playing WvW?

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: Khyan.7039


The problem is the mega server system, this cause some issue with guild that want to do WvW with guildmates. They just can’t if they aren’t in the same server.

Maybe They should merge servers, like EN servers with EN, FR servers with FR, etc…. in WvW.

Oh and bring back tournaments/old maps and new rewards, of course.

(edited by Khyan.7039)

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: Sphinx.8014


Well, they have said that they are working on a WvW overhaul, though it won’t come until later 2016…

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: Vayne.8563


No point in incentivizing it until the issues with WvW are fixed. Anet knows about them. They’re working on fixing them.

I’m guessing the reason we haven’t had a new season in WvW is because there’s no point with it being in the state it is now.

Incentivizing WvW now would give a very mixed message.

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


No point in incentivizing it until the issues with WvW are fixed. Anet knows about them. They’re working on fixing them.

They know about the issues yet instead of focusing on fixing them they created a brand new map, as if the map was the problem. The map is the LEAST of the problems in WvW yet we got a new map that is considered by many far worse than what we had, so the new map caused more issues to appear instead of solving any of the current ones.

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: Marthkus.4615


WvW should move to guild clans vs guild clans. Rewards should be guild halls, siege weapons, WvW fort decorations.

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: PyrateSilly.4710


I go into WvW about every day. I see lots of people playing on all sides. Not sure why people keep saying the it’s dead. If it was dead then no one would be in there playing and that is just not the case, there are lots playing. Maybe YOU don’t play it anymore but others still do.

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: Khyan.7039


I go into WvW about every day. I see lots of people playing on all sides. Not sure why people keep saying the it’s dead. If it was dead then no one would be in there playing and that is just not the case, there are lots playing. Maybe YOU don’t play it anymore but others still do.

It’s right but if you compare with a year ago, it’s way less populated.

In my server it’s … almost dead. There are still people but not that much. ~A year ago, WvW was always full and it was a pain to enter.

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: Nythrilyn.2146


They obviously can’t fix something they don’t understand themselves, and you can tell they don’t know anything about the issues with WvW. Almost seems like they stuck it in the ‘too hard to deal with’ basket. Sad really, only played it recently for WvW. Haven’t played for a while, no point since the WvW guild I am in is taking a break from WvW until this ‘overhaul’ is implemented. If that ever does happen in this century I just hope that I will still want to even bother to play anymore. For now, I am just playing a completely different and better and MUCH older game. It’s called Guild Wars…

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


WvW has been dead for quite some time now…. I last stepped into WvW to actually play… maybe a year ago? The new maps I hear are awful.

either your signature has the wrong server or you are out of your mind..

what do you considered dead? zero players on maps is what i considered dead and in t1 there are players on maps all day. no matter when i log in i can find action.. i actually prefer early NA as primetime just becomes blob city

anyway to stay on topic, we all know they are working on something.. only thing to do is wait. go try other games for a bit or take a break.

Player Vs Everyone
youtube channel - twitch channel

(edited by briggah.7910)

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: Helys Vikonas.9125

Helys Vikonas.9125

I go into WvW about every day. I see lots of people playing on all sides. Not sure why people keep saying the it’s dead. If it was dead then no one would be in there playing and that is just not the case, there are lots playing. Maybe YOU don’t play it anymore but others still do.

It’s right but if you compare with a year ago, it’s way less populated.

In my server it’s … almost dead. There are still people but not that much. ~A year ago, WvW was always full and it was a pain to enter.

I agree. It is very tier related too. As a long time low tier player, i’ve seen my server both in its good and in its bad days, but right now the server population is reaching critical levels. When your main EB group isn’t reaching the size of a PVP team, something is obviously wrong hahaha And I can see the same situation on several enemy servers. Mid and high tiers still have important populations, but queues there are getting shorter too.

I would like to see the player turn-over data, would be really interesting to see. I suspect that there is a concentration phenomenon going on, with remaining interested low and mid tier players moving up to the top tiers, leaving fairly empty tiers behind.

TL;DR: Basically I think HOT and the F2P change didn’t manage to replace falling WVW player interest/numbers. This prompted the remaning players from deserted servers to move up to tiers where there is still something going on.

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: Osu.6307


I go into WvW about every day. I see lots of people playing on all sides. Not sure why people keep saying the it’s dead. If it was dead then no one would be in there playing and that is just not the case, there are lots playing. Maybe YOU don’t play it anymore but others still do.

It really depends on tier and time of day. If you are on T1 or T2 and only play during NA prime, you are probably happy your queue is shorter. T4 and up still has enough active players to at least keep EBG populated during peak hours. If you are in T5 or lower, the population decline is much more dramatic. These are servers that never had a huge wvw population to begin with so even a small population reduction has a dramatic impact. Furthermore, the more populations decline, the more coverage imbalances become an issue. Even if you love wvw, you will either give up or transfer if you know that all your gains will be taken back by Oceanic players once you log off, and you’ll be looking at double-digit tick when you log back in.


KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


TL;DR: Basically I think HOT and the F2P change didn’t manage to replace falling WVW player interest/numbers. This prompted the remaning players from deserted servers to move up to tiers where there is still something going on.

This is what I did and HoT was what did it.. I always said I would never leave my server but then HoT dropped. First time I went to the new BL I knew they would be dead as the old BL’s were pretty much dead outside of a few hours at prime time. It took 5 of us a very long time just to bust into the fire keep and figure out how to get to lords lol

Some guildies pointed out to me that t1 opened up for the first time in a long time and a handful of us decided to move on up to try it out. Main reason I left was because of the size of the new map. Now that I moved though there are lots of things I do not miss.

I still talk to some people on my old server but its the same old story. People keep leaving and that was always a problem in the lower tiers.

Player Vs Everyone
youtube channel - twitch channel

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: Buy Some Apples.6390

Buy Some Apples.6390

Everything for WvW has always been Soon™

And when they do deliver, the package is damaged and 95%+ of the contents has been lost in transit.

As I have said countless times, it was OK to say “we cannot talk about it” when the game was in beta, but when you release a game and then continue with the same excuse for 3 years, well then there is something wrong.

Yes Anet want to kill off WvW. It is obvious.
But whilst players still want it and continue to play in WvW, Anet will continue to do the bare minimum in order to keep those players in the hopes they spend real cash in the gem store; a store full of PvE stuff!

Anet refuse listen to us in regards on how WvW should progress. They have their own ideas, which is to kill it.

As for the overhaul, they claim to have spent a year on it. But it still will not be released until later this year. Again using the Soon™ excuse.

So many times they have said Soon™, and so many times they have failed to deliver.

Remember this video.

Yup they couldnt talk about it cos they had nothing to talk about!

Scratch that 3 years, August if just round the corner, it’s almost 4 years now!

Cant wait for Crowfall!

Complained about WvW before it became cool.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Cant wait for Crowfall!

Me too so some of you can move on finally and stop lurking the forums while trying to kill the game mode even more. Bad thing is we have to wait till end of year for that game so we are stuck with the same QQ game mode dead for 3 years yada yada yada

Player Vs Everyone
youtube channel - twitch channel

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I go into WvW about every day. I see lots of people playing on all sides. Not sure why people keep saying the it’s dead.

What server are you on if you care to elaborate?

Went into WvW shortly around 3pm today and saw 2 friendlies in the whole of EB… And 3 enemies. You might want to restate that your server isn’t dead, but a lot of other servers are.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


I go into WvW about every day. I see lots of people playing on all sides. Not sure why people keep saying the it’s dead.

What server are you on if you care to elaborate?

Went into WvW shortly around 3pm today and saw 2 friendlies in the whole of EB… And 3 enemies. You might want to restate that your server isn’t dead, but a lot of other servers are.

My personal opinion based on my active friends list and family members is that “that” player base is declining if logging in at all since HoT launch. If I include the active guild I typically rep, it is even more bleak.

As a main player of WvW since head start I can say that on the server I’m on, E’Bay, it has also seen a slow and steady decline. Most of it is due to hitting the brick wall of coverage and tier which isn’t unique to us alone. This week for example we are facing 10’th Maguuma with 11th Northern Shiverpeaks and Ehmry Bay (US) at 13th. Mag out numbers both servers combined regardless of time of day. Saturday rolls around, reset, WvW players login, see this, and that is all she wrote…

We can’t go higher, Mag can’t go higher, NSP can’t go higher, and Darkhaven is the red headed step child that gets tossed around because they are at the same cross roads. Everyone is kittened blocked until they drop a tier or two and roll on tide that week or next until they land right back into this BS.

That is part of what is killing the game. Then there is lack of rewards similar to sPvP or PvE or content updates. Jump puzzles removed due to care bears with alligator tears. Too long of match up. No player portal listing guilds, players, classes, top 50, or anything else remotely used for bragging rights and friendly banter.

Na, the game overall is losing “retail and head start players” or at least slowing down their login routine. No reason. Only question that remains is if the F2P player base is increasing at a faster rate to negate it.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


WvW is pretty much dying.. the populations are low and it is not incentivized…

PvE Legendary Armor
Fractals Legendary Back-piece
PvP Legendary Back-piece
WvW sod all…

Are there any plans to bring something cool as a reward for playing WvW?

I’m really happy with the guild upgrades. I do think the costs are wrong and the way banners function should be as when they were shown on the reveal video.

You certainly can’t say “sod all”! Here is where the devs told us about a bunch of guild WvW stuff:

… and this one is about guild claiming and upgrades:

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


WvW is pretty much dying.. the populations are low and it is not incentivized…

PvE Legendary Armor
Fractals Legendary Back-piece
PvP Legendary Back-piece
WvW sod all…

Are there any plans to bring something cool as a reward for playing WvW?

I’m really happy with the guild upgrades. I do think the costs are wrong and the way banners function should be as when they were shown on the reveal video.

You certainly can’t say “sod all”! Here is where the devs told us about a bunch of guild WvW stuff:

… and this one is about guild claiming and upgrades:

Guild upgrades were way off base. Firstly, WvW is about a “WORLD” community, not a Guild. The capacity to contribute should be equal for every member of a world. HoT and the Guild Buff’s created a vast inequality.

Second, Anet has proven to have an extremely poor ability or desire to promote and grow our Worlds. The only reason the communities we have had exist is due to the sheer amount of work and effort by the player base. Pretty much in spite of developer actions since the Mega Server.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


No point in incentivizing it until the issues with WvW are fixed. Anet knows about them. They’re working on fixing them.

I’m guessing the reason we haven’t had a new season in WvW is because there’s no point with it being in the state it is now.

Incentivizing WvW now would give a very mixed message.

Them knowing about issues and having a genuine understanding on how to fix the issues are two entirely different thing.

Based on the current trend, it’s doubtful that anything positive will come from ANet at this point regarding WvW.

KIlling a game mode

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Second, Anet has proven to have an extremely poor ability or desire to promote and grow our Worlds. The only reason the communities we have had exist is due to the sheer amount of work and effort by the player base. Pretty much in spite of developer actions since the Mega Server.

It’s not for want of trying, watching the first video, it’s clear they want WvW to work!

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.