Kaineng rising from the dead.....

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


Just wanted to shout out a congrats to my friends on Kaineng. Great to see that Kaineng has dusted itself off and is clear up to T6, now. I know that is not saying much to those on a T2 or T1 server……but Kaineng has managed to claw its way up to T6 from being almost dead and gone on T8….might even have a chance of playing in T5 next week.


Great to see, Kaineng!


Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


Nope, we’re going ot stay in T6 for a while longer, even if we had the slightest chance of beating GoM/AR solidly enough to do so, which we won’t. We where over 200 glicko rating under GoM going into this week, so the glicko needs time to change out before anyone else can get thrown into higher tiers.

We’re having a VERY enjoyable match with AR/GoMmi Bears this week, it is as close as we have ever been in a match-up with our weird coverage. We got a good lead from a strong night cap on monday, and been living on that for the rest of the week.

Next week, GoM is going to learn from this week. And AR will get slightly over the new high of fighting GoM who comes out and fights them (they are in love), and they will both beat up a bit on Kaineng first, and then continue to play with each others, and we won’t have the same advantage in points again.

It will get even closer, and even more fun!

I hope we keep this match-up for a month!

PS: Come back here and protect your motherland you little Ronin!

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Jski.6180


T1 cant move and no one can get into T1 but ya sure work for T2 there room for it though i think it would be very hard to get there. Though i would mind seeing T2 and T3 become very competitive with the ability to move up and down with out having a no fight week.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


Nope, we’re going ot stay in T6 for a while longer, even if we had the slightest chance of beating GoM/AR solidly enough to do so, which we won’t. We where over 200 glicko rating under GoM going into this week, so the glicko needs time to change out before anyone else can get thrown into higher tiers.

We’re having a VERY enjoyable match with AR/GoMmi Bears this week, it is as close as we have ever been in a match-up with our weird coverage. We got a good lead from a strong night cap on monday, and been living on that for the rest of the week.

Next week, GoM is going to learn from this week. And AR will get slightly over the new high of fighting GoM who comes out and fights them (they are in love), and they will both beat up a bit on Kaineng first, and then continue to play with each others, and we won’t have the same advantage in points again.

It will get even closer, and even more fun!

I hope we keep this match-up for a month!

PS: Come back here and protect your motherland you little Ronin!

After transferring my main account to FA for wvw a few weeks back, I did buy a new account when they were on that great sale, so I could help my wife out in Kaineng wvw, as she still has her main account there.

I spent too much time on Kaineng to just completely give up on it, especially since I still belong to a great guild there.

Am currently working on getting a lowbie guardian up(he is almost 30 now), so won’t be too much longer before you see a Metalburn character back out there helping in Kaineng wvw, again. Just look at the treb operators, as that is usually where I start out in wvw before I am a full 80.

(I actually have been out to Kaineng wvw a few times on the new account already……but just for very cautious dailies with my wife.)

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


T1 cant move and no one can get into T1 but ya sure work for T2 there room for it though i think it would be very hard to get there. Though i would mind seeing T2 and T3 become very competitive with the ability to move up and down with out having a no fight week.

Actually, if FA continues to dominate/beat both the other servers in T2 consistently they will slowly gain some points, and once they are within 200 glicko ratings of #1 server JQ, they can theoretically roll into T1. With the current score, there is 183 glicko separating them (mos mill predicted ratings), so it could happen. Just highly unlikely.

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Big Boss.5206

Big Boss.5206

I wouldn’t really say “rising from the dead”.

Our score has only been good because we pvd defenseless structures when everyone is sleeping.

We are still a North American server with a non-existent NA presence lol

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Nope, we’re going ot stay in T6 for a while longer, even if we had the slightest chance of beating GoM/AR solidly enough to do so, which we won’t. We where over 200 glicko rating under GoM going into this week, so the glicko needs time to change out before anyone else can get thrown into higher tiers.

We’re having a VERY enjoyable match with AR/GoMmi Bears this week, it is as close as we have ever been in a match-up with our weird coverage. We got a good lead from a strong night cap on monday, and been living on that for the rest of the week.

Next week, GoM is going to learn from this week. And AR will get slightly over the new high of fighting GoM who comes out and fights them (they are in love), and they will both beat up a bit on Kaineng first, and then continue to play with each others, and we won’t have the same advantage in points again.

It will get even closer, and even more fun!

I hope we keep this match-up for a month!

PS: Come back here and protect your motherland you little Ronin!

Pretty much spot on. AR hasn’t really been pushing for PPT this week, after a month of dealing with mag’s crap we have just been enjoying ourselves and looking for equal numbered fights. That’s why we tend hit GoM so much during primetime instead of PvDooring your stuff.

I also want to give a shout out to all the GoMmi bears outside of SM last night. That was a lot of fun.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Krustydog.3072


Nope, we’re going ot stay in T6 for a while longer, even if we had the slightest chance of beating GoM/AR solidly enough to do so, which we won’t. We where over 200 glicko rating under GoM going into this week, so the glicko needs time to change out before anyone else can get thrown into higher tiers.

We’re having a VERY enjoyable match with AR/GoMmi Bears this week, it is as close as we have ever been in a match-up with our weird coverage. We got a good lead from a strong night cap on monday, and been living on that for the rest of the week.

Next week, GoM is going to learn from this week. And AR will get slightly over the new high of fighting GoM who comes out and fights them (they are in love), and they will both beat up a bit on Kaineng first, and then continue to play with each others, and we won’t have the same advantage in points again.

It will get even closer, and even more fun!

I hope we keep this match-up for a month!

PS: Come back here and protect your motherland you little Ronin!

Better watch out cause SoR is coming. You remember us-the guys (and dolls) who whooped your kitten last week.


Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Coyote.7031


And AR will get slightly over the new high of fighting GoM who comes out and fights them (they are in love)….

Hey don’t judge us, our relationship will last. We are not a spring fling. /sobs

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: aquabat.2986


KN still rising from the dead, or are they re-dead?

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: arron.7348


kaineng is the same as its always been, they’re just now facing a server that can put more numbers on a field than it has players

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

kaineng is the same as its always been, they’re just now facing a server that can put more numbers on a field than it has players

They are facing a server with a night crew. Don’t worry, you might still pull out second place , we are having way too much fun harassing CD to worry about PPT.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Mizu.4508


I’m from AR and both our server and Kaineng has moved up primarily because of two reasons:

The first one is that our servers have kept its core prime times (NA for AR, OCX/SEA for Kaineng) so we field enough during our primes, not sure about Kaineng but they’re online when everyone else is offline.

The second reason is that many other servers have plummeted over the past 2-3 months. SF, SoR, BP, DR, I think FC lost SNKY, can’t remember correctly and just recently ET is on their way down. With all those servers moving down due to losing players, it only made sense we moved up on the board since we haven’t had any major losses recently.

Kaineng won the last match up because like Big Boss said, they PVD while everyone else is asleep. I can’t really blame them since they’ve been that odd server in Bronze Tier in terms of prime time. I don’t think any other server in Bronze at the moment has any major OCX/SEA to fight Kaineng with, which is why they are where they are now lol.

Good luck Kaineng this week, we got CD and I believe they have OCX/SEA coverage if I recall correctly. Either way, GoM needs to come back down next week haha.

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Either way, GoM needs to come back down next week haha.

Right?! We were trying to get 8 people to jump out of a tower to fight 2 of us, instead they built sup ac’s. All I could think was, “Man I miss GoM.”

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: arron.7348


Don’t worry, you might still pull out second place , we are having way too much fun harassing CD to worry about PPT.

you and i both know this isn’t true – anvil rock has spent 80% of its time in kainengs borderland because they, too, cannot face crystal deserts’ overwhelming numbers. even the best defenders simply become fatigued, especially when crystal desert often brings more omega’s than their enemy has numbers.

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Don’t worry, you might still pull out second place , we are having way too much fun harassing CD to worry about PPT.

you and i both know this isn’t true – anvil rock has spent 80% of its time in kainengs borderland because they, too, cannot face crystal deserts’ overwhelming numbers. even the best defenders simply become fatigued, especially when crystal desert often brings more omega’s than their enemy has numbers.

I spent the morning in their bl and the evening in yours. For whatever reason they are much more willing to fight in your bl, we wiped a group of them outside their spawn about half a dozen times and they just kept coming back.

By the way, that is our hills now. You can have it back when we go to bed.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


LOL…..this week is more like the Kaineng I remember……but we’re still a couple tiers up from where we were, so it is all good. I don’t mind some kitten thumping when we’re not in the basement.

CD is putting on the thump down big time……..but it is all good, as we’re not in the cellar and still showing some life.

Glad I transferred back to my home. My transfer to FA was fun, but they didn’t need any extra bodies, as they’re doing fine. Kaineng needs peeps in wvw, and I missed my home server too much……..it is fun to be back, no matter how badly we’re getting abused in wvw.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


I’m from AR and both our server and Kaineng has moved up primarily because of two reasons:

The first one is that our servers have kept its core prime times (NA for AR, OCX/SEA for Kaineng) so we field enough during our primes, not sure about Kaineng but they’re online when everyone else is offline.

The second reason is that many other servers have plummeted over the past 2-3 months. SF, SoR, BP, DR, I think FC lost SNKY, can’t remember correctly and just recently ET is on their way down. With all those servers moving down due to losing players, it only made sense we moved up on the board since we haven’t had any major losses recently.

Kaineng won the last match up because like Big Boss said, they PVD while everyone else is asleep. I can’t really blame them since they’ve been that odd server in Bronze Tier in terms of prime time. I don’t think any other server in Bronze at the moment has any major OCX/SEA to fight Kaineng with, which is why they are where they are now lol.

Good luck Kaineng this week, we got CD and I believe they have OCX/SEA coverage if I recall correctly. Either way, GoM needs to come back down next week haha.

Very true…Kaineng has always had a good graveyard squad……..this week it won’t make a whole lot of difference, though, as CD will thump everyone like crazy.

That’s ok, though. I am still happy.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


as a returning player who cannot wait to get back into WvW (bulding new pc old one stolen current cant handle WvW) i think an honest answer wold be that kaineng was a fotm server at start and since lots of players are returning that played at start it has seen a good boost in numbers therefore helping out in WvW/ Im def happy tho cause its my home and im not moving! seeya on the battlefield!

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Lapiy.7160


LOL…..this week is more like the Kaineng I remember……but we’re still a couple tiers up from where we were, so it is all good. I don’t mind some kitten thumping when we’re not in the basement.

CD is putting on the thump down big time……..but it is all good, as we’re not in the cellar and still showing some life.

Glad I transferred back to my home. My transfer to FA was fun, but they didn’t need any extra bodies, as they’re doing fine. Kaineng needs peeps in wvw, and I missed my home server too much……..it is fun to be back, no matter how badly we’re getting abused in wvw.

Bronze tier is where we never want to be so I guess our guys are k training like mad xD

Servers: Crystal Desert, Underworld, Eredon Terrace
Guilds: [TDS] The Desert Squad-Retired, [bM] Badmash, [BoRP] Bunch Of Random Players
Always looking for fights gvg’s etc just hit me up!

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


@Mizu; @Jim: So very true

@Teon: Welcome back!

@Lapiy: Most of the players I talk to on Kaineng have no real desire to go to silver either, so at least the feeling is mutual. (We happen to like bronze)

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Maeror.8251


I’m on KN myself. I’ll certainly not detract from what our late-night crew can accomplish. However, KN certainly has been building up numbers in the wvw guilds, and is seeing the effects of the added numbers working to better themselves too. (I’ll avoid listing guilds as I’ll no doubt omit one or two that I wouldn’t mean to.) So some measure of our success is also better coordination in the prime-time crews fighting in the field, and some outstanding field commanders.

The KN that exists currently is definitely in a much better place than a year ago (“rank 25 in a field of 24 servers” was the joke) so there’s more to be said then just that the other servers in T7, T8 are doing more poorly on a relative basis these days. But we’re still somewhat underpopulated in terms of cross-map coverage at times, so with our current server numbers, I’ll be surprised we do better than the T6/T7 boundary mark. Anyone out there want to help us keep rising?

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: oscuro.9720


We have started climbing, and that means
A) Players first trying WvW don’t find it dead and leave
B) People will transfer to our server since we have a decent blend of small group/solo and some zerg mechanics
HOWEVER, this is just the beginning. Kaineng has a bright future despite what many people may believe. True, we have risen and fallen in the past months, but this time it will be different. The remaining guilds we have are long item standing guilds that didn’t rise up over night like AXME or RAGE, not to shame those guilds, they are great guilds. However, they rose up very AST and felt restrained by the standings and slow growth of Kaineng, so they left, and I don’t blame them for it. The guilds we have now (SN, SIN, Owls, and KPD) have all been around for a long time in Kaineng and have slowly developed through the highs and lows.
Our small groups are getting great practice fighting against competent groups in CD and are beginning to improve in group synergy in pressing fights and outnumbered situations against skilled groups. More players are logging on daily in our down times (day time). This means that our small groups that hold stuff and keep enemy objectives paper for our night cap/upgrade have help and soon will become a competent force.
Overall, things are looking up. Expect to see some skilled play out of kaineng in the near and far future
P.S. If u like roaming and want to find a good server to roam on with a good community, whisper me in game

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: arron.7348


competent groups in CD


Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Sane.5072


We have started climbing, and that means
A) Players first trying WvW don’t find it dead and leave
B) People will transfer to our server since we have a decent blend of small group/solo and some zerg mechanics
HOWEVER, this is just the beginning. Kaineng has a bright future despite what many people may believe. True, we have risen and fallen in the past months, but this time it will be different. The remaining guilds we have are long item standing guilds that didn’t rise up over night like AXME or RAGE, not to shame those guilds, they are great guilds. However, they rose up very AST and felt restrained by the standings and slow growth of Kaineng, so they left, and I don’t blame them for it. The guilds we have now (SN, SIN, Owls, and KPD) have all been around for a long time in Kaineng and have slowly developed through the highs and lows.
Our small groups are getting great practice fighting against competent groups in CD and are beginning to improve in group synergy in pressing fights and outnumbered situations against skilled groups. More players are logging on daily in our down times (day time). This means that our small groups that hold stuff and keep enemy objectives paper for our night cap/upgrade have help and soon will become a competent force.
Overall, things are looking up. Expect to see some skilled play out of kaineng in the near and far future
P.S. If u like roaming and want to find a good server to roam on with a good community, whisper me in game

I’m not convinced those four guilds you named are friendly enough with each other to continue rising. Kaineng has some crazy inter-guild politics that need to be worked out before you can look to be stable. Way too dramatic.

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: TexZero.7910


competent groups in CD


Not sure what you’re laughing about. CD has quite a number of really good roaming/small man teams.

A lot of good fights have been had between LgN,SN,TKVA,EVA, etc..

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


We have started climbing, and that means
A) Players first trying WvW don’t find it dead and leave
B) People will transfer to our server since we have a decent blend of small group/solo and some zerg mechanics
HOWEVER, this is just the beginning. Kaineng has a bright future despite what many people may believe. True, we have risen and fallen in the past months, but this time it will be different. The remaining guilds we have are long item standing guilds that didn’t rise up over night like AXME or RAGE, not to shame those guilds, they are great guilds. However, they rose up very AST and felt restrained by the standings and slow growth of Kaineng, so they left, and I don’t blame them for it. The guilds we have now (SN, SIN, Owls, and KPD) have all been around for a long time in Kaineng and have slowly developed through the highs and lows.
Our small groups are getting great practice fighting against competent groups in CD and are beginning to improve in group synergy in pressing fights and outnumbered situations against skilled groups. More players are logging on daily in our down times (day time). This means that our small groups that hold stuff and keep enemy objectives paper for our night cap/upgrade have help and soon will become a competent force.
Overall, things are looking up. Expect to see some skilled play out of kaineng in the near and far future
P.S. If u like roaming and want to find a good server to roam on with a good community, whisper me in game

I’m not convinced those four guilds you named are friendly enough with each other to continue rising. Kaineng has some crazy inter-guild politics that need to be worked out before you can look to be stable. Way too dramatic.

Not sure if I agree with that. Yea, I transferred away from Kaineng for a couple months, but I was around for a long time before then, and those guilds never seemed to mind people joining in their groups out in wvw. Over the last few days, I have joined several groups run my SN and SIN and never have been rebuffed or bullied for doing that.

I tend to think that most of these guilds realize that Kaineng needs numbers, and the best way to do that is to welcome people into wvw groups with open arms. I know that doesn’t exist all the time, no matter what server…..even Kaineng……..but Kaineng has always seemd to me to be a bit more welcoming when it comes to wvw……as we need peeps.

Maybe it is just who I run with…..past and present……..but I never seen the problem that you have mentioned in your post.

We’re certainly nothing like T3 or T2 in the way of politics in wvw.

Long live Kaineng!!!!

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: arron.7348


Not sure what you’re laughing about.

i laugh mostly because those “really good fights” are 5-10 vs. 40+, in which cd usually loses after wasting all their supply building open-field siege and having no walls to hide behind. on the flip side, i once retreated into my own tower for safety from a monstrous blob from cd, and had members of that server build an ac outside and zoom hack to try to kill me on the inside

it’s really hard not to laugh

ps, please attack kaineng’s garrison with 40+ omega’s again(with only 7 defenders), i greatly enjoyed making you wasted hundreds of gold with a single (non-superior)balista

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: KingofWizard.7983


AR enjoying harassing CD…? Not worry about PPT…? LAMO.
I can’t even count how many times AR EB zergs came to KBL to cap HILL or BAY for a tick. We can have our Hill back? Yeah, we are truly sorry that we capped and WP your keep in EB last week. I guess that made you guys mad.

“The only reason Kaineng won was because they PVD everything while no one is around.”

I have never known we have to wait till a decent group show up to fight us. LOL. That’s pretty dumb. I think BG or JQ will do the same thing if they see their opponents have no coverage on certain hours (although I’m sure T1 or T2 servers have 24/7 coverage). And you guys do take unguarded towers and camps (or maybe few defenders) in KBL or EB side when there was no coverage during afternoon hours.

This week has been rough, which we all have predicted. Moreover, it’s been harder since we have less number of players, and we have been getting smashed from both servers. But we are definitely better than before, and clearly rising from dead compared to couple of months ago (the time we only have15 men zerg in EB) . All this has happened without any transfer from other servers; this is why Oscuro is saying that this time is little different from the past. Kaineng has been on the bottom for a long time, so we are enjoying this moment and I don’t think any of us would complain even if we drop down again.

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Not sure what you’re laughing about.

i laugh mostly because those “really good fights” are 5-10 vs. 40+, in which cd usually loses after wasting all their supply building open-field siege and having no walls to hide behind. on the flip side, i once retreated into my own tower for safety from a monstrous blob from cd, and had members of that server build an ac outside and zoom hack to try to kill me on the inside

it’s really hard not to laugh

ps, please attack kaineng’s garrison with 40+ omega’s again(with only 7 defenders), i greatly enjoyed making you wasted hundreds of gold with a single (non-superior)balista

1 ) CD doesn’t build open field siege, so either you’re hallucinating or just tired. It’s okay.
2) CD has never rallied 40+ to take your stuff this entire match up
3) If all you do it hide in garrison, don’t be surprised to see golems.

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: arron.7348


1 ) CD doesn’t build open field siege, so either you’re hallucinating or just tired. It’s okay.
2) CD has never rallied 40+ to take your stuff this entire match up

you’re clearly not a member of cd

3) If all you do it hide in garrison, don’t be surprised to see golems.

..except these golems show up at complete random. kaineng can’t “hide”, not against 40-90 man zergs.

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: TexZero.7910


1 ) CD doesn’t build open field siege, so either you’re hallucinating or just tired. It’s okay.
2) CD has never rallied 40+ to take your stuff this entire match up

you’re clearly not a member of cd

3) If all you do it hide in garrison, don’t be surprised to see golems.

..except these golems show up at complete random. kaineng can’t “hide”, not against 40-90 man zergs.

Right, okay. You’re just trolling.

Map max is 80, and no server in these tiers outside of reset queue anything other than EBG. At no time has any server map queued. It’s okay keep dreaming.

Also, i don’t care if you believe if im from CD or not but you can go check the official CD forums if you want to confirm where im from.

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Puck.9612


1 ) CD doesn’t build open field siege, so either you’re hallucinating or just tired. It’s okay.
2) CD has never rallied 40+ to take your stuff this entire match up

Yeah…. that’s not true at all. Do you not play during prime time?

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Coyote.7031


1 ) CD doesn’t build open field siege, so either you’re hallucinating or just tired. It’s okay.
2) CD has never rallied 40+ to take your stuff this entire match up

Unless your on 24/7 with a clicker to count players and watch siege drops, you can’t really say any of that. :\

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


This is another case of "Those Guys!"/"Server Pride" style Beer Googles. Server A has 20 and server B sees 40, and other way around. No point doing it, and both are likely wrong anyways.

Also, don’t make this into a match-up thread, or it will get shut down.

(Trying to find the last time we where on topic...)

@Sane: We do have our problems (TS) but for the most part I see people are willing to work together. Not perfect, but neither a cesspool.

@Teon: SIN always likes to see new people, and have people to roam with And every SN that I’ve encountered outside of zergs have been nice chaps and willing to try stuff. I don’t really run much in zergs, so can’t comment on that.

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: KingofWizard.7983


Not sure what you’re laughing about.

i laugh mostly because those “really good fights” are 5-10 vs. 40+, in which cd usually loses after wasting all their supply building open-field siege and having no walls to hide behind. on the flip side, i once retreated into my own tower for safety from a monstrous blob from cd, and had members of that server build an ac outside and zoom hack to try to kill me on the inside

it’s really hard not to laugh

ps, please attack kaineng’s garrison with 40+ omega’s again(with only 7 defenders), i greatly enjoyed making you wasted hundreds of gold with a single (non-superior)balista

1 ) CD doesn’t build open field siege, so either you’re hallucinating or just tired. It’s okay.
2) CD has never rallied 40+ to take your stuff this entire match up
3) If all you do it hide in garrison, don’t be surprised to see golems.

I don’t laugh at CD, but CD does build open field siege. O.o I wonder if you are playing in CD’s prime time.

CD does have 40+ in EB.

Kaineng never hide in garrison. We just lack on numbers. We have had 25~30 for the entire 4 maps for this week b/c of you guys! LOL. CD was just too much for us. Too many.

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


@Teon: SIN always likes to see new people, and have people to roam with And every SN that I’ve encountered outside of zergs have been nice chaps and willing to try stuff. I don’t really run much in zergs, so can’t comment on that.

Yup, that has been exactly my experience in wvw with SN and SIN. Both seem to be very good wvw guilds.

I remember one time I was out in Kaineng wvw a while back, and this guild(not SN or SIN) was running a small group…the commander kept yelling for peeps to join TS, so I finally did…..and they immediately started acting like I was some sort of spy…..finally one of them chimed in, ‘nah, he is from RAW….he is cool’……I just laughed and got out of TS and cleared out of the group. That is probably the worst thing I have ever run into in Kaineng wvw.

I rarely get into groups where the commander is being an obvious kitten…..and those sorts of groups do pop up occasionally. Saw one like that last week where the commander is a total kitten….and the people who run with him criticize him all the time…..but found out from one of my guild mates who told me that they’re all in the same small guild and do that all the time in wvw just to mess with peeps…..my guild mate said that most peeps just ignore them. (you probably know who I am talking about…..lol)

So we do have some jerks out there, as do all servers in wvw……but for the most part, I find Kaineng wvw to be more tolerant and nicer for the most part. Probably just because we don’t have huge numbers….so one sees less jerks.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


CD does have 40+ in EB.

Maybe it was just a small zerg of 10 mesmers with all their clones up?

Seriously, tho….CD has been overwhelming this week….which we were expecting.

Hopefully we will have GoM again next week.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Not sure what you’re laughing about.

i laugh mostly because those “really good fights” are 5-10 vs. 40+, in which cd usually loses after wasting all their supply building open-field siege and having no walls to hide behind. on the flip side, i once retreated into my own tower for safety from a monstrous blob from cd, and had members of that server build an ac outside and zoom hack to try to kill me on the inside

it’s really hard not to laugh

ps, please attack kaineng’s garrison with 40+ omega’s again(with only 7 defenders), i greatly enjoyed making you wasted hundreds of gold with a single (non-superior)balista

1 ) CD doesn’t build open field siege, so either you’re hallucinating or just tired. It’s okay.
2) CD has never rallied 40+ to take your stuff this entire match up
3) If all you do it hide in garrison, don’t be surprised to see golems.

I don’t laugh at CD, but CD does build open field siege. O.o I wonder if you are playing in CD’s prime time.

CD does have 40+ in EB.

Kaineng never hide in garrison. We just lack on numbers. We have had 25~30 for the entire 4 maps for this week b/c of you guys! LOL. CD was just too much for us. Too many.

Is your garison in EB ?

No, didn’t think so.

I don’t deny that our Pugs love EB. But that is neither the point.
Claiming we constantly run 90 into your gari is absurd. We haven’t had a 40 man anything on any Borderland Map. EBG is another issue entirely.

We have Nors who at best can field 25-30 on any BL should they chose. We have TDS who haven’t even been running at full capacity this match.

Now then i’d love to know which guild is building Open field siege, because if this is another QQ it happened in EB im going to start ignoring this thread.

If it’s you all complaining about a ballista being used to take out your cannons i’m going to laugh.

Also, i can go get a screenshot of Kainengs 4 open field ballista’s near your southwest camp if you’d like

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: KingofWizard.7983


Is your garison in EB ?

No, didn’t think so.

I don’t deny that our Pugs love EB. But that is neither the point.
Claiming we constantly run 90 into your gari is absurd. We haven’t had a 40 man anything on any Borderland Map. EBG is another issue entirely.

We have Nors who at best can field 25-30 on any BL should they chose. We have TDS who haven’t even been running at full capacity this match.

Now then i’d love to know which guild is building Open field siege, because if this is another QQ it happened in EB im going to start ignoring this thread.

If it’s you all complaining about a ballista being used to take out your cannons i’m going to laugh.

Also, i can go get a screenshot of Kainengs 4 open field ballista’s near your southwest camp if you’d like[/quote]

Isn’t it you who were mentioning about “Kaineng would lose by golem rush if they hide in garrison?” LOL. You are missing the whole point here. I think the person who mentioned about kaineng not being able to take 40-90 men zerg only wanted to say that CD does have a lot of people. Too many for us to handle. Exacerbating a bit, but it is true. Like I said, we have had 25 maybe 30 for the entire 4 maps. Not just 1 borderland. I’m talking all map. 20 men guild to attack BL and you still have coverage in your BL and also EB and maybe still be able to attack other BL. We ain’t have that.

I’ve never complained about building siege in open field fight. I’m only pointing to the fact that CD does build siege before the fight. Not every time. And the guy who talked about it probably wanted to troll you. lol. Because it is funny that 40 men zerg building siege against 20 men in open field fight.

You can screenshot of Kaineng building 4 balistas to defend the camp. I would love to see it. I don’t see there’s anything wrong with it anyway. I would ask those guys why not AC behind the balista.

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: TexZero.7910


I’ve never complained about building siege in open field fight. I’m only pointing to the fact that CD does build siege before the fight. Not every time. And the guy who talked about it probably wanted to troll you. lol. Because it is funny that 40 men zerg building siege against 20 men in open field fight.

You can screenshot of Kaineng building 4 balistas to defend the camp. I would love to see it. I don’t see there’s anything wrong with it anyway. I would ask those guys why not AC behind the balista.

Again not once has CD built open field siege on your borderland.
It’s okay though, i can see coming in here with good intentions praising some of your groups was wrong as the majority of your server seems to have a defeatist attitude and will exaggerate till they are blue in the face.

Added a screenshot of your servers love of open field siege, this is take from a guildmates perspective. It’s cute that you needed 4 of them for the Sentry.


Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: oscuro.9720


Alright, post number 2 for me.
We are working on our politics and inter-guild relations. In terms of the team speak spy thing, it is possible because when we fought in a few match ups there were known cross server players spying on us, sorry for the suspicion of it was or wasn’t me/my guild. I know for a fact that both Kaineng and CD build open field siege. It depends who you fight. Their Zergs don’t tend to, unless they are outmanned, in which case it is common sense. If you are outmanned, and AC or two ballista a can make a huge difference. I don’t condemn people for building siege when outmanned. My guild will build siege in camps when running 2-5 people and we have a group of 7-10 running around hunting us. They may rage at us, but they are the ones hunting a smaller group, so live with it.
I have seen CD golem rush us twice with about 30-35 people on Saturday. Happened, was fun, don’t say it didn’t because you weren’t there.
The skilled CD are tkva and other roaning groups. Some of the CD Zergs are lower skill level, but their small group roamingis top notch.
Stop flaming at each other. Both severs do what the other says. Just because u don’t experience it/your guild doesn’t do it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Let’s try to keep it copacetic and all get along, I like this matchup

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


I’ve never complained about building siege in open field fight. I’m only pointing to the fact that CD does build siege before the fight. Not every time. And the guy who talked about it probably wanted to troll you. lol. Because it is funny that 40 men zerg building siege against 20 men in open field fight.

You can screenshot of Kaineng building 4 balistas to defend the camp. I would love to see it. I don’t see there’s anything wrong with it anyway. I would ask those guys why not AC behind the balista.

Again not once has CD built open field siege on your borderland.
It’s okay though, i can see coming in here with good intentions praising some of your groups was wrong as the majority of your server seems to have a defeatist attitude and will exaggerate till they are blue in the face.

Added a screenshot of your servers love of open field siege, this is take from a guildmates perspective. It’s cute that you needed 4 of them for the Sentry.

Seriously? You come to the conclusion that Kaineng is defeatist from a few posts here?

Great research.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Krustydog.3072


Alright, post number 2 for me.
We are working on our politics and inter-guild relations. In terms of the team speak spy thing, it is possible because when we fought in a few match ups there were known cross server players spying on us, sorry for the suspicion of it was or wasn’t me/my guild. I know for a fact that both Kaineng and CD build open field siege. It depends who you fight. Their Zergs don’t tend to, unless they are outmanned, in which case it is common sense. If you are outmanned, and AC or two ballista a can make a huge difference. I don’t condemn people for building siege when outmanned. My guild will build siege in camps when running 2-5 people and we have a group of 7-10 running around hunting us. They may rage at us, but they are the ones hunting a smaller group, so live with it.
I have seen CD golem rush us twice with about 30-35 people on Saturday. Happened, was fun, don’t say it didn’t because you weren’t there.
The skilled CD are tkva and other roaning groups. Some of the CD Zergs are lower skill level, but their small group roamingis top notch.
Stop flaming at each other. Both severs do what the other says. Just because u don’t experience it/your guild doesn’t do it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Let’s try to keep it copacetic and all get along, I like this matchup

Copacetic. That’s a good word. We should bring it back.


Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Shunt.6254


#magswag #Weriseagain

– Arc [VR]
– GvG us!

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: KingofWizard.7983


I’ve never complained about building siege in open field fight. I’m only pointing to the fact that CD does build siege before the fight. Not every time. And the guy who talked about it probably wanted to troll you. lol. Because it is funny that 40 men zerg building siege against 20 men in open field fight.

You can screenshot of Kaineng building 4 balistas to defend the camp. I would love to see it. I don’t see there’s anything wrong with it anyway. I would ask those guys why not AC behind the balista.

Again not once has CD built open field siege on your borderland.
It’s okay though, i can see coming in here with good intentions praising some of your groups was wrong as the majority of your server seems to have a defeatist attitude and will exaggerate till they are blue in the face.

Added a screenshot of your servers love of open field siege, this is take from a guildmates perspective. It’s cute that you needed 4 of them for the Sentry.

This is the last time I post something in this thread.

First of all, that SS proves nothing. No dead bodies around, so it doesn’t prove any. Second, it is in ARBL you took SS from. I can clearly see “Woodheaven” in your chat. If you are to say that it is Kaineng who built it because of the camp being red, then that is the stupidest comment I have ever heard from anyone. 655 PPT at the time? Meaning we have no zerg around, so it must not even from a zerg fight. Even if that was from kaineng havoc group, ours is usually a group of 5, and they don’t build any siege like that. (Some do at the camp, not at the sentry) Maybe you should be more careful about uploading your SS.

Just like Oscuro said, CD did build siege in open field fight, maybe it’s because they were outmanned. Sorry, they love to build those siege in open fight as much as any other guild.

Defeatist attitude? Are you having difficulty understanding what others say? I don’t see “defeatist attitude” around here. LOL. If you are going to talk about some guys whom you already called “trolls,” then why the hell do you even care about their comments? LOL…. I have been responding to you with some respect, but I guess you don’t want any of that. Done for this thread now.

(edited by KingofWizard.7983)

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: kiwiburner.2186


TexZero… judging from your map ping, this screenshot shows Woodhaven, which is in Anvil Rock Borderlands… I’m not sure what this got to do with Kaineng…?

Not sure that the sarcastic/unkind tone is really warranted, either.

“poopsock made it past the filters!” -stinkypants.8419

(edited by kiwiburner.2186)

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Sane.5072


You can argue about whether CD builds open field siege or not all you want, since everyoen can do that and there are good ways to stop it. Generally just moving elsewhere is a good strategy… Either way, judging from the stream I saw last night, Kaineng’s only WvW got pretty hard stomped by CD. Even without the open field siege you got wrecked in straight even numbers. Not even close, don’t go blaming siege that’s just a red herring.

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Mooncow.6847


shout-outs to me for creating KPD

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Dangleon.1569


Siege is part of the game and using it smartly ANYWHERE on the map in any situation is also part of the game. Not sure what the problem is here…TexZero, it’s quite clear that you are a new WvW player or simply just trolling.

Dangleon | Elementalist | Leader | Sacred Nectar [SN] | Kaineng