Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Psikerlord.2569


I didnt realise what ascended gear did till i read this thread. So what something like 20% increase damage. That is huge. And what i have to grind for ages to get this gear? kitten that. So glad i never bothered with wvw.

Hmm. hang on a sec. Is this kitten also available in sPvP or tPvP !!??

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: dooger.2640


I have never seen a company try so hard to drive players away.

stuff like culling is an accident/defect, but they choose the downed system, water fighting and now this..

Prioritizing spvp/pve over wvw is what is ensuring people lose interest, not alot out right now, but I guess its time to start looking. We have alot of people playing lol (which I cant stand) until something improves, and I hear planetside 2 is not that great, so I guess its more searching.

(edited by dooger.2640)

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Shaojack.3871


Ya I already dialed back my play time, haven’t been on in two days.
Not because the gear is making a difference yet, it’s just if I want to maximize my wvw output i will need to pve to do it… which I don’t care to grind since I want to wvw and could care less about pve. I feel this games niche isn’t pve anyways and I am unsure why they are throwing all their resources at it. The fact we have a single gear to use badges on oppose to the surplus of pve sets indicates they are focus’d on pve which is fine, however the impression I got was this was a PvP focus’d game, and it’s soon to be an ignored side mini game.

Someone is sure to point out “GAME IS NEW GIVE IT TIME!”
I’m willing to give it time however I would like some reassurances on some wvw updates, and any new pve gear has a wvw counterpart to it. So far I’ve not seen it and I think a lot of us wvw only players would like an answer one way or another on the matter just to clear things up since a lot of us are still kind of confused over some early developer posts stating the new gear will NOT have an advantage in wvw… which it clearly does, however small.

Imagine the PvE outcry if wvw gear was better than the pve stuff, just throw us an answer on whether or not wvw will see equivalent gear, and maybe a vague time window, or tell us tough luck, pve or gtfo. Just give the answer though instead of sitting quietly.

Brojack (80 Thief) / Shaojack(80 Warrior) / Shaokuma(80 Guardian) / Shaojax(80 Ranger)

Sanctum of Rall

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


Lol, the gear will be mandatory. learn some math. 20%+ improvements to stats without the infusions. Not trivial.

Not sure where you’re getting 20%, even with the upgraded infusions, it isn’t nearly that much. You might want to check your math, sounds like you haven’t even looked at the ascended gear, let alone owned any.

Yes I have. add up the stats and divide one set’s by another. others have don’t the math too, not just me. in some cases the improvements are over 50% better.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

errr u guys are getting it wrong.

wvw is pve.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rhaviolio.1853


They have already stated that ascended gear will eventually be available in other places Including WvWvW. I am sure you can go through al the Dev posts and find it.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


They have already stated that ascended gear will eventually be available in other places Including WvWvW. I am sure you can go through al the Dev posts and find it.

Yes “over time.” meanwhile the dungeon grinders will have it all and those of us who hate dungeons will be severely disadvantaged in wvwvw. WHy couldn’t they make it available from wvwvw from day one?? It can’t be that hard.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


WvWvW doesn’t abide PvP rules. Simple as that. WvWvW is a PvE environment where you can fight other human players. That’s all.

I myself am highly disappointed about the Ascended gear and I said it before but will say it again. If Ascended gear is not made available through WvW (which according to ANet is PvE) I will quit.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Junkie.9745


I dont get it – do you really think it would be fair to give those items away for 500 badges of a total set? (Yes I know just one suggested it)

In my opinion they should increase exotic or decrease ascended gear for WvW. I really dont want you guys to have those items for badges or at least for such a small amount. Fair would be a trade of at least 500 badges per item (consideringe the price for exotic gear – range 240 to 390 badges).

In case they can be bought:
Plus if you get them for badges i dont want you guys to have an agony slot in. Since you bought them you are able to choose the stats. You spent almost as much time to aquire them but you were given the choice to select. And most important: Since you just play WvW you wont need the agony.

Lol, the gear will be mandatory. learn some math. 20%+ improvements to stats without the infusions. Not trivial.

Not sure where you’re getting 20%, even with the upgraded infusions, it isn’t nearly that much. You might want to check your math, sounds like you haven’t even looked at the ascended gear, let alone owned any.

Yes I have. add up the stats and divide one set’s by another. others have don’t the math too, not just me. in some cases the improvements are over 50% better.

Please be so kind and enlight me with some your your math examples. Doesnt matter how hard i try but the max. is like 10% increase for me …

(edited by Junkie.9745)

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

In principle I agree with the original post: best in slot WvW gear from WvW only.

Mythic messed up big with Trials of Atlantis in DAoC and other companies also get lambasted for forcing PvE grind on people that don’t want to do PvE. ArenaNet would be wise to make sure they don’t give advantage to those willing to PvE grind to get optimum stats.

I would be disappointed to feel forced to grind a particular dungeon repeatedly so I could get to join in the fun stuff on an equal footing. By disappointed read “I will find something more fun to do with my time”.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


In principle I agree with the original post: best in slot WvW gear from WvW only.

Mythic messed up big with Trials of Atlantis in DAoC and other companies also get lambasted for forcing PvE grind on people that don’t want to do PvE. ArenaNet would be wise to make sure they don’t give advantage to those willing to PvE grind to get optimum stats.

I would be disappointed to feel forced to grind a particular dungeon repeatedly so I could get to join in the fun stuff on an equal footing. By disappointed read “I will find something more fun to do with my time”.

It’s already happening. Most WvWvW players I know are now grinding fractals. Lol.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

In principle I agree with the original post: best in slot WvW gear from WvW only.

Mythic messed up big with Trials of Atlantis in DAoC and other companies also get lambasted for forcing PvE grind on people that don’t want to do PvE. ArenaNet would be wise to make sure they don’t give advantage to those willing to PvE grind to get optimum stats.

I would be disappointed to feel forced to grind a particular dungeon repeatedly so I could get to join in the fun stuff on an equal footing. By disappointed read “I will find something more fun to do with my time”.

It’s already happening. Most WvWvW players I know are now grinding fractals. Lol.

Yeh, I know

The fractals instance is the first dungeon in GW2 I quite like but I don’t want to grind it to death just to get a rare drop to max out a slot in WvW. Balls to that tired old style of time sink.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Granz.4068


I am not a big complainer and ushually just look at the forums and shake my head and close my browser. But seriously, we need progression in WvW. We can’t just sit here and not progress our characters. Sure some people will play WvW for nothing but the majority want to feel like they are working towards something. (Myself included) This new PvE gear shouldn’t be available for engaging in WvW but there should be a comparable set that looks different for your time in WvW. How can A-Net not see this? It’s baffling… Why they want to upset their customer base really makes me wonder who makes decisions like this?

(edited by Granz.4068)

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: dooger.2640


Someone is sure to point out “GAME IS NEW GIVE IT TIME!”

Time helps only if the team has the right direction and priorities.

Stuff like culling will get fixed eventually, but I am not seeing a plan or any level of understanding on wvw. So no amount of waiting will help, if our issues are not going to be addressed.

- Plans on reducing downed state in wvw?
- Ability to form warbands (we want to group up with our guild)
- Ability to see kill spam / stats
- Ability to see player names

All long time rvr/wvw players know world pvp always snowballs, that is why games have to provide some support to reduce it/keep things fun. So whats anets stance on giving us tools such as:
- instanced pvp for our real toons to do when your team is winning by a huge margin and there is nobody to fight
- Not supporting transfers to increase snowballing
- Hardcore old time rvers fight for infamy, not pve night flipping wvw rankings (lol), what are the plans here, could be as simple as ranks or kill spam.
- a real out manned buff any time soon?

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Anet already committed to making ascended gear available via WvW somehow. The question is how will they do that? Each piece is like a mini legendary to obtain, if we just have to pay badges that seems too easy. Unless they make the current gear available to WvW when they release the next batch of “best” gear for PvE. That reminds me a little too much of something.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Well PvE players already have couple pieces and we don’t even have change get those items yet.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Deadcell.9052


Assuming u all have exotics gear, how did u get them?
Unless u use badges equip, u had to pve, craft or buy.
And if u want pvp without equip stats u allways have spvp/tpvp.
Also usually pvpers want to have the best equips. So, if u want, u do it, noone forcing u to.
And how would u make fair ppl that have to do dungeons to get the items, and u would just have to keep aoeing a zerg to get same item?
Instead of this thread u would have pvers complaining wvw players get more benefits.
Kind of hard to balance things out, do 1 dungeon a day with friends and try to have fun in game^^

Got mine with Karma which i earned in WvW.If i want the best equipment i am forced to PvE.PvE’ers get tokens or whatever,in wvw i get karma which is useless to me so why shouldn’t i be able to use it to buy the gear? I don’t want to do one dungeon a day or even a week if ever,i do have fun in the game for me it’s wvw.You obviously don’t wvw,how is it fair that pvers get the best gear for just killing AI over and over and over? wvw is ever changing, dungeons are “fixed” do it once it stays the same.

It’s not just having to run dungeons to get ascended gear its you HAVE TO RUN THE SAME DUNGEON over and over and over again to obtain ascended gear. I don’t mind running a quick dungeon or 2 while waiting for guildies and friends to get on before hitting WvWvW, I just do not like feeling forced to run the same one.

This game was originally designed as a play how you want to, gear was a secondary cosmetic thing. Players will not care if the gear is ugly as long as the stats match, thats why you have transmutation stones to make your gear look how you want too. In this type of MMO if your going to create a new tier of gear with higher stats you have to allow multiple paths for ALL playstyles in obtaining it, not create walls and roadblocks.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Junkie.9745


Well PvE players already have couple pieces and we don’t even have change get those items yet.

Most of them got full ascended gear including armor and weapons!

This discussion is atm about 60 statpoints until now which some hardcore pve player MAY already have (if they were lucky enough) and who wont play wvw since they are pve player.

Since you got like 6500 statpoints in total its about 1% some1 might have. And since you guys are the hardcore wvw player you should be able to beat them within seconds … these bad bad pve player who are ruining your wvw gameplay.

Maybe be reasonable here ….

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


because Arena Net want you to go on PvE so you’ll get less time to complain about bugs, lags, culling, unbalanced classes on world vs world

read fast, that post will be soon deleted.

Amen Brother.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


You know, a level 2 on a ballista will still rip you and your ascended armor a new one, right? Just food for thought on the day before Thanksgiving…


Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Face.7032


Just want to add my name to the list of WvWers who have quit until not forced to PvE for days to be in top gear.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Cyril.1486


ANet this was probably one of the most kitten things you have done since i have played this game. I can live with the Wvwvw bugs here and there that is fine i have played enough Wvwvw/Rvr games to know how things can go wrong, you have been quicker fixing the bugs than some other games (i wont mention here).

The thing that bothers me about the Ascended gear and the legendary upgrade is you have basically lied to everyone that bought your game for the Wvwvw/Rvr. Surely you understand that you have a lot of people that play this game for the PVP only ? So why kitten them people over ?

People want an answer on this because it is one of the MAIN issues effecting the game right now. Seriously PVP equivalent gear why did you not put this in the game. You could of done this very easily but chose not to and you wonder why you have a lot of mad as hell PVPers ?

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nidhogg.2950


Not all the ascended gear that will be implemented is in yet, nor is there anything for WvW specific when it comes to earning ascended gear.

Not too happy with another level of gear to go for if I want to wear the best possible in WvW, but if it stays with this Im fine with it. I intend to play this game for a long time so no rush to get to the end gear. I do feel that PvE-ers should not be forced to do WvW or vice versa, make rewards avaibable in both PvE and WvW please.

Guildleader of Vitas, Gunnars Hold

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


The thing is you can’t get exotics in WvW as it is. Not really anyway. There is only 1 sort of gear you can get which is probably used by about 2% of the player population. If you are running any sort of damage, precision, healer/support or condition build then the gear is utterly useless and pointless.

There is no reason for this that I can think of. I think Anet WvW team made a great product but are now getting shouted down by the PvE and dungeon teams in Anet HQ. I think this game will die very fast unless the WvW team man-up and tell the powers that be that making changes which just make WvW lame (ascended gear) is not fair or productive for the games survival.

If they introduce only invaders ascended gear which is again a very narrow set of gear with only certain stats then I would rather they just dont bother and simply admit that they hate WvWers. We need the full set available in WvW for a combo of karma/badges. This includes berserker/cleric/etc etc etc. All the gear should be available via WvW.

Anet need to relalise they USP is their WvW and their balanced pvp system. Nobody in their right mind is going to play GW2 for long for its PvE or dungeons. WoW has dozens more zones and so much more and more varied instanced PvE. So stop designing laggy events where 30 people auto attack some stupid spider in a boring scripted event and give us some WvW love.

Make ALL forms of ascended and exotic gear available via WvW play. And tell us how you are going to do this asap. Every MMO in history has found that giving PvE players massive gear advantage over PvP players is a disater waiting to happen. I am not going to play some terrible dungeon for 200 hours just to get a set of ascended gear and if I end up being unable to compete with dungeon players (lol) then I will quit.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


Oh my god, quit crying and go Spvp.

If all of you “Real pvpers” are leaving because of ascended gear, just know that the actual Pvpers are laughing at you because we know that gear isn’t everything, and the minuscule jump this gear makes is half a tier, not even a full tier.

It wont matter. If you are good, you will shred people in ascended gear still despite what you are wearing.

The Ascended gear is just what separates those who want to put in the extra effort versus those who put in the effort to whine about it on forums.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


But seriously, we need progression in WvW. We can’t just sit here and not progress our characters.

There are 2 types of PvPers:

1. PvErs
2. PvPers

PvEr idea of “PvP”: I want to beat you with better gear I got in a mindless grind.
PvPer idea of “PvP”: I want to improve my skill so I can beat you.

What I’m trying to say is that, if your idea of PvP progression is getting better gear, you’re not a PvPer. You’re just a skilless PvEr. Real PvPer would look into how to improve tactics, strategy, reflexes, cooperation with others, looking into how to win battles, wars, how to beat the other server, making more people go on voice comm.

Of course, the current design of GW2 caters to PvErs, so Ascended gear is a logical choice. Real PvPers either quit the game, are about to quit, or play that boring sPvP capture mode. I base this on the fact that I’ve only ever seen one GW2 WvW EU guild that uses tactics in combat (RG). Those who played GW1 know what I’m talking about; whether it’s RA, TA, GvG, HA, FA etc, you could not win by joining the biggest mob and spamming “1”. Even IWAY was more advanced that the metagame of GW2.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: postman.6915


pretty sure Anet already said that Ascended gear will be attainable outside of FotM, and specifically mentioned WvW…….

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle
Keepin it real since ’94

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Soba.3041


pretty sure Anet already said that Ascended gear will be attainable outside of FotM, and specifically mentioned WvW…….

If they were going to allow it into WvW then it should have been available thru WvW on day one. Put it in for Badges or Karma or whatever but make it available to those of us who will not run dungeons.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


The thing is you can’t get exotics in WvW as it is. Not really anyway. There is only 1 sort of gear you can get which is probably used by about 2% of the player population. If you are running any sort of damage, precision, healer/support or condition build then the gear is utterly useless and pointless.

It doesn’t have to be obtained from things you can only get in WvW. Just attained by things you can get from WvW. I got my full set of exotics with exactly the setup I wanted with a combination of Karma, badges and gold. All of it obtained from just playing WvW.

I just don’t see how they will be able to add this gear to WvW at all though. It’s so hard to get currently, everyone would just choose to get it via WvW unless they only add it after the next tier or it’s something ridiculous like 10,000 badges each.

(edited by Stiv.1820)

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


It doesn’t have to be obtained from things you can only get in WvW. Just attained by things you can get from WvW. I got my full set of exotics with exactly the setup I wanted with a combination of Karma, badges and gold. All of it obtained from just playing WvW.

But don’t you think that’s a bit unfair? You say it’s fine as long as you can get it with gold since you earn gold in WvW. The average gold you can earn WvWing is insignificant compared to gold you can get PvEing. If you want to get 6 jewelry/back slots + runes + sigils all with WvW gold, we’re talking about months of gameplay for average player. And karma/badge pieces you will have to be content with those bonuses, even if they’re not optimal for your build.

How many people you know how have enough badges to buy all pieces of Invader armor? Do you think it’s comparable to PvE?

And this is just Exotic armor. Average WvW player will be able to get full Ascended gear in probably 1 year. Just for one character. And the build might get nerfed.

Don’t get me wrong, I know many people will love to grind this so they have advantage in WvW because of gear. Even many on this forum, I’m sure, will have max gear in no time. But average WvWer might feel alienated. Even now, being sub-level80 is really really tough. You have to stick to the zerg like tuna fish.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


Oh my god, quit crying and go Spvp.

If all of you “Real pvpers” are leaving because of ascended gear, just know that the actual Pvpers are laughing at you because we know that gear isn’t everything, and the minuscule jump this gear makes is half a tier, not even a full tier.

It wont matter. If you are good, you will shred people in ascended gear still despite what you are wearing.

The Ascended gear is just what separates those who want to put in the extra effort versus those who put in the effort to whine about it on forums.

Because time = skills, right??!

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


It doesn’t have to be obtained from things you can only get in WvW. Just attained by things you can get from WvW. I got my full set of exotics with exactly the setup I wanted with a combination of Karma, badges and gold. All of it obtained from just playing WvW.

But don’t you think that’s a bit unfair? You say it’s fine as long as you can get it with gold since you earn gold in WvW. The average gold you can earn WvWing is insignificant compared to gold you can get PvEing. If you want to get 6 jewelry/back slots + runes + sigils all with WvW gold, we’re talking about months of gameplay for average player. And karma/badge pieces you will have to be content with those bonuses, even if they’re not optimal for your build.

How many people you know how have enough badges to buy all pieces of Invader armor? Do you think it’s comparable to PvE?

And this is just Exotic armor. Average WvW player will be able to get full Ascended gear in probably 1 year. Just for one character. And the build might get nerfed.

Don’t get me wrong, I know many people will love to grind this so they have advantage in WvW because of gear. Even many on this forum, I’m sure, will have max gear in no time. But average WvWer might feel alienated. Even now, being sub-level80 is really really tough. You have to stick to the zerg like tuna fish.

It really depends on how they make this gear attainable in WvW. I have no idea how they can do it and not make the the people mad who bought gems for gold and farmed FOTM for months on end (these people keep Anet afloat financially so they are catering to them)

You are right, the full invader exotic set takes a long time to get even if you diligently do the jump puzzles every day and they should have way more stat combos. Luckily for me I wanted p/v/t armor and many were attainable via karma so splitting that gear with badges/karma worked for me.

Gold just comes with time. Doing whatever events in WvW you are around, the daily and just loot bags nets me about 1g/day in with maybe 4hrs total playtime. I was able to get 1 exotic from gold every 2-3 days while having a fun in WvW. That’s not too bad even if it is way slower than PvE.

I think WvW development is a bit behind. I expect some updates to rewards, horizontal progression and maybe more skins for badges in the near future. They said recently they have a dedicated WvW team. I haven’t quite given up on them yet. I don’t want to because the core of what they have is really good.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Oh my god, quit crying and go Spvp.
If all of you “Real pvpers” are leaving because of ascended gear, just know that the actual Pvpers are laughing at you because we know that gear isn’t everything, and the minuscule jump this gear makes is half a tier, not even a full tier.
It wont matter. If you are good, you will shred people in ascended gear still despite what you are wearing.
The Ascended gear is just what separates those who want to put in the extra effort versus those who put in the effort to whine about it on forums.

sPvP is cage fight, WvW is war, so please do not make comparations.
on spvp there is no place for tactics, you know where your enemy’s are, all the fight is arround 3 circles so ambush is also 80% absent over there
You should try your “skills” over there
no.1 WvW kills

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


pretty sure Anet already said that Ascended gear will be attainable outside of FotM, and specifically mentioned WvW…….

And to any devs reading this, when it becomes available in WvW please make the price reasonable, preferably via karma, after all there is not meant to be any grinding for max stats.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


pretty sure Anet already said that Ascended gear will be attainable outside of FotM, and specifically mentioned WvW…….

And to any devs reading this, when it becomes available in WvW please make the price reasonable, preferably via karma, after all there is not meant to be any grinding for max stats.

The problem with that is if you compare the karma path to what is currently available, all PvE players will also choose Karma. It will have to be badges or some large WvW monthly type quest thing.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Cosian.1362


As a most time WvW player, the addition of another Tiered Gear Set that impacts WvW is a deal breaker for our guild. The only reason ANET did this is they think it will bring in revenue. A lot of us that can’t play 24/7 bought our exotics but could care less about spending RL cash on Legendary skins … However, ANET put the stats on it cause they feel a segment of players will pay for stats. And certainly some will … but not this guy. I already paid and this addition goes against everything they promised.

Shame on you ANET!

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zen Later.6475

Zen Later.6475

I just gotta LoL at all the gear QQ’ing from so called full time WvW’ers.

If you want the hawt gear, ya gots to pay your dues to go get it. It really isn’t much (psst…that’s why they say there isn’t a gear grind…you don’t have to kill 15k mobs in the hopes of one single drop). A couple of days max doing that icky pve and then you can go pew-pew instead of QQ.

Much, much more hard core pvp MMO’s than GW:2 have pve gathering in order for you to have the resources and/or gear drops to up your pvp game. It’s just the way it works kids. Now let that sink in and get over it already.

And yeah, totally agree, the ascended gear that’s in game atm is not a substantial enough boost to be crying this much over.

And yeah, yeah. Agree that WvW rewards should/need to be better.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


If you want the hawt gear, ya gots to pay your dues to go get it. It really isn’t much (psst…that’s why they say there isn’t a gear grind…you don’t have to kill 15k mobs in the hopes of one single drop). A couple of days max doing that icky pve and then you can go pew-pew instead of QQ.

Have you looked at what it takes to get this stuff (what is currently known at least)?

The back slot alone:

250 Teir 6 fine crafting material
1 Vial of Condensed Mists Essence
50 Globs of Ectoplasm
24 skill points

+to infuse
Base back slot item
Glob of Coagulated Mists Essence
250 Globs of Ectoplasm
Gift of Ascension

That’s quite a bit more than “a couple days max”

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: adamian.9638


I just gotta LoL at all the gear QQ’ing from so called full time WvW’ers.

If you want the hawt gear, ya gots to pay your dues to go get it. It really isn’t much (psst…that’s why they say there isn’t a gear grind…you don’t have to kill 15k mobs in the hopes of one single drop). A couple of days max doing that icky pve and then you can go pew-pew instead of QQ.

Much, much more hard core pvp MMO’s than GW:2 have pve gathering in order for you to have the resources and/or gear drops to up your pvp game. It’s just the way it works kids. Now let that sink in and get over it already.

And yeah, totally agree, the ascended gear that’s in game atm is not a substantial enough boost to be crying this much over.

And yeah, yeah. Agree that WvW rewards should/need to be better.

Most idiotic post I’ve seen in a long, long time. LOL at you and your belief that it will take “a couple days max.”

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


WvW is supposed to be fun. It doesn’t need a gear grind to be fun. For once I agree with Bunzy.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


The problem with that is if you compare the karma path to what is currently available, all PvE players will also choose Karma. It will have to be badges or some large WvW monthly type quest thing.

A monthly quest would be OK but no to badges based on the prices of invader gear. The prices for exotic invader gear are ridiculous and seem to be based on a far higher badge drop rate than 99% of players could achieve in a reasonable time frame.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I know my post is the last one on page 1 but, it might help if you realize it’s only a 10% boost. NOT the 20%-50% some are making up.

Orichalcum Rings are +67/48/48 points with an upgrade slot for a jewel. Jewels are +25/15/15. Totaling 92/63/63 or 218 points.

Acsended rings are 103/68/68 or 239 total points with an Infusion only upgrade slot. Which is about a 10% increase, right?

Now, the new back items are about an 18% increase. Though back pieces needed a boost as they have been under powered. I’ve never even had enough Gold to purchase a Guild Back pack yet. So, the new items having a plentiful drop rate was welcomed.

Yes, I agree I do not like being forced to run Fractals. But, it’ll only be for a couple of weeks I tell myself. Though I’m aware I’ll be forever feeling without and near hopelessly grinding away to play catch up to the wealthy in this game anyway. This market functions around on a “winner take all” mentality when it requires more of a perpetual game theory enacted. Fun or entertainment rarely enters my mind anymore….

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Toast.6459


I know my post is the last one on page 1 but, it might help if you realize it’s only a 10% boost. NOT the 20%-50% some are making up.

Orichalcum Rings are +67/48/48 points with an upgrade slot for a jewel. Jewels are +25/15/15. Totaling 92/63/63 or 218 points.

Acsended rings are 103/68/68 or 239 total points with an Infusion only upgrade slot. Which is about a 10% increase, right?

Now, the new back items are about an 18% increase. Though back pieces needed a boost as they have been under powered. I’ve never even had enough Gold to purchase a Guild Back pack yet. So, the new items having a plentiful drop rate was welcomed.

Yes, I agree I do not like being forced to run Fractals. But, it’ll only be for a couple of weeks I tell myself. Though I’m aware I’ll be forever feeling without and near hopelessly grinding away to play catch up to the wealthy in this game anyway. This market functions around on a “winner take all” mentality when it requires more of a perpetual game theory enacted. Fun or entertainment rarely enters my mind anymore….

Thank you.

While were complaining about ascended gear, how about we remove exotics from WvW, scale everyone down to masterwork items, because having exotics makes it unfair for the people who aren’t level 80. Oh and no food buffs, boosters, etc, those make it too hard to kill people or give them too much damage. And you know what, lets remove healing too, that makes it much more of a pain to kill somebody, they should just drop in 3 hits.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Daiva.2394


I will not be getting ascended gear — it just requires too much effort put into a part of the game I don’t really enjoy. I will still be playing, and kicking kitten in WvW though. Ascended gear isn’t enough to change that, but the thing that irks me, and make me look forward to other games (potentially) becoming available, is the design philosophy behind it — now people who grind (and yes, it definitely constitutes as grind to me, having played 30 fractals without a single drop progress towards ascended gear means I would have to play way too many to reliably be able to get it, not to mention the mats cost which is way easier to make up for in pve) pve will be able to get better gear than people who play only wvw can get.

It’s a design issue, but as of yet, its effects on actual gameplay won’t be major.

[CIR] — Blacktide
Dai Va — Necromancer
Dae Va — Elementalist

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


I just gotta LoL at all the gear QQ’ing from so called full time WvW’ers.

If you want the hawt gear, ya gots to pay your dues to go get it. It really isn’t much (psst…that’s why they say there isn’t a gear grind…you don’t have to kill 15k mobs in the hopes of one single drop). A couple of days max doing that icky pve and then you can go pew-pew instead of QQ.

Much, much more hard core pvp MMO’s than GW:2 have pve gathering in order for you to have the resources and/or gear drops to up your pvp game. It’s just the way it works kids. Now let that sink in and get over it already.

And yeah, totally agree, the ascended gear that’s in game atm is not a substantial enough boost to be crying this much over.

And yeah, yeah. Agree that WvW rewards should/need to be better.

Why must we do things we hate to compete in wvwvw? Why? 20+% higher stats isn’t “nothing.” If you love dungeon grinds, go for it. Some of us have better things to do.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zen Later.6475

Zen Later.6475

Most idiotic post I’ve seen in a long, long time. LOL at you and your belief that it will take “a couple days max.”

More like the most truthful post you’ve read in a while.

No offense but to support our war efforts in another mmo that shall remain nameless, we had upwards of half a dozen pve only guilds in our 0 sec zones (hint hint) supplying us. On top of that, we had regular corp (hint, hint) pve groupings for drops and rares.

It’s funny that there are so many inexperienced mmo players here, who at the same time, are filled with self entitlement. Super bad combo that leads to so many QQ post such as this one.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Gold just comes with time. Doing whatever events in WvW you are around, the daily and just loot bags nets me about 1g/day in with maybe 4hrs total playtime. I was able to get 1 exotic from gold every 2-3 days while having a fun in WvW. That’s not too bad even if it is way slower than PvE.

Well, let’s put it this way. Average PvEr can get 1 gold in 30min just by going from place to place mining orichalcum. Zero effort. If you’re lucky, you will get 200g just pressing “1” in a huge zerg during some of the “one-time” events.

To get 1g in WvW in 4 hours you actually have to be doing stuff. If you’re roaming in WvW, you won’t get 1g in 4 hours (not on avg at least). You also won’t if you’re scouting or carrying supplies. And if you’re following a zerg, you can get it but only if your server is stronger at the time you play. What I mean is, if you’re on a server that is being outnumbered/outplayed, are you going to get 1g? Probably not. Maybe you will. The average player will not.

And lastly, let’s say you do get 1g in 4 hours. But if you want to contribute more, you will be also buying some siege, some food, some waypoints and keep upgrades.

All in all, WvW is designed as a gold sink and that’s perfectly OK. I even like it that way. But acquiring equal gear should be trivial. A piece of ascended armor should be at most 250 badges, and there should be all stat combinations. Same for sigils and runes.

This is all just theorycrafting. None of it will happen. Even when Ascended gear appears in WvW it will cost some ridiculous amount like 1000 badges. I can’t even force myself to login to GW anymore so I don’t really care. And World of Tanks will soon have Chinese tech tree. I’d rather play that. As a returning player I will be at lvl1 Chinese tank just like everyone else, and with matchmaking when I’m at lvl3 tank I’ll play vs other tanks of similiar tier, and not lvl3 vs lvl10 as it is in GW WvW.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Most idiotic post I’ve seen in a long, long time. LOL at you and your belief that it will take “a couple days max.”

More like the most truthful post you’ve read in a while.

No offense but to support our war efforts in another mmo that shall remain nameless, we had upwards of half a dozen pve only guilds in our 0 sec zones (hint hint) supplying us. On top of that, we had regular corp (hint, hint) pve groupings for drops and rares.

It’s funny that there are so many inexperienced mmo players here, who at the same time, are filled with self entitlement. Super bad combo that leads to so many QQ post such as this one.

Do you not understand some of us come from GW1 not from "those other MMOs where PvE people pretend to “PvP”?

I don’t care about other MMO’s where you play gear wars and pretend to be good just because you grinded a lot. In GW1 PvP (all PvP modes) everyone was on the same level in PvP and I mean same level as sPvP in GW2. And those who won, won because they were better, not because they had more gold.

Do you not understand in GW2 we were promised not to have gear wars and here we are, gear warring? We bought a classical concert ticket and after 10minutes of classical music they switched to Justin Bieber. Well hell no!

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: HeliaXDemoN.1208


Everyone thing about lvl 80 players, I am a lvl 20~60 and not received a kitten from WvW.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


Most idiotic post I’ve seen in a long, long time. LOL at you and your belief that it will take “a couple days max.”

More like the most truthful post you’ve read in a while.

No offense but to support our war efforts in another mmo that shall remain nameless, we had upwards of half a dozen pve only guilds in our 0 sec zones (hint hint) supplying us. On top of that, we had regular corp (hint, hint) pve groupings for drops and rares.

It’s funny that there are so many inexperienced mmo players here, who at the same time, are filled with self entitlement. Super bad combo that leads to so many QQ post such as this one.

LOl. You hold that game up as the standard. I am sorry, but that just lost you any credibility.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.