The most recent balance patch is another nail in the coffin of WvW. While in PvP things are SLIGHTLY (and only slightly) more rounded, WvW is a complete and total mess for the following reasons related to the classes:
Elementalist: average player utilizing full aura build takes over 10 people focusing to down. Recently with a 20 man zerg, another commander actually walked away from a tower because nobody could damage the freaking elementalist beyond a quarter of it’s hp. Seems insane, but is incredibly easy to recreate.
Thief: I’m expecting that next patch they will rename this class to Eunuch. Lowest effective armor by far in the game, lowest effective damage overall (yes staff can hit hard…if it hits, but less frequent and for less effect than other classes) even when running the tankiest possible builds. Thief is designed to get in and out of a fight quickly…high risk, high reward…. only now there is no reward. If you’re getting taken out by a thief in WvW, and you’re not playing a thief, something is wrong with your build. (I’m saying this as someone who mains thief). I’ve run both full condi, and full dps… the class has become completely ineffective.
Mesmer: Condi-shatter Mesmer is the winner of this latest patch. With the possible exception of the aura elementalist, an average player can melt just about anything, oftentimes with only their clones being visible. They’ve also got the toughness now, so if you’re playing this class you’re likely a happy camper after latest patch.
Guardian: Traps are back with an annoying vengeance, without having to sacrifice toughness like when they first debutted. While not as clear a winner as some this patch. Still out of touch in WvW.
Ranger: Another one that I haven’t noticed a huge difference in play. They are still pretty much invincible in an underwater fight because their pet heals faster than 3 people can deal damage, but this patch doesn’t appear to have drastically changed their regular m.o.
Revenant: Broken. It doesn’t seem like they actually improved much of anything with revenant… the things that could use improvement they left untouched… so will be interesting to see next patch.
Warrior- currently gets my vote for most busted class. They’ve been put on scout duty because they can go afk until they hear something on that monitor… by then they’ll be at about 50% health… pop their invuln and walk away. Yet they can still oneshot a thief while they are still running their shield protection skill.
Necromancer: Minion master is insane. That is all.
Overall what all this powercreep (for most classes) has led to are these ridiculous zerg battles and siege humps… where your warriors, ele’s and necro’s can’t really kill each other, if they even fight open field. It’s reducing turnover in a game mode that desperately needs life injected into it. In PvP, people build for the most damage in the shortest period of time, in WvW they build nowadays simply to live as long as possible, damage be kitten ed. Anet would do well to examine some of the game-breaking defenses of most the classes, (and while they are at it, examine the classes that have none) and come out with an update sooner than later. WvW currently has gaping wounds, and those little band-aids that you use on a papercut are not going to help it.