Making WvW truly competitive.

Making WvW truly competitive.

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I have a few suggestions for making WvW a truly competitive element of the game:

Seperate WvW from PvE:

  • Delete all PvE gear in WvW:
    - One armour tier, and the choice of one free starter set [PER CHAR] of the stats you want. Gain new stats through playing WvW (badges).
    - One weapon tier, and the choice of up to 4 free starter weapons [PER CHAR] of the stats you want. Gain new stats through player WvW (badges).
    - Runes and sigils: ‘unlock’ through badges (one-time buy, eternal use after).
  • Skills and traits: Accessible for free.
  • Uplevels and max levels:
    - Make everyone the same level and strength (no difference between uplevel and level 80).
    - Everyone has same stat tier available from the start.
  • Armour and weapon skins:
    - All the armour skins you have in PvE can be stored in WvW locker and collected for a small fee (comparable to trait refunds).
    - Any new skins can also be unlocked through badges if you don’t have them in PvE.
    - Skins are account-bound, not soul-bound and available for unlimited use after unlocking.

1- Ascended gear: don’t bother about it anymore.
2- Alt-friendly.
3- Still provides a goal, but disables power creep.
4- Balance between players.
5- Class balance in WvW is now split off from PvE and can be monitored more easily.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

(edited by Sirendor.1394)

Making WvW truly competitive.

in WvW

Posted by: kingcragus.6810


Rofl. Such a troll

Making WvW truly competitive.

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

I have a few suggestions for making WvW a truly competitive element of the game:

Seperate WvW from PvE:

  • Delete all PvE gear in WvW:
    - One armour tier, and the choice of one free starter set [PER CHAR] of the stats you want. Gain new stats through playing WvW (badges).
    - One weapon tier, and the choice of up to 4 free starter weapons [PER CHAR] of the stats you want. Gain new stats through player WvW (badges).
    - Runes and sigils: ‘unlock’ through badges (one-time buy, eternal use after).
  • Skills and traits: Accessible for free.
  • Uplevels and max levels:
    - Make everyone the same level and strength (no difference between uplevel and level 80).
    - Everyone has same stat tier available from the start.
  • Armour and weapon skins:
    - All the armour skins you have in PvE can be stored in WvW locker and collected for a small fee (comparable to trait refunds).
    - Any new skins can also be unlocked through badges if you don’t have them in PvE.
    - Skins are account-bound, not soul-bound and available for unlimited use after unlocking.

1- Ascended gear: don’t bother about it anymore.
2- Alt-friendly.
3- Still provides a goal, but disables power creep.
4- Balance between players.
5- Class balance in WvW is now split off from PvE and can be monitored more easily.

I think they stated way back they were never going to balance skills etc with WvW in mind. Or around WvW, they balance them through sPVP or PVE (with PVE affecting WvW).

Mag Server Leader

Making WvW truly competitive.

in WvW

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Why don’t we start with baby steps… you know, things like class balance and such.

Ask people to list the classes from most to least powerful. I’d wager 99.9% of people will list the same top 2 and same bottom 3 classes (In the exact same order no less). Lets start by nerfing the top 2 and buffing the bottom 3. We’ll move on from there.

Making WvW truly competitive.

in WvW

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

sPvP is over there —-—→

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Making WvW truly competitive.

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


Yep I agree 100% with the OP.

I’d add that: you need to give everyone a fixed amount of WxP ability points per character, remove the stat buff lines and change the masteries so that siege is next to useless unless you have a decent amount of levels in the line. Promotes choice and forces group co-ordination. Also respec.

Remove gold/karma/everything PvE dropwise, having to deal with the massive gold influxes from the stupid PvE events while WvWers get nothing is just stupid. Fund everything with BoH. This includes taking siege off the TP.

Make WvW, RvGvB and autobalance populations for leagues during a warm-up week. Obviously guilds will have to be stuck together.

Sadly ANet and seemingly most of the people playing don’t want a decent competitive game mode to play, they just want spam and gold/karma/ap farming.

Making WvW truly competitive.

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Keep www open only in prime time and make it server vs server. Before match both servers own same amount towers and keeps and they have 15 min time build siege and stuff and then they fight 4 hours of something.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

(edited by Junkpile.7439)

Making WvW truly competitive.

in WvW

Posted by: Monadproxy.3489


The only reason WvW isn’t a ghost town like spvp is because it isn’t like spvp,lol. These changes will make it into a ghost town. What about those who like to pve and wvw? they have to grind twice as much for gear? What about those wvw’er who grind-ed pve for the gear, this is a big F you to them. This is a horrid system and i hope is never implemented

Making WvW truly competitive.

in WvW

Posted by: met.9653


wvw is not spvp, what is competitive when 20 ppl attack 5?
Someone close this nonsens tred.