Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: praline.8254


Didn’t see a thread yet. Stonemist at 1am EST was the first time I’ve seen an IoJ queue for EB. Good times.

[EPA] Orseau – Guardian
Isle of Janthir

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Yet another night of running trios into zergs and seeing how many we can stomp

OINK – Devona’s Rest
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: adreamofcold.2071


I hate battles of attrition.

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


golf clap IOJ… golf clap

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


Just a warning if you laugh at my dead corpse while beating me 1v2, I will make it my top priority to hunt you down and annoy you the whole night. I may not always be able to beat two people by myself, but I will bring friends and spam laugh your dead body.

I don’t like people like that. I never taunt a person I kill. However this is PvP so what can I expect right.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Almostfaceman.1804


The amount of people your server has DH, is kitten I have no idea why you’re in our tier. Good job on having more people? And dear Anet, thanks so much for putting us up against more people. It’s fun being outnumbered everywhere we go.

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: EricDravin.8947


Had a lot of this tonight.. good times!! Lets keep the fun go’n


EricDravin-lvl80 Necromancer
(UnS) UnitaSumus-GM
(IoJ) Isle Of Janthir-Commander

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Criselli.7462


Had a blast defending SM against dual zergs. We held you guys out longer than I expected.


Aiyli 80 Necro, Aista & Criselli 80 Mesmers
Aîsta & Çriselli 80 engies, Zeira Blackstar 80 Grd Meloryn 80 Ran, Vexri Crisellista 80 War
Server: Kaineng

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: urbanevil.7145


Had a ton o fun in EB tonight, heard we had some issues on our own BL but we had some good guys pick up the slack. Defending dual zerg’s was def fun! [MoW] is loving it!


IOJ-Raganarkz – 80 Asura Thief [HARD]
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Neeho.3859


Had a blast last night; thanks IoJ and DH for providing free trips to wp and many loot bags!

As always, thanks to my guild (and TBE!!) for keeping me rezzed when able!

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Aeneasx.1589


lol @ IOJ… good job getting Bluelake back?

backstabd 22222222222222 finish
Sylvari Rouge

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: GenoUnknown.7504


I am completely surprised we even grabbed the castle. We were outmatched big time, but we got it and I was able to finally get my map completion. I’m not a fan of zergs, but that was hands down, one of the best moments in WvWvW for me.


Kisu Beki(Guardian) | Suki The Great (Warrior) | Suki Grimm (Necromancer)
Geno Bishou (Elementist) | Suki The Huntress (Ranger) | Geno The Unknown (Thief)

(edited by GenoUnknown.7504)

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


So it begins.. Again.

Great job IoJ! Look at those points!

Keep it up. While we have the lead, that point difference isnt much!

On a sad note, my own BL is seemingly unplayable for me. :\ Half of my skills dont go off, and even when they do, they are taking five seconds or more to do so.. FPS stays at 50+ Oh well. edit: Scratch that, its on every map… I cant even get through most of our own gates into towers or keeps, hahaha. Looks like itll be a good day for a break from the game!

Henosis [ONE]

(edited by Tuluum.9638)

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


That [BSty] sylvari thief (m black or something? I’ve seen you before), good dueling. You are good at using cloak and dagger on my pet

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

(edited by Joey.3928)

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


lol @ IOJ… good job getting Bluelake back?

You guys were annoying :P

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Gotta love people running from even numbered fights, grabbing some friends before coming back, and still getting stomped.

OINK – Devona’s Rest
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: urbanevil.7145


Lol DR hate on IOJ will never stop, guess that’s what happen’s when u wreck there zerg’s undermanned lol. GG’s to all though, enjoyin it!

IOJ-Raganarkz – 80 Asura Thief [HARD]
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

Gotta love people running from even numbered fights, grabbing some friends before coming back, and still getting stomped.

Happens all the time! OMG its liek even numbers, run away!

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Marcol.2349


G’morning bads and Badettes aka (zerghaven + isle of badges). Time for more zergstomping.

Crystal Desert – Nameless Accord [NA]
Guardian – Marqo | Necromancer – Nellie Tu

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Just about every DR on the forums is so pompous and annoying. Maybe that’s intentional to make us mad or a defense mechanism for losing every week. Either way, enjoy last place, DR.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Marcol.2349


Just about every DR on the forums is so pompous and annoying. Maybe that’s intentional to make us mad or a defense mechanism for losing every week. Either way, enjoy last place, DR.

I can’t tell, but it sounds like you’re mad.

Crystal Desert – Nameless Accord [NA]
Guardian – Marqo | Necromancer – Nellie Tu

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Just about every DR on the forums is so pompous and annoying. Maybe that’s intentional to make us mad or a defense mechanism for losing every week. Either way, enjoy last place, DR.

Last place of T6, as opposed to… First place of… T6?

For whatever reason neither IoJ nor DR is competitive in this tier. Only a fool would not enjoy last place in hopes of dropping to a tier where they are competitive.

And for the record, you are the most annoying person in these match up threads. The fact that you get mad when people call you out on being mediocre, or calling DH out on what they have experienced with your server, speaks volumes about your personality lol. You do realize that every time you call out DR on being forum trolls you are doing the exact same thing you accuse DR of right?

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Yes I’m being an kitten I will continue to be an kitten until someone takes enough pride in their play to get better and give us a competitive fight.

OINK – Devona’s Rest
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

Props to this mesmer from [War]. I had killed him earlier because he was trying to harass me with flame traps.. Then he comes back and kills me while I am AFK and I return to find him still taunting my corpse as if it’s prideful to kill an AFK guy after he STOMPED you earlier. XD

I will ensure that no [War] escapes my sight without being harassed or killed.


The Art of Roaming [gank]

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: GenoUnknown.7504


Just about every DR on the forums is so pompous and annoying. Maybe that’s intentional to make us mad or a defense mechanism for losing every week. Either way, enjoy last place, DR.

As long as I’m having fun, I don’t care if I’m last.

And regarding my first post, I wasn’t trying to come off as “pompous” and “annoying” I was just trying to state that I had a lot of fun, losing or winning, that night while storming the Castle.

Don’t assume all of DR (And I can promise you, I bet barely half even post on these forums), are all the way you say we are. In fact, during the castle double zerg last night, we didn’t eve think we were going to get the castle. We just went to be apart of it, and I’m glad we did. It was a lot of fun, and honestly that’s all I look for in PvP. It’s less stale than PvE. And while I do feel like we lose a lot (and we do), doesn’t mean I’m not having fun in the events I take part in, and that’s all that matters to me.

I don’t know if your comment was directed at all of DR, or a particular post on this topic, or what, but I just felt I should defend my position, since you included “just about every DR forum poster” in your ‘observation.’

I can have fun and lose, just as much as have fun, and lose. That’s my opinion though.

Kisu Beki(Guardian) | Suki The Great (Warrior) | Suki Grimm (Necromancer)
Geno Bishou (Elementist) | Suki The Huntress (Ranger) | Geno The Unknown (Thief)

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


I wont lie IOJ truly irritated me, but Ill probably get past that in the next couple days…

Darkhaven… well some of yall make me laugh, I saw the same attitude when BP moved up and I saw the same attitude in DR when we moved up, skill, coordination, or will… only accounts for a small part of the equation… coverage is the number 1 reason people win.

Skill coordination and will, can carry you to about probably tier 4.. then numbers will crush you and your fair weather players will flock to another server and you’ll tumble.

Ultimately I wish everyone the best moving up…

Me im just looking for something resembling a good fight.

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Geno- i was referring generally to the circle jerk that is ADqqnoob alliance or w/e it is not all of DR.
Gab- As a server maybe we are mediocre, i personally cant help that. But, i was at fight night and didnt come close to losing. I always roll in duos and fight “larger groups than me” should i pat myself on the back every other post, or complain about being “zerged” in wvw? lol..
Acelrion- Pride to fight you? We are whooping your butt(DR) up and down the maps. You want team fights on equal terms go spvp, its what its for.
Marcol- I’m not mad you guys are just clowns and it’s funny for all the junk you talk considering your position in this match up.

For those cool DRs, sorry didnt mean to insult. Some of you dudes are real pros and stand up players.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

(edited by Mayhem.1935)

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

Geno- i was referring generally to the circle jerk that is ADqqnoob alliance or w/e it is not all of DR.
Gab- As a server maybe we are mediocre, i personally cant help that. But, i was at fight night and didnt come close to losing. I always roll in duos and fight “larger groups than me” should i pat myself on the back every other post, or complain about being “zerged” in wvw? lol..
Acelrion- Pride to fight you? We are whooping your butt(DR) up and down the maps. You want team fights on equal terms go spvp, its what its for.
Marcol- I’m not mad you guys are just clowns and it’s funny for all the junk you talk considering your position in this match up.

For those cool DRs, sorry didnt mean to insult. Some of you dudes are real pros and stand up players.

Keep manning the keyboards forum warrior, you are so full of yourself, I really hope not everyone on DH is like you.

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Quite an impressive, and successful, push from IoJ on SM. Lag wars ensued, haha.

And really.. all of us are pretty much forum warriors.

Henosis [ONE]

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: ShockStun.7453


Very fun SM fight! Draining SM supplies took forever. Countless yaks R.I.P.


(edited by ShockStun.7453)

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265


Geno- i was referring generally to the circle jerk that is ADqqnoob alliance or w/e it is not all of DR.
Gab- As a server maybe we are mediocre, i personally cant help that. But, i was at fight night and didnt come close to losing. I always roll in duos and fight “larger groups than me” should i pat myself on the back every other post, or complain about being “zerged” in wvw? lol..
Acelrion- Pride to fight you? We are whooping your butt(DR) up and down the maps. You want team fights on equal terms go spvp, its what its for.
Marcol- I’m not mad you guys are just clowns and it’s funny for all the junk you talk considering your position in this match up.

For those cool DRs, sorry didnt mean to insult. Some of you dudes are real pros and stand up players.

You and your guild is a joke. Everytime I see your tag, it is either a zerg of 40+ that pvdoors until they get wiped and then switches maps, or it is a group of less than 10 that dies to 3-4 people and runs GC builds. If you want to say fight night counts for anything in WvW, then you are delusional. And if I was playing on a server that spawned 60 man zergs on 3 maps at once, I wouldnt complain when I got zerged either.

Also I find the backpedaling at the end of your post quite amusing, since you’ve fought and argued with everyone in the last 2 threads. Who exactly from DR do you consider “pros and stand up guys”?

Tarnished Coast

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Geno- i was referring generally to the circle jerk that is ADqqnoob alliance or w/e it is not all of DR.
Gab- As a server maybe we are mediocre, i personally cant help that. But, i was at fight night and didnt come close to losing. I always roll in duos and fight “larger groups than me” should i pat myself on the back every other post, or complain about being “zerged” in wvw? lol..
Acelrion- Pride to fight you? We are whooping your butt(DR) up and down the maps. You want team fights on equal terms go spvp, its what its for.
Marcol- I’m not mad you guys are just clowns and it’s funny for all the junk you talk considering your position in this match up.

For those cool DRs, sorry didnt mean to insult. Some of you dudes are real pros and stand up players.

Keep manning the keyboards forum warrior, you are so full of yourself, I really hope not everyone on DH is like you.

Im full of myself coming from you. That’s rich.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Geno- i was referring generally to the circle jerk that is ADqqnoob alliance or w/e it is not all of DR.
Gab- As a server maybe we are mediocre, i personally cant help that. But, i was at fight night and didnt come close to losing. I always roll in duos and fight “larger groups than me” should i pat myself on the back every other post, or complain about being “zerged” in wvw? lol..
Acelrion- Pride to fight you? We are whooping your butt(DR) up and down the maps. You want team fights on equal terms go spvp, its what its for.
Marcol- I’m not mad you guys are just clowns and it’s funny for all the junk you talk considering your position in this match up.

For those cool DRs, sorry didnt mean to insult. Some of you dudes are real pros and stand up players.

You and your guild is a joke. Everytime I see your tag, it is either a zerg of 40+ that pvdoors until they get wiped and then switches maps, or it is a group of less than 10 that dies to 3-4 people and runs GC builds. If you want to say fight night counts for anything in WvW, then you are delusional. And if I was playing on a server that spawned 60 man zergs on 3 maps at once, I wouldnt complain when I got zerged either.

Also I find the backpedaling at the end of your post quite amusing, since you’ve fought and argued with everyone in the last 2 threads. Who exactly from DR do you consider “pros and stand up guys”?

Fight nights count just as much as running a 5 man looking for other 5 man fights. But you are right, neither really count. What counts is the score at the end of the week.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

Geno- i was referring generally to the circle jerk that is ADqqnoob alliance or w/e it is not all of DR.
Gab- As a server maybe we are mediocre, i personally cant help that. But, i was at fight night and didnt come close to losing. I always roll in duos and fight “larger groups than me” should i pat myself on the back every other post, or complain about being “zerged” in wvw? lol..
Acelrion- Pride to fight you? We are whooping your butt(DR) up and down the maps. You want team fights on equal terms go spvp, its what its for.
Marcol- I’m not mad you guys are just clowns and it’s funny for all the junk you talk considering your position in this match up.

For those cool DRs, sorry didnt mean to insult. Some of you dudes are real pros and stand up players.

Keep manning the keyboards forum warrior, you are so full of yourself, I really hope not everyone on DH is like you.

Im full of myself coming from you. That’s rich.

Keep tooting your own horn bud, whatever helps you sleep at night!

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Quite an impressive, and successful, push from IoJ on SM. Lag wars ensued, haha.

And really.. all of us are pretty much forum warriors.

I wonder if you guys ever realized that we were letting you push us back into our keep and away from SM outer so I could get people into SM to kill those millions of ballistas you guys had set up on the wall breach.

Overall, great push and a great fight inside of inner. Only reason we broke all of that siege you had is because of some sick mesmer portals from my guildies!

IoJ commander

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Quite an impressive, and successful, push from IoJ on SM. Lag wars ensued, haha.

And really.. all of us are pretty much forum warriors.

I wonder if you guys ever realized that we were letting you push us back into our keep and away from SM outer so I could get people into SM to kill those millions of ballistas you guys had set up on the wall breach.

Overall, great push and a great fight inside of inner. Only reason we broke all of that siege you had is because of some sick mesmer portals from my guildies!

I did figure something like that, which is why I was standing guard over them! Of course, I was pretty much the only one, haha. Lone IoJ’s came in, but it wasnt quite enough. When ~5 of ya came through, that was definitely what did it. I only remember having 3 balis and 3 ACs though (one AC on the wall, rest were in the courtyard). The small infiltration group did a darn good job, I dont think there was anyone even manning them right then.

Great fights at SM though, and it seems to be ongoing! Lag has been a really serious issue for me tonight though, dont know whats going on.. :\ Its always a bit slow in SM, especially with large battles, but I have even been getting it just trying to get into towers, etc. I just stand at the door, haha. Ill then give up and run off, and 30 seconds later will be randomly ported back into the tower I was trying to enter. Even in open engagements, everything is taking 5+ seconds to activate at best. Anyone else having worse lag than ever? FPS never dropped that much.

Henosis [ONE]

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Acelrion- Pride to fight you? We are whooping your butt(DR) up and down the maps.

That is classic zergling mentality right there: taking pride in and taking credit for things that you, as an individual, have very little to do with.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


Quite an impressive, and successful, push from IoJ on SM. Lag wars ensued, haha.

And really.. all of us are pretty much forum warriors.

I wonder if you guys ever realized that we were letting you push us back into our keep and away from SM outer so I could get people into SM to kill those millions of ballistas you guys had set up on the wall breach.

Overall, great push and a great fight inside of inner. Only reason we broke all of that siege you had is because of some sick mesmer portals from my guildies!

I did figure something like that, which is why I was standing guard over them! Of course, I was pretty much the only one, haha. Lone IoJ’s came in, but it wasnt quite enough. When ~5 of ya came through, that was definitely what did it. I only remember having 3 balis and 3 ACs though (one AC on the wall, rest were in the courtyard). The small infiltration group did a darn good job, I dont think there was anyone even manning them right then.

Great fights at SM though, and it seems to be ongoing! Lag has been a really serious issue for me tonight though, dont know whats going on.. :\ Its always a bit slow in SM, especially with large battles, but I have even been getting it just trying to get into towers, etc. I just stand at the door, haha. Ill then give up and run off, and 30 seconds later will be randomly ported back into the tower I was trying to enter. Even in open engagements, everything is taking 5+ seconds to activate at best. Anyone else having worse lag than ever? FPS never dropped that much.

While we were in inner SM I was getting skill lag all the way back at our Overlook Keep!

IoJ commander

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Acelrion- Pride to fight you? We are whooping your butt(DR) up and down the maps.

That is classic zergling mentality right there: taking pride in and taking credit for things that you, as an individual, have very little to do with.

Oh I missed this. Oozo nailed the response.

And yes I expect you to get angry when we roll you guys time after time. you are instead taking pride in having a kitten ton of terrible players that zerg objectives.

I dont give one flat kitten about the score. Getting beat should make you want to get better. Instead you keep findibg superfluous reasons not to.

OINK – Devona’s Rest
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Trying to decide if I should log on or not. Is there anyone here who thinks they can beat me? If so I’ll go ahead and log on. Otherwise, TV time.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Pentzski.4620


DH everywhere… 20+ in IoJ border, got a hefty size running around their own border, who knows how many in EB, and they have a presence in DR border as well. So many. Do not enjoy.

Lilliàna – Mesmer
Leader of Nameless Accord [NA]

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Its not who, its how many. I’ll be on in 30 and let’s see how many it takes:p

OINK – Devona’s Rest
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

DH everywhere… 20+ in IoJ border, got a hefty size running around their own border, who knows how many in EB, and they have a presence in DR border as well. So many. Do not enjoy.

And yet time and time again they will tell us that they win because of tactics, not numbers.


The Art of Roaming [gank]

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: iamstargazer.9613


We are currently farming DR in their own BL with about 30 people less so feel free to show us how bad we are

DH Commander [SE]

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


in ioj bl, near ruins mostly, if anyone feels frisky

OINK – Devona’s Rest
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Great fight with an unguilded d/d Thief in DR’s BL just now.

Had him running until he used an NPC to invis up and heal. Great overall play, kind of gimmicky 1v1ing.

But that’s how WvW goes! Let’s have a great week all.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Partunu.9845


In the immortal words of the poets and philosophers Stealers Wheel… “Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right”.

Here i am at Durios, minding my own business ( OK, I was trebbing SM for S&G.) Do I go left to Umber?? Or right to SM?? Take note of the timestamps. yeah, that was all at once, and didn’t end. IOJ zerging up one side, and DH on the other.

DH zerg is even bigger atm just running around steamrolling anything that they can engulf. Even if you wipe 1 zerg, you are already getting hit by the other, then the 1st one is back again. No way to score any points as we were holding ground farming badges.

I can say for certain they don’t care too much for each other as I got into Durios and stood on the wall and cheered as the 2 masses rolled into each other.


Partipack – DR engineer
[Zoo] Zerg Of One

(edited by Partunu.9845)

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Partunu.9845


Other pic isn’t showing up. Fail on code for storage & image upload.


Partipack – DR engineer
[Zoo] Zerg Of One

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Props to SNFU and ink for coming out for some fights. We could hardly stop rolling that ioj zerg to squeeze some rounds in:/

OINK – Devona’s Rest
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Acelrion- Pride to fight you? We are whooping your butt(DR) up and down the maps.

That is classic zergling mentality right there: taking pride in and taking credit for things that you, as an individual, have very little to do with.

Oh I missed this. Oozo nailed the response.

And yes I expect you to get angry when we roll you guys time after time. you are instead taking pride in having a kitten ton of terrible players that zerg objectives.

I dont give one flat kitten about the score. Getting beat should make you want to get better. Instead you keep findibg superfluous reasons not to.

Clown, i certainly dont get beat by you or anyone. I died a total of once today and played small man almost exclusively so you can take that ‘zerg mentality’ and shove it.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —