Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)
I thought you commanded enough people off cliffs to really make difference too.
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos
I guess what Oozo is trying to say is that if DH realizes that instead of sending 50 people to kill us they can just get 15 decent people together and try to roll us, they have just freed up 35 people who can go do something productive.
But I guess that’s why DH is barely beating IoJ and DR in a match up where we are horribly outnumbered.
Well there’s more to that story from a DH perspective. There have been talks of backing off WvW in order to keep our numbers down due to the potential of moving up a tier if we continue to push our numbers up. We recognize we have coverage issues during the morning and midday (and graveyard shift) and that our server is not as cohesive as it needs to be in order to gain a foothold in the higher tiers and stay there…for the moment.
We’ve gained a lot of fairweather players with the move to this tier and our success so the numbers are a lot more than we normally have and we’re a bit surprised as well by the turnout. But puggles and fairweather friends disappear quickly if we get moved up to last place in a higher tier which would find us coming right back here. It’s better to make a presence here and work on strength for now. One of the great things about DH is the ability to know our strengths and our weaknesses.
I’ve enjoyed the challenges of this tier. There are a lot of great players.
I guess what Oozo is trying to say is that if DH realizes that instead of sending 50 people to kill us they can just get 15 decent people together and try to roll us, they have just freed up 35 people who can go do something productive.
But I guess that’s why DH is barely beating IoJ and DR in a match up where we are horribly outnumbered.
Well there’s more to that story from a DH perspective. There have been talks of backing off WvW in order to keep our numbers down due to the potential of moving up a tier if we continue to push our numbers up. We recognize we have coverage issues during the morning and midday (and graveyard shift) and that our server is not as cohesive as it needs to be in order to gain a foothold in the higher tiers and stay there…for the moment.
We’ve gained a lot of fairweather players with the move to this tier and our success so the numbers are a lot more than we normally have and we’re a bit surprised as well by the turnout. But puggles and fairweather friends disappear quickly if we get moved up to last place in a higher tier which would find us coming right back here. It’s better to make a presence here and work on strength for now. One of the great things about DH is the ability to know our strengths and our weaknesses.
I’ve enjoyed the challenges of this tier. There are a lot of great players.
Trust me when I say this
you don’t have coverage issues at all
You did get swindled, again thats not me thats my wife lol. Notice the assaulter tag on that one, and the recruit or w/e on the screen gab provided. Also my tag says champ slayer and hers says none. All i really saw in that video is you 10v1 some commander, and you guys failing to catch a lone player. Grats! Again, if you want to fight me im down. I called you out before and got crickets in return. Your move.
Oozo, yes, yes we are. It’s hilarious and helps troll big groups as a duo.
Yup, thats all that happened on that video. You’re right. kitten that amount of under-analysis that goes into your posts HAS to be trolling, it just has to be. Otherwise I’d be worried that the same analysis goes into your everyday life, like driving or eating food. If I remember our first little meeting with you two it ended with you losing a 6v3, and then winning it whenever one of the 6 logged on their guardian and said the reason that we lost the second fight was because he was on his 80 this time…yea that was the reason we lost the 6v3 the second time. And the next time we met you two learned about the Zamboni of Death a couple of times.
Anyway, you were there plus caught on video for most of it. What was that lame quote from earlier? You shouldn’t fake the foot funk when you cross-dress? I dunno, something like that.
Ya know…this is exactly like talking to Bunzy, lol.
What the? You may have done that to some [SE] people but i sure as hell never lost a 6v3 when i had numbers on my side. Talk about trolling. Anywho, i’m up for fights whenever i dont mind putting you dudes in the earth if your that anxious. Try not to run into towers if you are losing though (ducky something) its bad form. See you in a BL someplace nerds!
Darkhaven’s pouplation so far doesn’t seem to be too far away from EBay’s but their siege placement and skill has been about 10x worse.
What the? You may have done that to some [SE] people but i sure as hell never lost a 6v3 when i had numbers on my side. Talk about trolling. Anywho, i’m up for fights whenever i dont mind putting you dudes in the earth if your that anxious. Try not to run into towers if you are losing though (ducky something) its bad form. See you in a BL someplace nerds!
Nerds? Lol! First off, you are a guy whos lying about stuff trying to save face on a forum, two you are playing the game just like everyone else, and third you play dress up with your wife in the game (hopefully just the game and not IRL).
Anywho yes, you did lose a 6v3 (1 person did get away from the first fight, so technically wasn’t a complete wipe), the guy that switched to his guardian was on a lvl 11 mesmer for it which did provide a timely rally for my ranger. You even said good fight after I told the dude that he was douching out for laughing on my corpse after the second fight (tbh it might have been your wife that said it). First fight was outside bay near the gryphons, and the next was just north of ruins.
Ya know what smalls? You’re about as cute as Bunzy. Get beat in open field multiple times, deny it and say “1V1 BRAH”. lol
Darkhaven’s pouplation so far doesn’t seem to be too far away from EBay’s but their siege placement and skill has been about 10x worse.
I don’t know what their population is like but as I said before much of what we’re seeing right now is transitory and due to circumstances outside the norm. I’m curious to see how many actually stick around once the newness of the wvw patch has worn off.
What the? You may have done that to some [SE] people but i sure as hell never lost a 6v3 when i had numbers on my side. Talk about trolling. Anywho, i’m up for fights whenever i dont mind putting you dudes in the earth if your that anxious. Try not to run into towers if you are losing though (ducky something) its bad form. See you in a BL someplace nerds!
Nerds? Lol! First off, you are a guy whos lying about stuff trying to save face on a forum, two you are playing the game just like everyone else, and third you play dress up with your wife in the game (hopefully just the game and not IRL).
Anywho yes, you did lose a 6v3 (1 person did get away from the first fight, so technically wasn’t a complete wipe), the guy that switched to his guardian was on a lvl 11 mesmer for it which did provide a timely rally for my ranger. You even said good fight after I told the dude that he was douching out for laughing on my corpse after the second fight (tbh it might have been your wife that said it). First fight was outside bay near the gryphons, and the next was just north of ruins.
Ya know what smalls? You’re about as cute as Bunzy. Get beat in open field multiple times, deny it and say “1V1 BRAH”. lol
Oh, you mean the fight with 4 ppl, 11 mesmer was someone random (not a guildmate) and the other ranger a random? Thats 4 people. Not 6. Yes 3 mesmers so maybe you got confused. Oh, you mean that fight were we were by bay and the vet so every time you died/dying just ran into the tower? That fight? (Engineer specifically). Oh you mean that fight that i escaped to fight on equal ground which i baited you to then you FOUR (ranger/theif/ele/engi) got wiped without downing a single one of us 4, 2 of which were pugs? (charr ele escaped). So yes, you managed to down an lvl11 mesmer pug, an 80 ranger pug, and my wife with the help of guards then promptly got crushed in center island with 4. I know its hard to count sometimes because mezzies are confusing but ducky joined our group to whine after bc the pug guardian laughed or something, which i dont do.
How did we have a spot for him to join us?
Oh yea bc theres 4 of us.
Did you not notice the tags?
2 of those guys i have never played with in my life lol.
They wanted to join to take camps!
Serious though, there was only 4 of us.
(edited by Mayhem.1935)
Wait to ruin the fun DH we could have had a nice battle in Eternal but you hide till you have 2 or 3-1 odds then rush out.. what are you going to do when you don’t have a large population advantage?
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.
What the? You may have done that to some [SE] people but i sure as hell never lost a 6v3 when i had numbers on my side. Talk about trolling. Anywho, i’m up for fights whenever i dont mind putting you dudes in the earth if your that anxious. Try not to run into towers if you are losing though (ducky something) its bad form. See you in a BL someplace nerds!
Nerds? Lol! First off, you are a guy whos lying about stuff trying to save face on a forum, two you are playing the game just like everyone else, and third you play dress up with your wife in the game (hopefully just the game and not IRL).
Anywho yes, you did lose a 6v3 (1 person did get away from the first fight, so technically wasn’t a complete wipe), the guy that switched to his guardian was on a lvl 11 mesmer for it which did provide a timely rally for my ranger. You even said good fight after I told the dude that he was douching out for laughing on my corpse after the second fight (tbh it might have been your wife that said it). First fight was outside bay near the gryphons, and the next was just north of ruins.
Ya know what smalls? You’re about as cute as Bunzy. Get beat in open field multiple times, deny it and say “1V1 BRAH”. lol
Oh, you mean the fight with 4 ppl, 11 mesmer was someone random (not a guildmate) and the other ranger a random? Thats 4 people. Not 6. Yes 3 mesmers so maybe you got confused. Oh, you mean that fight were we were by bay and the vet so every time you died/dying just ran into the tower? That fight? (Engineer specifically). Oh you mean that fight that i escaped to fight on equal ground which i baited you to then you FOUR (ranger/theif/ele/engi) got wiped without downing a single one of us 4, 2 of which were pugs? (charr ele escaped). So yes, you managed to down an lvl11 mesmer pug, an 80 ranger pug, and my wife with the help of guards then promptly got crushed in center island with 4. I know its hard to count sometimes because mezzies are confusing but ducky joined our group to whine after bc the pug guardian laughed or something, which i dont do.
How did we have a spot for him to join us?
Oh yea bc theres 4 of us.
Did you not notice the tags?
2 of those guys i have never played with in my life lol.
They wanted to join to take camps!
Serious though, there was only 4 of us.
No, there were 6 of you and you controlled bay. The second fight was just north of the sentry thats north of champs camp…for kitten sake if you don’t remember the fight thats fine. But quit making kitten up, its just obnoxious.
HoD here. enjoying the Nerd Rage on this thread keep it up. i hope we see you all in t6 soon! it be cool to play some new more skilled opponents :P
and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.
It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.
60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.
I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.
I was there, skirmishing on the back end around the treb that was set up. Me and my 4 man specifically had a fight with AD and sent them packing. After that they joined up with the DR “zerg” to “win”. It happens on both sides is what im getting at. Every server fields small teams, every server has it’s zergs. In this current match up it just so happens we have the most players. A few weeks ago we had Borlis & Anvil and we were in DR/IoJ’s position. Difference is we didnt complain about the numbers (just about every non t1-t2 has this issue) and just kept at it.
Last few days i’ve had some solid fights with your alliance and your players are good, no hating here. I look forward to more of them, props to the cond mes & war in AD i fought today in the afternoon. When those pugs came through i just sat down and watched you guys battle them. Teach them for interrupting! =p
Your “4 man” sure sent us “packing”. This video should give you some context to that screenshot gab posted earlier. In the initial 4v4 fight the only person who got downed was your warrior then a pug showed up and dropped supply crate right before he got stomped, then the 4v4 turned into a 10+ v 4 during which you killed the thief and the ele.
Also you continually call out for 1v1s as if it means anything in WvW. Go to Spvp and spam that kitten.
Tarnished Coast
No, there were 6 of you and you controlled bay. The second fight was just north of the sentry thats north of champs camp…for kitten sake if you don’t remember the fight thats fine. But quit making kitten up, its just obnoxious.
P.s. – i missss uuuuu
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]
good job to the DR noob that says no one in my server can fight without a zerg behind them and says he will pay me 100g to kill him in PvP then gets smacked and blames his loss on my Rock dog that i have on my ogre armor
No, there were 6 of you and you controlled bay. The second fight was just north of the sentry thats north of champs camp…for kitten sake if you don’t remember the fight thats fine. But quit making kitten up, its just obnoxious.
P.s. – i missss uuuuu
Same to you guys! I might go and visit soon
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life
No, there were 6 of you and you controlled bay. The second fight was just north of the sentry thats north of champs camp…for kitten sake if you don’t remember the fight thats fine. But quit making kitten up, its just obnoxious.
P.s. – i missss uuuuu
Same to you guys! I might go and visit soon
Miss you too Tz!
BTW, I can’t get on EBay TS
No, there were 6 of you and you controlled bay. The second fight was just north of the sentry thats north of champs camp…for kitten sake if you don’t remember the fight thats fine. But quit making kitten up, its just obnoxious.
P.s. – i missss uuuuu
Same to you guys! I might go and visit soon
Miss you too Tz!
BTW, I can’t get on EBay TS
So much hatorade! They changed the info btw :p
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life
In response to Darkhaven’s rather interesting siege placement, clearly it was just a matter of time before our server started to make our tower offensives a little more awesome.
You’ll never stop DR now!
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood
(edited by pixieish.9627)
In response to Darkhaven’s rather interesting siege placement, clearly it was just a matter of time before our server started to make our tower offensives a little more awesome.
You’ll never stop DR now!
Glad to see my siege placement in EB makes it to the forums. As long as you all don’t start a religion over a distraction ram.
Guild Leader
Glad to see my siege placement in EB makes it to the forums. As long as you all don’t start a religion over a distraction ram.
Well, annoyingly just a little while ago when I was trying to impress a guild I was hoping to be recruited by, they called for a ram, I tossed one down, and much to everyone’s surprise it grew up to be a beautiful arrow cart!
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood
Blight, nearly choked on my dinner when you commented in the video that the Ele was just getting outplayed. xp
(So typing “ kitten ” at the start of a post makes it completely invisible? Odd…)
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood
(edited by pixieish.9627)
Glad to see my siege placement in EB makes it to the forums. As long as you all don’t start a religion over a distraction ram.
Well, annoyingly just a little while ago when I was trying to impress a guild I was hoping to be recruited by, they called for a ram, I tossed one down, and much to everyone’s surprise it grew up to be a beautiful arrow cart!
P.s. – i missss uuuuu
Charrcat misses Echo and Emmys and enemy friends of past, please come back.
Charrcat been therapy lately because attempt detox WuvW cat treat addiction. (Not really work but try anyway.) Doctor recommend Charrcat try new hobby like art pictures. Charrcat draw picture to express feeling, you are Charrcat BEF, BEST ENEMYS FOREVER.
Charrcat embarrassed to show, try get better at art Crayola picture. Don’t show to IOJ, they already mad at Charrcat from Charrcat kill many IOJ family.
Member of [DAWN]
NA Dragonbrand Server
and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.
It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.
60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.
I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.
I was there, skirmishing on the back end around the treb that was set up. Me and my 4 man specifically had a fight with AD and sent them packing. After that they joined up with the DR “zerg” to “win”. It happens on both sides is what im getting at. Every server fields small teams, every server has it’s zergs. In this current match up it just so happens we have the most players. A few weeks ago we had Borlis & Anvil and we were in DR/IoJ’s position. Difference is we didnt complain about the numbers (just about every non t1-t2 has this issue) and just kept at it.
Last few days i’ve had some solid fights with your alliance and your players are good, no hating here. I look forward to more of them, props to the cond mes & war in AD i fought today in the afternoon. When those pugs came through i just sat down and watched you guys battle them. Teach them for interrupting! =p
Your “4 man” sure sent us “packing”. This video should give you some context to that screenshot gab posted earlier
. In the initial 4v4 fight the only person who got downed was your warrior then a pug showed up and dropped supply crate right before he got stomped, then the 4v4 turned into a 10+ v 4 during which you killed the thief and the ele.
Also you continually call out for 1v1s as if it means anything in WvW. Go to Spvp and spam that kitten.
Thats pretty funny! I also believe that was your final attempt, right? Because we crunched you guys (as in AD im honestly not sure if you were there tbh, oh well =/) before that a few times before your vid.
Anyway, i was roaming your BL all night tonight with a small team hoping to find you, but alas you only showed up at the tower with the sigh zerg. (which got farmed).
See you around!
Thats pretty funny! I also believe that was your final attempt, right? Because we crunched you guys (as in AD im honestly not sure if you were there tbh, oh well =/) before that a few times before your vid.
Anyway, i was roaming your BL all night tonight with a small team hoping to find you, but alas you only showed up at the tower with the sigh zerg. (which got farmed).
See you around!
I mean do you never stop with the bullkitten? You have been proven wrong so many times now. No, that was not our last attempt. At our last attempt we smashed your treb that sent your entire 60 man zerg “packing”.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Impromtu fight club behind IoJ windmill for anyone interested. Will be going as long as there are enemies.
Tarnished Coast
inb4 thread lock
By the way, is that big warrior in temple armor from [GloB] on the forums? Cause we need to TALK. Buddy, stop following me! It’s creepy!
Golemhaven [Van] – mesmer | guardian
(edited by torridstoic.7492)
last episide guild of our lifes: debona’s rest wallet stolened a pantaloons to a dry clean and isle of jambo blamed. famly hed derk haven appointed to juror to discover hero need not but deserved — batman
Thats pretty funny! I also believe that was your final attempt, right? Because we crunched you guys (as in AD im honestly not sure if you were there tbh, oh well =/) before that a few times before your vid.
Anyway, i was roaming your BL all night tonight with a small team hoping to find you, but alas you only showed up at the tower with the sigh zerg. (which got farmed).
See you around!
I mean do you never stop with the bullkitten? You have been proven wrong so many times now. No, that was not our last attempt. At our last attempt we smashed your treb that sent your entire 60 man zerg “packing”.
There is no proof of anything other than a one minute vid of literally nothing of consequence happening. 60 man zerg lol there was maybe 40 ppl there that night omg.
WTT 1998 Honda Civic. 180k miles for 1k gold in game. Will deliver if within 2 hours of Cali. US only.
Sylvari Rouge
Thats pretty funny! I also believe that was your final attempt, right? Because we crunched you guys (as in AD im honestly not sure if you were there tbh, oh well =/) before that a few times before your vid.
Anyway, i was roaming your BL all night tonight with a small team hoping to find you, but alas you only showed up at the tower with the sigh zerg. (which got farmed).
See you around!
I mean do you never stop with the bullkitten? You have been proven wrong so many times now. No, that was not our last attempt. At our last attempt we smashed your treb that sent your entire 60 man zerg “packing”.
There is no proof of anything other than a one minute vid of literally nothing of consequence happening. 60 man zerg lol there was maybe 40 ppl there that night omg.
It’s proof that the so called “straight 4v4” was actually no straight 4v4. You have absolutely no credibility left in anything.
The funny part is you keep making things up even though we obviously have the entire night recorded, and we can prove all your bullkitten wrong.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Killed a lot of SE last night. Im sure none of them were The Swindler because we made it out alive.
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos
these posts always get funny. all 3 of our servers have people in a wide spectrum of skill levels. people porting golems under cannons and oil, arrow carts in front of doors instead of happens everywhere.
On the other end of the deal there are the team maneuvers that make you want to do the toyota jump out of your chair, and keep takes that could go down in history..
All i see here is alot of finger pointing about people being sucky and so on. Every dedicated Dub V Dubber has crapped the bed once or twice on the battle field, so lets try to be a lil nicer! a mutual respect for your enemy makes for great battles, so lets learn from mistakes and keep on rockin!
oh yeah! …you all suck! j/k 8P
As a side there an app that we can get to keep an eye on standings ect..maybe from that millennium site or something?
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
All i see here is alot of finger pointing about people being sucky and so on. Every dedicated Dub V Dubber has crapped the bed once or twice on the battle field, so lets try to be a lil nicer! a mutual respect for your enemy makes for great battles, so lets learn from mistakes and keep on rockin!
There really is no finger pointing about people being sucky. It’s just one DH player who is seemingly unable to tell the truth about anything, and we are calling him out on his bullkitten.
I have never said anything bad about anyone unless there was cause for it. In fact, the thing that started this whole animosity between me and SE was a post where I didn’t even mention their guild tag, just a failed portal bomb. I will never call out a guild unless I have reason for it.
EDIT: Current score in case you were wondering.
163 372
117 331
125 520
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Fun duels last night in IoJ BL with [Edge] from DR!
P.s. – i missss uuuuu
Charrcat misses Echo and Emmys and enemy friends of past, please come back.
Charrcat been therapy lately because attempt detox WuvW cat treat addiction. (Not really work but try anyway.) Doctor recommend Charrcat try new hobby like art pictures. Charrcat draw picture to express feeling, you are Charrcat BEF, BEST ENEMYS FOREVER.
Charrcat embarrassed to show, try get better at art Crayola picture. Don’t show to IOJ, they already mad at Charrcat from Charrcat kill many IOJ family.
Best picture evar.
Soon cant come soon enough for our next fight! I fear we may be getting rusty against these AR and BP tho, no challenge except by extrodinary numbers
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]
Killed a lot of SE last night. Im sure none of them were The Swindler because we made it out alive.
Bush Hog [OINK] Devona’s Rest
All i see here is alot of finger pointing about people being sucky and so on. Every dedicated Dub V Dubber has crapped the bed once or twice on the battle field, so lets try to be a lil nicer! a mutual respect for your enemy makes for great battles, so lets learn from mistakes and keep on rockin!
I agree… At first I took the obvious stance of believing people from my server… When I read a bit more I wasn’t so sure anymore. Conversations tend to be… not-so-civil haha… “Oh you said this and this and this! I’m gonna post a pic that proves you wrong and that shows only my point of view, completly biased, won’t address anything else, will make fun of the opposition….” etc etc. I think it’s uncivil and biased and the general attitude floating around is “I’m right. You are wrong. I will not even try to understand why you said what you said, I will just flat out disagree”. Too much anger haha, this is not at all representative of the atmosphere in actual WvW ….And then I wondered why I stopped going on forums.
YouTube Channel
these posts always get funny. all 3 of our servers have people in a wide spectrum of skill levels. people porting golems under cannons and oil, arrow carts in front of doors instead of happens everywhere.
On the other end of the deal there are the team maneuvers that make you want to do the toyota jump out of your chair, and keep takes that could go down in history..
All i see here is alot of finger pointing about people being sucky and so on. Every dedicated Dub V Dubber has crapped the bed once or twice on the battle field, so lets try to be a lil nicer! a mutual respect for your enemy makes for great battles, so lets learn from mistakes and keep on rockin!
oh yeah! …you all suck! j/k 8P
As a side there an app that we can get to keep an eye on standings ect..maybe from that millennium site or something?
I like this approach! Im gonna have fun regardless! Were you one of the [GRiM] guys sneaking around IOJ BL last night? i was scouting you all, i got sidetracked for 2 seconds, and i guess u guys ported to another area lol, i was trying to set-up “teh sneaKZ!”. Also i gotta give shout-outs to the DR guild Baltimore Style, as a Baltimoron myself (pigtown yay!), i get a chuckle everytime i see your guys guild name, even if it’s as im dying lol.
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]
last episide guild of our lifes: debona’s rest wallet stolened a pantaloons to a dry clean and isle of jambo blamed. famly hed derk haven appointed to juror to discover hero need not but deserved — batman
I dunno what it is, but your the most entertaining person in this place lmao, “FEAR NOT BROTHERS” classic..
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]
Too much anger haha, this is not at all representative of the atmosphere in actual WvW
….And then I wondered why I stopped going on forums.
The amount of QQ and confirmation bias is epic!
And yes, this seems universal to all forums. It just tends to get amped up a bit when people are actually competing with each other beyond the forum itself (i.e. in-game).
I have found though, if you filter out the noise (90% of posts, basically), you can still have some great conversations, learn a ton, and be entertained all at the same time. Its like a black hole though, its incredibly easy to get sucked in haha.
Still enjoying the match greatly! But, just to be considerate of my needs, could DR and IoJ stop CCing and stunning me repeatedly? It really ruins my fun… :\
Funny thing is this matchup will be continued for a while ( according to MOS. ) It’s going to be a long while before a T7 server can match any of us 3 servers, or a T5 loses enough points to drop. Howerver, the forums seem to have more equal action 24/7 than EB.
Side note : Nasty rumor going around that someone killed me in a 1 v 50. This is a blatant lie as I have never died, even from falling damage. The person whom you did kill was my sisters uncles cousins next door neighbors little dog, who has the exact same skins on his engi that I do. Hope that clears it all up.
To all else… GAME ON.
[Zoo] Zerg Of One
Funny thing is this matchup will be continued for a while ( according to MOS. ) It’s going to be a long while before a T7 server can match any of us 3 servers, or a T5 loses enough points to drop. Howerver, the forums seem to have more equal action 24/7 than EB.
Side note : Nasty rumor going around that someone killed me in a 1 v 50. This is a blatant lie as I have never died, even from falling damage. The person whom you did kill was my sisters uncles cousins next door neighbors little dog, who has the exact same skins on his engi that I do. Hope that clears it all up.
To all else… GAME ON.
I can confirm this, as his engi. has 3 shot nade/rifled my thief.. But let the record show i did clear an entire t1 server in anger after this happened with dagger storm.
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]
I can confirm this, as his engi. has 3 shot nade/rifled my thief.. But let the record show i did clear an entire t1 server in anger after this happened with dagger storm.
And I can confirm this. I seen it, I did!
What further proof is needed that the thief is OP?
last episide guild of our lifes: debona’s rest wallet stolened a pantaloons to a dry clean and isle of jambo blamed. famly hed derk haven appointed to juror to discover hero need not but deserved — batman
I was on a cannon firing at 7 golems when this was happening…I HAVE SHAMED MY CHAPTER AND EMPEROR =*(
Space Wolves > all other space marines… true story
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]
I’m off work in about 15 minutes. Who is looking forward to getting blown up by the Bush Hog? I’m excited. Oink.
Epic stand off @ IoJ Overlook Keep… I can only guess what was there but I think around 6 or so golems & a small planet of DH vs about 35-50 IoJ
Good times.. no chit talk & no TT from us.. I could put my kids thru college with the drops we get from the Killer RED Blob!!
And yes.. the music is Troll for a reason ^^
(UnS) UnitaSumus-GM
(IoJ) Isle Of Janthir-Commander
(edited by EricDravin.8947)
Epic stand off @ IoJ Overlook Keep… I can only guess what was there but I think around 6 or so golems & a small planet of DH vs about 35-50 IoJ
Good times.. no chit talk & no TT from us.. I could put my kids thru college with the drops we get from the Killer RED Blob!!
Well played sir, i will always help try to rez UnS, as they have helped us defend the keep in EB countless times, so if you ever see a Asura with fire on his shoulder’s in all red/black, I GOT U! lol.
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]