(edited by Tuluum.9638)
Then I just started to shoot arrows at the front of the flanking force to hopefully get attention. Never did get anyones attention, except for DR!
Well, I at least would have politely waved back at you, except in my culture, politely waving involved charging at someone before spinning in circles to cut up as many people, with a formal introduction involving use of a very large hammer and…
I’m sure you’ll forgive any misunderstandings. :b
OHHH!!! Ok!
I completely understand now. You were showing me your love with a blunt object.. repeatedly..
My poor moa was so frightened, its scream inspired fury in every one around me! Its just too bad everyone was chasing your backline, so, our death cries inspired no one but ourselves.
I am glad we got that cleared up! Boy, cultural differences can sure lead to misunderstandings.
“Its just me and you Yarf. We make our stand here.”
“But sire, our team mates are still here!”
“Trust me my fine feathered friend, its just a matter of time. For Darkhaven!!”
charges in valiantly
runs away…. valiantly!
edit: Also, LOL, if the only people who noticed my last ditch effort to alert the incoming flank were the ones doing the flanking. XD There might have been a couple of people who noticed from DH, to be fair.
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
Thanks for the fun at DH BL tonight. Was fun fighting in garrison from all 3 sides.
Hehe was one of the best night in WvW. I’m very proud of HARD, and the fact we stole Garri right from under DH and DR noses ! Keep it IoJ!!
To be honest you didn’t “steal” anything, I “LET” you have it since I called to my team to not engage IoJ at the back door & let IoJ in to start fighting the Lord. My two groups were already heavily engaged with DH and I wanted to bug out at the same time that the back door went down to have DH & IoJ fight in the Lords room. Unfortunately DH wanted us sooooooo bad that they continued to fight us as we attacked in a different direction up the stairs and away from the Lords room. Go figure, guess they wanted payback for all the times at the tower that didn’t go their way. Anyway, very fun fights.
Stylii Elementalist (Slyvari)
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
ADBstyNoQQ AllianceWow, this is the problem when you think your better than everyone else and im not saying all, but some guild members from this group really have kittenty attitudes. Nothing wrong with taking pride, even showing off is fine, but kitteny statements ^ is just unnecessary. IF you’re that great transfer to a lower tier and bring them up… When you use words like “I” you discredit your teammates.
This is coming from one of your fans who enjoy all of oozo’s videos. I apologize to those in this group who are great at skirmishing and this is not directed to any of those great players, just the few that need an attitude adjustment.
P.S. Kain is doing fine without you.
I’m glad “I” got under your skin with the usage of “I”. “I” was leading last night & “I” called for people not going to thwart the backdoor. “I” decide the fate of the group and who the garrison would fall to based on “MY” decisions, since we all know decisions have consequences. Again “I” decided not to contest IoJ at the door in hopes of them fighting DH, so imho just say “Thank You” for making it easier.
Again thanks to everyone for the great time last night couldn’t have done it without both sides and the wonderful people making up our groups in DR.
Stylii Elementalist (Slyvari)
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ)Leader
ADBstyNoQQ Alliance
What follows are personal opinions so read at your own peril :
There are many kinds of people on all servers, not just our 3, to balance it out. There are commanders on DR who I wouldn’t follow to a free pizza buffet, then others who say it needs to be done and I raise my hand and say “I’m there.” Same goes for individual players, and they are just that “Individuals”, who you either can get along with or you can’t. I’d say for every idgit on my home server ( DR ) there are 20+ that I call friend. Even if they screw up royally, they had good intention and it counts in my book.
Had this exact conversation with one of our commanders last night. And he said the same things I’ve been saying for months. Good players tend to stick out, and bad players tend to do whatever it is they do ( yeah omgloldpsn peeps on the supervisor for 5 minutes with a frikin buff. I’m talkin about YOU!)
As far as forums, be happy they respond at all. Some are all inclusive and wouldn’t tell you anything, and others need to go to the Zoolander school for kids that can’t read good, and others are all around good people just sayin it how it is. Heck, I made a joke about shooting a guild with an arrow cart. They say they don’t care about arrow carts cause they soak up damage or something. I’m thinking… “I’m on your server idgit. It was just a joke to lighten the mood.” I do the same in map chat daily, and most know me for doign crazy stuff while still upgrading and running supply for whatever.
Side note : RESPECT. Look IOJ and DH, I really really just want to be friends. If I /wave, don’t shoot me. If I /sit… Don’t shoot me. If I run in circles, like a crazed chicken, trying to loot mah bags… DON’T SHOOT ME. Clear? Good!
To all others… GAME ON!
Well, I at least would have politely waved back at you, except in my culture, politely waving involved charging at someone before spinning in circles to cut up as many people, with a formal introduction involving use of a very large hammer and…
I’m sure you’ll forgive any misunderstandings. :b
I think we come from the same culture. Small world.
yeah omgloldpsn peeps on the supervisor for 5 minutes with a frikin buff. I’m talkin about YOU!
I WILL take that vet sup down with the buff someday.
Hey! purple/pink butterflies are pretty!
Hello! I am here to announce the weekly Fight Club that is happening today.
Location – Behind Windmill of Devona’s Rest Borderland. (It is under Champion’s Demense Camp, pass through and go under the camp).
Time – 8 PM EST (after Reset)
- If you would like to duel someone from a different server, simply point at them (easier to /point @ when you have the person targeted of whom you want to fight), if they do not want to fight, just find another!
- If a person comes interrupting, someone who doesn’t realize what is going on, please inform them that something is going on, and DO NOT finish them, down them and fill them in as to what is happening.
- Before each duel, /bow to the person you are fighting, this will begin the fight.
- You are not allowed to use the environment to your advantage! (ex. There will be warthogs around, if you are a thief, do not C&D off them)
- Duels end on down, do not finish the opponent.
- If you do have the Commander Tag, I would suggest to put the sigil down, it is a sign for people to unintentionally rally upon yourself,
Thank you
Just some reminders above to the people who are new and would like to join for the experience. I haven’t gotten all of the information together, just a few of the basics off the top of my head, if you have further questions, please feel free to ask away. =)
So far, I have come to ask around a few IoJ/DR guilds to come previously, but I have not been able to contact the DH server.
DH is widely welcome to come! Come with guilds, friends and more! IoJ is equally welcome to join.
Last weeks Fight Club was a great success (until the maintenance rudely interrupted and many were unable to show back), approximately 30 people were able to show up and show their appreciation to dueling, if you are able to come again, please do!
If you have any other questions, please contact me ASAP, Fight Club will hopefully be happening in 45 minutes as of now.
(edited by Crucify.1649)
Hey! purple/pink butterflies are pretty!
I thought it was salmon, not pink =P
Hey! purple/pink butterflies are pretty!
I thought it was salmon, not pink =P
It’s an illusion!
Man, i cant make the fight club tonight =(
Hey! purple/pink butterflies are pretty!
I thought it was salmon, not pink =P
It’s an illusion!
Man, i cant make the fight club tonight =(
Gah, later on this night or next time
Had a blast tonight at fight club! Everyone was really good, hope to see everyone again next week! Hope we can get a bit more class diversity next time (maybe another engi..hint hint…), when I left thieves were very over represented (yet no slouches)! haha
last episide guild of our lifes: daughter of debona’s rest touch loving place so derk haven teach of the beeing of birds and rubbers to no pregnants, but sister still five pregnants. isle of jambo dug backyard dino bones and of indiana jones declare belong a museum to science and future children.
Thank you everyone for showing up to Fight Club, definitely next week, will be another fantastic one. I feel bad for those zergs though. =)
Is there anyone out there that thinks they can beat a glass d/d ele 1v1? If so I’ll log on and we can have some fun.
Spam pushing me into the water. Good move. Bummer move.
Looking forward to some more battles v. OINK
Is there anyone out there that thinks they can beat a glass d/d ele 1v1? If so I’ll log on and we can have some fun.
If it helps, I’m not at 100% atm, so you may actually have a chance to beat me now. Surely there’s at least one person confident enough in their ability to tell me to stuff it and then back it up?
If it helps, I’m not at 100% atm, so you may actually have a chance to beat me now. Surely there’s at least one person confident enough in their ability to tell me to stuff it and then back it up?
If you’re part of the DR zerg in IoJ BL, you won’t find a challenger. I seem to remember just getting whacked by Vapor Blade a bit harder than most d/d Eles seem to ever hit for…
I’m up for it tho.
If it helps, I’m not at 100% atm, so you may actually have a chance to beat me now. Surely there’s at least one person confident enough in their ability to tell me to stuff it and then back it up?
If you’re part of the DR zerg in IoJ BL, you won’t find a challenger. I seem to remember just getting whacked by Vapor Blade a bit harder than most d/d Eles seem to ever hit for…
I’m up for it tho.
Um no, I don’t run in zergs and am not logged on currently. If you are serious I’ll log on unless you’re that bunker condition mesmer in your guild. Got tired of being in a stalemate and just left when we finally got a clean 1v1.
Not me. Stuff it
If it’s not a waste of your time I’ll do one round before I have to log.
If it is /friend me and we’ll do it tomorrow or another day.
I’m a Thief, btw.
You got about 5 minutes.
If anyone else would like to try their hand at a glass d/d ele let me know and I’ll log back on.
If anyone else would like to try their hand at a glass d/d ele let me know and I’ll log back on.
I’ll play you. I’m an engi and im down to give it a shot. Msg Dr Hoppenheimer, i wont be on for too long if you’re game.
I went I think 1-5 vs. Hoppenheimer, so hopefully that will be encouragement to others when I post looking for fights. Was good fights though, and I enjoy those win or lose.
I went I think 1-5 vs. Hoppenheimer, so hopefully that will be encouragement to others when I post looking for fights. Was good fights though, and I enjoy those win or lose.
Good fights, he hits like a ton of bricks.
Hey IoJ – just to let you know, we had literally 3 people in the ENTIRE eternal battlegrounds map just then, with 1 more showing at the end… i really dont think you needed a 20-30 man 3 golem rush to take out valley keep, you could have taken it with pvdoor if you wanted.
Hopefully we dented your golems spamming 3 arrow carts on inner from when you got to it to when it broke
Hey IoJ – just to let you know, we had literally 3 people in the ENTIRE eternal battlegrounds map just then, with 1 more showing at the end… i really dont think you needed a 20-30 man 3 golem rush to take out valley keep, you could have taken it with pvdoor if you wanted.
Hopefully we dented your golems spamming 3 arrow carts on inner from when you got to it to when it broke
Yup, wish we had their night presence. I want more Aussies to play with
Should see bay right now with 30+ man zerg golems n all against whatever DR has left awake, about 10 people xD
I thought this was the roaming tier. Somehow I wound up in a place where people still think d/d glass thieves are viable and the average player can’t PvP their way out of a plastic bag. Oh well, I’ll be gone on Tuesday.
Here’s how the average day of roaming goes…
Its usually not this bad. Just a bad server combo. There are some decent people but its very few and far between.
I thought this was the roaming tier. Somehow I wound up in a place where people still think d/d glass thieves are viable and the average player can’t PvP their way out of a plastic bag. Oh well, I’ll be gone on Tuesday.
Here’s how the average day of roaming goes…
But why the hard attitude?
I thought this was the roaming tier. Somehow I wound up in a place where people still think d/d glass thieves are viable and the average player can’t PvP their way out of a plastic bag. Oh well, I’ll be gone on Tuesday.
Here’s how the average day of roaming goes…
Nicely done. You seem like a total kitten, but you definetely got skills.
Pretty amazing play Tsarazi, although I still think mesmers are op as fk. :p
I thought this was the roaming tier. Somehow I wound up in a place where people still think d/d glass thieves are viable and the average player can’t PvP their way out of a plastic bag. Oh well, I’ll be gone on Tuesday.
Here’s how the average day of roaming goes…
DH has always been awful at PvP, stick around and maybe when they zerg their way out of tier 6 a good server will take their place.
I thought this was the roaming tier. Somehow I wound up in a place where people still think d/d glass thieves are viable and the average player can’t PvP their way out of a plastic bag. Oh well, I’ll be gone on Tuesday.
Here’s how the average day of roaming goes…
looks viable to me..
Hey DR, you did great taking SM from us yesterday…
This pic is for our DR friends and fellow DH who battled them today and took over EB… In memories of our great battles and how it ended.
It is not meant as an insult, but what that guys says in my chat box is kinda truth… you did lose. See you at the reset.
I thought this was the roaming tier. Somehow I wound up in a place where people still think d/d glass thieves are viable and the average player can’t PvP their way out of a plastic bag. Oh well, I’ll be gone on Tuesday.
Here’s how the average day of roaming goes…
looks viable to me..
Viable against terrible players. Not once did I see the person on the receiving end use a stunbreaker and punish them back. Not to mention pretty much 90% of those videos would have been negated by actually using lookback. Glass d/d is a noob ganking build and nothing more.
Edit: lol guild tag is MoW. Let me know if you want to do some 1v1s and die repeatedly.
I thought this was the roaming tier. Somehow I wound up in a place where people still think d/d glass thieves are viable and the average player can’t PvP their way out of a plastic bag. Oh well, I’ll be gone on Tuesday.
Here’s how the average day of roaming goes…
You can always make it more challenging for yourself by not playing a mesmer. ;P
I thought this was the roaming tier. Somehow I wound up in a place where people still think d/d glass thieves are viable and the average player can’t PvP their way out of a plastic bag. Oh well, I’ll be gone on Tuesday.
Here’s how the average day of roaming goes…
You can always make it more challenging for yourself by not playing a mesmer. ;P
The thought of levelling another character to 80 makes me want to die inside but maybe I’ll do it with an engineer.
Most people can’t kill mesmers because they don’t know how to dodgeroll. It’s amazing how much dodging negates 100% of my dps.
Yeah it sure is hard to spend $20 and push button for 3 hours:p
Action pick up as soon as you logged btw:(
The thought of levelling another character to 80 makes me want to die inside but maybe I’ll do it with an engineer.
Most people can’t kill mesmers because they don’t know how to dodgeroll. It’s amazing how much dodging negates 100% of my dps.
I hear ya. You can level a character to 80 in a day via trades if you have the mats and cash though. A solo engineer movie would be quite cool.
Regardless of class, that was a really nice run in the movie. I’m just being jelly.
Action pick up as soon as you logged btw:(
Yeah, it’s been totally hit or miss since the world exp went in and the SAB hasn’t helped much either.
It is not meant as an insult, but what that guys says in my chat box is kinda truth… you did lose.
See you at the reset.
For what it’s worth, I was talking to the “dance battle” guy. He got shot by a ballista and ran back to the siege line.
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