March update- Predictions/expectations

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Silke.1695


I am going to refrain from making any predictions. Most of what I see posted here aren’t serious predictions, but more taking a shot at Anet due to built up frustration. And while many of those frustrations have a valid basis, it’s obviously not garnering the response that is hoped for.

As for expectations, much of what has already been listed here I would echo, or at the very least hope for. Though even before those things such as the Culling, Lag and UI functionality, I would ask ArenaNet to please set aside their own frustrations with us the player base. I am not foolish enough to think that your jobs are at all easy, and I am certain that being barraged at every turn has embittered many of you towards your players. It’s never an easy task to address such a large and obviously devoted mass of people. However, it is probably one of the most basic marketing issues any company in a service industry can deal with and the most daunting.

With that being said, perhaps the single most meaningful thing that a company can do is to maintain an approachable and clear information exchange with your customer base. Once customers realize they are being avoided and are not being ‘directly’ addressed via the very structure the company puts in place to impart information, ie: Arena Net’s very own forum, your customers become angry and suspicious. Then we arrive at the state we currently have here. Frustrated moderators (doing a largely thankless task) trying to keep a lid on the boiling over situation that is currently here in the WvWvW forums.

In customer service and marketing, perception is vastly important. While this seems the most obvious of statements, it is an elusive balance to maintain, much less to return your current customer base to a state of trust again. To achieve this seems much harder than it actually is though. Simply put, open the lines of communication and do not be stingy and evasive with that information. You already know that we the customers are huge fans, and we are going to speculate on the information we receive. Then why not make that information as clear and concise as you are able. This way when we excitedly discuss which updates and changes your teams are working on, we can do so with fact and not wild speculation.

Next is to engage your customer/fan base into HELPING your team. For instance, if your team is noticing something wonky going on such as a glitch in the meshing for a keep door or something that we would encounter while in the game world. Use our eyes and experiences to your teams advantage. Player based volunteers or “Realm Assistant” could be chosen from players who meet a criteria that your team of Devs and management decide upon to ensure that those volunteer positions are not going to be abused. This would free up massive amounts of time for the folks that are currently having to wade through, dare I say thousands, of “reports” each day. For instance, someone opens a report ticket on an issue they are having, the assigned “Realm Assistant” would get a PM. The “RA” (for short), would then log into the extra character slot assigned for this purpose. Then the player reporting the issue would get a whisper from the “RA” to clarify the issue. Even perhaps go with the player to look into whatever the issue is, say if it is a terrain problem or something.

In this way, your dedicated players who are realm citizens in good standing and wish to give something extra for their community can help YOU and free up your development teams and support team. While at the same time creating an atmosphere of an open and clear line of communication. It would enable ArenaNet to know with some certainty you are getting accurate information and your customer base is reassured that their issues are heard and acted on in a timely manner. (This of course would have to be anonymous with a non-disclosure agreement). There are various way to implement this effectively.

I apologize for the wall of text, but this has been on my mind for sometime. I truly enjoy GW2 and wish to see the rift that I am seeing be repaired. ArenaNet has created a wonderful game with some amazing design. Please allow us your customers and players to become a help and not a hinderance to future ideas and developments. If this meeting of the minds can be reached, you will find grateful and willing minds and hands to help in any way that is needed to keep this great game healthy and growing. Thank you for your time in reading this.. if you got this far. Now let’s go take some keeps!

Toasted Coaster

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: LionZero.3479


I secretly hope for a dolyak minipet to dump some of my badges of honor on!

On a more serious note i hope the new sets will include carrion and valk gear ^^

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


Please do something with the commander and squad system…. it still feels like it’s in beta testing.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


My only wish is that march patch will be released in march. because actually there’s no more communication from Arena.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Im expecting another flop of a patch.

Yeah, those carrots can’t keep us here forever Anet!

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


My hopes:
- Fix culling
- Penalize zergs (unsportive warfare)
- More visible rewards for claiming
- Options to customize the world
- Living world: why aren’t their citizens, farmers and all that out there?
- More siege options: ladders, sapper explosives
- Allow other classes to get more viability.
- Guilds need more options for WvW
- More useful UI party options & squad options.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: AmIAnnoyingNow.2903


I’m expecting super long queues in tier 1, and probably 2.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: deracs.1762


Feeling very cynical at the moment, I expect culling to be replaced by massive lag (lag like there is now at world events like dragon in frostgorge) Over powered stealth will now use the lag as an excuse vs culling and continue to claim it is balanced. I think the WvW titles will be fun, but the forums will find new and inventice ways to complain about them (more inventive then my complaints about stealth lol)
Truth be told I expect WvW will continue to be fun, but I am truly concerned that removing the culling mechanic will result in serious lag issues for a lot of people

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


Feeling very cynical at the moment, I expect culling to be replaced by massive lag (lag like there is now at world events like dragon in frostgorge) Over powered stealth will now use the lag as an excuse vs culling and continue to claim it is balanced. I think the WvW titles will be fun, but the forums will find new and inventice ways to complain about them (more inventive then my complaints about stealth lol)
Truth be told I expect WvW will continue to be fun, but I am truly concerned that removing the culling mechanic will result in serious lag issues for a lot of people

The lag in EB in the SM lord room is already the worst lag in the game. A lot of times the only skill that works is the auto attack.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


My hopes:
- Fix culling
- Penalize zergs (unsportive warfare)
- More visible rewards for claiming
- Options to customize the world
- Living world: why aren’t their citizens, farmers and all that out there?
- More siege options: ladders, sapper explosives
- Allow other classes to get more viability.
- Guilds need more options for WvW
- More useful UI party options & squad options.

My thoughts on this.
—fix culling – yes please
—penalize zergs – no way. zerg warfare is fun for a lot of us. i do think there should be smaller maps for those who want some team objectives though.
—claiming rewards – yes, but there should also be penalties for guilds who claim but do not add buffs
—the rest I agree with.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I agree to penalizing guilds who claim and don’t boost. It’s just idiotic. Or at least make commanders able to unclaim them when there’s a maiority vote on the map who wants to do it.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Archer.1658


What I hope for:
~ Less lag
~ Less Culling
~ Less profession bugs
~ Something new to WvW because its god awful boring

What will probably happen:
~ Something new, that isn’t very entertaining
~ more lag
~ more culling
~ more profession bugs
~ 2+ hours in additional maintenance because they decided testing out stuff wasn’t worth their time.

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: imz.8593


I would really like culling to be fixed(every thing else being equal), but i would actually be surprised if it was happening next patch. Anet has not been really good so far at managing expectations …

I like the idea of zerg being slower. May be you should get combat speed rate applied if you are ikittenerg. It would leave a chance to individuals to run away from a zerg. But on the other hand, i do not want the zerg to become so slow that is a pain.

What i would like to see if “Fog of War”, like in RTS game. when you need to have units at a location to see it. I believe it could add some strategic depth, if well done.
-It could provide and incentive to indivuals and parties to scout the map and hopefully multiply small fights.
- It could mean also be addtionnal items to build or upgrade like watchtowers ( a light/wood structure ).
- players could get an option to “spot” parties/zerg and flag them on the map for others.
But it is March… not Christmas .

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Deadcell.9052


The one thing I am sure of this coming patch is culling will not or even be close to being fixed. As long as the game encourages mass zerging (30-40+ groups) it will be impossible to fix, look at it now major lag, ability delays, DC’s every time 2 mass zergs clash, that will only get significantly worse once culling is removed, the game engines cannot handle it! The only fix that will get you close enough to a fix would be to heavily penalize groups greater than 25 and set objectives around the map to spread these groups around as much as possible.

Other than that heres hoping the new progression system for wvwvw is descent and not some gated type content like everything else released this year and theres a bunch of new shiny goodies!

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: wish.3102


and more people will quit the game.

Colin Johanson actually said player numbers are going up. Quit being such a pessimist! Personally I’m just hoping badges can buy purple gear, and that removing culling doesn’t make my PC lock up or lag while I play.

Jade Quarry. RNG/THF/GRD/WAR

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: vespers.1759


prediction: culling will be the same or there will be major lag, and no significant changes to class balance will be made.

ps: people talk like culling will fix everthing (sure invis zergs are annying) but at the root of the problem is the classes. thieves, mesmers and ele will be superior regardless of how much culling there is and it’s because anet refuses to balance them.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

(edited by vespers.1759)

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: pigtaro.2749


1. Culling will be even worse.
2. DC even more frequent.
3. Thief gets another speed buff and damage buff.
4. AOE attack will now hit 3 targets instead of 5.
5. New currency for wvw to buy ascended items. Can only get 1 if your server wins the weekend match. So to buy 1 ascended item with the new currency, your server must win 50 matches (around 1 year).

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Bluesavanah.8562


1. Culling / lag on skills still wont be fixed
2. Some kind of new currency, probably based on a WvW daily.
3 Some NPC player triggered events.
4 Loss of more friends due to the fact it wont live upto expectations
5 Many reasons for Pve type players to come to WvW so longer queues
6 A 10 page thread QQ’ing that Ascended still didn’t make it as far as WvW vendors

Commander, Malicious Mischief [MM] ,Gandara
[MM] recruiting currently

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032


The only thing I hope for is that the new WvW system is not a grind gate like fractals is. I hope that the new reward system is something where you don’t have to “focus” on getting specific goals, but that they just flow naturally by playing WvW as WvW instead of a “I need to get a kill _ X times for achievement __, so I’ll only focus on killing them.” I just want to be able to keep doing my WvW, without it becoming just another annoying PvE-like grind.

One example would be if all the reward ways were just be killing, say, certain professions X times. Then I would expect people to just only focus on ganking upleveled people and ignoring the objective play in order to be able to get the new benefits. Progressing by objective play is key

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Baelnorn.5710


I don’t really care about any fancy new features like improved commander system or reward tokens or whatever (although that surely would be nice ^^), I just want to see culling gone. That’s my one and only hope/expectation for the March update. Everything else is for me personally completely irrelevant because if I can’t properly play WvW I’m just going to not play WvW at all.

Whatever they did in the last few patches has made it infinitely worse for me (and I have a pretty nice computer and a 100Mbit connection, so it’s very unlikely that the issue is on my end).

For me culling now happens with as low as 1 (ONE!!!) enemy:

Seriously, if I can see NPCs or allied players I should be seeing hostile players at the same distance. But instead I have to basically run into melee range before they appear. It’s really getting ridiculous.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Not much is needed to fix WvW. I guess the following three things would make this a killer update already:

1) Remove culling
2) Loot goes directly into bag unless it leaves you encumbered, in which case it stays on the ground
3) A way of getting ascended gear by playing WvW

If those three things are in the update, then it is a massive update. Anything else is just the icing on the cake.

2<————-something I think about every day…..I often think about all the Rares/Exotics I have potentially left on the ground because I couldn’t get to them or didn’t even see them in the middle of a zerg.

Mag Server Leader

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Toxic.4320


My hopes?

Fix culling and lag (as so many others do)

Auto pick up. Makes me so sadface to lay there with bags all around my corpse because I couldn’t pick up fast enough

Make it so Commanders don’t get chat suppressed.

Ethos Mores [KWBH] Commander, Ranger
Nontoxicwench [KWBH] Guardian
Gefarhlich Madchen [KWBH] Mesmer

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

When I see on these forums players posting that invisible armies has been fixed I will give wvwvw an honest try. So here is to hoping.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


From what I gather the culling is being removed and we are getting several check boxes in the options so each person can reduce culling and still keep their computer from exploding . One box that I saw being offered is to render enemies in a generic fashion look for eles ,one for warriors…that would lighten up the load big time.

This patch will do wonders for wvw…..but people have to be realistic,if you have a POS computer….you aren’t gonna be able to turn culling all the way off.

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


The patch will include shattered dreams and disappointments for many.

Beast mode

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Vukanigia.5496



For the future build i just hope it will make this good game even better.

What would i like to c when it come is this:

1. GvG like it was in Guild Wars 1

2. GvG War (where guilds can declare wars each other and their members fight anywhere in the open world for guild glory. Read optional world pvp)

3. Duels

4. More rewards from WvW

5. 3vs3 Death match (arena like)

6. Make a tpvp gear able to take out of HOM (in WvW and open world)

7. More unique gear as a reward for tpvp and wvw top players (make the wvw and tpvp ranks req for that gear)

8. Different maps in WvW, we have three borders that are 100% copy/paste, i wanna see some dessert in WvW, swamp, more winter and some ruins… You don’t have to place it all at the same map, just spread around the wvw.

9. Make a WvW objects (tower,keep, garrison, sm) to bring some benefit for guild that claim it and hold for hours/days. The more time you had to defend it the more influence or glory you get from that object for the guild you claim for. I think we are loosing objects just to often and that we have to make it popular for guilds to actually spend their time in tower, place some siege units, upgrade, escort the supply cow, scout and defend. I think we have 2 much mindless zerg and open field fights and that we lost a defensive play in wvw.

10. BRING A COWARD Debuffs for a group larger then 25
- 26-30 members in pack – 20% to all stats
- 31-35 members in pack – 40% to all stats
- 36-40 members in pack – 80% to all stats
- more then 40 members in pack -100% to all stats.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: papryk.6273


I bet it will be delayed and we will see it maybe in april.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Sjet.7092


I dont understand how GW2 can be so centric around Dynamic Events, and yet, wvw contains none. Swap the NPC portion of dynamic events for actual players (theres 3 factions per map, tons of possibilities).

Would be helped by some new maps.

Macharial | The Unlikely Plan [TUP] | Aurora Glade

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: KratosAngel.7289


Expect : The “AOE nerf” that many people dread, since it causes problems especially in WvW :P and New Currency for ascended stuff that takes over 1 month to get.
Hope : End of Culling, No more need to pick up loot, it comes automatically in your bags and end of skill lag
Just those 3 and I’m perfectly happy

(edited by KratosAngel.7289)

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: KratosAngel.7289


March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


“The end of culling, the start of lagfest 2013”.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


You realize that they could have turned culling off at any time, right? The flip side of culling is ability lag, and unless they significantly improved how fast they handle data we could still get stuck with some lag. To my knowledge ANet has never told us what amount of lag they consider to be acceptable. I guess we’ll find out on March 26, but their recent stealth testing and the increased lag we’ve been seeing as a result makes me apprehensive.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: KratosAngel.7289


Well, they added many options on client side to lower the impact on computer’s performances. If they did that, I highly doubt they did not think about lag on server’s side …

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: eaxe.8570


More waypoints would be nice.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Slomo.1029


More waypoints would be nice.

I hope this is a joke. I cant imagine a place where a new waypoint could be added. Towers? JPs?

If anything, make the maps bigger. Esp. EB is just a zergfest since you can’t run 10s without bumping into an objective to cap.

~ Gandara

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Chiolas.1326


Flying mounts…..

Quit WvW and Gw2 in August 2013

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Eclipses.7152


I predict failure and disappointment.

The Royal Guard –
Isle of Janthir