[Merged] Skill lag issue
Which is why they need a new map or two in tandem with reducing map cap.
Yep which is why I believe they will be reducing the map caps (to what extent: who knows) once the “queue maps” are released.
The biggest issue is that when they established their “baseline” for this game to operate in terms of WvW, it did not take into account 3 servers pooling all of their players on the map into 1 spot in 1 huge fight. (100% of the map in a 1v1v1) And it really should have, or the worse reality was that the number-cap was so low (if they did take 100% of the map population fighting each other into account) when they realized it: skill lag was a better option at the time.
When you design a system with limits, you have to take into account the worst case scenarios, (in this case the largest server load) you could possibly have to set those “limits” (in this case: map caps).
Think about it for a second, when do you get skill lag? Usually the larger fights involving all 3 servers or 2 servers with large amounts of people. So if you get skill lag in a 30v30v30 (90 players) then the cap would have likely had to been lower than 30 players per server, in which case skill lag would have obviously been a better (but still not good) decision to live with.
(All of those numbers are just pulled from thin air, there are too many variables to be assigned to get a true hard number on actual combatants it takes to create skill lag 100% of the time I would guess.)
Exactly this. ANet designed a game for target player populations that was incompatible with the engine and resources they decided to run it on. It’s an example of horrible development coordination and we’re all paying the price for it. They could have cut down the combat mechanisms, reduced the visual effects, or paid for better software and hardware … but they didn’t, so their only recourse now is to try to walk a tightrope between crippling ability lag and epic queues. Check out the advance information from the ESO devs … they see what’s going on here and are clearly targeting GW2’s inability to properly handle mass battles.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
The situation had to AT LEAST not get worse, and it is currently getting worse, that’s unacceptable.
The skill lag in WvW is not Anet’s fault. It is a core latency problem in distributed system and latency between network nodes and the client/server side.
Be glad that there is a game that allows 300 people on one map from 2-3 different continents all a the same time. Even a normal multiplayer game with 16 players on the map has lag on a 100Mbits network and dedicated servers.
So try to enjoy the game because the skill lag on a full queued map is not going to be fixed and it out of any software developer hands.
there has been games for many years now that support more then 300 people battling with less issues.
last time I checked, Arenanet owned and maintained the servers, not the players.
They designed the game. They built the engine. They built the hardware and server system. Recently, they added extra layers of calculations for the servers to handle (party preference for buffs, achievements and bloodlust). They added achievements that have flooded the servers with pve’ers. They added leagues 8 months too late.
It’s pretty much Anets fault. Their lack of response so far is pretty pathetic.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
The skill lag in WvW is not Anet’s fault.
Hi, I manage websites with both static HTML and web-based applications. During peak hours, the loading time took way longer than it should so I immediately upgraded to servers with solid state drives. It was quite costly but the lag magically banished.
Skill lag due to slow servers is not the gamers fault. I do acknowledge that upgrades can be very expensive and since Anet doesn’t charge monthly fees, I don’t see how an immediate upgrade can help their ROI. They do need to make money after all. Maybe they’ll consider upgrading if wvw represented a more significant chunk of their revenue. I’m not speaking for them, just rationalizing.
Keeping the hardcore PvP community happy does have measurable ROI via the free advertising of high end play. Much like how WoW has milked the hard core raiding communities for all their community sites, videos, etc…
If it costs 250k for server upgrades once for free continuous advertising, that’s a market steal. Especially when you consider half of most large project budgets for these games are for marketing.
Then let’s do the opposite – log in, clog the heck out of the servers, and tick off the PvE’ers who are AP hunting :P Valid form of protest?
Especially when you consider half of most large project budgets for these games are for marketing.
I know right! I mean, remember how epic this trailer was? I still don’t know what the heck is going on, but it rocks right!?
I troll because I care
Then let’s do the opposite – log in, clog the heck out of the servers, and tick off the PvE’ers who are AP hunting :P Valid form of protest?
Better yet, lets all send 5 man parties to camp every champ location on Tyria.
For a week.
I troll because I care
Planetside 2 doesn’t have near the lag issues of this game
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
Check out the advance information from the ESO devs … they see what’s going on here and are clearly targeting GW2’s inability to properly handle mass battles.
Unfortunately they failed to learn from everyone else’s mistakes and have already killed their own game by making it P2P.
Check out the advance information from the ESO devs … they see what’s going on here and are clearly targeting GW2’s inability to properly handle mass battles.
Unfortunately they failed to learn from everyone else’s mistakes and have already killed their own game by making it P2P.
Every pay model has their pro’s and con’s, whether that be P2P, B2P, or F2P. The Guild Wars franchise in unique in the Buy to Play model. It’s not easy to implement with modern games that are only getting pricier to make. Subs and Cash-shop models have their own problems as well.
There point is, there is no “best pay model” out there, it’s all in how you implement it.
note: I know zilch about ESO
I troll because I care
Bring as many bundles you can drop and pick up..
Banners/ Arcane weapons, Cheap Feasts etc
Bring as much direct damage you can muster with your #1
Build to withstand conditions
Bring as many Instant skills possible..
Eat regeneration food.
I guess you will figure out how to win now..
why bundles? how do they help?
The lag in WVW is unacceptable. Get new server engineers or new servers or both! I will send you my network findings if needed. No response is needed from troll players or devs since they virtually never respond or could care less what we think. This is a road maker, use it. Fix this kittene.
Charr – Ranger
Human – Guardian
And yet another thread from a player that thinks everything will get solved by simply “getting new servers”.
The issue is clearly a bit bigger than just throwing more money on servers.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
So I was playing WvW again and as soon as I got my keep it was skill lagging so badly already. There was not one person around me at all or anyone actually around the entire area. This lag has gotten out of control where WvW is not even playable.
I contacted support about the issue and look at the “I am going to play it off” excuse I got.
Me: Firstly I like the game you guys did a great job. But WvW performance sucks as the subject suggests. I know for a fact its not my computer. I have a really good pc. It consists of an Intel SSD, 16GB Memory, 2 7970’s in Crossfire, and an Intel 2600K that is overclocked to 4.8 Ghz. I ran Prime 95 for a week straight without an stability issues on my computer. My computer is plenty fast enough to run this game.
Issue I have and absolutely everyone in WvW has is when there is a zerg anywhere around the area, you can not use any skills because they won’t activate. Or it takes about five seconds for one skill to activate. Even if I turn all settings in the game on low, this problem still persists. This game has been now out for over a year and this problem has always been there since release day. I would have thought by now Arena.net would have fixed this issue by adding extra infrastructure to their networks or something within the game code itself. This is very frustrating and gets you killed all the time. Why doesn’t Arena.net address this issue already. Or come out and say WvW performance sucks to give everyone peace of mind that Arena.net acknowledges this problem.
Them: Hello Jeff,
Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.
The lag caused by WvW is because we have too many players in WvW in one area. This sadly affect game play somewhat. The solution we implemented for this is Culling, where you only see a part of the battle to not overload the Internet connection.
For more information on culling please go to the following site:
I love how they try to blame it on culling. When I skill lag there is not even anyone around half the time and if there is, it is only a few people. Plus I tried turning culling down to minimum setting for kittens and it didn’t do anything, but I already knew that. At first this skill lagging would happen frequently when anytime there was a zerg somewhere around but they were completely out of sight. But now it has gotten worse. There doesn’t have to be anyone around now for it to happen.
I play better when there is skill lag.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Yes it is.
I like gw2. I like wvw. I hate how terrible your servers are and the terrible design choices that continue to be made regarding wvw. I need to look into other games, I have never had lag like this in any game before, and it is near constant here.
My experience this week:
50% of the time I cannot cast my heal or ground targeted abilities
5% of the time I cannot run through static door portals
10% of the time I cannot use any abilities at all
75% of the time my skill lag is over 1 second
100% of the time there is skill lag
Lower your godkitten population sizes and get better servers this is a disaster. Until then the other game search begins.
How come Warhammer in its late state did not lagg in 200+ battles? It also had better combatlogs, more skills, more cooldowns, higher aoe caps and is from 2008.
You are 100% right.I never had any type of lag in Warhammer even in the big fights.I don’t think I even had lag in DAoC and that was back in the day playing with a 56k modem.
Warhammer did lag like hell at least in EU, because of collision detection they had more problems than GW2. They came one time to a point where they officially thought about switching friendly collision detection off for performance resons (this was around Aug 2010) and brought a build to the test servers. Desyncing was also a great problem for melees, i played a wh for more than 2 years and in bigger fight´s i don´t know how many times i get “out of range” error message even when the enemy stood in front of me. So Warhammer is a really bad example for a game in terms of good performance, i am sorry.
Check out the advance information from the ESO devs … they see what’s going on here and are clearly targeting GW2’s inability to properly handle mass battles.
Unfortunately they failed to learn from everyone else’s mistakes and have already killed their own game by making it P2P.
I’d bet that the majority of serious WvW’ers would gladly play the equivalent of 50 cents per day to play without skill lag. There are a hell of a lot of people who know that ESO will be P2P and are still anxiously waiting to see if it lives up to its billing. I’m not saying that ESO will be what I want to it to be because I’m not in the beta, but if it doesn’t have skill lag it won’t be the P2P model that keeps me from playing it.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
Yesterday there was skill lag at 3AM server time because roughly 40 guys were attacking a gate in a dead zone. Can’t get worse than that
Hmmm.. they merged my topic how to beat skillag.
oh well. nothing new..
And of course, Anet has nothing to say. But we expect this, don’t we.
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…
WvW Coordinator
Performance is something that is being worked on for the entirety of the game. We are aware of the issues and are in the process of addressing them as rapidly as we can. Please go to the above link to get more detailed information as Bill is really the point person for all of this work right now. While the impacts of performance are quite clear in WvW, it is not isolated to just WvW and we are in the process of making these changes to the entirety of the game. Direct questions and concerns to that post.
Seems to me the more Anet try and fix the lag the more issues we get. The game is unplayable in wvw when there are more than 50 people fighting!! But sorry I forgot WvW is last on Anet’s to-do list
Performance is something that is being worked on for the entirety of the game. We are aware of the issues and are in the process of addressing them as rapidly as we can. Please go to the above link to get more detailed information as Bill is really the point person for all of this work right now. While the impacts of performance are quite clear in WvW, it is not isolated to just WvW and we are in the process of making these changes to the entirety of the game. Direct questions and concerns to that post.
Thanks for the efforts to fix the issue. However I would like to point out that the skill lag that some of us are experiencing is getting extermely bad. For example in a lot of zerg vs zerg fights, many of us can’t even use the healing skills and attack ‘1’ executes maybe once every 10 seconds.
Maybe you can optimize some of the skills as priority such as heal and ‘1’ attack skills during large battles.
Performance is something that is being worked on for the entirety of the game. We are aware of the issues and are in the process of addressing them as rapidly as we can. Please go to the above link to get more detailed information as Bill is really the point person for all of this work right now. While the impacts of performance are quite clear in WvW, it is not isolated to just WvW and we are in the process of making these changes to the entirety of the game. Direct questions and concerns to that post.
What an embarrassment tbh… you dream up a WvW season.. open server transfers knowing full well it will only add to server queues and skill lag on the most popular server, you already knew the performance in large scale action was at best sub-par but you went ahead full guns anyway to grab the transfer gems costs and now look…. its a complete mess.
UW has at best a mid-bronze tier wvw population left after transfers but even so the skill lag has gone beyond ridiculous. even small scale 2v2’s cant do anything when somewhere else on map another servers zerg is running amok.
I just sat on a catapult at UW garrison as FSP hit west side… it took almost 3mins to move the catapult round to the desired direction and another 3mins to actually get a shot off.. guess what the battle has finished 2mins before and I was hitting nothing.. luckily I think FSP got fed up with it as well and decided to move off.
Shocking performance for an aspect of the game you advertised about so much and then make it unplayable and unenjoyably with this season 1 malarkey without even considering the impact on your own servers.. added to that you put out loads of PvE achieves on top, which I have no issues with but only adds to compound the issue further.. I thought SWTOR was the pinnacle of a MMO performance embarrassment but this is getting to be way worse.. and not just limited to WvW.
This is the reason my guild is heading out this week into the sunset, I would like to say its been fun, in fairness it was for a while but this has killed it which is a shame cos it had potential.
it’s also discouraging to see that they implemented wvw seasons when tele hacks still work in game.
Its all good to say “we are working on the lag”. Truth is its worse than ever since the introduction of leagues and there is no end in sight. My builds in WvW have been adjusted so that I can maximise my effectiveness in fights where I cannot use any skills because that is what happens almost all of my game time now. I can be fighting 1v1 and skills lockup because somewhere else on the map someone else is fighting. This is unacceptable Anet.
Sick of pressing 1
Anet.. Turn off WvW its Kittened, please turn it back on when it works!
Performance is something that is being worked on for the entirety of the game. We are aware of the issues and are in the process of addressing them as rapidly as we can. Please go to the above link to get more detailed information as Bill is really the point person for all of this work right now. While the impacts of performance are quite clear in WvW, it is not isolated to just WvW and we are in the process of making these changes to the entirety of the game. Direct questions and concerns to that post.
We are aware that skill lag is being worked on and that skill lag has been around a while. But the issue is more that since the introduction of leagues skill lag has become alot more severe in fights that before this recent patch resulted in little to no skill lag at all.
This issue is not related to a huge influx of players as with Tier 1 servers, they are used to dealing with full maps and this problem was only ever evident when 3 large zergs were fighting. Now it is happening when 2 medium sized zergs are fighting, so something has gone wrong in this latest patch for skill lag to get as severe as it is now.
Whether it has to do with the new achievements and having to calculate it all out I do not know but currently WvW is unplayable and I do not know how much longer people will put up with skill lag in its current state. Skill lag before the patch was annoying but it was something that people were able to put up with as it happened only in 3 way large zerg fights which normally do not happen that often. But now I find myself just logging off as it is pointless having a fight where no skills are able to fire off.
Nemmeister – lvl 80 Engineer
Jay Knot – lvl 80 Warrior | Rusty Colt – lvl 80 Thief
Something that started happening to me recently, is my skills all fail to work at all. just outright stop. not even lag, jsut stop. Occasionally swapping a weapon will solve it, but if not my only solution is to restart the client. Which of course puts me back into queue….. Leagues are fastly becoming unplayable now and it sucks.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
I wonder how much it has to do with the new party buff priority system. That’s just another layer of calculations added to the mix.
Skill use > if : then checks for all party members in range > etc multiplied by the number of players in the map……
I’ve had skills stop working even in spawn before. It’s not skill lag, because it behaves differently. It’s just not being able to do anything.
I’m used to at least SOME lag, but whenever there are a lot of people fighting and causing lag, we’ve taken to holding back until people die and the lag reduces. That, or confusion bombing because throwing down a glamour field is about all I can do.
Performance is something that is being worked on for the entirety of the game. We are aware of the issues and are in the process of addressing them as rapidly as we can. Please go to the above link to get more detailed information as Bill is really the point person for all of this work right now. While the impacts of performance are quite clear in WvW, it is not isolated to just WvW and we are in the process of making these changes to the entirety of the game. Direct questions and concerns to that post.
Wow, that´s your answer after letting people wait for 6 days in Lag Hell? Are you serious ? Nothing but vague statements, that´s really embarrassing.
Are you even aware of the issue we have right now. We had days where People could barely play for hours besides spamming auto attack. We need something to be done now and not sometimes in the misty future.
(edited by draugris.9872)
Performance is something that is being worked on for the entirety of the game. We are aware of the issues and are in the process of addressing them as rapidly as we can. Please go to the above link to get more detailed information as Bill is really the point person for all of this work right now. While the impacts of performance are quite clear in WvW, it is not isolated to just WvW and we are in the process of making these changes to the entirety of the game. Direct questions and concerns to that post.
Interesting that you point out that the horrible skill lag isn’t limited to WvW. I and others have been trying to say that for months, but some here refused to believe it and claimed it only occurred in stacked WvW battles.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
Performance is something that is being worked on for the entirety of the game. We are aware of the issues and are in the process of addressing them as rapidly as we can. Please go to the above link to get more detailed information as Bill is really the point person for all of this work right now. While the impacts of performance are quite clear in WvW, it is not isolated to just WvW and we are in the process of making these changes to the entirety of the game. Direct questions and concerns to that post.
I read this as ’ they are aware it may be impacting living world events and are working on a fix’- until it started in other content all the cries of lag from wvw were ignored. They are still ignoring it, but it so happens that Bill is working on it in another context entirely and any fix won’t be geared towards wvw but living world loot fests.
It’s designed to make warriors and guardians even better- spam aoe 1 skill while happily regenning HP, killing anyone who was stupid enough to play a medium or light armor type that relies on skills, positioning or the use of cleanses or god forbid an actual heal skill.
I’m pretty sure the lag issue would be a lot less if warrior and guardian number 1 skills were single target, and they removed the party buff priority system that was recently brought in, adding a whole new level of calculations (and obviously brought in not considering wvw servers).
ANet really need to set up a test server (same specs as a wvw server), fill up all the maps and get the players to play in massive zergs as well as small roaming groups and then analyse all the data, find out what are causing most of the lag and then fix those skills that cause the most problems, as well as giving us back the capacity that has been taken and used elsewhere.
I play better when there is skill lag.
That must be cause you don’t have skill. Yes I read you sig… very low level ;P
I have played since the beginning. Hundreds of dollars and thousands of hours later I am frustrated and sad that it has come to this. If Tuesday’s patch doesn’t make a big difference, then I am taking a break. I doubt I’ll come back at all, since I tend to be an all-or-nothing kind of player. This game had so much going for it…
Skill lag is getting worse
Farshiverpeaks borderland, EU silver league matchup FSP-Gandara-AG. Fights completely ruined by lag, 10s delay on waterfields if the eles could even swap attunements. No veils, no necro spikes even autoattacks dont go off. Would be fights of epic scale with YaK, ONS, VII, FIRE etc. etc.
Enough said we ragequit and this needs to be worked on faster. IT ruins the gameplay completely.
1 1 1 1 4 1 1
My bad thought I was in game
Skills Lag is awful especially last few days, seems to affect some characters worse or that maybe just coincidental, but either way I end up will all skill’s flashing and not activating at all……. this is not restricted to WvW but happening in PVE as well now, and no its not my network before someone says it::(
I’m going give up soon and play something else, oh wait you have had my money why should you care ?
I dont see how this season can even count with the number of times people have simply given up and moved on to other things after a 90min-5hr + queue time for EVERY BG. typically BL are shorter, but many times i have waited for them averaging 90mins, usually 1hr. I personally have had 4 5hr + EB queues; they have averaged 3hrs for me, 2 or 3 times i have gotten lucky with 90min ones. and one time, between the EU/NA prime time zones i got into EB after about 15mins.
seriously, you cant possibly think this season should count after this garbage. so many times the good/regular players like myself were queue’d for several hrs, just to get tired of waiting and logged off. and if the only reply you give to that is ‘oh well’ or ‘better luck next time’, your game devs and priorities are seriously wacked., and you need to be fired.
(edited by keelaunaw.3285)
Come on guys… this is unplayable. I normally am able to hold myself rather well in a 1vX, yet here I find myself charged by 5 enemies, my skills don’t work, I get some cc and bam I’m dead.
Can you fix this already??!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m really glad there are big posts about this. I got sick of kittens saying “Maybe you need a new PC, I’m not having any lag” every time I complained about this within the first few months of game launch.
ypp!! The game is pretty much unplayable now. Is getting worse and worse day by day. I have high grade i.e connenction and a powerful game rig. All other games run just fine, but gw2 dont work!!!!! (skilllag, pretty much lag everywhere…even in dungeons iv noticed lag). And yes all to often I cant use the skills at all:/ they dont work! I know one thing and that is : im not giving anet a single penny anymore! And yes i beleive this will be the death of gw2 if they dont fix it! And Im looking for another game…. and I will spread the word!!! stay away from gw2!!!