Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: oceansofmars.6894


There needs to be limitations placed on portals in WvWvW.

There is no reason one class should have such a game breaking spell which puts their utility far above all others like this.

It abuses culling issues (portal bomb) and also abuses keep defenses because one Mesmer can portal in infinite numbers of his friends and render all wall and door upgrades useless.

Solutions? Disable the spell. Put a cap on how many people can pass through it. Disable its use in areas which are not controlled by your server (if you do not own a keep you may not portal inside of it.

Aradia Nightshade – IoJ

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Culling with it is an issue. Portalling past defences is not, You went through all the effort of breaching once during an attack and it’s your fault for not sweeping after one. It’s 2 minutes of your time and all your Mesmer ports into keeps stop.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


It is pretty strange that the developers made the mesmer utility so strong compared to other classes. Doesn’t really make sense in my opinion. As to why their isn’t a cap on the mesmer portals is beyond my comprehension as well. Its getting to the point where everyone mesmer portals almost 100% of the time now in the upper tiers whether it is needed or not.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


I have done a competition with another thief where we would find hiding spots in SM and see if we could stay hidden WITHOUT stealth.

Which isn’t too hard. I got bored after 15 minutes of sitting in a corner while my friend managed to sit there long enough for SM to be retaken by us, lost and then taken by the third server. By that time I logged out but he claims it was over 1,5 hours of not being detected just sitting there.

I am btw not opposed to mesmer portals at all, keep them the way they are. Just pointing out that sweeps of big areas like SM often fail and will result in your keep/tower being taken. Elonah was the master of Mesmer portals, they would break down the door roll in with their zerg let 4/5 sometimes 6 mesmers disperse into the keep. As a defending server after you found the 3rd and sometimes 4th mesmer you’d be like “That surely must be all of them”. Hell to the no. Them Germans would be busting in with their entire zerg with fresh supply and full fury. I loved playing vs Elonah!

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


If aoe skills are going to be capped at 5 targets hit then the portal needs to have a similar cap.

The portals added with the fact that standing in one spot as a tactic used to defeat most skills in the game is kind of mind boggling. Why have dodge/evade/block mechanics in the game when you can stand in one spot???

Compounded by the culling issues…makes pvp more frustrating than it needs to be.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Cato.3547


If u don’t bother to check your conquests in case there’s someone hiding you deserve to lose it. I do agree that “portal bombing” is lame due culling issues but then you could ban all thief’s from w3 as well. Stop calling nerf’s due to your own shortcomings.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: oceansofmars.6894


I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the intention of Anet to give one single class an ability that can bypass upgraded walls, doors and defenses. The fact that people use it to abuse culling is enough in my mind to disable it until they have fixed it.

Aradia Nightshade – IoJ

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Metalripper.5406


I have to agree with Kinky, just do your sweeps. And for your information, there is a max cap on portals, 4000 range on portals. That’s about 3 and 1/2 times longbow or rifle range, really not that far.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


I don’t think they are game breaking but they are over-powered ability wise due to their use for porting massive armies. A chain of smart mesmers can swing a map.

Of course this particular skill combined with some other issues (invisible enemies, being able to hide in objects) exaggerates this imbalance.

I dont mind one class having a particular skill. Guardians shield, thieves invis supply camp capping powah…..however I do think portal is a little too op.

Some suggestions that wouldnt involve removing it.

Portal Sickness (3 minute debuff..or some such)
Portal only on party members, who were in party when portal opened
Portal Failure 10% chance any 1 person ported is to random location (non contested) on the map, 5% chance everyone is….
Portal Colour – Portals are coloured with the faciton colour

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: transtemporal.2158


I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the intention of Anet to give one single class an ability that can bypass upgraded walls, doors and defenses. The fact that people use it to abuse culling is enough in my mind to disable it until they have fixed it.

Er… portal does not give the mesmer the ability to walk through walls. He has to get to the other side of the wall first, which is usually pretty tricky.

As far as the battlefield application goes, well… if you ignore a portal exit that just opened up in your midst, then I don’t have much sympathy for you.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: BAEK.8561


If u don’t bother to check your conquests in case there’s someone hiding you deserve to lose it. I do agree that “portal bombing” is lame due culling issues but then you could ban all thief’s from w3 as well. Stop calling nerf’s due to your own shortcomings.

I bought this game to play PvP, not hide and seek.

{Sanctum of Rall} Since Day -3
Weekend Guardian/Elementalist
No Guild Affiliation

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Telegraph.7509


If u don’t bother to check your conquests in case there’s someone hiding you deserve to lose it. I do agree that “portal bombing” is lame due culling issues but then you could ban all thief’s from w3 as well. Stop calling nerf’s due to your own shortcomings.

I bought this game to play PvP, not hide and seek.

Looks like you haven’t played against enough thieves =P

Honestly, that’s a pretty bad argument. Other things you could say in this line of thought:

“I bought this game to play PvP, not to run box delivery to a tower”
“I bought this game to play PvP, not to chauffeur some hairy and smelly animal who is sometimes drunk”
“I bought this game to play PvP, not to hammer at the ground”
“I bought this game to play PvP, not to spend quality time with quaggans”

Hiding mesmer is a part of the “experience”, just like running supplies to repair a wall. Anet may change how the portal work (I think there is some hint of this already for the next patch), but until then, do your serverly duty and hunt down those witches!

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Cato.3547


I bought this game to play PvP, not hide and seek.

sPVP is that way. It will be sad day for w3 when developers start to listen ppl like you, who are only capable of mindless zerging and instead of overcoming challenges and adapting to situations they are crying nerfs.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kalemar.4873


Please, keep the mesmer porting ability in. It adds a dynamic to the game which is needed. There needs to be alternate ways to attack keeps and this keeps the game interesting. If a zerg is rolling through taking keeps, and a mesmer is lucky enough to hide then the defending server deserves to win it back.

If anything, ANet needs to loosen or remove the AOE spell restriction so when a zerg gets ported into a camp they can be hit hard by defence AOE.

There should be another defence against portals and other spells that I feel is missing. There should be a dispel spell which can destroy portals closing them down. Pretty sure there is no such spell although I may be mistaken. A dispel spell could also be of benefit against traps and prolonged AOE.

Kalemar (80 Guardian) [COTD]
Tarnished Coast

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


This is such a dead issue folks. You all act like mez portals are sooooooo OPd. It’s on a 60 second timer for first portal with limited range, and a 20s timer on the linked portal. Nothing like the perma stealth thieves, daggerstorm vanish, rendering issue with stealth..etc.

You want to shut down mez portals, do what a lot of has already figured out….CLEAN OUT THE MESMERS! Stop taking something and pulling the zerg to another tower/keep. Its YOUR fault you lost it to a team portaled in by a mesmer because YOU didnt sweep them out.

They cant permastealth, they cant hide very well, their names are EASY to see. Portals are nothing like when a thief could shadowstep out of the water and into outter gate area. Portals can ONLY be placed if the mez is ALREADY inside. If YOU leave them inside the only fault is YOURS and you deserve to lose the node for not sweeping it.

Stop passing the blame for your failures please.

Oh, yes im a mesmer, yes ive portal folks in because the enemy didnt sweep the area clear. No i dont use it very often as Im normally commanding. Its not a hack, exploit, culling issue, glitch, bug, etc. Its a 20s timer that can easily be negated if YOU do what you’re supposed to do. If you dont then dont complain when you lose a node to it.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the intention of Anet to give one single class an ability that can bypass upgraded walls, doors and defenses. The fact that people use it to abuse culling is enough in my mind to disable it until they have fixed it.


Wrong. It doesnt “bypass” anything. The mez has to already be inside to use it. Your fault for not sweeping them out.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


If u don’t bother to check your conquests in case there’s someone hiding you deserve to lose it. I do agree that “portal bombing” is lame due culling issues but then you could ban all thief’s from w3 as well. Stop calling nerf’s due to your own shortcomings.

The rendering bug fix that will come down soon will negate the “portal bombing” strat. It will also but a stop to the permastealth thieves. I highly expect a drastic decline in thief leveling at that point.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


Portals put down a big pink circle before they even become active. So if you are watching for them, your group can take whoever comes out of it pretty quick. You just need to make sure you have someone watching for enemy portals.

Always check everything you capture for mesmers. If you don’t check/ sweep, don’t be surprised when it gets taken away.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Wildman.9641


Nerf Mesmers. Problem solved.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Mesmers are game breaking. Not just in WvW.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kuthos.9623


If u don’t bother to check your conquests in case there’s someone hiding you deserve to lose it. I do agree that “portal bombing” is lame due culling issues but then you could ban all thief’s from w3 as well. Stop calling nerf’s due to your own shortcomings.

The rendering bug fix that will come down soon will negate the “portal bombing” strat. It will also but a stop to the permastealth thieves. I highly expect a drastic decline in thief leveling at that point.

I really hope that this comes true. Sooooooooooo many thieves are going to get their hides kicked when they realize how much they’ve been abusing the render bug. I’ll believe it when I see it though.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Wintuo.1356


As a mesmer myself, its getting old hearing about fix ibeserker or fix the portal. Honestly the portal isnt that beneficial to the mesmer him/herself because to use it it takes balls of steel and great skill from the mesmer to pull of getting to a desired location often. Kill the mesmer = killing the portal bomb, if you see a char running at you alone you should know hey stop him or knock him back, keep the guy out of your center and bam all he would do is port everyone right in front of your group not in the middle or behind. Still doing something to the portal wouldnt help or hurt the playerbase in wvwvw, mesmers arent the problem in wvw, the strategy might be used a lot but it doesnt havto be. As it stands, if there is a battle on a tower or keep if i dont have the beserker I cannot hit anything on the walls, nearly every class has something to contribute to a tower/keep siege and this is the mesmers contribution other than time warp ( the only thing i agree on is there should be a barrier setup past the wall point so our illusions cannot go past the inner wall to hit catas or anything that would normally be safe from all classes) …. Back to the portal issue, it would be nice to not need to sweep locations for mesmers, I like the portal due to the fact if im inside and the enemy repairs the wall behind us i can port ppl inside to keep the flow of battle moving. I am not opposed to 5 ppl going through per port but that would just cause more mesmers to start playing wvwvw…. think this through carefully now, do you really want the portal fixed that way so you would havto face an army of illusions rather than the lone mesmer that normally does the job.

Win Two Ohhh lvl 80 Human Mesmer
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tulisin.6945


Simple solution: Tie the portal to an NPC entity like summoned pets/clones. Give the entity an HP bar. It can even be a big HP bar (30-40K), the point is to allow the portal in place to be disrupted.

The problem isn’t the portal as much as it is being able to deploy a tactical asset which offers advantage but cannot be destroyed or disrupted. It would be akin to engineers being allowed to drop invulnerable turrets.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: AsteriskCGY.5931


There should be a use limit. 5 sounds about right.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753


I bought this game to play PvP, not hide and seek.

sPVP is that way. It will be sad day for w3 when developers start to listen ppl like you, who are only capable of mindless zerging and instead of overcoming challenges and adapting to situations they are crying nerfs.

Prett much this.
Portal is made to bypass defense when that defense has a big hole in it or lazy people that dont do clean up.

Remove one of the few actually tactical tools of the game and it will only hurt it.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753


If u don’t bother to check your conquests in case there’s someone hiding you deserve to lose it. I do agree that “portal bombing” is lame due culling issues but then you could ban all thief’s from w3 as well. Stop calling nerf’s due to your own shortcomings.

The rendering bug fix that will come down soon will negate the “portal bombing” strat. It will also but a stop to the permastealth thieves. I highly expect a drastic decline in thief leveling at that point.

Unfortuntaely….. that fix isn’t coming soon

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Wintuo.1356


A big issue with the portal too is a lot of people dont even know how it works or the time constraints on it…. lay the entre 60 to lay the exit which says it stays open for 20 seconds but only really stays open for 12 so you want to make a portal that only lasts for 12 seconds anyway killable? Sorry i just dont see the logic there. Simple solution …. Pay attention during battle….9 times out of 10 if you see a little dude rushing desperatly towards your group odds are there is a portal coming, either move your forces back beyond the range so they port in front of you or form a circle around the user and have fun aoeing the crud out of what comes through. A lot of people need to play a mesmer and learn the range the portal works from, fight outside that range and the stacking method is useless.

Win Two Ohhh lvl 80 Human Mesmer
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Thelen.6325


The defender’s of Mesmer portals all seem to really skirt around the issues with it, and just say “oh learn to sweep better then”.

Sweeping isn’t the problem. The problem is that its an ability that is far and away more powerful and influential than any other ability, for any other class. The entire battlefield is dictated by Mesmer portals and thats every strategy.

Its insane to cap AoE at 3 targets, yet have unlimited people allowed to go through one. Its just too powerful an ability. Put it on a 1 hour cooldown or something if its going to stay the way it is (Similar to Zealot self-rez in WAR).

The point isn’t to remove such a great ability because its hard to deal with, the point is to limit is so that WvWvW doesn’t become MesmervMesmervMesmer (featuring those other classes).

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zilm.8459


I’m a mesmser, portals are not balanced at this point.

Zed Trufar, Mesmer
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: psirca.9452


Tonight I could have done something naughty with a portal but I used it for good.

There was an enemy group taking garrison.
They were camping a door that our players were coming in to defend from.
They had AOE like crazy on it and around 10 of them were right there waiting to make attacks, the rest of their zerg was on inner door and the majority of our players were fighting them there.

I got in before they camped so I put a portal in an aggro free area then used stealth and went out our door dropping a portal inside and where our people were at the gate. The people on my side could then spawn indoors. Did that a few times.

Now, eventually the garrison got taken.

Inside, there I was with enemies behind me and friends in front and a friendly wall I could hop over.
I could have dropped a portal and let a whole slew of people in but I controlled myself.

Just sayin’ as always, it ain’t right that I could’ve done that, so I didn’t. Others might not be straddled with conscience and fairness in mind.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: xtorma.1283


Anyone can use them to the same effect. The only way this would not be balanced is if only one server could field mesmers.

Culling is a problem for a lot of abilities, hopefully this will get worked out over time.

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Portal needs to be adressed in some way. I’m not overly complaining, but we are currently playing against Seefarer’s Rest and portal bombing seems to be the only tactic they are using in every single fight they are in (not that they had to…they’re 3-4 times our numbers at any given time of the day anyway ^^ I don’t blame them, something is very wrong on our side).

Regarding portal uptime, it doesn’t really matter if it’s open for 12 or 5 seconds, the very moment it becomes usable the whole zerg ports anyway.

A limit of 5 players would be totally ok, it would be still possible to transport golems or bigger groups, it just takes time or more mesmers (better organisation, easier to disrupt).

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


People won’t be happy with this game until the only coordination one needs is the ability to synchronize banging your face against a door.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753


People won’t be happy with this game until the only coordination one needs is the ability to synchronize banging your face against a door.

So it seems.

And the funny thing – each server has the exact same abilities. So it’s not like ‘Uhh, Red Team is OP because they have ……’.

Portal stacking in the open is easy to defend against. Just move back a bit from the big purple shining thingy and place yourself accordingly.
Portal in keep defense/attack – lay down (siege) AOE on the big purple shining thingy. It’s not like they neither have indefinite range nor time they stay open.

It’s not the portal killing people. It’s enemy organization and lack of same which kills you.

(The rendering issues needs to be fixed though, but that’s a universal problem)

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


It really does getting old, bragging about the portals. It’s just a dynamic strategy. Remove it and the only thing you will see is people banging on your door, sorry but I would like to see some variety in the field. Not knowing what their tactic is and how they are trying to take your tower.
And please, stop saying it is unbalanced, mesmers can’t hold supply camps for 30 minutes stealthed on their own. These are just things players worked for to achieve, removing them will punish those players, not the zerg.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Wompage.4586


It’s a strong utility yes, but what part of it exactly is overpowered?

Portals are strong vs bad/unorganised servers. There are only a limited number of places a mesmer can hide in a tower, stick your face in those and you’re golden.

If it’s a fight in the open ground, move away from the shiny pink disc, and aoe it.

If your keep/tower/SM gets taken due to a mesmer portal, thats all on you

Soulorai –

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xyanide.8650


if they can fixed the rending issue, i’m pretty sure sometimes it just gives you chance for badge farming. a failed turtle tactic means you can get as many badges as you wish. shockwave and meteor shower, all badges are yours.

[NöPë] from Stormbluff Isle
In morte ultima veritas

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nemo.6295


It’s a strong utility yes, but what part of it exactly is overpowered?

Portals are strong vs bad/unorganised servers. There are only a limited number of places a mesmer can hide in a tower, stick your face in those and you’re golden.

If it’s a fight in the open ground, move away from the shiny pink disc, and aoe it.

If your keep/tower/SM gets taken due to a mesmer portal, thats all on you

He’s got a point.

But the fact that mesmers have the best utility in WvW, both in offense and defense thanks to these portals, does not change. Any commander can agree with that. What AN needs to do is to give other classes utility to balance things out.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Thundar.3910


It really does getting old, bragging about the portals. It’s just a dynamic strategy. Remove it and the only thing you will see is people banging on your door, sorry but I would like to see some variety in the field. Not knowing what their tactic is and how they are trying to take your tower.
And please, stop saying it is unbalanced, mesmers can’t hold supply camps for 30 minutes stealthed on their own. These are just things players worked for to achieve, removing them will punish those players, not the zerg.

It would be a “Dynamic Strategy” if it was not the go to move in WvW. As such it is the go to move. Therefor everything dynamic about it has been beaten to death. If the only thing you can think up for strategy is either banging your head against a door or the use of a portal bombing, there are literally hundreds and thousands of ways to approach strategy outside of these 2 things.

What is punishing the players is the abuse of this mechanic. It promotes mindless zerging, it abuses the hell out of a weak point in the game engine, in fact the reason portal bombing is most used is to abuse the culling/clipping/rendering issue. Forgoing defenses, when you break a wall are pushed out and the wall is rebuilt only to sneak a mesmer in devalues siege equipment. In turn that devalues the game.(if you cannot think of how Anet loses money due to that alone, even if its a small amount, I cannot help you.) It also devalues the stated goal of Anet to play how you want, it promotes one class through their ability to be of more value than other classes. The fact that after a failed siege attempt by an attacking team, the defensive team is forced to sweep their area for a single class, just heightens the fact that the ability is OP. Having a counter strategy involving many players to counter the ability of one single class is outright and blatantly unbalanced.

Making it so only 5 people could use it would be dynamic and tactical, the way it sits now goes in the complete other direction. Yes there are counters, yes it has legitimate uses. But dumbing down WvW to who uses portals better is terrible for the state of the game.

Keep Calm and Conquer
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: etiolate.9185


You sweep for Mesmers or lose. Hiding and portaling in people is part of the game. You should do a clean sweep of an area anyways.

Portal bombing and the culling issue is an issue with rendering in the game not specific to Mesmers.

If they want to cap the amount of people portaled to like 10 then that wouldn’t be a big deal and still allow portal to be useful. You would just need more Mesmers to move larger armies. Removing Portal from the game is a ridiculous idea.

Zed Zebes – SBI Mesmer

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


It promotes mindless zerging, it abuses the hell out of a weak point in the game engine, in fact the reason portal bombing is most used is to abuse the culling/clipping/rendering issue. Forgoing defenses, when you break a wall are pushed out and the wall is rebuilt only to sneak a mesmer in devalues siege equipment.

So tell me, how is this mindless?
Not that I want to promote the rendering issue, because this isn’t the way to play it. But by nerfing the portals you will punish the players. Zergs will find other ways to abuse the rendering problem, only the mesmers won’t have their portals anymore.
The portals aren’t the problem, the rendering issue is.
I only think the portals should be colored according to your team’s color, but that’s it.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Golem.7845


Why not replace all the classes in wvw with a new wvw class, it can appear as a nondescript mannequin, which can’t be customised, and it only has 1 attack. I think this idea is a fun way to balance the game.

Like many above, I think the portals make things more interesting. Learn to adapt instead of crying for it to be disabled. Tbf limiting it to only portal a certain number of people is fine imo. You’ll just see more mesmers working together.

If you’re arguing that mesmers have the most useful ability in wvw and that other classes should too… why? it’s wvw, you’re not in this alone to get more points than the guy next to you, your mesmers are on your side. If you want to be useful in this specific way then go play one.

various mythrils [AKS] Maguuma
and it paints

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Wintuo.1356


Again for wvw 9 times out of 10 the portal skill isnt useful to the mesmer for anything other than coordinating with others to allow faster travel. For the mesmers itself, the only time portals are useful are in cases where you can outrun the enemy chasing you lay one down while they dont notice and keep going you port back and escape but even that fails to save us most times. Also in the jump puzzles imagine the frustration many would have if their friends mesmer portals could not help them anymore or would havto wait an hour per use…..i mean really an hour per portal if thats ok then lets please make all the elite skills cooldown per hour okay? Remove it you say ok then well lets also reset to square one kick everyone from all servers keep their char levels but all wvw scores go back to 0 then we play more weeks to balance wvw out again because removing our skill this late would only be justified by cleaning up the fact they were ever used in the first place. The making the portal your teams color would be a nice change actually, or add like a lamp post on the exit to make it more showy( like the thiefs house animation) enemy sees that then bam no more invis portals. As a mesmer I like my portal but I also get the point people hate that enemy teams only use that tactic, that isnt going to solve anything really, delete the portaling…then you just have them doing w/e the next most effective thing to do 100% of the time. Trying to get rid of an option only leads to another option being played out till people complain and there are no strategic options left other than outnumbering your enemy.

Win Two Ohhh lvl 80 Human Mesmer
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Dear Hunter.8365

Dear Hunter.8365

People won’t be happy with this game until the only coordination one needs is the ability to synchronize banging your face against a door.

So it seems.

And the funny thing – each server has the exact same abilities. So it’s not like ‘Uhh, Red Team is OP because they have ……’.

Portal stacking in the open is easy to defend against. Just move back a bit from the big purple shining thingy and place yourself accordingly.
Portal in keep defense/attack – lay down (siege) AOE on the big purple shining thingy. It’s not like they neither have indefinite range nor time they stay open.

It’s not the portal killing people. It’s enemy organization and lack of same which kills you.

(The rendering issues needs to be fixed though, but that’s a universal problem)

Unfortunately this is not true. There is not a defense against portals if the mesmer knows what they are doing. For example as soon as you see that purple disc the entire zerg have just gone through it already. Now let’s say we start spamming AoE on the circle. AoE only hits five targets yet we have twenty that can through the portal all stacked up on each other. The damage will be randomly hitting targets and won’t be focusing on the same five targets so you cannot AoE them down. Two guardians have popped their wall of reflection and now your ranged AoE has become useless and used against you. Their team will be spamming AoE heals to keep everyone up at full health. This is all done while they are still invisible due to culling. I played on Sanctum of Rall currently in Tier 2. Portal bombs are now standard everywhere. It is getting really old. I’m not talking about inside forts because I could not careless about doing a mesmer sweep but portal bomb tactics are done constantly everywhere.There is not a place we go without one side portal bombing another. I believe limiting the portal to five targets will fix this issue while still keeping it relevant.

Dear Hunter The Colorful Charr Guardian
USA (United Sanctum Alliance)
Sanctum of Rall

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sofaking.2019


The issue I have with the portals IS NOT they need to be nerfed. What needs to be fixed is the broken rendering. Portals are easy to spot and Keeps are easy to sweep for stealthers. But when 50 enemies portal bomb and I can only see 5, the system is broken.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Thelen.6325


People won’t be happy with this game until the only coordination one needs is the ability to synchronize banging your face against a door.

So it seems.

And the funny thing – each server has the exact same abilities. So it’s not like ‘Uhh, Red Team is OP because they have ……’.

Portal stacking in the open is easy to defend against. Just move back a bit from the big purple shining thingy and place yourself accordingly.
Portal in keep defense/attack – lay down (siege) AOE on the big purple shining thingy. It’s not like they neither have indefinite range nor time they stay open.

It’s not the portal killing people. It’s enemy organization and lack of same which kills you.

(The rendering issues needs to be fixed though, but that’s a universal problem)

Be this logic, would you be fine with Warriors getting a 1-shot ability with a 10 second cooldown? Both sides have it, so how can it be overpowered?

It takes almost no organization to portal bomb. Any group in Vent/TS…etc can do it. I take part in it all the time. That doesn’t mean I think its balanced. It needs a downside, ie really long cooldown, maybe opposing team can use the same portal, or a limit to how many people can go through.

I think its laughable that people think portals are some ultimate strategy that they’ve mastered. Its an easy-win button and takes the awareness out of WvW with the exception of “get away from the purple circle!”. There is no breaking the opposing lines anymore, without portaling in.

Argue to keep it in all you want, but I think the game (or at least WvW) loses players (casual players mostly) because of how dominant mesmer portals are.

(edited by Thelen.6325)

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lyan.6804


I really dont know what to say to this but mesmers are in all servers like stated before, u dont want a mesmer portalling to ur sieges? Solve it by defending them? U dont want to get flanked suddenly? Watch ur flanks? U dont want a mesmer to portal u inside something u conquered? Sweep it?
Ok, lets say mesmer portal are OP. If its OP why u dont use it then?
Ppl in this game only complain and complain, how can u have fun when u keep complaining all the time?
part of the game, deal with it. im not a mesmer btw….

Gandara Commander [SN]
Ly Ann at ur service

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Thelen.6325


I really dont know what to say to this but mesmers are in all servers like stated before, u dont want a mesmer portalling to ur sieges? Solve it by defending them? U dont want to get flanked suddenly? Watch ur flanks? U dont want a mesmer to portal u inside something u conquered? Sweep it?
Ok, lets say mesmer portal are OP. If its OP why u dont use it then?
Ppl in this game only complain and complain, how can u have fun when u keep complaining all the time?
part of the game, deal with it. im not a mesmer btw….

It is OP, and we (people arguing for a nerf/limitations) do use them. That still doesn’t change the fact that its OP. It hurts the game long term.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lyan.6804


Something OP, is something u cannot counter, u can counter mesmer portals as far as i know…
Not talking about exploits here, talking about mesmer portals for tactics and to surprise enemy.

Gandara Commander [SN]
Ly Ann at ur service

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kelo.4370


As with my previous thread on this topic.

Mesmer portal needs to be changed in just the number of people that can use it at one time I don’t care how it is used just that it at current is the strongest skill in the entire game. Please make it 5 players max or at least have some manner of internal cooldown on like one person every 0.5 seconds or 0.1 seconds so you can’t have 100 people instantly.

This game is slowly becoming Mesmer vs Mesmer instead of World vs World