Mesmer portals causing lag spikes

Mesmer portals causing lag spikes

in WvW

Posted by: Yougottawanna.7420


We were trying to take Dreaming Bay on our server, and several times we got to the inner walls (or in one case, even inside them), when a mesmer would drop a portal and many many people would come through. I can’t actually tell you how many because I couldn’t see them…. the engine wasn’t drawing them! They killed me and after 10-15 seconds watching my corpse the enemies that came through the portal would finally be drawn by the engine. I should add that I’m not running GW2 on some ancient rig, I have a decent computer and this is the only instance where I have major late pop-in problems regularly.

I can’t imagine the mesmer portal is intended to make the people coming through it invisible – but that’s what’s happening.

A possible solution is to have a limit to the number of people who can use each portal before it closes. If the limit were say 10, it wouldn’t cause the lag spike.

Mesmer portals causing lag spikes

in WvW

Posted by: Kempest.9405


its a feature and ANET says its the use of a nice tactic

so use it too or loose

Mesmer portals causing lag spikes

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


They are looking at nerfing it a bit though, to be fair.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

Mesmer portals causing lag spikes

in WvW

Posted by: blink.4239


Anet’s failure; not the people using it.

Mesmer portals causing lag spikes

in WvW

Posted by: AXEL.8362


Its a feature! You are holding it wrong!

Mesmer portals causing lag spikes

in WvW

Posted by: rogue.5960


Well there are some servers fully “using” this exploit in WvWvW.

Nothing like dying to a sudden spike in damage while half your squad of 50 men dying to “invisible” enemies. Only when the client catches up with rendering the characters then slowly will the enemies appear on screen.

Mesmer portals causing lag spikes

in WvW

Posted by: AXEL.8362


Actually @rogue, anet said its not an exploit but a legit tactic. I think that abusing a limitation of the engine/server is not a legit tactic because it wasnt intended. Anet thinks otherwise.

If this is a legit tactic the only way to fight this type of tactic is using the same tactic. Please anet do not confuse the stealth as in game machianic with invisibility caused by lag spikes. So if we can only fight using this tactic it will come the day when other classes and tactics are not relevant anymore. Just invisible zergs of fabulous mesmers.

So the new question is: Is this what you intended anet? Is this part of your game design? Mesmers abusing limitations of the system? Because it pretty looks like it according the gm posts in the other thread.

Btw I use a ssd and I still have this issue. So its your rig is not a valid answer.

Mesmer portals causing lag spikes

in WvW

Posted by: gorgewall.4901


Using Mesmer Portals to move people around is a valid tactic. That’s what Anet is talking about.
Masses of players (friendly or not) that were not loaded by you previously suddenly running onto your screen and being invisible is an unfortunate limitation of the engine and/or whatever restrictions Anet has placed on rendering to prevent low-end systems from exploding.

Unfortunately, these things overlap. But the use of the first does not belie an intent to “exploit” the second. Know that in many situations, you are just as invisible to the appearing group as they are to you. And, if it helps you sleep at night, when the enemy rushes in with enough players to be invisible, you were almost certainly going to die whether or not you could see them. As soon as you see a portal complete near you, take that as your cue to get out of Dodge.

Mesmer portals causing lag spikes

in WvW

Posted by: AXEL.8362


“But the use of the first does not belie an intent to “exploit” the second. "

Actually ive seen mesmers putting one portal over another. So they are not moving anywhere just abusing the system limitation. Stop excusing them. If the portal didnt lag 99% of the ppl would not use it as it used right now. Is not a happy coincidence. At all.

Mesmer portals causing lag spikes

in WvW

Posted by: Bunnehboo.6025


i like how everyones blaming portals but you get the same effect when you run into a huge zerg v zerg next thing you know you find yourself overextended in a battle .__.

you know how you fight a portal you figure out were that portal is headed and you AoE the heck out of it when you find the other end or you set up trap along the path to stop the mesmer in the first place. heres a hint its either your siege or your back lines


Mesmer portals causing lag spikes

in WvW

Posted by: rogue.5960


Oh Mesmer ability to port players are valid. However, that ability don’t turn players invisible( Most powerful form of invisibility that last for minutes and does not reveal even if players attack )…

But knowing the limitation of the system (Anet told everyone the limitation recently…) and thus the ability to make instant invisible zerg ball. IMO, is an exploit.

Kinda like the millions of karma weapon exploit issue, you know it’s there so let do it a few thousand times as an excuse. In the end, Anet banned or pardoned and jacked up the price on almost everything, lol.

Mesmer portals causing lag spikes

in WvW

Posted by: Yougottawanna.7420


i like how everyones blaming portals but you get the same effect when you run into a huge zerg v zerg next thing you know you find yourself overextended in a battle .__.

you know how you fight a portal you figure out were that portal is headed and you AoE the heck out of it when you find the other end or you set up trap along the path to stop the mesmer in the first place. heres a hint its either your siege or your back lines

Yes, sometimes there are pop-in problems with zergs but those are not really repeatable. I was on the wrong end of the mesmer portal trick 5-6 times and every time there were load in issues. Like I said the enemy wouldn’t even be visible on my screen until 10+ seconds after I was dead, and it sounds like I’m not the only one with this problem.

As for your second paragraph I’m not sure what you mean. We know where the portals are starting and ending, there’s no confusion there. They’re starting inside the walls and ending just outside. AOEing enemies you can’t see is not gonna work, and traps can be easily bypassed with blink.