Meteor shower is overpowered.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Morthis.3968


You’re still ignoring the point that meteor shower can be avoided with good cart placement (although I’ll grant you that some towers/keeps are really bad with this) whereas AoE retaliation simply has no counter besides not shooting.

Arrow carts in general just don’t feel like the zerg breaker I thought they were designed to be. Put, say, 10 people on arrow carts, throw a huge zerg at the keep, and they’ll still take it anyway. Arrow carts don’t put out enough pressure to force a huge zerg away, and if some of them are actually smart enough to use retaliation your cart will vaporize.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


Well I can tell with your generalizations, and false assumptions that you just aren’t going to agree with anything I say because you kitten gold nuggets, and therefore are perfect.

Umm, I am an Elementalist, I play the class. I WvW for hours on end, days in a row, win or lose. I watch where good and bad places are to put things. So no, I wouldn’t know what I am talking about by any means.(299hours counting since character creation and 200+ of them have been in WvW. And you?)

The same for chain lighting.
Thats all, there cant be any discussion about this.

And yes, it hits for tons of damage per tick (or per hit).
Please, fix that.

I really think that there is some type of bug or exploit people is using, as i see all the days people killing people with 1, 2 or 3 hits (hits form the same skill, no with the entire skill).

Thank you.

Now screen shot your level, and your gear. Then find the Ele who hit you and get their lvl and gear. Thanks. (By the way, Gear does effect WvW, unlike sPvP.)

Im lvl 80 rogue with a normal gear (3 pieces of wvw gear -the ones you get with honor badges-) and the rest are yellow things; not a bad equipment, not the best.

Anyway, this guy was hitting for around 5000 (per hit) more or less, with his aoe, to all the people around.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Izmak.6394


I must admit, there was a certain sense of satisfaction last night whilst assaulting Vizunah’s NW Garrison Gate, which was lined with terribly placed Siege weapons, and going through and systematically killing all of them.

Over the course of 10-15 minutes, 7-8 Arrow Carts, 1x Trebuchet, 1x Ballista and 1x Catapult all died.

If people placed their assets with a modicum of common sense though, this wouldn’t happen. If Elementalists want to AOE the top of the walls, they have to get close enough that they get slaughtered if the defenders have any common sense.

I’m all for ArenaNet fixing AOEing through walls (so long as they fix the other issues relating to AOE and Forts/Keeps), but Meteor Shower doesn’t go through walls, it rains down on top of them. It’s a relatively long cooldown, channelled cast that is entirely based on RNG (Meteor placement within the AOE Area). It’s also damage that can be completely avoided by players, and as a spell in open-field WvW serves as little more than an Area of Denial tool.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Angkar.2513


I hate to say it, but it sounds like you had a horrible placement for your arrowcart, and decided to come on the forums asking for AOE’s to be nerfed, due to bad placement.

It’s user error in your arrowcart placement, not the error of the people who attacked it.

Carefree, mocking, violent—
that what Wisdom wants us to be.
She is a woman. She always loves only a man of war

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Yoke.4671


lols, about the only good thing a ele has in WVW and people are moaning, go sort out mesmers grdns thiefs 1st, eles are about the bottom of any OP list.
FYI rangers arrow volley hits for more on more targets due to it being more condense hits, and its 1500 range if traited, why not QQ about that?

Ignorance is bliss I guess.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Wildpath.9078


I think meteor shower is bugged. If you cast it on a wall, the AoE covers half the front of the wall and half on top of the wall. However, the meteors only fall on the top and not at the front. It seems, that the same amount of meteors that are usually scattered in the whole AoE are all falling in the small are at top of the wall.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: EnochDagor.6185


Are you sure your siege weapon wasn’t lava font..ed.. as well?

If a mage is in range to put a meteor shower on you, it is highly likely that the same mage was in range for lava font. Lava font is a more directed spell (smaller aoe) and do a fairly sizable amount of damage. And, it has a fast recast. Plus, it can be positioned onto a wall in a way to damage people and siege equipment placed on the wall.

The best defense against meteor shower and lava font is to kill the mage. If you visit the elementalist forums, you will find that we generally believe that this is not a difficult task. For meteor shower, have a ranger friend find the guy with his arm in the air standing perfectly still…. a few shots should do it.

80 Elementalist – Sanctum of Rall
Various other classes for figuring out how to kill em (thief, warrior, mesmer, etc…)
War is much more fun when you’re winning! – General Martok

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Rainsfords.7419


I’ve also noticed that meteor shower seems to have a set number of hits it can deliver. I’ll consistently drop it on huge zergs and visually see it score a ton of hits, but after the first meteor or two end up hitting 6-7 targets, the hits stop registering. My combat log frequently shows only 6-7 hits off the skill when there were at least 30-40 players in the aoe for the duration. I know it’s rng, but you’d expect more hits then that. I’d say meteor shower is fine.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Serindial.8973


Holy cow these threads are frustrating. This thread says that ele’s are overpowered because they can kill siege equipment on the walls. Another thread will say that siege weapons are over powered because they can kill ele’s in the field. Another thread says melee is no good because they can’t survive long enough. Another thread says that ranged lacks punch. Good heavens!

The answer to these and many other “I lost because the game is unfair to me” threads is… learn to be more strategic. If the ele couldn’t use meteor shower there is virtually NO OTHER SKILL in his inventory that can hit a target on the walls. Without his AoE skills he’s out of a siege completely. Think about it. Do you really want to assault a stronghold that can have siege equipment placed that simply cannot be touched at all? Shesh!

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Stupid ele’s getting all the credit. Have you never had a Grenadier Engineer bomb the living kitten out of your walls? Way more deadly then Meteor shower, and at much longer range.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


The solution is to place arrow carts on the back end of the wall, not the front. With some camera turning, you can still easily shoot where you want with the cart, but you’re far less susceptible to AoE’s.

Wow, it took like 10 posts for someone to get to the root of OP’s problem.

Learn 2 place siege equipment properly. Ele’s can’t get their meteor showers and/or glyph of storms that far up the wall, so if you put your arrow cart on the lip of the wall, it’s gonna get nuked.

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


For meteor shower, have a ranger friend find the guy with his arm in the air standing perfectly still…. a few shots should do it.

QFT, and I’ll admit, I lol’d a little….

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Anndy.5632


yes please lets nerf the 1 good skill a staff ele has, maybe that will finally push all those noobs to reroll a thief

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Agent.3490


i agree with meteor shower being overpowered and it should be toned down asap.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: JemL.3501


Either way it’s not fun, and if not dealt with properly will see me playing other games soon.

LMAO look at his threatening, you just deserve only insults because theres nothing wrong with that skill.

elem is a weak class overall, i would even ask for a buff.

and this is like if you complain of ranger with their aoe arrows, i really dont like that, could you remove that also? or that dance which some warriors do, or those grenades, or the mesmers which can cast an illusion next to you or what else there is.

I simple dont want to be touch i just want to stand there and hit, and i like to put siege weaponry outside the structure in a visible place which will allow any class able to reach it by their range attacks.

no no no no serisouly this thread amazes me, has absolutely no sense that one single person comes here being mad because he just died to a meteor shower.

I took an arrow to the knee

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Chronologist.9782


Lol this guy is complaining 2-3 elem can take out one siege weapon with 4-5 sec channel spell from squishy class that stands still in least defensive attunement in game.

Here is a thought, why not interrupt or pull in some dps on them so they never finish channeling, as a ranger when I see elem channeling meteor shower, all I can think of is “FRESHMEAT”

Maybe they should put in some sort of profession that can aoe defend siege weapon against these “really OP meteor shower”.. WAIT, there is!

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: SideStep.1347


The money, time, supplies and people you need to get building one of those is a headache.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Dyno.9467


So the only decent Staff skill for pvp/wvw that an Ele has it needs nerfing? You do realize you have to stand and channel it for about 3 secs before we can move again.

The reason it hits for alot is for me anyway I use mine with Arcane power next 5 hits are crits, does about 5-6k a hit.

I see people just standing in it then try and move when its hit them about 3-4 times lol. Just because you cant be bothered to move or evade dont cry about it.

I got hit off a warrior today for 9k (plz nerf them…Joke) :P cause ive sacrifced toughness/vitality for Power/crit and precision. So im supposed to get nerfed and do no damage and also get 2-4 shotted. What a great asset I would be to the group.

Res plz im down again.

“And now, to destroy you”

Asura – Desolation

(edited by Dyno.9467)

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


LOL, look at all of the elementalists here trying to justify an overpowered spell because the rest of their profession is crap. As I stated before, most forts are not designed properly to deploy siege weapons effectively. The only places you can put a siege weapon, and use it most of the time is in a place that is considered a frontline area, and sieges are not frontline devices. LOL at you all for trying to tell me to properly place a siege weapon. LOL at you all for thinking it is okay for a zerge to take over a fort without having to utilize siege weapons themselves. WvW is going to be a joke if forts cannot defend themselves from all of these random zergs coming at them.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


I’m not an elementalist, and meteor shower really isn’t OP IMO, it’s just really visible. There are a lot of “less” visible things that may be screwing your siege engine over that you don’t even realize like retaliation and feedback.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


The problem with siege weapons is line-of-sight bugs on the walls, not elementalists.

Elementalists need buffs, not nerfs. If you can’t properly place or defend your siege weapons, or accept that all siege weapons are ultimately temporary, let someone else buy them.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


What would greatly help out arrowcarts especially is if you could zoom your camera out quite a bit more so that you have more options to place them down in a fort.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


The problem with siege weapons is line-of-sight bugs on the walls, not elementalists.

Elementalists need buffs, not nerfs. If you can’t properly place or defend your siege weapons, or accept that all siege weapons are ultimately temporary, let someone else buy them.

There we go with the properly placing siege weapons again. That’s all you guys have, no we aren’t going to fix the problem in game, we are going to force everyone to place their arrowcarts in some obscure position on a fort to accomodate the whiney elementalists because meteor shower is the only thing going for them right now.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


The problem with siege weapons is line-of-sight bugs on the walls, not elementalists.

Elementalists need buffs, not nerfs. If you can’t properly place or defend your siege weapons, or accept that all siege weapons are ultimately temporary, let someone else buy them.

There we go with the properly placing siege weapons again. That’s all you guys have, no we aren’t going to fix the problem in game, we are going to force everyone to place their arrowcarts in some obscure position on a fort to accomodate the whiney elementalists because meteor shower is the only thing going for them right now.

You seem rather hostile. Were you abused by an elementalist as a child?

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


The money, time, supplies and people you need to get building one of those is a headache.

Maybe, but that’s the way it should be. As it stands now, well placed siege weapons are ridiculously powerful. One ballista up on top of a tower, or a hard to reach hill, can easily turn the tide of a battle.

And really, they aren’t that much of a pain to set up. I think a ballista is a whopping 30 supply. Big deal, that’s 3 players, or 3 supply runs if you’re doing it alone.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


This is really a collection of problems:

1. AOE’s, and line of sights are bugged in game.
2. You can only use arrowcarts in areas considered frontline areas on a fort due to weak camera zoom, and control.
3. Meteor Shower is over powered.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


Retaliation is overpowered, and should be nerfed.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Morthis.3968


I’m starting to doubt you take issue with meteor shower specifically, and are either just trolling or hate elementalists. There are so many other things wrong with arrow carts, including retaliation already mentioned before (which is far worse when it comes to ruining arrow carts than meteor shower), yet all you do is post the same statements over and over, stubbornly refusing to address anything that you can’t answer with “lol meteor shower OP”.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


The money, time, supplies and people you need to get building one of those is a headache.

Maybe, but that’s the way it should be. As it stands now, well placed siege weapons are ridiculously powerful. One ballista up on top of a tower, or a hard to reach hill, can easily turn the tide of a battle.

And really, they aren’t that much of a pain to set up. I think a ballista is a whopping 30 supply. Big deal, that’s 3 players, or 3 supply runs if you’re doing it alone.

Do you really think forts should be zulnerable to zerg teams? Especially when they incorporate reinforced walls, gates, canons, boiling pots, and siege weapons? I would think that at a minimum, a zerg team should be forced to use their own siege weapons to take a fort. Otherwise what is the point in getting all of these upgrades when the next random zerg is going to take it anyways. This shows that there is something very wrong with WvW right now.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


I’m starting to doubt you take issue with meteor shower specifically, and are either just trolling or hate elementalists. There are so many other things wrong with arrow carts, including retaliation already mentioned before (which is far worse when it comes to ruining arrow carts than meteor shower), yet all you do is post the same statements over and over, stubbornly refusing to address anything that you can’t answer with “lol meteor shower OP”.

Exactly this.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


The money, time, supplies and people you need to get building one of those is a headache.

Maybe, but that’s the way it should be. As it stands now, well placed siege weapons are ridiculously powerful. One ballista up on top of a tower, or a hard to reach hill, can easily turn the tide of a battle.

And really, they aren’t that much of a pain to set up. I think a ballista is a whopping 30 supply. Big deal, that’s 3 players, or 3 supply runs if you’re doing it alone.

Do you really think forts should be zulnerable to zerg teams? Especially when they incorporate reinforced walls, gates, canons, boiling pots, and siege weapons? I would think that at a minimum, a zerg team should be forced to use their own siege weapons to take a fort. Otherwise what is the point in getting all of these upgrades when the next random zerg is going to take it anyways. This shows that there is something very wrong with WvW right now.

Ah. Your problem isn’t elementalists. Your problem is that WvWvW isn’t realistic enough for you.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


The money, time, supplies and people you need to get building one of those is a headache.

Maybe, but that’s the way it should be. As it stands now, well placed siege weapons are ridiculously powerful. One ballista up on top of a tower, or a hard to reach hill, can easily turn the tide of a battle.

And really, they aren’t that much of a pain to set up. I think a ballista is a whopping 30 supply. Big deal, that’s 3 players, or 3 supply runs if you’re doing it alone.

Do you really think forts should be zulnerable to zerg teams? Especially when they incorporate reinforced walls, gates, canons, boiling pots, and siege weapons? I would think that at a minimum, a zerg team should be forced to use their own siege weapons to take a fort. Otherwise what is the point in getting all of these upgrades when the next random zerg is going to take it anyways. This shows that there is something very wrong with WvW right now.

Yeah of course they should be vulnerable. Also, nearly every zerg team I have been in has at least built a ram…it takes FOREVER to batter down a door otherwise.

Do you think that a fort with siege weapons and upgraded defenses should literally be invincible unless someone builds a catapault or trebuchet?

I really don’t see any way that you can argue that siege weapons are somehow underpowered right now. They are INSANELY powerful. Just the other day, I literally defeated a zerg of like 30 people with 1 ballista on the tower. Do you honestly need them to be any more powerful than that?

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


Retaliation may be op as well, especially when los should be involved. Notice how I did adress that issue passively by stating that los is bugged right now. Usually when I see the big pink shield I don’t shoot at it.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Dyno.9467


The problem with siege weapons is line-of-sight bugs on the walls, not elementalists.

Elementalists need buffs, not nerfs. If you can’t properly place or defend your siege weapons, or accept that all siege weapons are ultimately temporary, let someone else buy them.

There we go with the properly placing siege weapons again. That’s all you guys have, no we aren’t going to fix the problem in game, we are going to force everyone to place their arrowcarts in some obscure position on a fort to accomodate the whiney elementalists because meteor shower is the only thing going for them right now.

How is Meteor shower the only thing going for us right now? I can beat alot of players 1 v 1. I would slaughter you as well 1v1.

“And now, to destroy you”

Asura – Desolation

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


“Do you think that a fort with siege weapons and upgraded defenses should literally be invincible unless someone builds a catapault or trebuchet?”

Yes I do actually. If a fort is reinforced then it should take siege weapons to damage it. Battering rams are a proper solution, however you can’t typically attack one if your wall is spammed with AOE’s. It literally just takes away the point in holding a fort imo.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


The problem with siege weapons is line-of-sight bugs on the walls, not elementalists.

Elementalists need buffs, not nerfs. If you can’t properly place or defend your siege weapons, or accept that all siege weapons are ultimately temporary, let someone else buy them.

There we go with the properly placing siege weapons again. That’s all you guys have, no we aren’t going to fix the problem in game, we are going to force everyone to place their arrowcarts in some obscure position on a fort to accomodate the whiney elementalists because meteor shower is the only thing going for them right now.

How is Meteor shower the only thing going for us right now? I can beat alot of players 1 v 1. I would slaughter you as well 1v1.

Tell that to the 5 billion elementalists whining on the elementalist forums.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


Retaliation may be op as well, especially when los should be involved. Notice how I did adress that issue passively by stating that los is bugged right now. Usually when I see the big pink shield I don’t shoot at it.

I don’t know about you, but when I’m on top of a tower shooting down with my ballista…kinda hard to pick out the retaliation shield on an individual player when I’m basically required to shoot whenever I can to hold off the zerg.

And I’m not saying that retaliation is overpowered…just that it is a serious threat to siege weapons. And in fact, probably more of a threat that meteor shower, because there is no range limitation for retaliation to hurt you.

I honestly don’t get your obessession with meteor shower here. The elementalist has to stand completely still when casting it and is INCREDIBLY vulnerable during this time.

And really, it’s not like you’re supposed to be able to just set up one siege weapon and then have it be invincible forever. They are meant to be game changers, but not to be permanent game changers…they will eventually be destroyed.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


The problem with siege weapons is line-of-sight bugs on the walls, not elementalists.

Elementalists need buffs, not nerfs. If you can’t properly place or defend your siege weapons, or accept that all siege weapons are ultimately temporary, let someone else buy them.

There we go with the properly placing siege weapons again. That’s all you guys have, no we aren’t going to fix the problem in game, we are going to force everyone to place their arrowcarts in some obscure position on a fort to accomodate the whiney elementalists because meteor shower is the only thing going for them right now.

How is Meteor shower the only thing going for us right now? I can beat alot of players 1 v 1. I would slaughter you as well 1v1.

Tell that to the 5 billion elementalists whining on the elementalist forums.

So, you think WvWvW should be hyper-realistic (let’s just ignore the presence of things like plant-people for a moment), and you spend your spare time hanging out in the forum of a class you despise?

That doesn’t sound healthy.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


“Do you think that a fort with siege weapons and upgraded defenses should literally be invincible unless someone builds a catapault or trebuchet?”

Yes I do actually. If a fort is reinforced then it should take siege weapons to damage it. Battering rams are a proper solution, however you can’t typically attack one if your wall is spammed with AOE’s. It literally just takes away the point in holding a fort imo.

So you want people and equipment on the walls of forts to be completely unassailable. Got it.

It’s not going to happen, but it’s nice that you’re being more clear about your intent now.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


“Do you think that a fort with siege weapons and upgraded defenses should literally be invincible unless someone builds a catapault or trebuchet?”

Yes I do actually. If a fort is reinforced then it should take siege weapons to damage it. Battering rams are a proper solution, however you can’t typically attack one if your wall is spammed with AOE’s. It literally just takes away the point in holding a fort imo.

I’m just not sure what your expectation is here…do you expect to be able to beat a massive zerg by yourself just because you have an arrowcart?

If your wall is so overwhelmed by AoE that you are helpless, then that obviously means that you are facing an overwhleming force and you are going to lose unless you get help. Not sure what the problem is here…

Also, there are plenty of keeps that let you build a siege weapon in a place that is out of range of infantry skills. Like the aforementioned ballista on a tower…that will make short work of any ram.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


I have no problems with siege weapons getting destroyed. I have a problem when said weapons are easily dispatched in no time when they are placed within a reinforced fort by AOE’s that are bugged in the first place. As far as Meteor Shower goes, the problem is it can cover more than half the top of a wall causing siege weapons to be compromised. One of two things need to happen really that will fix this problem, and that is allow the person operating arrowcarts to zoom the camera out more. Or you can nerf the range on Meteor Shower. Coupled with fixing AOE’s and finally have them respect line of sight.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


“Do you think that a fort with siege weapons and upgraded defenses should literally be invincible unless someone builds a catapault or trebuchet?”

Yes I do actually. If a fort is reinforced then it should take siege weapons to damage it. Battering rams are a proper solution, however you can’t typically attack one if your wall is spammed with AOE’s. It literally just takes away the point in holding a fort imo.

I’m just not sure what your expectation is here…do you expect to be able to beat a massive zerg by yourself just because you have an arrowcart?

If your wall is so overwhelmed by AoE that you are helpless, then that obviously means that you are facing an overwhleming force and you are going to lose unless you get help. Not sure what the problem is here…

Also, there are plenty of keeps that let you build a siege weapon in a place that is out of range of infantry skills. Like the aforementioned ballista on a tower…that will make short work of any ram.

Why is everyone assuming that I’m always there by myself? No I’m not there on my own. I’m there with other people, who are manning several other siege weapons. The point of a fort is to have the ability to withstand large armies with much fewer people.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Morthis.3968


Retaliation may be op as well, especially when los should be involved. Notice how I did adress that issue passively by stating that los is bugged right now. Usually when I see the big pink shield I don’t shoot at it.

I see, you don’t even understand what we’re talking about. I’m not talking about feedback, which is the big pink bubble. I’m talking about the boon called retaliation. There’s a couple of AoE versions of it, but the easiest way to AoE it is to blast combo a light field. There is no line of sight involved in any of this.

When you hit a zerg with retaliation, your arrow cart will take ~330’ish damage for each person hit, for each arrow damage tick. That means your arrow cart literally dies in 2 shots. There is no counter to this, besides not shooting. There is no clear indication who has this buff, and it’s fairly easy to apply for certain classes (especially guardian). Incidentally, using meteor shower on a zerg with retaliation is suicide as well.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: tombo.2984


I think they should let you repair siege like you can the door to the keep. Would seem to help the problem wile not nerfing anything.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


I have no problems with siege weapons getting destroyed. I have a problem when said weapons are easily dispatched in no time when they are placed within a reinforced fort by AOE’s that are bugged in the first place. As far as Meteor Shower goes, the problem is it can cover more than half the top of a wall causing siege weapons to be compromised. One of two things need to happen really that will fix this problem, and that is allow the person operating arrowcarts to zoom the camera out more. Or you can nerf the range on Meteor Shower. Coupled with fixing AOE’s and finally have them respect line of sight.

The range of an arrow cart is greater than the range on Meteor Shower.

Aim better.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


“Do you think that a fort with siege weapons and upgraded defenses should literally be invincible unless someone builds a catapault or trebuchet?”

Yes I do actually. If a fort is reinforced then it should take siege weapons to damage it. Battering rams are a proper solution, however you can’t typically attack one if your wall is spammed with AOE’s. It literally just takes away the point in holding a fort imo.

So you want people and equipment on the walls of forts to be completely unassailable. Got it.

It’s not going to happen, but it’s nice that you’re being more clear about your intent now.

Wrong, they will still be attack able by other siege weapons. Like trebuchets hitting the walls of a fort. Right now AOE’s can be used on the sides of the walls to impose damage on siege weapons on top of the wall. It doesn’t matter if the weapon is on top of the wall behind a wall, it still is attackable. I guess the bigger root to the problem is the fact you cannot zoom the camera out enough, thus leaving you very little options to place your weapon without placing it on the frontline that is subject to AOE’s on the wall.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


“Do you think that a fort with siege weapons and upgraded defenses should literally be invincible unless someone builds a catapault or trebuchet?”

Yes I do actually. If a fort is reinforced then it should take siege weapons to damage it. Battering rams are a proper solution, however you can’t typically attack one if your wall is spammed with AOE’s. It literally just takes away the point in holding a fort imo.

I’m just not sure what your expectation is here…do you expect to be able to beat a massive zerg by yourself just because you have an arrowcart?

If your wall is so overwhelmed by AoE that you are helpless, then that obviously means that you are facing an overwhleming force and you are going to lose unless you get help. Not sure what the problem is here…

Also, there are plenty of keeps that let you build a siege weapon in a place that is out of range of infantry skills. Like the aforementioned ballista on a tower…that will make short work of any ram.

Why is everyone assuming that I’m always there by myself? No I’m not there on my own. I’m there with other people, who are manning several other siege weapons. The point of a fort is to have the ability to withstand large armies with much fewer people.

…They can.

You’re making it seem like meteor shower just comes in and WTFPWNs these siege weapons and there is nothing you can do about it. That is seriously not the case. Your siege weapons have…

1. Longer range than meteor shower.
2. More damage than meteor shower.
3. More duration than an elementalist.
4. Many of them can interrupt.

If you have ONE ballista, ONE, you can just pop that elementalist in the face and it will interrupt meteor shower and send him running.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


I havn’t had very many problems with retaliation to be honest. MCL, aim better? That is your answer? That doesn’t even address the problem that I’m talking about. I’m talking about the fact that you can only zoom out a certain amount causing you to be more limited in where you place your arrowcart. It has nothing to do with aim whatsoever, it just feels like you are skimming through what I’m writing, and then posting something that is slightly insultive and not on subject.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


The arrowcarts advantages go away when it comes to large zergs. They are fine when it comes to small groups. The real advantage should be the fact that you are behind a fortified wall, however you cannot take advantage of this because you cannot place an arrowcart in a fort without placing them in a spot that is easily accessable to the enemy for attack. This is wrong on so many levels. Arrowcarts are meant to be in the back, while the frontline, or wall holds the enemy abay until you can dispatch them. Right now due to the zoom and camera control you are forced to place these weapons on the frontline.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


Perhaps the bigger underlying issue is really camera management for arrowcarts so that you can place them in more strategic areas. Although it does seem like some of you are in denial about meteor shower. I guess we’ll see in the long run whether it gets nerfed or not.