Meteor shower is overpowered.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


Meteor shower is overpowered in WvW. 1 or 2 elementalists in a group taking out several siege weapons in no time is lame. Furthermore, why aren’t there more obstructions on top of walls that enable us to hide siege weapons, and why do AOE attacks go through walls in the first place? If you ask me, the nerf to arrowcart cooldowns was unwarranted since they are so vulnerable to such AOE attacks. Either get rid of that nerf, or make it so that AOE attacks cannot bleed through walls.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Union.9780


If it’s any consolation, I die in like three hits.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


Either way it’s not fun, and if not dealt with properly will see me playing other games soon.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Union.9780


Oh, it’s fun. It’s loads of fun.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


yeah i can attest to this, for some reason elementalist doing a shower can tick for over 2k pre tick or more depending. and its a massive aoe as well…. i dont see why an aoe attack is doing so much to players… it hits how many? and does how much? ridiculous really because of how spammable it is too

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Union.9780


Meteor Showers don’t tick.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


Oh, it’s fun. It’s loads of fun.

Let me guess, Elementalist?

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


Meteor Showers don’t tick.

He means per hit, not per tick. Per tick is an appropriate term for Damage over time attacks.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: eladox.3457


Arrow carts has longer range.

Edited by moderator: The last part of the message was not necessary in this discussion

(edited by Moderator)

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


Arrow carts has longer range, and you are stupid if you get hit by a meteor shower twice.

hard not to when 75% of the players and other graphical items don’t load in anyway, but that isn’t whats being discussed here, if you don’t have anything constructive to add, then don’t post here or anywhere.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


1. It has no “tick” to it.
2. you have to be “hit” by the meteor to take damage, not just be in the range of the skill.
3. It actually has a decent cool down, and can not be instantly spammed.
4. If an Elementalist is casting the full length of the skill, they will more then likely be killed before the full cast is done if anyone hits them.
5. Elementalist AOE’s do not go “though” walls, but you can AOE walls.

If you’re complaining about Elementalists AOE’ing something which was built, how come you do not include all classes, as well as mesmer clones which can go to the top of the walls and such?

@Kracin, it sounds more like an Ele placed Lavafont, then used meteor shower on you, making you think it was a “tick” of hp while you had your arrow carts close to the edge of a wall.(If it was an instant spam of aoe, they may have also summoned a firey greatsword and used it’s aoe right after, which has much less range then a normal Elementalist attack.

Also why would arrow carts be made so they couldn’t be destroyed by players? Or any siege equipment in general?

If it was only 2k a hit, I don’t see why you are complaining, since other classes can get their damage up for 8k+ a hit currently.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

(edited by Mishi.7058)

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Morthis.3968


The solution is to place arrow carts on the back end of the wall, not the front. With some camera turning, you can still easily shoot where you want with the cart, but you’re far less susceptible to AoE’s.

The main thing with Meteor Shower is, it’s one of the few areas where it’s actually really useful, hitting people on walls. When hitting the zerg in open world, it typically won’t hit much unless you walk really close to hit it in their middle (at which point you’ll die trying to cast it), and when defending keeps, it’s far easier to dodge for the attackers because of the amount of room they have to work with. Basically, it’s superb area denial, but the place that most strongly applies is walls because of the limited area to work with.

I’m not sure it’s overpowered, because it’s rather limited and can be countered with better arrow cart placement. As far as arrow carts go, I find AoE retaliation far worse. Nothing worse than hitting a zerg with your arrow cart and watching 2/3rd of it’s health disappear due to retal.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


1. It has no “tick” to it.
2. you have to be “hit” by the meteor to take damage, not just be in the range of the skill.
3. It actually has a decent cool down, and can not be instantly spammed.
4. If an Elementalist is casting the full length of the skill, they will more then likely be killed before the full cast is done if anyone hits them.
5. Elementalist AOE’s do not go “though” walls, but you can AOE walls.

If you’re complaining about Elementalists AOE’ing something which was built, how come you do not include all classes, as well as mesmer clones which can go to the top of the walls and such?

@Kracin, it sounds more like an Ele placed Lavafont, then used meteor shower on you, making you think it was a “tick” of hp while you had your arrow carts close to the edge of a wall.(If it was an instant spam of aoe, they may have also summoned a firey greatsword and used it’s aoe right after, which has much less range then a normal Elementalist attack.

Also why would arrow carts be made so they couldn’t be destroyed by players? Or any siege equipment in general?

If it was only 2k a hit, I don’t see why you are complaining, since other classes can get their damage up for 8k+ a hit currently.

I did state that AOE’s in general are bad because they do bleed through the wall. Sure you can place the AOE on the wall but it seems that the damage it does is spherical and is not properly blocked by obstructions. Arrowcarts placed in fortifications should be very difficult to destroy, and it should take other siege weapons deployed to do so. You can’t just have a group of people build up a fort, place siege weapons down, have them fully and properly manned, and then have another group of 10-15 people waltz in and spam AOE on the walls, and tap on a gate until it’s down so that they can flood the fort. You defeat the whole purpose of the fort when you do that. Forts are there to defend an area, and it should always involve siege weapons to take one over. I have often thought that the walls need to be wider so that siege weapons can have some sort of buffer zone. Either way I target Meteor Shower, and elementalists because these seem to be the majority of those abusing AOE’s on walls. I can assure you that spherical damage going through walls is not intended, and should be fixed.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


Also I did forget to mention that Meteor Shower seems to have a higher range versus those people defending a fort. I’m talking about people not fighting with a siege weapon, and also part of the problem is that in order to shoot someone on the ground you have to get right up to the edge of the wall, leaving you exposed to people potentially pulling you off the wall. What nonsense.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Just step out the AOE…

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


Just step out the AOE…

sure, I’ll just move this siege weapon out of the AOE, oh wait…….

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


AOE’s shouldn’t be going through obstructions, ie walls anyways.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Nanglez.1354


I think the OP is confused. We have 2 AoE’s that look very similiar to eachother. One is meteor shower, the other is using Glyph of Storms whilst attuned to fire.

You’re not thinking about the pitfalls to our ability. For me to get in close enough to drop glyph of storms (the thing that when dropped on top of meteor shower = lots of damage) when i drop it, i have to move much closer then i do to cast meteor shower, which usually results in being battered by the very siege your complaining about us killing.

But am i to understand, that you want the only class that can successfully attack siege weapons that are out of line of sight to everyone else except elementalists (which both sides have, so you’re teams ele’s are free to do the same?), because YOUR siege weapons die too fast?

Also you might consider that you can build siege weapons tactfully to reduce the odds that it’ll be hit by an AoE.

The 6 silver your arrow cart cost wont seem like so much in a few months time when you have some gold saved up.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Fugly.5287


It took a 20% damage nerf before the final stress test, just before launch.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Nanglez.1354


AOE’s shouldn’t be going through obstructions, ie walls anyways.

It’s not going through the wall, it rains above the wall? And we, the attacking forces are supposed to have no way of attacking siege weapons?

Get real.

Sounds like you’ve jumped in to WvW at lvl 10 and lost all your copper repairing ):

When i say no way of attacking siege weapons, i mean if your in a group thats attacking a keep and nobody has any siege/supplies on them.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


I did state that AOE’s in general are bad because they do bleed through the wall. Sure you can place the AOE on the wall but it seems that the damage it does is spherical and is not properly blocked by obstructions. Arrowcarts placed in fortifications should be very difficult to destroy, and it should take other siege weapons deployed to do so. You can’t just have a group of people build up a fort, place siege weapons down, have them fully and properly manned, and then have another group of 10-15 people waltz in and spam AOE on the walls, and tap on a gate until it’s down so that they can flood the fort. You defeat the whole purpose of the fort when you do that. Forts are there to defend an area, and it should always involve siege weapons to take one over. I have often thought that the walls need to be wider so that siege weapons can have some sort of buffer zone. Either way I target Meteor Shower, and elementalists because these seem to be the majority of those abusing AOE’s on walls. I can assure you that spherical damage going through walls is not intended, and should be fixed.

Let’s see, Meteor Shower sends meteors down from ABOVE, and you place the center of the aoe where you wish. So if I place it on the edge of the wall, about half the meteors will come down on top of the wall, there is no obstruction there since the meteors are not coming directly from me.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


I think the OP is confused. We have 2 AoE’s that look very similiar to eachother. One is meteor shower, the other is using Glyph of Storms whilst attuned to fire.

You’re not thinking about the pitfalls to our ability. For me to get in close enough to drop glyph of storms (the thing that when dropped on top of meteor shower = lots of damage) when i drop it, i have to move much closer then i do to cast meteor shower, which usually results in being battered by the very siege your complaining about us killing.

But am i to understand, that you want the only class that can successfully attack siege weapons that are out of line of sight to everyone else except elementalists (which both sides have, so you’re teams ele’s are free to do the same?), because YOUR siege weapons die too fast?

Also you might consider that you can build siege weapons tactfully to reduce the odds that it’ll be hit by an AoE.

The 6 silver your arrow cart cost wont seem like so much in a few months time when you have some gold saved up.

Calling all elementalists to come in and say this isn’t overpowered because they want the “I win button”.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


My advice to you is: Kill the Elementalist. They’re very easy to kill, especially while channeling Meteor Shower. They have the lowest HP pool in the game, and most are running around in “glass cannon” spec.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


I hate to say it, but it sounds like you had a horrible placement for your arrowcart, and decided to come on the forums asking for AOE’s to be nerfed, due to bad placement.

It’s user error in your arrowcart placement, not the error of the people who attacked it.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


I think the OP is confused. We have 2 AoE’s that look very similiar to eachother. One is meteor shower, the other is using Glyph of Storms whilst attuned to fire.

You’re not thinking about the pitfalls to our ability. For me to get in close enough to drop glyph of storms (the thing that when dropped on top of meteor shower = lots of damage) when i drop it, i have to move much closer then i do to cast meteor shower, which usually results in being battered by the very siege your complaining about us killing.

But am i to understand, that you want the only class that can successfully attack siege weapons that are out of line of sight to everyone else except elementalists (which both sides have, so you’re teams ele’s are free to do the same?), because YOUR siege weapons die too fast?

Also you might consider that you can build siege weapons tactfully to reduce the odds that it’ll be hit by an AoE.

The 6 silver your arrow cart cost wont seem like so much in a few months time when you have some gold saved up.

Calling all elementalists to come in and say this isn’t overpowered because they want the “I win button”.

you’re funny, because Elementalists are the 1st to die on the battlefield normally.

Shoot it, poke it, it dies fast. Or would you rather everyone run around as a Necromancer with 40k hp? Or a Mesmer with clones destroying your arrowcarts while you can’t figure out who the “player” actually is?

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Nanglez.1354


yes its OP

how it cant be op with this large AOE and hits for 6k

2-3 elems can kill any siege and all the players on the walls without problems

That is a huge exaggeration, borderline outright lie. I often run around with my guildies, of which a few are elementalists, and if we could between 3 of us take down ‘a wall, its siege, and all of its players’ we’d be hailed the almighty kings of our WvW home world.

Instead of complaining why don’t you guys hypothesize how to kill the class that takes 2-3 hits to kill. Come now if we all knuckle down i’m sure we can come up with something.



I’ll bet it involves swords.

I think the OP is confused. We have 2 AoE’s that look very similiar to eachother. One is meteor shower, the other is using Glyph of Storms whilst attuned to fire.

You’re not thinking about the pitfalls to our ability. For me to get in close enough to drop glyph of storms (the thing that when dropped on top of meteor shower = lots of damage) when i drop it, i have to move much closer then i do to cast meteor shower, which usually results in being battered by the very siege your complaining about us killing.

But am i to understand, that you want the only class that can successfully attack siege weapons that are out of line of sight to everyone else except elementalists (which both sides have, so you’re teams ele’s are free to do the same?), because YOUR siege weapons die too fast?

Also you might consider that you can build siege weapons tactfully to reduce the odds that it’ll be hit by an AoE.

The 6 silver your arrow cart cost wont seem like so much in a few months time when you have some gold saved up.

Calling all elementalists to come in and say this isn’t overpowered because they want the “I win button”.

you’re funny, because Elementalists are the 1st to die on the battlefield normally.

Shoot it, poke it, it dies fast. Or would you rather everyone run around as a Necromancer with 40k hp? Or a Mesmer with clones destroying your arrowcarts while you can’t figure out who the “player” actually is?

Sorry, i’m confused… I’m an advocate for your side of the argument dude xD.

OP meant ‘Original Poster’ not overpowered. I know how often elementalists die :P I am one.. (its alot v.v)

(edited by Nanglez.1354)

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Sorry, i’m confused… I’m an advocate for your side of the argument dude xD.

OP meant ‘Original Poster’ not overpowered. I know how often elementalists die :P I am one.. (its alot v.v)

Ahhh I got confused. x.x Sorry about that.

To be honest better placement of siege is what the OP should have done. Not to mention Arrow carts decompose over time as they are fired, and retaliation on them from players. Then again the OP had the damage numbers off greatly or they are a VERY under geared player.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


Actually the arrowcarts are placed in the best spots possible. You simply cannot place siege weapons in a fort without being susceptable to attack. Well you can I guess, you just wont be able to use it against the invaders. This is partly due to poor designing of the forts. The walls are too narrow for one, leaving very little room if any to safely operate a siege weapon. There aren’t enough walls on top of the walls to conceal these weapons, and AOE’s do bleed through the walls damaging the siege weapons. Also it would be nice if you could zoom out a little more, along with revamped camera behavior so that you can actually see targets to shoot at. Trust me, it is not my bad placement of the weapon. It is ArenaNet’s failure to design a fort that can properly deploy such weapons effectively. It is also ArenaNet’s failure in allowing AOE’s to bleed through obstructions. It’s fair enough that meteors can hit from above bypassing obstructions, however the consensus seems to be with those I have defended forts with that Meteor Shower is overpowered.

(edited by Bellok.4180)

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


Sorry, i’m confused… I’m an advocate for your side of the argument dude xD.

OP meant ‘Original Poster’ not overpowered. I know how often elementalists die :P I am one.. (its alot v.v)

Ahhh I got confused. x.x Sorry about that.

To be honest better placement of siege is what the OP should have done. Not to mention Arrow carts decompose over time as they are fired, and retaliation on them from players. Then again the OP had the damage numbers off greatly or they are a VERY under geared player.

I never posted damage numbers……someone else did.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


btw this thread was moved to the wrong forums, this is more of a WvW problem.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


What is funny is having a bunch of elementalists telling me that it’s my placement of siege weapons, or the fact I need to l2p that is the problem, when all you see is whine whine whine when you read in the elementalist section of the forums.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


14-Sep-2012 // OP’s Game Update

World vs World:
- Fixed an issue where Elementalists were able to damage other players.
- Players who place Siege equipment are now given an option to become invincible in order to ensure “fun”.

I’m not asking to be invincible. There is nothing stopping from attackers from building their own siege weapons to attack other siege weapons.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Actually the arrowcarts are placed in the best spots possible. You simply cannot place siege weapons in a fort without being susceptable to attack. Well you can I guess, you just wont be able to use it against the invaders. This is partly due to poor designing of the forts. The walls are too narrow for one, leaving very little room if any to safely operate a siege weapon. There aren’t enough walls on top of the walls to conceal these weapons, and AOE’s do bleed through the walls damaging the siege weapons. Trust me, it is not my bad placement of the weapon. It is ArenaNet’s failure to design a fort that can properly deploy such weapons effectively. It is also ArenaNet’s failure in allowing AOE’s to bleed through obstructions. It’s fair enough that meteors can hit from above bypassing obstructions, however the consensus seems to be with those I have defended forts with that Meteor Shower is overpowered.

You know where the walls on a fort meet and its wider, try setting it in the back, 95% of the time (provided you place it correctly) you can bypass being hit by AOE’s.
Then again, play and elementalist, and try to hit “everything” watch ranges as others hit, test things out, but be ready to have a very hefty repair bill for running to walls to aoe. (It’ll cost you a lot more then your arrow cart you lost in WvW today)

I am able to properly place some things, where they have the same use as on an outer edge of a wall, while not being able to be hit by any AOE’s from players. Then again, I live for WvW in GW2, and take into account features of the game and how correctly placed siege equipment can win a battle.

Also if you are wanting siege equipment to ONLY be able to take hits from other Siege equipment then Defenders would have more of an advantage then they do now from attackers, due to the attackers more then likely not being able to set useful siege equipment because it takes damage as it’s build site is hit. (Not like attackers have to deal with enemy NPC’s, players, siege equipment, or limited supply to fund their siege equipment.)

How you are wanting the game, any fort with 1-2 catapults, and 1-2defenders would make a rush of 30+ people on one upgraded tower take forever. That’s not including if there was even a 3rd defender to AOE those hitting the gate.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


14-Sep-2012 // OP’s Game Update

World vs World:
- Fixed an issue where Elementalists were able to damage other players.
- Players who place Siege equipment are now given an option to become invincible in order to ensure “fun”.

I’m not asking to be invincible. There is nothing stopping from attackers from building their own siege weapons to attack other siege weapons.

Actually, the guy on the arrowcart would most likely be stopping them from building siege equipment.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: archmage.1430


I’d agree here. The ability to AOE nearly all siege defending a keep in 10 seconds by a large group cannot possibly be what Anet intended. It was first on my list of things I’d hope they fix, but that spot is now taken by the clipping/drawin problem. They MUST fix that, and soon.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Nanglez.1354


14-Sep-2012 // OP’s Game Update

World vs World:
- Fixed an issue where Elementalists were able to damage other players.
- Players who place Siege equipment are now given an option to become invincible in order to ensure “fun”.

I’m not asking to be invincible. There is nothing stopping from attackers from building their own siege weapons to attack other siege weapons.

You’re not grasping the concept, we ARE walking siege weapons when it comes to taking down the enemy weapons. The fact is that we sacrifice the ability to survive little more then a light breeze, for the ability to drop fiery droplets of pwnage all over your walls.

Your just being a bad sport tbh. ‘THIS ONE CLASS IS BEING MEAN TO ME’..?

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


The same for chain lighting.
Thats all, there cant be any discussion about this.

And yes, it hits for tons of damage per tick (or per hit).
Please, fix that.

I really think that there is some type of bug or exploit people is using, as i see all the days people killing people with 1, 2 or 3 hits (hits from the same skill, no with the entire skill).

Thank you.

(edited by Tukor.7514)

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


Actually the arrowcarts are placed in the best spots possible. You simply cannot place siege weapons in a fort without being susceptable to attack. Well you can I guess, you just wont be able to use it against the invaders. This is partly due to poor designing of the forts. The walls are too narrow for one, leaving very little room if any to safely operate a siege weapon. There aren’t enough walls on top of the walls to conceal these weapons, and AOE’s do bleed through the walls damaging the siege weapons. Trust me, it is not my bad placement of the weapon. It is ArenaNet’s failure to design a fort that can properly deploy such weapons effectively. It is also ArenaNet’s failure in allowing AOE’s to bleed through obstructions. It’s fair enough that meteors can hit from above bypassing obstructions, however the consensus seems to be with those I have defended forts with that Meteor Shower is overpowered.

You know where the walls on a fort meet and its wider, try setting it in the back, 95% of the time (provided you place it correctly) you can bypass being hit by AOE’s.
Then again, play and elementalist, and try to hit “everything” watch ranges as others hit, test things out, but be ready to have a very hefty repair bill for running to walls to aoe. (It’ll cost you a lot more then your arrow cart you lost in WvW today)

I am able to properly place some things, where they have the same use as on an outer edge of a wall, while not being able to be hit by any AOE’s from players. Then again, I live for WvW in GW2, and take into account features of the game and how correctly placed siege equipment can win a battle.

Also if you are wanting siege equipment to ONLY be able to take hits from other Siege equipment then Defenders would have more of an advantage then they do now from attackers, due to the attackers more then likely not being able to set useful siege equipment because it takes damage as it’s build site is hit. (Not like attackers have to deal with enemy NPC’s, players, siege equipment, or limited supply to fund their siege equipment.)

How you are wanting the game, any fort with 1-2 catapults, and 1-2defenders would make a rush of 30+ people on one upgraded tower take forever. That’s not including if there was even a 3rd defender to AOE those hitting the gate.

Well I can tell with your generalizations, and false assumptions that you just aren’t going to agree with anything I say because you kitten gold nuggets, and therefore are perfect.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


14-Sep-2012 // OP’s Game Update

World vs World:
- Fixed an issue where Elementalists were able to damage other players.
- Players who place Siege equipment are now given an option to become invincible in order to ensure “fun”.

I’m not asking to be invincible. There is nothing stopping from attackers from building their own siege weapons to attack other siege weapons.

Actually, the guy on the arrowcart would most likely be stopping them from building siege equipment.

only if you are one of those special peoples who places a trebuchet within the range of an arrowcart.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Nanglez.1354


you just aren’t going to agree with anything I say because you kitten gold nuggets, and therefore are perfect.

So the intention of this thread is to have everyone agree with your opinion as though it were fact?

Good luck my friend.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


14-Sep-2012 // OP’s Game Update

World vs World:
- Fixed an issue where Elementalists were able to damage other players.
- Players who place Siege equipment are now given an option to become invincible in order to ensure “fun”.

I’m not asking to be invincible. There is nothing stopping from attackers from building their own siege weapons to attack other siege weapons.

You’re not grasping the concept, we ARE walking siege weapons when it comes to taking down the enemy weapons. The fact is that we sacrifice the ability to survive little more then a light breeze, for the ability to drop fiery droplets of pwnage all over your walls.

Your just being a bad sport tbh. ‘THIS ONE CLASS IS BEING MEAN TO ME’..?

Roffles, that is all I hear on the Elementalist forums actually, although it’s the Elementalists doing the whining…..

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Well I can tell with your generalizations, and false assumptions that you just aren’t going to agree with anything I say because you kitten gold nuggets, and therefore are perfect.

Umm, I am an Elementalist, I play the class. I WvW for hours on end, days in a row, win or lose. I watch where good and bad places are to put things. So no, I wouldn’t know what I am talking about by any means.(299hours counting since character creation and 200+ of them have been in WvW. And you?)

The same for chain lighting.
Thats all, there cant be any discussion about this.

And yes, it hits for tons of damage per tick (or per hit).
Please, fix that.

I really think that there is some type of bug or exploit people is using, as i see all the days people killing people with 1, 2 or 3 hits (hits form the same skill, no with the entire skill).

Thank you.

Now screen shot your level, and your gear. Then find the Ele who hit you and get their lvl and gear. Thanks. (By the way, Gear does effect WvW, unlike sPvP.)

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

(edited by Mishi.7058)

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Nanglez.1354


Now screen shot your level, and your gear. Then find the Ele who hit you and get their lvl and gear. Thanks. (By the way, Gear does effect WvW, unlike sPvP.)

^ This

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


14-Sep-2012 // OP’s Game Update

World vs World:
- Fixed an issue where Elementalists were able to damage other players.
- Players who place Siege equipment are now given an option to become invincible in order to ensure “fun”.

I’m not asking to be invincible. There is nothing stopping from attackers from building their own siege weapons to attack other siege weapons.

Actually, the guy on the arrowcart would most likely be stopping them from building siege equipment.

only if you are one of those special peoples who places a trebuchet within the range of an arrowcart.

Arrow carts damage arrow carts.
Not only Trebuchet’s.

(So do ballistas, catapults, and others.)

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


you just aren’t going to agree with anything I say because you kitten gold nuggets, and therefore are perfect.

So the intention of this thread is to have everyone agree with your opinion as though it were fact?

Good luck my friend.

Well no that’s not what I meant. What I meant was that it doesn’t matter what I say, he’s not going to change his opinion because he already has it made up. Which means that no matter what I say he’s going to disagree with it, even if I’m right and he knows it. Most people who are like this know that something is op and argue that it isn’t in order to try and keep it from being nerfed when it should.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


14-Sep-2012 // OP’s Game Update

World vs World:
- Fixed an issue where Elementalists were able to damage other players.
- Players who place Siege equipment are now given an option to become invincible in order to ensure “fun”.

I’m not asking to be invincible. There is nothing stopping from attackers from building their own siege weapons to attack other siege weapons.

Actually, the guy on the arrowcart would most likely be stopping them from building siege equipment.

only if you are one of those special peoples who places a trebuchet within the range of an arrowcart.

Do you generally bring trebuchets as a counter to arrowcarts?

The problem here is that you seem intent on using siege as a frontline defense, when it is more of a supportive tool (especially arrowcarts). Unless you build so many arrowcarts that your arrows literally blot out the sun.

Are you part of a WvW guild, or do you just run solo?

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


Now screen shot your level, and your gear. Then find the Ele who hit you and get their lvl and gear. Thanks. (By the way, Gear does effect WvW, unlike sPvP.)

^ This

It doesn’t matter, siege weapons do not wear armor.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


14-Sep-2012 // OP’s Game Update

World vs World:
- Fixed an issue where Elementalists were able to damage other players.
- Players who place Siege equipment are now given an option to become invincible in order to ensure “fun”.

I’m not asking to be invincible. There is nothing stopping from attackers from building their own siege weapons to attack other siege weapons.

Actually, the guy on the arrowcart would most likely be stopping them from building siege equipment.

only if you are one of those special peoples who places a trebuchet within the range of an arrowcart.

Do you generally bring trebuchets as a counter to arrowcarts?

The problem here is that you seem intent on using siege as a frontline defense, when it is more of a supportive tool (especially arrowcarts). Unless you build so many arrowcarts that your arrows literally blot out the sun.

Are you part of a WvW guild, or do you just run solo?

No you don’t generally bring trebuchet’s to counter arrowcarts, you should bring them to siege forts however.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Nanglez.1354


Dude, i think by now you’d have more then 2-3 posters agreeing with you if this was a serious issue. Stop belly aching and go play.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Bellok.4180


Dude, i think by now you’d have more then 2-3 posters agreeing with you if this was a serious issue. Stop belly aching and go play.

Hang on while I look on the elementalist forums, so that I can tell you the same…..