My Suggestions for WvWvW.

My Suggestions for WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: aenori.8296


Well here goes my list of suggestions i would really like to see changed compared to the current model:

1: Armor should not get damaged while being in a WvWvW zone.

The reason i am making this suggestion is i find the current system more a pain then a blessing, and it has resulted in some rather odd moments when you see a number of people running around without wearing half their armor. Just because they are either to lazy to do so, or simply don’t want to spend the cash to repair stuff. Their have even been a number of people who intentionally remove all the armor except the weapons for what ever benefit that would give them.

2: Make more siege things moveable.

I get that we cant move a Trebuchet around but why is it that we cant move an arrow cart from one location to another. Or have a special system in place that would allow people to push a ram from one spot to the next (i mean it floats in the air! how hard could that be).
Simply put i for small things like the arrow cart, ballistae would like to see one person being able to move it around. And for the larger things like a catapult and a ram that multiple people could push it from one spot to the next.
That way it would get more strategic planning since i cant imagine any army would build there weaponry right in the firing line.

3: Improve the vehicle UI.

I would really like to see an improvement on the vehicle UI. For one thing i would not use the 1/3 keys for turning the thing from one side to the other. Why is it that we cant use the A – D key for it or a mouse input (which would of course not respond as quick as otherwise possible while walking).
Also with suggestion 2 in mind i really think yes i am going to grab wow as an example (hate me for it what you will) that we should have a different action bar layout for vehicles.

4: Keep upgrade costs / blue print cost.

I find it rather silly that they have to be payed for with silver. I get the idea behind gold sinks and all but shouldn’t the goal of Anet be that gold sinks are in the armor and materials. Not in the core elements of the game?
I mean what is the point of having to pay for every blue print? Wouldn’t you after having build one realize how to build another one?
Also why aren’t there options currently its a mix of a bit of silver and some supplies and some karma. Why not provide options, and let users them self decide if they wish to buy a keep upgrade with a huge amount of karma or a huge amount of silver or a balanced amount between the two. People who don’t want to spend silver that way can still provide a valuable service by upgrading the keep. Currently i simply never upgrade stuff because i to say it simply “Find it a waste of my silver/gold when its already so hard to get”.

5: See where everybody from your world is in the current world.

What i mean by this is don’t only show the small green dots of fellow players on your map when you are close to them. But make it easier to find out where everybody is and what everybody is doing. This would also help with determining if a battle somewhere is between your world and another or if its between the two other worlds.
Yes i know you could also ask this but an overview would that really hurt that much?

6: Way-points should come standard with a keep.

I don’t get why this has to be an upgrade, walking is probably the biggest frustration WvWvW currently has and yes you could upgrade a keep to get a way-point but the costs for it are so high only guilds who want to claim a keep will bother doing so. Besides that the moments enemies are near it you cant use the way-point anyways anymore. So why not provide it as a standard with every keep?
If you capture a keep it comes with a way-point, this way-point can only be used when there are no enemies near the keep or the keeps walls. Preventing it to be used as an easy way to re spawn close to the keep. And not cause a huge difference between defenders and attackers.

Well that’s my list. Probably a lot of people will hate my suggestions but okay, just my opinion about WvWvW.
Thank you anyways for reading and sorry about the English mistakes.

My Suggestions for WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: snissel.7521


You should read some articles on game design and why money sinks are good, the other issues you raise about knowing where other players are probably can be addressed with two things:

1. Fog of war: simulates war
2. Network latency most likely, a map should be fast and this could make the map slower

My Suggestions for WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


1: Armor should not get damaged while being in a WvWvW zone.

I sort of agree. With the mechanics in place is GW2 it doesn’t really make much sense. In DAoC, you had equipment that eventually became un-repairable, meaning it needed replacing (granted it took a good deal of time for this to occur).

2: Make more siege things moveable.

I never understood why siege WITH WHEELS was unmovable. I mean, arrow “cart” and I cannot move it? Really?

3: Improve the vehicle UI.

Haven’t had much of an issue with this, but if it improves the game for you (and others) I support it.

4: Keep upgrade costs / blue print cost.

Agree, the keep claim/upgrade mechanics can use a thorough going over.

5: See where everybody from your world is in the current world.

Im not sure I agree with this one. I think a game that depends on coordination benefits from needing to communicate. One of the aspects of DAoC’s NF I absolutely hated was the war map. It completely removed any need for scouting/intelligence/etc and made roaming around running from one fight to the next the majority of the game play. GW2 already does this and I think adding player locations on top of that will only make it worse.

6: Way-points should come standard with a keep.

Do not agree, there should be some value in wiping out an opposing force. If waypoints are free, you will just see a constant stream flowing in over and over and over. It already happens, but at least this way a newly captured keep isn’t going to provide an instant jumping off point for the force that just took it.

My Suggestions for WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: aenori.8296


Gold sinks are nice, but you could make them in other areas. Make cosmetic gear cost far more. Those things, but limiting the amount of people who can upgrade / build things is just silly if you ask me.

My Suggestions for WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Jokael.4168


7.)Condittion Stacking – This is really becoming annoying having nearly 20 stacks of stuns/roots. As a guardian I have a ton of condition removal, but not being able to react after expelling all my resources seems a little odd.
If anyone removes a root/stun in most games they become immune to those effects for 2-3 secs, effectively removing any other stacks on them.

8.)NPC Keep Guards – Depending on the size of the zerg attacking a keep/tower/etc… I feel the guards should either be beefed up or have the keep send more to the front line. this would also calculate how many PCs there are in the keep area. (this sin’t too important)

My Suggestions for WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: aenori.8296


I think a good way to tackle problem 7 would be to after removing conditions to not let them be applied to you again for a small duration.

My Suggestions for WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

Agreed with all points well made sugestions and a few more can be added.

Remove any PvE activities inside WvW.

Map completion
Jumping puzzle
Wood / Ore / Plants
Vista’s etc etc etc

People that have no intention to pvp are queueing up there are already heavy queue time’s on most servers, letting people queue that have no desire to pvp queu up for pve objectives only makes it more frustrating.

About the map and seeing where all your team mates are needs to be implemented.

Just a few hours ago it seemed like we only had 20 active people inside Eternal Battlegrounds….
We spammed /t for 10 minutes to assist our keep but not more then 20 people we there in that time frame, wich is kinda strange as it should be 150v150 / 160v160 per map right ?

Great post man

My Suggestions for WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: MishenNikara.1804


Map completion in WvW probably wouldn’t bother me so much if I didn’t have to worry about repair costs and could just rush pois/vistas/skill points. I might have been able to ignore map completion if I didn’t spend the last 80 levels on it.

Instead, I will be wasting a WvW slot that could have been used on someone who actually wanted to help the server. Not to mention, ganking/griefing already exists on the jump puzzle (something else that WvW probably could have done without), and it’s probably only a matter of time before vistas and the like get the same treatment.

I’m not against the WvW maps having map completion objectives. I’m against having to go into a game mode I’ve hated in every mmo that I have otherwise been able to avoid to enjoy the game the way I want.

My suggestion after all this ranting: Make PvE map completion and WvW map completion their own achievements. Give WvW map completion it’s own little medal on the character select, heck even give bonus achievement points/xp/achievement chest/whatever/all of the above for doing both the PvE and WvW map completions. That way, the PvE bunch can do the part they want, WvW bunch can go do the part they want, and the really determined ones can do both and have the investment pay off even more for the effort.

My Suggestions for WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


I never understood why siege WITH WHEELS was unmovable. I mean, arrow “cart” and I cannot move it? Really?

You mean…like this? xD

This was awhile ago though..But I think they wanted to use skill 2 on the flame ram and pus it downhill at us xD


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Sea of Sorrows