[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Pyroathiest.4168


FA lost two guilds, but their NA was T1 quality and almost in quantity before that. Make no mistake, your NA’s are going to get wrecked in the face by them. SoS had added most of Kaineng’s and Ehmry Bay’s NA, plus TW and NS; and we still ticked low against their NA.

After seeing what DB’s NA brought to the table this week; I promise that HoD will not be able to do jack against them; no matter how many maps they queue.

Chris, stay on SoS. Their NA really isn’t doing much wrecking these days. Actually, they have been doing most of their damage in EU (as well as pulling some good numbers in OCX and SEA). The score is closer than they would like, and no one is backing down in this match.

IoJ, SBI, and FA have been having some great fights, and even though someone will win the coverage wars, no one has backed down yet.

Don’t get me wrong, SBI and IOJ have been putting out an inspired performance. I’m actually quite impressed with how well they’ve been competing.

That being said, the score doesn’t lie. FA has had 50% or greater of total PPT for a large majority of the match. We’re going to win handily, but I’m honestly really happy that SBI and IOJ are intent on giving us competition. It makes the season worth playing. Nobody likes PvD.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: mango.9267


Anyone thinking FA is not going to run away with this needs to consult a doctor and get a CAT scan of the cranium.

I dunno. FA had 24/7 commander coverage in season 1. They now have a gaping hole during ocx and possible eu.

Their OCX and EU are doing more than fine right now. We will see during the week, but, so far that seems to be their strong point.

lol @ all these people speculating about FA without ever having fought them since Season 1. I’m pretty confident FA will beat HoD. They don’t have any “gaping holes” in their coverage.

That said, if I’ve learned anything from last season, it’s that predicted rankings based on pre-season scores is meaningless. The PvE influx REALLY skews outcomes, especially in offhour time zones. It seems like this is what’s happening to YB, and if they keep the PvE players in, I wouldn’t be surprised if they placed top 3.

IoJ has less of a PvE effect because most of our PvE players already play WvW; we don’t have that much new blood to tap into. Even though I think we’ll place 2nd or 3rd, I wouldn’t be surprised if we placed 4th or 5th. Again, it’s too hard to call with the PvE effect.

Second Child

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Anyone thinking FA is not going to run away with this needs to consult a doctor and get a CAT scan of the cranium.

I dunno. FA had 24/7 commander coverage in season 1. They now have a gaping hole during ocx and possible eu.

Their OCX and EU are doing more than fine right now. We will see during the week, but, so far that seems to be their strong point.

lol @ all these people speculating about FA without ever having fought them since Season 1. I’m pretty confident FA will beat HoD. They don’t have any “gaping holes” in their coverage.

That said, if I’ve learned anything from last season, it’s that predicted rankings based on pre-season scores is meaningless. The PvE influx REALLY skews outcomes, especially in offhour time zones. It seems like this is what’s happening to YB, and if they keep the PvE players in, I wouldn’t be surprised if they placed top 3.

IoJ has less of a PvE effect because most of our PvE players already play WvW; we don’t have that much new blood to tap into. Even though I think we’ll place 2nd or 3rd, I wouldn’t be surprised if we placed 4th or 5th. Again, it’s too hard to call with the PvE effect.

trust me mango, it isn’t the pve players boosting yb, it is the fact that they are playing SoR (which you haven’t had that pleasure yet, and let me tell you, the Glicko system is not helping SoR any atm) and BP (which just lost a lot of it’s wvw community).

First will be FA. 2nd is between SBI, IoJ, and HoD. But, that all can change during the season. YB and Ebay double teamed us, and YB put in crazy hours during last season, to pull the upset on SBI. That can happen again.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


Remember, the Swiss rules can make it so that the 3rd strongest server could place 6th and so on.

I was clearly wrong about SBI, they are doing a lot better than most people expected.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I’m pretty surprised by the numbers SBI and IoJ are fielding. There have been zergs on at least 1 map pretty much 24/7 (well, 24/3 so far). It doesn’t matter scorewise, but they’ve been making it fun.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Gulagman.9045


YB got 2nd last season because:
1. PVE player base came out for weeks and queued maps and basically sat in them for NA/EU. I still remember 4-6 hour queues during NA primetime in week 4 of that season. It died down somewhat until the last 2 weeks. When the calls goes out for bodies, there is a tendency to map shout in Queensdale, Frostgorge, boss trains and you can have maps flooded. With the right commanders, these guys don’t leave even after a few wipes.
2. Protracted siege warfare. Pretty much play ball with the siege fire or leave. Lots of guilds decided the latter was the option since they didn’t want to fight for 2-3 hours to take a keep or over an hour to take towers.
3. Overtime, lots of people stayed up to boost OCX/SEA, many commanders pulled 12h+ shifts. The fact that YB had 2 map zergs at those times speaks for themselves.
4. Double team SBI and BP with Ebay. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Granted, not everyone was on board with this, but with the possibility of Ebay tying for 4th and YB getting 2nd, it was a win-win for both sides.

The problem this season is that most if not all the organized guilds left. Prob will get 4th/5th this season though…unless there is some serious commitment.


[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Fox Reeveheart.1890

Fox Reeveheart.1890

I’d like to see some NA bronze league predictions <3

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Alloy.2839


I will make a very limited prediction based on my experience playing on DB.

First – FA. This is a T2 server and is in Silver because the ranking system could not react to the collapse of SoR fast enough to accurately determine the weaker of SoS, Mag, FA, and DB. One of these servers had to end up in Silver and was going to be the winner there.

Second – SBI. Just as DB benefited from the collapse of SoR, SBI suffered because of it. SBI faced DB in what were essentially 2 sided matches when SoR was the 3rd server. This allowed DB to focus only on SBI and they did not do as well as they would have in a more balanced 3 sided match.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

I wouldn’t tip SBI for second too soon – IoJ beat us squarely over the mid-week days last week in effectively the same matchup (aside from two departed FA guilds), and IoJ had an early deficit to overcome that week too. The population is a little different this week – achievement hunters and all – but it’s the regulars who have the experience in winning fights, so any timezones where we were weak before, we’re still weak now.

I don’t think SBI is likely to finish any lower than fourth though. The latest exodus doesn’t seem to have hit us anywhere near as hard as the one at the beginning of 2013.

(edited by Ben K.6238)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

I wouldn’t tip SBI for second too soon – IoJ beat us squarely over the mid-week days last week in effectively the same matchup (aside from two departed FA guilds), and IoJ had an early deficit to overcome that week too. The population is a little different this week – achievement hunters and all – but it’s the regulars who have the experience in winning fights, so any timezones where we were weak before, we’re still weak now.

I don’t think SBI is likely to finish any lower than fourth though. The latest exodus doesn’t seem to have hit us anywhere near as hard as the one at the beginning of 2013.

Well, I don’t know if you actually read our forums, Ben, or listen to our server meetings, but….we a lot of people actually decided to rest last week, and not go all out. After Mag, Mag, Db, Db, Db, etc, we needed a break before the season started. We have come out strong and without FA’s NA being able to dominate both servers, IoJ can’t keep up in that time. FA and SBI are actually doing well in the overnight hours, and IoJ is not really gaining any ground in that time period. Sunday night, without people putting in crazy overtime like they did on the weekend, SBI was still able to tick well overnight.

HoD might beat us, we shall see, but right now the ball is in our court. We have a 14k lead over IoJ, and we just have to maintain that (but some of our leaders, like Juggs, will continue to push to increase it).

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

I read the forums. Server meetings are always held when I can’t be there and listening to over an hour of complaining got old pretty fast so I gave up on those.

Most of SBI turns up or doesn’t regardless of what people on the forums decide to do, and our performance week-to-week doesn’t relate either. I’m seeing a bigger population during Oceanic/SEA timezones than last week, entirely due to the influx of casual players. They’re stopping us from losing everything this week, but we still lose a lot overnight.

Not to say the guilds aren’t making an impact – without AoD around it’d be much worse. They’re not the strongest WvW guild, but they make an honest effort and they have enough numbers for it to count.

Of course, my point of view comes from someone who almost exclusively plays Oceanic hours with other people who don’t attend meetings for much the same reasons as me, and almost all of them ignore the WvW forums as well. So there’s some sample bias there and it’s entirely possible that the NA crew pays more attention to the community WvW organisations.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Basch.1347


We have a 14k lead over IoJ, and we just have to maintain that (but some of our leaders, like Juggs, will continue to push to increase it).

To be honest, the reason why SBI is well above IoJ is because we arbitrarily decided to run on IoJBL yesterday, so that IoJ was ticking well below 150 for most of the day. Having said that though, I’m glad IoJ and SBI have been putting up a good fight. Granted, it’s near to impossible to find good, organized 20-25 man fights, since they tend to run with larger militia groups, but it’s still better than nothing. Nevertheless, I hope they keep up the competition so it’s not too dull for us.


[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

The guild groups of that size went to Maguuma, SoS and TC.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

I’ll bet a good matchup would be HoD/SBI/Yaks or IoJ/SBI/Yaks or HoD/SBI/IoJ.

Do we get to at least fight every server in this season or is swiss style strictly matched up by placement in previous match? Cause that would be a shame if those matchups never happened.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Zinrae.3769


I’ll bet a good matchup would be HoD/SBI/Yaks or IoJ/SBI/Yaks or HoD/SBI/IoJ.

Do we get to at least fight every server in this season or is swiss style strictly matched up by placement in previous match? Cause that would be a shame if those matchups never happened.

They will not happen because 2 of those 4 servers will be against FA every week from here on out.

Henge of Denravi [PD]

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


I have a feeling FA and HOD will score on a different plane than ioj/sbi/yb. But I don’t know who else would face FA hod other than those 3…. I admit I don’t understand the matching though.

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Unless I’m really misunderstanding it, your matchups will be as follows (based on current scoring)

Week 2:
Week 1 Tier 3/4/5 winners: FA, YB, HoD
2nd place: SBI, BP, NSP
3rd place: IoJ, SoR, CD

(and guessing those outcomes of Wk 2 matches)
Week 3:
Winners: FA, SBI, IoJ
2nd place: HoD, NSP, CD
3rd place: YB, BP, SoR

So matchups won’t really change much beside tier mainly because of my guesstimates of the fallout of SoR and BP losing a lot.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I have a feeling FA and HOD will score on a different plane than ioj/sbi/yb. But I don’t know who else would face FA hod other than those 3…. I admit I don’t understand the matching though.

The top 3 spots in silver should be fun. It’s relatively a blow out in FA/SBI/IoJ right now but it’s not like embarrassing for IoJ or SBI. FA/HoD (assuming they’re not a paper tiger) and SBI should be a good time if HoD can occupy a lot of FAs attention.

I assume FA/HoD/SBI-IoJ will take place at some point. The points get confusing.

(edited by Fluffball.8307)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


Unless I’m really misunderstanding it, your matchups will be as follows (based on current scoring)

Week 2:
Week 1 Tier 3/4/5 winners: FA, YB, HoD
2nd place: SBI, BP, NSP
3rd place: IoJ, SoR, CD

(and guessing those outcomes of Wk 2 matches)
Week 3:
Winners: FA, SBI, IoJ
2nd place: HoD, NSP, CD
3rd place: YB, BP, SoR

So matchups won’t really change much beside tier mainly because of my guesstimates of the fallout of SoR and BP losing a lot.

So YB could face the following (based on your predictions)
Bp-sor (current)

That doesn’t seem right…..

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

(edited by Liston.9708)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Boom.6148


Unless I’m really misunderstanding it, your matchups will be as follows (based on current scoring)

Week 2:
Week 1 Tier 3/4/5 winners: FA, YB, HoD
2nd place: SBI, BP, NSP
3rd place: IoJ, SoR, CD

(and guessing those outcomes of Wk 2 matches)
Week 3:
Winners: FA, SBI, IoJ
2nd place: HoD, NSP, CD
3rd place: YB, BP, SoR

So matchups won’t really change much beside tier mainly because of my guesstimates of the fallout of SoR and BP losing a lot.

So basically, starting week 3 – the 2nd and 3rd place finishers between FA/YB/HoD will get another blow out match and then those three will face each other again? gg anet. Much better design this season.

Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Roe.3679


Here’s how it works:

Next week the servers that won this week will play each other, then all the 2nds and all the 3rds.

So FA, YB and HoD will play,
IoJ, SoR, and CD.

Then the winningest servers continue to play each other, and the servers who continue to lose play each other. FA is in silver but should never play CD or SoR..

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


w1: FA 3, YB 3, HoD 3 | SBI 2, BP 2, NSP 2 | IoJ 1, SoR 1, CD 1
w2: FA 6, SBI 5, HoD 5 | YB 4, BP 4, IoJ 4 | NSP 3, CD 3, SoR 2
w3: FA 9, HoD 7, IoJ 7 | SBI 6, YB 6, NSP 6 | BP 5, CD 5, SoR 3
w4: FA 12, HoD 9, SBI 9 | IoJ 8, BP 8, YB 7 | NSP 7, CD 7, SoR 4
w5: FA 15, HoD 11, IoJ 11 | SBI 10, YB 10, NSP 10 | BP 9, CD 9, SoR 5

I think I did that right??? assuming no upsets and assuming HoD is not a disaster waiting to happen.

(edited by Fluffball.8307)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Boom.6148


I see what you did there but shouldn’t that start atw2:

Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


The points are the week total, and then I just sorted them numerically, since that is who they would play the next week.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Ceres.4569


Yes sorry, after week 2 total scores I think will take affect not placement each week. Issue being that swiss style is meant for head to head games where there is a true winner and loser. In this case, after week 2 its going to be the same 2 matches for each tier for 6 weeks. And outside of major upsets/double teaming, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be determined by wk 3 matchups.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: DarkFrost.2847


It was requested, even though I don’t have a screenshot, for queue numbers on reset night. On HoD, we had 220 for EB, and a little over 100 for each borderland.

Obertus [ERP]
The saga of your life is a summation of the choices you make.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


And outside of major upsets/double teaming, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be determined by wk 3 matchups.

I am personally not expecting too much out of HoD, but let’s assume they are now a WvW monster, it will be interesting to see whether FA or HoD cracks of boredom first after facing each other for 8 straight weeks.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Rhalas.4167


It was requested, even though I don’t have a screenshot, for queue numbers on reset night. On HoD, we had 220 for EB, and a little over 100 for each borderland.

Here’s one. The time is EST.


Lord Rhalas: Commander

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Mastodon.2458


I play on HoD and welcome more active wvw servers. More bags for us.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: insaneshadow.1654


w1: FA 3, YB 3, HoD 3 | SBI 2, BP 2, NSP 2 | IoJ 1, SoR 1, CD 1
w2: FA 6, SBI 5, HoD 5 | YB 4, BP 4, IoJ 4 | NSP 3, CD 3, SoR 2
w3: FA 9, HoD 7, IoJ 7 | SBI 6, YB 6, NSP 6 | BP 5, CD 5, SoR 3
w4: FA 12, HoD 9, SBI 9 | IoJ 8, BP 8, YB 7 | NSP 7, CD 7, SoR 4
w5: FA 15, HoD 11, IoJ 11 | SBI 10, YB 10, NSP 10 | BP 9, CD 9, SoR 5

I think I did that right??? assuming no upsets and assuming HoD is not a disaster waiting to happen.

Is the answer 7? I think the answer is 7. It’s 7, right? Did I get it right, I’m not good at math. 8.

Gust Root | Letum Folium | Lo Bridge | Snow Spot | Roland East | Nascharr | Bjorn Microbrew
Yak’s Bend
Lincoln Force [BOMB]

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Gundail.7594


Gosh, I love all the speculation.

I heard HoD had 16 eyes and 7 legs with a maw filled with Marzipan.

The only fight that matters right now is HoD versus YB. Just expect any fight with HoD to be an endurance race, because for every 100 people in queue there’s another 100 who didn’t bother. You’ll need to pull a lot of long shifts if you want to beat the numbers game.

But anyone that can match HoD on coverage? Yeah, there’s no community yet, half the guilds are running around anon and not even communicating. There’s some cooperation and it’s apt to get better and honestly HoD needed some new blood… maybe not quite so much new blood… but there’s some real solid guilds in the mix. Whatever.

So anyways Yak’s Bend has PvEers who will WvW and HoD has WvWers who have to PvE… we’ll have to wait to find out the answer the question no one was asking!

Charr Warguardmeznecrotheifrangergineer
[ETA]-HoD or wherever Mega-server-blob who cares anymore?

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Mute Paladin.5043

Mute Paladin.5043

Make all the assumptions as you like, but I am seeing NSP taking 5th or 6th Place in this tournament.

{Northern Shiverpeaks} Yoren Foehammer / Raelin Torchwood

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


HoD has been running an EB queue 24 hours since reset (almost). There has been a handful of hours where EB isn’t full but they have been really sparse and even without the queue EB is still “full”. I don’t know what FA or YB looks like but I haven’t been on a server with those kinds of numbers ever. Strange to see 100+ man queue at 5AM server time.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Pyroathiest.4168


HoD has been running an EB queue 24 hours since reset (almost). There has been a handful of hours where EB isn’t full but they have been really sparse and even without the queue EB is still “full”. I don’t know what FA or YB looks like but I haven’t been on a server with those kinds of numbers ever. Strange to see 100+ man queue at 5AM server time.

FA has had an EB queue all the times I’ve been on. Sometimes it’s only ~15 people, but it’s there.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Ulion.5476


Every other week will have the same unbalanced match-up: FA-IoJ-SoR, SBI-Bp-NSP, YB-HD-CD. I expect the final for the other 9 server leagues if their are no upsets 1-4-2-7-5-3-8-6-9. Assuming their are no upsets the 7 week NA Silver league final will be.

1. FA =35
2. Ioj YB =29
3. SBI = 27
4. SoR HD = 23
5. Bp = 21
6. YB Ioj = 19
7. NSP = 17
8. HD SoR =13
9. CD = 7
(edited since I can not keep track of what server are ranked were in silver league :P)

The swiss-style match-ups make the winning servers fight winning servers and losing server fight losing servers. Example this will force FA to go up against t3 servers half of the time and the winner of t4 and t5 the other half. No server will be matched up against one that is higher than 6 ranks from it. Which is unlike season 1 were you only have 1 maybe 2 competitive match-ups during the entire 7 weeks. This season you will get a same tier match-up half of the time.

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

(edited by Ulion.5476)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Buffy.9246


It was requested, even though I don’t have a screenshot, for queue numbers on reset night. On HoD, we had 220 for EB, and a little over 100 for each borderland.

Here’s one. The time is EST.

Man hod must be terrible. With those ques hod should be +600 all day. Kinda sad nsp and cd r doing well against them.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


Every other week will have the same unbalanced match-up: FA-IoJ-SoR, SBI-Bp-NSP, YB-HD-CD. I expect the final for the other 9 server leagues if their are no upsets 1-4-2-7-5-3-8-6-9. Assuming their are no upsets the 7 week NA Silver league final will be.

1. FA =35
2. IoJ =29
3. SBI = 27
4. SoR = 23
5. Bp = 21
6. YB = 19
7. NSP = 17
8. HD =13
9. CD = 7

The swiss-style match-ups make the winning servers fight winning servers and losing server fight losing servers. Example this will force FA to go up against t3 servers half of the time and the winner of t4 and t5 the other half. No server will be matched up against one that is higher than 6 ranks from it. Which is unlike season 1 were you only have 1 maybe 2 competitive match-ups during the entire 7 weeks. This season you will get a same tier match-up half of the time.

No way HOD is 8th and very unlikely SOR is 4th…..

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Kigera.9584


1. IoJ
2. FA
3. SBI

I’m assuming FA is back in Silver again (lol) because they had another implosion? You’ll have to forgive my ignorance because I haven’t played in about a month. Hopefully, they’re weak enough that another Silver League opponent can pull off a upset like Yaks did last season. I picked IoJ because their name sounds better than FA

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


My Prediction :

Final Points

45 – FA
29 – HoD, IoJ
27 – SbI, YB, CD
25 – BP,NSP
9 – SoR

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

(edited by azizul.8469)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


Here are the explanation

First Week

(0)FA -5 = 5
(0)SbI -3 = 3
(0)IoJ -1 = 1

(0)YB -5 = 5
(0)BP -3 = 3
(0)SoR -1 = 1

(0)HoD -5 = 5
(0)NSP -3 = 3
(0)CD -1 = 1

Second Week :

(5)FA -5 = 10
(5)HoD -3 = 8
(5)YB -1 = 6

(3)SbI -5 = 8
(3)BP -3 = 6
(3)NSP -1 = 4

(1)IoJ -5 = 6
(1)CD -3 = 4
(1)SoR -1 = 2

Third Week :

(10)FA – 5 = 15
(8)HoD – 3 = 11
(8)SbI – 1 = 9

(6)IoJ – 5 = 11
(6)YB – 3 = 9
(6)BP – 1 = 7

(4)CD – 5 = 9
(4)NSP – 3 = 7
(2)SoR – 1 = 3

Fourth Week :

(15)FA – 5 = 20
(11)HoD- 3 = 14
(11)IoJ- 1 = 12

(9)SbI – 5 = 14
(9)YB – 3 = 12
(9)CD – 1 = 10

(7)BP – 5 = 12
(7)NSP – 3 = 10
(3)SoR – 1 = 4

Fifth Week :

(20)FA – 5 = 25
(14)HoD- 3 = 17
(14)SbI- 1 = 15

(12)IoJ- 5 = 17
(12)YB – 3 = 15
(12)BP – 1 = 13

(10)CD – 5 = 15
(10)NSP- 3 = 13
(4)SoR – 1 = 5

Sixth Week :

(25)FA – 5 = 30
(17)HoD- 3 = 20
(17)IoJ- 1 = 18

(15)SbI- 5 = 20
(15)YB – 3 = 18
(15)CD – 1 = 16

(13)BP – 5 = 18
(13)NSP- 3 = 16
(5)SoR – 1 = 6

Seventh Week:

(30)FA – 5 = 35
(20)HoD- 3 = 23
(20)SbI- 1 = 21

(18)IoJ- 5 = 23
(18)YB – 3 = 21
(18)BP – 1 = 19

(16)CD – 5 = 21
(16)NSP- 3 = 19
(6)SoR – 1 = 7

Eighth Week :

(35)FA – 5 = 40
(23)HoD- 3 = 26
(23)IoJ- 1 = 24

(21)SbI- 5 = 26
(21)YB – 3 = 24
(21)CD – 1 = 22

(19)BP – 5 = 24
(19)NSP- 3 = 22
(7)SoR – 1 = 8

Ninth Week

(40)FA – 5 = 45
(26)HoD- 3 = 29
(26)SbI- 1 = 27

(24)IoJ- 5 = 29
(24)YB – 3 = 27
(24)BP – 1 = 25

(22)CD – 5 = 27
(22)NSP- 3 = 25
(8)SoR – 1 = 9

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: mango.9267


Tbh, I’m not sure HoD will continuously place second to FA if they play against FA for eight straight weeks. At some point, you get sick of the match up, and your morale plummets.

Second Child

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Ulion.5476



No way HOD is 8th and very unlikely SOR is 4th…..

Yea typo 1-4-2-7-5-3-8-6-9. Hard to keep track of what server is ranked were specifically in the silver league. Swap YB with Ioj and HD with SoR.

1. FA =35
2. YB =29
3. SBI = 27
4. HD = 23
5. Bp = 21
6. Ioj = 19
7. NSP = 17
8. SoR =13
9. CD = 7

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

(edited by Ulion.5476)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


I play on HoD and welcome more active wvw servers. More bags for us.

As a NSP player if u guys find servers with same coverage of yours, i dont think u will win that much, but i imagine hod on top 5/6

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: mango.9267



No way HOD is 8th and very unlikely SOR is 4th…..

Yea typo 1-4-2-7-5-3-8-6-9. Hard to keep track of what server is ranked were specifically in the silver league. Swap YB with Ioj and HD with SoR.

1. FA =35
2. YB =29
3. SBI = 27
4. HD = 23
5. Bp = 21
6. Ioj = 19
7. NSP = 17
8. SoR =13
9. CD = 7

It’s unlikely IoJ will lose to BP and also pretty unlikely that CD will lose to SoR. It’s also unlikely that YB will beat HoD/SBI unless YB puts in some serious, serious overtime during offhours.

Second Child

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


It’s unlikely IoJ will lose to BP and also pretty unlikely that CD will lose to SoR. It’s also unlikely that YB will beat HoD/SBI unless YB puts in some serious, serious overtime during offhours.

I’ve been nothing but impressed with IoJ and SBI. Those two are going to be something to reckon with for any of the non-FA servers who face them. Especially if they get PvErs coming out for easier matchups than what they’re in right now.

I do wonder if SoR has finally reached it’s natural stopping point though. They’re ticking 225 right now. Would be nice if they showed up for the tourney.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Everyone is forgetting the 2v1 factor.

Comeon are we really going to just let FA walk away with this?

It’s 2v1 time!

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: mango.9267


Everyone is forgetting the 2v1 factor.

Comeon are we really going to just let FA walk away with this?

It’s 2v1 time!

2v1’s are very difficult to maintain. Requires quite a bit of server coordination, especially if you have an offhour crew, and easy caps are all too appealing after a few repeated wipes. That’s what made the YB/EBay affair so impressive.

Second Child

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


SBI will probably pull 4th. FA has no reason to be in silver, they have blobs non stop and keep everything paper. When primetime rolls around we can usually defend some of our stuff but that’s about it. IoJ has better all around coverage then SBI, weaker NA and that’s our strong point.

FA essentially was handed another free tournament win. HoD has a ton of people now and will likely place second. Third will probably go to Yaks or IoJ. FA/HoD population spread in Silver would make for a very balanced league. Sad cant happen like that.

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Ulion.5476



Things to remember this is not season 1 this is season 2. In season 2 they are using a system similiar to a swiss style tournament. The match-ups will force your server to matched up against people in the same tier most of the time assuming their are no upsets.

Winner fight winner losers fight losers:
W1___W2___W3___W4___ W5___W6___W7____Final
FA-5__FA-5__ FA-5__FA-5__FA-5___FA-5__FA-5___FA=35
SBI-3__Ioj-3__SBI-3__ Ioj-3__SBI-3___Ioj-3__SBI-3___Ioj=29
YB-1__SoR-1_YB-1___SoR-1_YB-1___SoR-1 _ YB-1__SBI=27



If matches go by total tournament points at the end of the week:

W1___W2___W3___W4___ W5___W6___W7____Final
SBI-3__ Ioj-8__SBI-11_SBI-16_SBI-19_SBI-22__SBI-25_SBI=25



So it just depends on how you look at it. Match-ups by Winner vs winner or points total at the end of the week. The first has you fighting the same tier match-ups 4 times or the 2nd has you fighting it 3 times. First one the winners of each tier are rewarded more and the 2nd one only ranking matter by the end.

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

(edited by Ulion.5476)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Match-ups are going to be by tournament points with Glicko rating as tie-breakers according to the blog.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast