(edited by Gahzirra.8639)
Necro damage on Siege/Downed players
Condis work on golems I’m pretty sure. Now regular siege they don’t that’d be ridiculous, an arrow cart does not die to bleeds or poisons. If someone triggers your mark you will do the base damage of the mark to the siege your condis just won’t apply.
Deathshroud 4 hits siege on walls without LoS, I think necros are fine.
Necros are fine in that regard. Its a trade off, conditions can be very strong on players and necros can give a large blanket of conditions over a group of people. Because of that your missing power as a stat and are unable to kill siege quickly. Personally I don’t see it as a problem in WvW.
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
Condis work on golems I’m pretty sure. Now regular siege they don’t that’d be ridiculous, an arrow cart does not die to bleeds or poisons. If someone triggers your mark you will do the base damage of the mark to the siege your condis just won’t apply.
They work if the driver is still in them, but since the driver exited and dueled me. I had to pretty much auto the thing down. I get the logic of bleed on siwge, lets just say they change tooltip to bleed on players DECAY on siege…still fits the condi theme.
It would be just a nice to have to do a bit more to siege, not asking for an IWIN button just something more than autoing down siege. Still don’t get why marks dont trigger on downed players they trigger on stationary players.