New dailies: more badges, yay!
Seems like a positive change actually. Minor, but positive.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Well, with more badges I can buy more siege.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Holy crap this will save WvW! To be honest, I’m not bothered by this announcement (would’ve expected WvW to receive nothing and just be completely forgotten about) but I still have ~30k badges I can’t be bothered to spend. I wish there was a way to use these badges to buy a WvW dev team. Pls.
Whatever, I guess this is just a nice small improvement overall.
I have 40k+ badges, i definitely need more.
Thanks a lot.
wvwvw is saved, ty based anet
Well, badges would be freakin awesome if we could, you know, SALVAGE the armors and weapons we buy with it.
Well, badges would be freakin awesome if we could, you know, SALVAGE the armors and weapons we buy with it.
Well, you can buy siege, sell siege on TP and buy salvageable armor with the money you know?
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Well, badges would be freakin awesome if we could, you know, SALVAGE the armors and weapons we buy with it.
Well, you can buy siege, sell siege on TP and buy salvageable armor with the money you know?
Incoming ban for obviously unintended use of in-game currencies.
RvR isn’t “endgame”, it’s the only game. Cu in CU.
Actually this will reduce WvW participation. All the achievement hunters only need to complete 3 dailies now to get the maximum daily AP. So there is no reason for them to go to WvW anymore since those are mostly impossible to complete anyway…
Actually this will reduce WvW participation. All the achievement hunters only need to complete 3 dailies now to get the maximum daily AP. So there is no reason for them to go to WvW anymore since those are mostly impossible to complete anyway…
Yeah right. Cause those who go into WvW just for achievements are making an effort to contribute and participate now?
Who cares if the disinterested and unconcerned players who didn’t want to be there have less incentive to get in the way some more? I already have queue times on my server as it is.
One light berserker’s coat costs 1G + 200 BoH. On the TP, the cheapest armor of that kind costs 5,5G. I would’ve to spend 1100 BoH on alphas (50s each on tp) to buy the same armor.
While overall I do like the changes to the Daily/Monthly system, I think that this change may very well see me go less into WvW. (I do stick around long enough to help out, maybe 30 mins to an hour, but I don’t spend hours in there fighting for TC as some true WvW lovers do.)
I really hope that ANet does give us more options to spend our BoH on though.
I will enjoy more badges for more siege myself. ^.~
I also like that as it’s stated I won’t have to leave WvW to do my daily’s. (Though I do mine in wvw anyways, it’ll be nice to see more WvW oriented achievements.)
Though WvW daily’s hopefully will be equivalent to PvE ones and such.
If ya can’t find out what to do with an excess of Badges of Honor, you could buy siege and send to commanders on your server so they can continue dropping siege for everyone while commanding. ^.~ (Or make superior siege and sell for gold.)
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
i could use the extra badges
i think is a good change and to the right direction .
it increases the time that someone need to spend to the game to accomplish the dailies , but , at least , this change will drive more and more pve players to wvw and maybe drive some dedicated wvw players to pve and spvp like me just to accomplish the daily. we will see how it goes and we will have all the time to discussing them in the future
also , it will punish the stacking on the top tiers wvw servers , because of queues …. i want to see people leaving the t1 and people playing all the maps in wvw . this may happened or not . we will see .
Considering most T1 servers have enough to queue for 1 map “if lucky” so to speak, and not all 4. (Other then maybe on an occasional reset night?) I highly doubt it will cause enough Queue’s for T1 players to leave the servers they are on.
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
I currently have 30,000 badges in my wallet.
As said the only useful thing to buy is siege with them.
If we are going to have more badges Anet…
Just a thought there…
Anet dose not worl like this. The thing ppl ask and need he ignores and just makes pointless CDI what never happen.
But gives us useless stuff what is not need or nobody even asked.
So you say we need more stuff to buy whit badges. What Anet c is PPL want to change badges so that they could get them more easy and spend it on nothing.
So they make Big CDI to make “What stuff should badges give”
And few months later intoduces new badges while removeing old and saying “BIG NEW EVERYBODY!” While you cant really buyeven siege whit the new badges but you can get them by smelling flower and your lockal gem store.
Anyone Badges for tomes of knowledge???
Badges could have had some really cool rewards like (SALVAGABLE) ascended armor or something, but they waited too long and now we all have gigantic stacks of badges. Any good rewards would have to be priced completely out of reach of not-current WvW players, like 9k per armor piece or something. Otherwise they’d flood the market with whatever reward they gave us. Also EotM would have to stop dropping badges, because that place is a disaster.
Now all we need in WvW are Dungeon tracks like in sPvP.
I need more badges. Some of us arent too lazy to spend them on siege and theres infusions to buy.
I need more badges. Some of us arent too lazy to spend them on siege and theres infusions to buy.
You can buy infusions with badges only? Since when?
I need more badges. Some of us arent too lazy to spend them on siege and theres infusions to buy.
You can buy infusions with badges only? Since when?
I don’t really think there is anything in that post that refers to being able to buy infusions with ONLY badges. You can however buy them for 125 badges and 5 laurels.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I need more badges. Some of us arent too lazy to spend them on siege and theres infusions to buy.
You can buy infusions with badges only? Since when?
I don’t really think there is anything in that post that refers to being able to buy infusions with ONLY badges. You can however buy them for 125 badges and 5 laurels.
Thank you. I do not know what I would do without you!!!
bagesss yeeyyyy
that makes me to coming back on the game after almost 2 months farm bages and start spend them to…spend them to..hmmmm what actual can take with those???
opssssss …forget it…now i remember why i quit the game after 2 years….
gj anet continue like that and sure you get back alot of us….
Actually this will reduce WvW participation. All the achievement hunters only need to complete 3 dailies now to get the maximum daily AP. So there is no reason for them to go to WvW anymore since those are mostly impossible to complete anyway…
Yeah right. Cause those who go into WvW just for achievements are making an effort to contribute and participate now?
Who cares if the disinterested and unconcerned players who didn’t want to be there have less incentive to get in the way some more? I already have queue times on my server as it is.
Dont start crying after the patch if the WvW population takes another hit of 20%+ though.
People complaining about being stocked with badges:
buy golems.
sell them.
Profit (literally).
Or craft your omegas with it.
Or stock your guild-bank with free siege.
Seriously, if you sit on a stockpile of badges, you’re doing something wrong.
30k badges you say?
that’s ~300g in alphas on the TP.
All it requires is a click-fest at the siege-merchant, that you can complete in 5min if you align the confirmation-prompt with the alphas in the vendor-window.
People complaining about being stocked with badges:
buy golems.
sell them.
Profit (literally).Or craft your omegas with it.
Or stock your guild-bank with free siege.Seriously, if you sit on a stockpile of badges, you’re doing something wrong.
30k badges you say?
that’s ~300g in alphas on the TP.
All it requires is a click-fest at the siege-merchant, that you can complete in 5min if you align the confirmation-prompt with the alphas in the vendor-window.
shhhhh! now everyone will know!
Actually this will reduce WvW participation. All the achievement hunters only need to complete 3 dailies now to get the maximum daily AP. So there is no reason for them to go to WvW anymore since those are mostly impossible to complete anyway…
Yeah right. Cause those who go into WvW just for achievements are making an effort to contribute and participate now?
Who cares if the disinterested and unconcerned players who didn’t want to be there have less incentive to get in the way some more? I already have queue times on my server as it is.
Dont start crying after the patch if the WvW population takes another hit of 20%+ though.
I see no evidence that this will occur. My guild recently transfered from T1 server since launch, to a T3 server. Which has since moved to TV since we arrives. We have map queues 4 out of 7 days a week. I hardly feel concerned. It is kind of cute thougg, how we get these “the sky is falling” post over every little change. Worry all you like. This is hardly the apocalypse you seem to think it is.
People complaining about being stocked with badges:
buy golems.
sell them.
Profit (literally).Or craft your omegas with it.
Or stock your guild-bank with free siege.Seriously, if you sit on a stockpile of badges, you’re doing something wrong.
30k badges you say?
that’s ~300g in alphas on the TP.
All it requires is a click-fest at the siege-merchant, that you can complete in 5min if you align the confirmation-prompt with the alphas in the vendor-window.
30k badges = 300 golems
1 golem = 51s 99c
taxes = 15% total
result: 132g 57s 45c
I would save the 30k badges for the future instead of wasting them for a mere 132g.
And 132g is actually a good price for Alpha Golems. Due to something that looks like price manipulation to me, they almost doubled in price over the last 30 days.
Due to something that looks like price manipulation to me, they almost doubled in price over the last 30 days.
I actually think people stocked golems to do omegas or even to use the alphas during the no-swords time.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Real question is: if I kill more people, do I get more corpses?
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
I’d like to collect the heads of my enemies…not badges :-)
JQ Ranger
I’d like to collect the heads of my enemies…not badges :-)
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
It’s becoming more obvious that this game mode is an afterthought
I bet this will make sure rewards are equalized trough out the game.
going to play some sim city 2000 apparently you get it free with an Origin account.
Can you imagine getting an Origin account while you can play gw2?
yeah i never thought this would happen either.
WvW Reset in EU “soon”, I’m rdy~
Ohh, I’m not in WvW? There’s a reason for that..
WvW Reset in EU “soon”, I’m rdy~
Ohh, I’m not in WvW? There’s a reason for that..
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
More badges… I don’t know what to say besides that nobody really needs them. In EotM you get like 250 per hour.
Unless Anet WvW reward tracks you could unlock with badges, or something similar to badges unique armors, there is no need for more badges.
Anyone Badges for tomes of knowledge???
i would be psyched if they added that.
You guys are forgetting that you can spend badges on ascended gear from the wvw laurel merchants. I don’t know about you but saving some laurels at the cost of badgesto gear all my toons in full ascended certainly drains my badges. Not to mention the thousands of supply traps/disablers i have used. I think you people aith 30k badges must not do much for your server apart from roll staff guardian spam 1 and stay in the zerg. as a scout/roamer i do not get the vast quantaties of badges that you guys get (even though i typicly only play wvw when i’m on gw2) and the ones i do get get spent very quickly on siege/traps/ascended gear for alternate armor choices/new toons.
I really don’t see the argument for salvageable wvw armor either, as far as i can tell it is there for wvw players to have a cheap way of buying gear that can be either crafted or bought on trading post as in wvw you tend not to make alot of money and this offers you a way to quickly gear a toon with sufficient quality armor. It is not there to make you a quick buck from salvaging.
That being said having some WvW only skins/items that cost a high amount of badges/some laurels would me much appreciated anet.
May our BL break all foes. Fear our babou!
Gunnars Hold Represent! <3
I really don’t see the argument for salvageable wvw armor either, as far as i can tell it is there for wvw players to have a cheap way of buying gear that can be either crafted or bought on trading post as in wvw you tend not to make alot of money and this offers you a way to quickly gear a toon with sufficient quality armor. It is not there to make you a quick buck from salvaging.
Actually people just want to salvage their runes back. They don’t want mats or anything from these. I can buy crafted exotics EVEN CHEAPER on Trading post, for that if I wish.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
This is great! We definitely need more ways to earn badges of honor, so I’m excited for this!
I really don’t see the argument for salvageable wvw armor either, as far as i can tell it is there for wvw players to have a cheap way of buying gear that can be either crafted or bought on trading post as in wvw you tend not to make alot of money and this offers you a way to quickly gear a toon with sufficient quality armor. It is not there to make you a quick buck from salvaging.
Actually people just want to salvage their runes back. They don’t want mats or anything from these. I can buy crafted exotics EVEN CHEAPER on Trading post, for that if I wish.
oya that is an issue i didn’t think of this, maybe make it salvagable but the only thing you get from it is your rune.
May our BL break all foes. Fear our babou!
Gunnars Hold Represent! <3
I really don’t see the argument for salvageable wvw armor either, as far as i can tell it is there for wvw players to have a cheap way of buying gear that can be either crafted or bought on trading post as in wvw you tend not to make alot of money and this offers you a way to quickly gear a toon with sufficient quality armor. It is not there to make you a quick buck from salvaging.
Actually people just want to salvage their runes back. They don’t want mats or anything from these. I can buy crafted exotics EVEN CHEAPER on Trading post, for that if I wish.
oya that is an issue i didn’t think of this, maybe make it salvagable but the only thing you get from it is your rune.
That’s all we’re asking for
More badges… I don’t know what to say besides that nobody really needs them. In EotM you get like 250 per hour.
Unless Anet WvW reward tracks you could unlock with badges, or something similar to badges unique armors, there is no need for more badges.
There actually are badge unique armors, the problem is that they are super cheap…
There actually are badge unique armors, the problem is that they are super cheap…
They aren’t unique… They are the same skins of things that you can buy with karma on PvE.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
They aren’t unique… They are the same skins of things that you can buy with karma on PvE.
Are you sure?
Based on the wiki both the Mist Walker and the Diviner sets are unique to WvW.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Are you sure?
Based on the wiki both the Mist Walker and the Diviner sets are unique to WvW.
These are the exotic armors, not the skins only. The other skins are all from karma vendors.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing