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Posted by: Fenrir.3609


If this is working correctly then your system needs a rethink.

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Posted by: Teim.3618


Yeah Patch in the next hour or two… better Patch again on reset day
inb4 “Karka Event is now live”

//Nice HOUR or TWO… more like 15 Minutes

(edited by Teim.3618)

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Posted by: Laurelinde.4395


‘Stable matchups would be so boring. What people really want is fights where they have either no chance of winning, or no chance of losing. That will make it interesting! I mean, who doesn’t like playing games where it doesn’t matter if you actually play or if you just run around in circles yelling kitten and rubbing cake in your face??’

Laurelinde & Cookie/Beorna Bearheart
[TWG] – Gunnar’s Hold
Always remember Wheaton’s Law

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Posted by: lunyboy.8672


I think the devs have inadvertently stumbled upon a fix for the whole system, randomize matchups per map, and group servers…

Not sure how they will score it, but who cares.

Miss Fisthammer – Engineer | Urgard Fistorsen – Guardian
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD

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Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


As i said in the thread of insane match (T9server vsT9server vs T7 server):

Where are al those ppl who said “Screw balanced matches, we want variety!” now.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

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Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


Ebay checking in, how about the people who asked why servers were not moving up while winning by 100k.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

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Posted by: Tyrannus Blade.3408

Tyrannus Blade.3408

As i said in the thread of insane match (T9server vsT9server vs T7 server):

Where are al those ppl who said “Screw balanced matches, we want variety!” now.

Well tbh in T9 at this point the most variety you can get is the server title above the 50+ members of the green enemy zerg currently stomping you into the dirt whenever you try taking anything more than your own garrison.
I just want to see the match up be simply “FoW vs Vabbi”; T9 vs T9 rather than the T9 vs T9 vs T8

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Posted by: Zarenda Mal.1364

Zarenda Mal.1364

I am so kittened off about the GH-PS-RS matchip that I can’t even enjoy PvE at the moment. I came on a bit late and missed the early chaos, so when I did get on we were already stuck in a ridiculous matchup. And to all you holier than thou so-called wise people who say “Just get on with it, you will learn something”, all I can say is, “There is nothing to learn.”

When there are 30-40 of us and there are easily twice that from each of the other servers, and when we try and actually take something and finally get a bit of success we suddenly find the other server attacking us from behind, there is simply no point.

You may not have figured it out yet, but tactics against superior numbers on this level (roughly 3-4 times our numbers), just don’t work. You can try anything you like, but the game is not designed to help teams in this situation cope. There are no special tactics we can use that they can’t.

Set aside the fact that we are severely outmanned, people who play at this level are also far more hard-core than our server’s people. They are specifically geared for WvW, they run in regular groups of 25 and more (when we can field 25 in one place we are doing really well), and it would suprise me greatly if the vast majority are not on voice comms.

We had reasonable matchups where we actually could use some tactics in T7. Even going against servers from 1 tier up or so would have been ok, but putting a T7 server in a matchup against a T3 and T4 is simply demoralizing.

Not impressed at the quality control here. It is not as if somebody couldn’t have taken a closer look at the potential shake-outs before. I mean, we are talking about 27 EU servers. Sheesh! You could have done the matchups by hand and not screwed it up this bad.

From what I have heard, apparently because we had a good initial battle during the false start, those stats were added into the system and we got bumped up way too far. Just admit it was a mistake and fix the matchups please.

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Posted by: Svarty.8019


Can’t we change them to 24 hour matchups like last time Arenanet were calibrating the ladder?

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

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Posted by: Thezen.2187


That would make rating points more stable again, but would not change the problems about T7 vs T3 and similar things.
Server populations are too far away from each other and even 200 rating points can make enough difference to make the matchup boring (ticking with <100 most time) for the matchups lowest server and still having +points at the end (or just not that much minus).
For “balancing” in that direction tranfer for money came far too late and with nothing keeping players at low tier servers. (Communities had time to grow and to bind people to servers)
The try to fix this by making transfer to medium server free failed because ‘medium’ depends on every player on a server and not just those who are playing wvw (or on the wvw ranking in general).

(edited by Thezen.2187)

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Posted by: Rookni.2469


Alot of players will tick of a new point at their “Why should I quit GW2 list” this week

Commander Yolo Oh Trollo. The power is in the moustache

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Posted by: Mortalitas.9710


Alot of players will tick of a new point at their “Why should I quit GW2 list” this week

I think your wrong on that one! The change is being made because the majority asked for variety and to fight different servers. I could care less who we fight as long as its someone new. If we lose well, we lose if we win great. This change is for the better if you don’t like the change no one is forcing people to play the game. I like it thank you Devs and Bring it.

E. BlackThorn Mesmer

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Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

The change is being made because the majority asked for variety and to fight different servers. I could care less who we fight as long as its someone new. If we lose well, we lose if we win great. This change is for the better if you don’t like the change no one is forcing people to play the game. I like it thank you Devs and Bring it.

Might want to think that through some more. Might want to try being in an extremely unbalanced matchup.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

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in WvW

Posted by: Mortalitas.9710


The change is being made because the majority asked for variety and to fight different servers. I could care less who we fight as long as its someone new. If we lose well, we lose if we win great. This change is for the better if you don’t like the change no one is forcing people to play the game. I like it thank you Devs and Bring it.

Might want to think that through some more. Might want to try being in an extremely unbalanced matchup.

You mean like running over Kain and Yaks bend for the last month?

E. BlackThorn Mesmer

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Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


I think the matchmaking will help in the long run however, I feel ANet need to sort out just how random, random is. Arborstone (Tier 9/8 server) against Gandara + Far Shiverpeaks (T4/5 respectively).

Have to say, Arbor did wipe our map well just an hour ago however XD

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

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Posted by: Khayoss.2019


The change is being made because the majority asked for variety and to fight different servers. I could care less who we fight as long as its someone new. If we lose well, we lose if we win great. This change is for the better if you don’t like the change no one is forcing people to play the game. I like it thank you Devs and Bring it.

Might want to think that through some more. Might want to try being in an extremely unbalanced matchup.

You mean like running over Kain and Yaks bend for the last month?

Or running over the same two servers for 3 months straight? People who caution against this system bringing uneven matchups seem oblivious to the fact that many of us have been stuck in perpetually uneven matches for as far back as we can remember. Apparently that was better because it didn’t affect them. Now that it might from time to time we need a better solution… :|

Khayoss / Khayotica / Mistasia
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]

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Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

The change is being made because the majority asked for variety and to fight different servers. I could care less who we fight as long as its someone new. If we lose well, we lose if we win great. This change is for the better if you don’t like the change no one is forcing people to play the game. I like it thank you Devs and Bring it.

Might want to think that through some more. Might want to try being in an extremely unbalanced matchup.

You mean like running over Kain and Yaks bend for the last month?

Or running over the same two servers for 3 months straight? People who caution against this system bringing uneven matchups seem oblivious to the fact that many of us have been stuck in perpetually uneven matches for as far back as we can remember. Apparently that was better because it didn’t affect them. Now that it might from time to time we need a better solution… :|

Not seen a completely even matchup ever in this game. We take our lumps, have done many times. This is mental though.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

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Posted by: roseria.7695


Next time Arenanet … maybe make some new maps

i want to have fun not just be like … JQ SOR BG Rinse repeat.

Roserra @ [ATT] – Attuned

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Posted by: ezhcim.3075


worst fix ever I think it even made things worse >.<

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Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241

Blanche Neige.7241

The real problem is not with the matchup system, it’s with the number of servers.

With so few servers to match against one another, you either end up facing always the same ones, or you end up with an extremely uneven match.

With a hundred servers or more, you would see both variety in the enemy you are facing and much more balanced fights. But I don’t see this game with 100 servers ever, so no matter what they decide to do, there will always be either imbalance or immobility.

As it is , their whole WvWvW is a failure.

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Posted by: Inverted.7439


This is the attitude i like to hear from Anet dev’s, reviewing a new patch never hurts!

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Posted by: Hax.8701


Randomizing seemed cool, until BP, AR, and Ebay got matched together for the ~14th week in a row, just changing colors. Big whoop, this is stupid.

[Bae] Baewatch
Hax Shot

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Posted by: Jinks.2057


Can we get a Dev Comment on why they let this match up happen. You said if blowout matchups were rolled you’d reroll.

Guess what? The MOST uneven matchup for weeks is still going on

Looks like your system failed.

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Posted by: grasshopper.8539


Thank you ANET for ruining WVW for my server. More then haff our WVW community in Ehmry bay is not playing this week. And I’m not going to play your game ever aging.

WVW is a competition you move up by WINNING and we won!. We where suppose to move up a tier and play new servers this week and we did it on our own!! Thanks for stealing that from us!!!

Ehmry bay. now on SOS
Commander Goldiy of (ZoD)

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Posted by: meep.2601


Thank you ANET for ruining WVW for my server. More then haff our WVW community in Ehmry bay is not playing this week. And I’m not going to play your game ever aging.

WVW is a competition you move up by WINNING and we won!. We where suppose to move up a tier and play new servers this week and we did it on our own!! Thanks for stealing that from us!!!

as an ebay member who frequently follows goldiy around, i completely agree. we EARNED a new matchup. When i saw that we were up against BP and AR again, as in, 3 months and counting now, it took a lot of wind out of my sails in relation to this game.

keeps getting harder and harder to log on

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Posted by: Engels.8537


‘Stable matchups would be so boring. What people really want is fights where they have either no chance of winning, or no chance of losing. That will make it interesting! I mean, who doesn’t like playing games where it doesn’t matter if you actually play or if you just run around in circles yelling kitten and rubbing cake in your face??’

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I can’t stop laughing xD !!!!!!!!!!!!

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

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Posted by: Actinotus.6410


Thank you ANET for ruining WVW for my server. More then haff our WVW community in Ehmry bay is not playing this week. And I’m not going to play your game ever aging.

WVW is a competition you move up by WINNING and we won!. We where suppose to move up a tier and play new servers this week and we did it on our own!! Thanks for stealing that from us!!!

as an ebay member who frequently follows goldiy around, i completely agree. we EARNED a new matchup. When i saw that we were up against BP and AR again, as in, 3 months and counting now, it took a lot of wind out of my sails in relation to this game.

keeps getting harder and harder to log on

T5 certainly missed out this round. It’s really bad luck. Let’s hope you see new faces in a week’s time.

Sea of Sorrows

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Posted by: grasshopper.8539


I want to play a game where you can see your hard work pay out. its a competition! That’s why I play WVW. This random matching is going to ruin WVW. What’s the point of WVW if winning means nothing?

Ehmry bay. now on SOS
Commander Goldiy of (ZoD)

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in WvW

Posted by: matthen.5024


Thank you ANET for ruining WVW for my server. More then haff our WVW community in Ehmry bay is not playing this week. And I’m not going to play your game ever aging.

WVW is a competition you move up by WINNING and we won!. We where suppose to move up a tier and play new servers this week and we did it on our own!! Thanks for stealing that from us!!!

as an ebay member who frequently follows goldiy around, i completely agree. we EARNED a new matchup. When i saw that we were up against BP and AR again, as in, 3 months and counting now, it took a lot of wind out of my sails in relation to this game.

keeps getting harder and harder to log on

T5 certainly missed out this round. It’s really bad luck. Let’s hope you see new faces in a week’s time.

Let’s hope those new faces aren’t all from T7… well, at this rate, EBay won’t have very many people logging in, so maybe that will be about right.

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Posted by: Actinotus.6410


I want to play a game where you can see your hard work pay out. its a competition! That’s why I play WVW. This random matching is going to ruin WVW. What’s the point of WVW if winning means nothing?

Let’s give this a few weeks. Looking at MoS, ratings (and rankings) are moving pretty drastically which will affect likely matchups for the next week. When EBay plays a higher-rated server (which they will) their rating will go up which I understand means they are more likely to play higher-ranked servers again.

[lots of unhappy Ebay people it seems]

Sea of Sorrows

(edited by Actinotus.6410)

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Posted by: sparklevision.8109


So far I’m enjoying this. I’m sure some week we’ll get wtfpwnzed by one of the T1 guys or a lower server that is just better at PPT than us, but I’ll learn things, it will be unique, I will have fun.

I think this is the best thing to happen to WvW since.. it started.. Along with all the other stuff they’ve added

Furnished Host | Angels of Eternal Destiny
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013

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Posted by: erigais.6805


why cant we just have a ladder system where if winner moves up, loser goes down, middle stays, then have it change weekly. simple is better. would be more fun. id actually play that game again as would many others who are taking a break over stale match ups.

edit: im from ebay. i hate you anet.

[Sekz] Officer erigais AKA Weeaboo Hunter

(edited by erigais.6805)

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Posted by: sparklevision.8109


Loser down winner up would result in endless flip flopping between the same two tiers for people on the ‘halfway point’. It would give a little more variety, but not really :P

Furnished Host | Angels of Eternal Destiny
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013