The root of this problem is thus:
WvWvW is and should be a 24/7 game mode; servers are not designed for 24/7 player loads.wholeheartly agree with the philosophy
I think the best possible solution to this problem is threefold:
1) Eliminate NA and EU designations. (language designations would be fine)
2) Announce a finite time remaining for free transfers. (at least 2 full matches)
3) Continue focusing developer attention on bugs/exploits/hacks.disagree
that wouldnt solve much, if anything. I think that is impossible to achieve balance just by letting the playerbase self control itself, it will never work. human nature, specially on the internet, equals egoism.24/7 balanced servers is an utopia. it will never happen. lets come into terms with that.
my solution is simple.
abandon the idea of 24/71) IP Ban/ Lock NA and EU regions
2) create new Asian/SEA region
3) Announce a finite time remaining for free transfers. (at least 2 full matches)anyone that doesnt take advantage of that free transfers to go to a region that fits him will see that chars locked.
These two while seeming similar are light years apart. One is about opening things up and the other about closing things off. The latter is counter to what Anet has been trying to do. That is create a game where it doesn’t matter where you live.
and good on them for doing so, too.
i fight as hard as any of you on your own timezone. i don’t see why my “efforts” should be considered less than “yours”. we’re all even, despite the zone shifts. and it’s kind of amusing that only one “shift” is actually complaining. everyone else in the world is okay.
Because the problem is this
Server A has 100 NA players who play from let’s say 12-8 pm
Server B has 100 NA players who play from 12-8 pm
Server A has 20 players who play from 9pm-11 am
Server B has 100 oceanic/EU players who play from 9pm-11am
The problem is that YOUR efforts are now being defended by an equal number of players in the day-time as the other server has which makes it almost impossible to deal with because thanks to your superior night numbers, guess what, you took every fort+keep+orb and everything is fortified and already defended with tons of siege weapons.Everyone’s’ contribution in WvWvW is currently NOT equal as a result. That’s what is so hilarious about A-net’s response “well you all be good community members and make sure to spread your population out evenly ok? We’re gonna be over here making sure people are buying gems. Oh, P.S. we’re gonna leave server transfers free and open so you know, if you’re getting crushed feel free to transfer to a winning server.” absolutely NO ONE is going to say to their guild “hey guys I know we’re winning and currently enjoying tons of bonuses to our server and we’re 150k points ahead of the enemy team but let’s go ahead and transfer to that other server.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m done, hopefuly Anet wakes up out of their dream world where the player population magically balances itself out.