Not Buying the Expansion

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: papaiggy.1345


X up with how many copies of the game you will not be buying of the expansion after last weeks shenanigans. Primarily allowing players to cheat and exploit with zero repercussions.

X only one copy in this household

But that also means no more gem store purchases etc. Assuming I even continue to play the game.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


If people get put off by a single week that will have no effects in the long run there is more behind it than just that.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: spartan.9421


are you talking about the golem rush event? if so why would that of all things make you not want to buy the expansion?

Worrying is like a rocking chair: You go back and forth but never get anywhere.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: HitmanHaydon.1053


It has a long term effect as it shows the company have no idea what a majority of players want from the game mode.

Also, a week is a long time in gaming.
It gave people like me chance to go off and play other stuff and enjoy it.

I definitely feel a lot less enthusiasm for this game than I did a week ago, and I don’t think its going to come back over night.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


It has a long term effect as it shows the company have no idea what a majority of players want from the game mode.

Also, a week is a long time in gaming.
It gave people like me chance to go off and play other stuff and enjoy it.

I definitely feel a lot less enthusiasm for this game than I did a week ago, and I don’t think its going to come back over night.

Ah yes, because it was clearly added in because they thought people wanted that specific change… and not at all just to shake things up a bit (which is actually exactly what people have been demanding since release more or less).

It was a week of fun. Some people liked it, others didn’t. Now people move on with their life like nothing have happened.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: HitmanHaydon.1053


It has a long term effect as it shows the company have no idea what a majority of players want from the game mode.

Also, a week is a long time in gaming.
It gave people like me chance to go off and play other stuff and enjoy it.

I definitely feel a lot less enthusiasm for this game than I did a week ago, and I don’t think its going to come back over night.

Ah yes, because it was clearly added in because they thought people wanted that specific change… and not at all just to shake things up a bit (which is actually exactly what people have been demanding since release more or less).

It was a week of fun. Some people liked it, others didn’t. Now people move on with their life like nothing have happened.

Again, you need to talk for yourself here.
This thread asked who was put off buying the xpac by last weeks events, I was so I responded.
If you want to go start a thread like’ Whos super excited for HoT?’ nothing stopping you.

I’ve posted the what I feel about the situation and I have you telling me I’m wrong.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Malpractice.7850


I think you’re ridiculous. I’ll buy an extra copy to make up for you. A week “in gaming” is nothing. There’s life outside of video games. I had a blast.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Entenkommando.5208


I really loved this game, but unless they show me that they can actually listen to players and care about WvW…


R.I.P Kodasch Allianz [KoA]

All we wanted was a GvG.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Shinichi Megure.8061

Shinichi Megure.8061

uh i’ll just wait and see what it has to offer.. Guild wars 1 was my favorite game back than with so many differnet arenas aliance battle, ha , gvg , random arena, Jq, low lvl arenas, event arenas, team arena that gw2 was a huge disappointment.. also there wasn’t much support for wvw/pvp from anet the last 3 years at all

so if there ll be some new arenas i might buy it , if its mostly pve i wont

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Grav.3568


I’m not planning on getting the expansion, but I had already decided that well before last week’s shenanigans.

Basically, I don’t think Anet deserves my money on the basis of their constant neglect of WvW for the last two years. Hell, if the new BL is as horrible as I’ve read, that might be the tipping point to finally get me to stop playing altogether.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: xev.9476


If people get put off by a single week that will have no effects in the long run there is more behind it than just that.

Don’t you have 30 or so posts to write in 20 other threads before noon? I’m sure someone somewhere in the forums wrote another post expressing mild disappointment about something or another – get crackin’.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Buy Some Apples.6390

Buy Some Apples.6390

A week “in gaming” is nothing.

Three years of neglect is everything!

Complained about WvW before it became cool.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


I think you’re ridiculous. I’ll buy an extra copy to make up for you. A week “in gaming” is nothing. There’s life outside of video games. I had a blast.

Bettet make it 3.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Buy Some Apples.6390

Buy Some Apples.6390

I’ll buy an extra copy to make up for you

Oooo and can I have that copy please?!

Complained about WvW before it became cool.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Can I have your stuff?

No one in their right mind would let a single week out of almost three years decide what they should or shouldn’t do with a game.

I somewhat agree with your thought process regarding one week vs. three years.

On the other had I can see the OP’s point and actually agree. I’ve been toying with the idea of pre-ordering to the tune of 200 bucks. Maybe even 300. We have three people playing. The optimum package to buy is the ultimate because you get 4,000 gems and a character slot. Gives you some beta access which is also nice. That is how I came up with 300 bucks. Still with me? Ok, this is where it gets to the OP’s point of view.

1. Lack of WvW information with expansion pack. Yes, we know of a map but not much else.
2. Still no operational player portal with weekly, monthly statistics for players, guilds, by class, etc that focuses on WvW play.
3. Golem rush – event was in WvW not EoTM – weekly scores still counted and a bug
4. No communication or acknowledgement from Golem Rush feedback or complaints
5. No rewards compared to PvE (defending, building, roaming, controlling NPCS, etc)
6. Population and wall clock coverage issues
7. Server tiers – top / bottom are stuck – middle can’t move
8. Borderland maps – great concept, no movement – ruins dead
9. No alliances
10. Never ending ranks, bogus or meaningless titles, should focus on WvW traits or abilities

“If” or should I say “since” I mainly play WvW and those are just 10 issues I have off the top of my head, valid to me, maybe not you, why would I buy the expansion? Serious question, not trolling?

After a while the same format of play gets boring especially when the server you play on can’t move up or down due to population and 24×7 coverage. Since the 9 issues I list, my issues granted, and no information on how to address them I am not going to play 300 bucks for a new map…

EDIT: I come from DaOC for a bit of background. Not perfect but at least it had a player portal for guilds, alliances, players, by class, by week, by month

Edit 2: Added 10th item for ranking system – needs work, lowered, changed, focus on WvW abilities or traits

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

(edited by Crapgame.6519)

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Rynter.3975


I doubt I’ll buy the expansion because it’s got nothing I’m interested in. I pretty much just log on to do WvW with my guild and for daily login rewards. None of this new PvE stuff interests me.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Naomi.5372


I can only assume those who are really mad about the golem exploit have not been around since release, or they would be aware that pretty much every single bug that was exploitable in WvW never resulted in bans. When the Mesmer fall trait bug came about and zergs were being wiped by Mesmers there weren’t calls for bans. How’s this one different?

I am surprised that ANet never commented on it nor fixed it though. I have to assume it was never fixed because it’s simply too difficult of a fix to make within a short period of time and they made the call to just run the week out rather than cancel it.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


I can only assume those who are really mad about the golem exploit have not been around since release, or they would be aware that pretty much every single bug that was exploitable in WvW never resulted in bans. When the Mesmer fall trait bug came about and zergs were being wiped by Mesmers there weren’t calls for bans. How’s this one different?

I am surprised that ANet never commented on it nor fixed it though. I have to assume it was never fixed because it’s simply too difficult of a fix to make within a short period of time and they made the call to just run the week out rather than cancel it.

You know what they say when people assume?

Been on the same server since beta weekends to include when obsidian sanctum dark room was actually dark. AKA torches didn’t work and you got through there just by trial and error…or changed their monitor settings.


Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: SinisterSeven.2781


I can only assume those who are really mad about the golem exploit have not been around since release, or they would be aware that pretty much every single bug that was exploitable in WvW never resulted in bans. When the Mesmer fall trait bug came about and zergs were being wiped by Mesmers there weren’t calls for bans. How’s this one different?

I am surprised that ANet never commented on it nor fixed it though. I have to assume it was never fixed because it’s simply too difficult of a fix to make within a short period of time and they made the call to just run the week out rather than cancel it.

lol, you assume wrong. it’s simply the latest and worst mistake they’ve made to a game mode which is already requiring attention.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


I doubt I’ll buy the expansion because it’s got nothing I’m interested in. I pretty much just log on to do WvW with my guild and for daily login rewards. None of this new PvE stuff interests me.

None of the elite specializations look cool to you? I watched tempest stream yesterday and have played lots of d/d ele. So far out of all of the ones they shared, that might be the first one I actually try out..

Player Vs Everyone
youtube channel - twitch channel

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


I doubt I’ll buy the expansion because it’s got nothing I’m interested in. I pretty much just log on to do WvW with my guild and for daily login rewards. None of this new PvE stuff interests me.

None of the elite specializations look cool to you? I watched tempest stream yesterday and have played lots of d/d ele. So far out of all of the ones they shared, that might be the first one I actually try out..

This wasn’t to me but I’ll give you my take since I’m also not buying the expansion. Let me clarify, not pre-ordering.

Elite specializations and do they look cool? Sure, cool. New animations, graphics, cool things, look nice, etc. All great but how long will that last compared to the format of play?

I think if you do a bit of everything and don’t focus on one play style then sure, new stuff is great. But if you only play one format and that isn’t getting the new and cool and exciting stuff why spend the money? I mean yes, you get the trait / elites but if there isn’t anything else outside a map one has to logically ask why buy it?

Remember not everyone plays the game the same way. There is always something to do in GW2 if you are open to PvE. However, if all you focus on is the smaller and less detailed play (sPvP/WvW) then I don’t think it is a wise investment. Just my personal take on it.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

The lack of customer service we received last week made my final decision to not buy it or gems again.

On that note, my girlfriend and I each have 2 accounts and neither of us will buy it now. That’s $200 lost at minimum because Anet couldn’t even reply to our cries for help last week. That isn’t even counting the $20-$40 we would typically spend a month on gems.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


oh i cant wait for the new pve map to come out….oh i meant the amazing borderland maps that work with a ton of pve mobs pve ai traps pve meta events and pve addons. the new maps will offer a ton of new exploits, zergs that camp the op shrines and pve events and outmanned servers being even more frustrated. then it will take anet 1 year to fix the wvw bug of the new map …..if they ever fix it. i remember passages that they didnt fix for over a year where people could basically jump right into hills lords room. then the flyhacks and the culling issues and the glitching through doors and the rezzing and portaling through gates ….yep caaaant wait…….

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


This wasn’t to me but I’ll give you my take since I’m also not buying the expansion. Let me clarify, not pre-ordering.

Elite specializations and do they look cool? Sure, cool. New animations, graphics, cool things, look nice, etc. All great but how long will that last compared to the format of play?

Way I see it is some may enjoy these new elites and actually make those become their new mains. Yea we really don’t know if they will last in wvw but if people do make some good use out of them we will need to find ways to counter them.

By having to fight classes we haven’t been fighting in a way it will be changing the game or say changing the way we fight these new classes. I for one play classes to be able to understand them more which makes it kind of easier to counter there moves. After playing them and learning them I have a better time fighting them..

Player Vs Everyone
youtube channel - twitch channel

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Xeno.1596


Naomi I’ve been around since a little under a year after Release. Honestly I think that helps me with my low interest in the expansion. Aside from some of the silly assumptions and speaking for others going on in here why not look at people’s provided reasons? (Not singling out Naomi, sorry if it reads that way, only for the first part). I clicked and read because I recently came to the same decision and I was curious to see what others had to say. Anyway, I often come back to gw2 between other games. Sometimes I stay a while, sometimes I don’t, it usually depends on how much I get into WVW or if liked the pve event going on and since the first few events I’ve lost interest. This last week wasn’t just lack luster, to me it added to the theme of how little of a response the wvw community often gets on things and how long problems sit for. It isn’t the first time. I’m a patient person, I’m not raging or anything, but I know my self, my fiance, and a few friends who aren’t really that interested in the expansion anymore. If the past week hadn’t been handled so poorly I might have forgotten previous complaints and points of meh-ness and came back again. But then again I’m not impressed by HOT, if I see that the PVE crap doesn’t change the game of WVW I might come back. Until then I’m going to creep by my ex mmos house to see what’s going on lol

(edited by Xeno.1596)

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


I was always going to hold off on the expansion, but I don’t like to burn bridges.

Could be a while, could be never, it’s up to them.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Naomi.5372


You know what they say when people assume?

Been on the same server since beta weekends to include when obsidian sanctum dark room was actually dark. AKA torches didn’t work and you got through there just by trial and error…or changed their monitor settings.


Then how do you judge the difference between the exploits? I can literally list over a dozen exploits in WvW and none of them resulted in bans. Why would you expect different last week? I just don’t see the logic.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Naomi.5372


This last week wasn’t just lack luster, to me it added to the theme of how little of a response the wvw community often gets on things and how long problems sit for. It isn’t the first time. I’m a patient person, I’m not raging or anything, but I know my self, my fiance, and a few friends who aren’t really that interested in the expansion anymore. If the past week hadn’t been handled so poorly I might have forgotten previous complaints and points of meh-ness and came back again.

Definitely, and I don’t disagree that their handling and communication last week was bad even by their standards. What I question is why there is all this heartache over yet another bug that isn’t even the most ridiculous exploit I’ve seen. There were not any cries for bans during all the other exploits.

I’m of the school of thought that calling for bans last week is showing ignorance of the history of WvW and how ANet handles it. That’s why I assumed, because I was trying to give the ban callers the benefit of the doubt.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiser.9873


Meh, I already bought the ultimate, and my wife will be buying it nearer to the release of the expac.

Didn’t like Golem Rush a bit, but figured that perhaps some liked it. I personally figured if I wanted to KTrain nonstop I could go to EotM and do it faster. I don’t like to whine too much about it, but in all honesty at least they tried something. I don’t feel that everything has to be about what I want all the time. For instance, I think they should merge T7/T8 into T5/T6.

I do like that they are going to tie a server’s population directly to the WvW population. That’s something that so many of us advocated for, and now we’re getting it. I think that the metrics they gathered during Golem Rush showed them that folks really aren’t down with certain things messing with WvW(outside of reset YB only had queues on one map, and the others were ghost towns). This shows me that perhaps ANet underestimated the WvW population after-all.

Let’s face it, most of the people who are acting outraged about not buying the expac are going to buy it. Sure there will be some who stick with their guns, but the vast majority of players are going to buy the expansion so they won’t feel left behind. We have some Brazilians in our guild that won’t be buying it, because it is ridiculously expensive in Brazil, but almost all of the NA players are buying it.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: msalakka.4653


I hadn’t prepurchased it, because there’s been so little information about the new expansion’s WvW content. I don’t care about PvE content.

However, after last week’s golem bug fiasco and ArenaNet completely ignoring the WvW player base by not even acknowledging it, I haven’t even felt like logging on. I have no faith at all that they will give WvW the focus it deserves in the future. I think it’s more likely that bugs and balance issues will continue to go ignored. With that in mind, it’s six to five and pick ‘em whether I’ll buy the expansion later either.

Gutter Rat [cry] | Gandara | Roaming nuisance
~ There is no balance team. ~

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Xeno.1596


I agree Naomi and I think I failed my reading comp roll on my reply to you. I am actually in agreement with you XD. Sorry. I think for me it is the old last straw adage. I think the PR mistake with that interview might have added an extra sting with this particular issue that other lacked? But I’ve enjoyed the WVW game and awesome community enough in the past to keep checking to see what’s being done about it.

(edited by Xeno.1596)

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


A week “in gaming” is nothing.

Three years of neglect is everything!


This. So much this. I will not buy the expansion, at least not when it launches until I see some serious overall improvements to WvW. And it has nothing to do with a week long event, but the years of neglect by A-Net.

So after X years we finally will be getting a new map, and the stale meta is being shaken up, which is a good thing, and a slight, very slight (too little too late) improvement for population issues is on the horizon. I don’t even understand why this wasn’t done in the 1st place, since somewhere around 90% to 99% of all transfers ever occured due to WvW, not PvE. It is such a no brainer to adjust the way transfers are done.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Random.4691


It has a long term effect as it shows the company have no idea what a majority of players want from the game mode.

Also, a week is a long time in gaming.
It gave people like me chance to go off and play other stuff and enjoy it.

I definitely feel a lot less enthusiasm for this game than I did a week ago, and I don’t think its going to come back over night.

Ah yes, because it was clearly added in because they thought people wanted that specific change… and not at all just to shake things up a bit (which is actually exactly what people have been demanding since release more or less).

It was a week of fun. Some people liked it, others didn’t. Now people move on with their life like nothing have happened.

Maybe you should lay off the white knightery for once and let peole have their own opinions.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


I think you’re ridiculous. I’ll buy an extra copy to make up for you. A week “in gaming” is nothing. There’s life outside of video games. I had a blast.

Well buy 5 more copies then! But if I’m being honest, my desire to play has been diminishing for months and from what I’ve seen of the WvWvW aspect of the expansion, it looks rather unimpressive.

It wasn’t golem week per se, I think it’s fine to do something silly and fun, however, after the WvWvW player/dev relationship was left to sour over the span of a couple years, I think this was a bad move and it sums up the callous way the mode has generally been handled.

Whispers with meat.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


See I go and make a good point for once and then the person I quoted deletes his post and gets my post deleted.. GG

So now I’ll just say so don’t buy it.

Player Vs Everyone
youtube channel - twitch channel

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


You know what they say when people assume?

Been on the same server since beta weekends to include when obsidian sanctum dark room was actually dark. AKA torches didn’t work and you got through there just by trial and error…or changed their monitor settings.


Then how do you judge the difference between the exploits? I can literally list over a dozen exploits in WvW and none of them resulted in bans. Why would you expect different last week? I just don’t see the logic.

Because you are looking at it from a ban point of view. That wasn’t or isn’t my stance. My stance was that it was launched within a format of play that affected server ranks and scores. That is my first issue. Second issue is that this bug or exploit started to get discussed within 3 or 4 hours after going live. It spread like wild fire and was soon the norm. See the various threads. So, there it is. Could have been fixed within 24 hours probably or disabled until further notice and re-do the weekend. Could have also been isolated to EoTM which by the way is what that map was released for…

Ok, so there you have it. I then followed up to another post listing out reasons why I’d hold off on pre-order if not all together. Pretty valid reasons to me non of which had to do with exploits or lack of banning. It is actually frustration with lack of information and/or action with regards to WvW. If I played some of the other formats maybe it would be water off a ducks back. Since I mainly play WvW – I don’t see the reason to dump the money right now on something that is more of the same. Agree? It is ok if you don’t, I’m cool.

Lastly, let me leave you with this nugget. Does it really matter what happened last week in the grand scheme of things? I honestly don’t know. I do know, however, that there are plenty of articles relating to Sony and SWG’s failure and player alienation when they revamped the games rules and what not. I think it was around the time of the big combat patch, maybe after – 2006. Anyway – you can see what happened to that game… Point is maybe the WvW population is only 2% and they don’t really think there is a huge return on investment there. That is the feeling I get anyway.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: wyther.8372


Buy an extra copy for me too, but it wasnt just due to golem week.

Gilkin – Ex Commander for ET server

(edited by wyther.8372)

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Jitters.9401


Buy one for me as well.
The lack of communication and integrity fron anet is the reason.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Is this some kind of hidden i don’t have money thread or something?

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Coyote.7031


I wouldn’t say I’m not buying the expansion because of one week, but that week was the last straw. It’s a long list of things I love and hate about this game, but a lot of it I tolerate. GW2 has a lot of really great potential, but I often think it squanders that potential. I was hoping the expansion would improve things,. At this point asking me to cough up 50 bucks for a game “I love, but tolerate” is asking a bit too much. Ball is in your court Anet.

(edited by Coyote.7031)

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Darkness.9732


I won’ t buy the expansion becouse I’ m a ranger.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Eval.2371


At this point in time I am doubtful I will buy the expansion, for various reasons, but mainly lack of info, transparency and lack of support for wvw.

You can play any of the other game modes and feel like your being rewarded and enjoy your self. WvW is only a case of enjoying one self and really not being rewarded. I find my self in pve often to fuel my addiction WvW because it out right costs me more than I make in rewards( see food, upgrades, siege cost etc).

The thing is none of the announcements aside from the recent server population and ooo look a shiny new map do anything to address the problems that WvW has. The new map has EoTM Ktrain written all over it. We have no news of any attempts to fix WvW and make progresses and playtime rewarding in WvW other than we might have ktrain events like the golem event in the near future.

Top it all off we still dont have a release date and we still don’t know exactly what were getting with the expansion. Really the only thing for the pvp/wvw player base all we are getting is class specs and reverant for 50$, the rest we get regardless if we have the epac or not. Which isnt really a good value.

[Cya] TC Roamer/Scout
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Not only did they not listen to the players who accurately predicted that the event would be a flop, but they left a game breaking exploit in for an entire week. Through their (non)actions, it’s clear they don’t care about WvW.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


Both it direct, i played close to 3000hours now so i can give Arenanet some Money and i still have hope they will get it that its not the right way to make Everything easyer as they done so fare.

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: nacario.9417


So see you at release I guess

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I was always going to hold off on the expansion, but I don’t like to burn bridges.

Could be a while, could be never, it’s up to them.

This has me curious. Didn’t you, as forum specialist, get selected based on favoritism towards the game and it’s developers? The obvious answer based on this is, no. I see that as a sign of honesty on ArenaNets side, but they really should just listen to the wishes of their customers more, that way people are happy with the game and buy expansions because they want to.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I won’ t buy the expansion becouse I’ m a ranger.

But but rangers get to be druids using staffs and nature magic and stuff. How can you not want to buy it?

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


I was always going to hold off on the expansion, but I don’t like to burn bridges.

Could be a while, could be never, it’s up to them.

This has me curious. Didn’t you, as forum specialist, get selected based on favoritism towards the game and it’s developers? The obvious answer based on this is, no. I see that as a sign of honesty on ArenaNets side, but they really should just listen to the wishes of their customers more, that way people are happy with the game and buy expansions because they want to.

Customer A says X and Customer B says Y which is the opposite of X, which one should they listen to?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


These HC 2 hours in prime time WvW players usually have kind of bad ideas.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Not Buying the Expansion

in WvW

Posted by: warduke.1780


I think you’re ridiculous. I’ll buy an extra copy to make up for you. A week “in gaming” is nothing. There’s life outside of video games. I had a blast.

How much are Anet paying you?