November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Thaliff.6297


I still get depressed thinking about that guy building the flame ram alone.

This is the kind of stuff that makes our server strong. Oh, we’ll be comin for you…some day…


November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Roland Falantyr.3290

Roland Falantyr.3290

I feel like we’re reading different posts here because he just called your server awesome and you are dissing us in return. Do you want us to get back into an idiotic slapfight?

There is nothing awesome about a match decided by night capping. Another night of this and we will have a dead match score wise for a whole week. A bit disappointing

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Teerwik.1650


might actually have to whip out the fraps and keep it ready at all times, my roommate saw a maguuma engy and thief speedhacking yesterday in maguuma BL, then a ranger today in Eternal

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I feel like we’re reading different posts here because he just called your server awesome and you are dissing us in return. Do you want us to get back into an idiotic slapfight?

There is nothing awesome about a match decided by night capping. Another night of this and we will have a dead match score wise for a whole week. A bit disappointing

Look, he had nothing bad to say about your server. He said nothing about night capping or about how we were winning. It was completely about how you guys stomped us on Friday. Your response was unimpressive and insulting. If you want to know why many people from Maguuma think you guys complain a lot, look no further than a mirror.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Roland Falantyr.3290

Roland Falantyr.3290

I feel like we’re reading different posts here because he just called your server awesome and you are dissing us in return. Do you want us to get back into an idiotic slapfight?

There is nothing awesome about a match decided by night capping. Another night of this and we will have a dead match score wise for a whole week. A bit disappointing

Look, he had nothing bad to say about your server. He said nothing about night capping or about how we were winning. It was completely about how you guys stomped us on Friday. Your response was unimpressive and insulting. If you want to know why many people from Maguuma think you guys complain a lot, look no further than a mirror.

He implied that you guys made some sort of adjustment to overcome us actually. I find that laughable. Take it how you will.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Gotta agree with the goons, they are being reasonable here. The fact the map got capped at night doesn’t matter one bit to me, nothing I can do about it, and this is a game for fun. Friday was one of the most fun nights my guild has had, we figured all the meaningless points would go away overnight, so who cares.
It’s going to be a funny 2 sided week with a somewhat even opponent, more than likely maguuma will end up 1st because of their night coverage(and our lack of it), but during even fights we do quite well and they have acknowledged that. Lets do what we do and enjoy the fights.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


He implied that you guys made some sort of adjustment to overcome us actually. I find that laughable. Take it how you will.

Here is the post right above his, and his first sentence:

I’m in shock that Maguuma is nightcapping another server. I was expecting this week to be rough from how well Ebay was doing Friday night.

No kidding. We were broken by Ehmry’s opener.

If you seriously think he is implying that then I have nothing else to say to you.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


might actually have to whip out the fraps and keep it ready at all times, my roommate saw a maguuma engy and thief speedhacking yesterday in maguuma BL, then a ranger today in Eternal


November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Current score is 32,554 EB, 21,194 Maguuma, 3,655 Eredon.

Maguuma is playing the nightcap game as they flipped all of Eternal Battlegrounds, some of EB Borderlands, and haven’t touched Eredon Terrace Borderlands much.

It’s also clear that Maguuma is really only after EB at this point. I think it’s abundantly clear that, frankly, our servers hate each other. I look forward to giving Maguuma another week of losses and downranking.

Our last matchup was really friendly and we learned alot. We are learning alot from Ehmry Bay right now – particularly from your use of supply denial using teams of thieves. I’m proud to be fighting you guys because you actually make me think and adapt.

I don’t understand why you have to be this way. Enough with the hostility already. Also GOON and SFD hardly play anymore and they both have no active commanders. What you are fighting is predominately an organization of small guilds with no affiliation to SA. It is not the same server you fought a month ago. You are also clearly not the same server we fought a month ago.

Can we stop trashing this thread please?

I don’t understand why some Maguuma users feel the need to open the thread this week by insinuating that EB was doing well in the early onset due to transfers instead of through busting the attempt to turtle.

I also don’t understand the constant need of some Maguuma users to play the victim. When you were losing, it was because EB was hacking in the past, exploiting, or transfers saving the day. When you are winning, everyone other than you is a horrible crybaby and anyone who speaks against you is just a hater, whining, or “trashing.” Either way, you’re the “good” and everyone else is “bad.”

I congratulate you guys on doing really well right now. Your nightcap team is superior to ours. We initially crushed your attempt to use the AOE caps to your advantage. You responded by capping everything when we were asleep. You’re now doing a good job holding those gains. There’s nothing wrong with any of that until the developers say there is.

And if you think that Maguuma and Ehmry Bay like each other, you’re deluding yourself. Even before each time was scoring points, Ehmry users were remarking negatively about Maguuma and I’m more than sure the same is true for Maguuma. This is a result of, frankly, the last matches with Maguuma and the perceived behaviors of some users representing the whole.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


I feel like we’re reading different posts here because he just called your server awesome and you are dissing us in return. Do you want us to get back into an idiotic slapfight?

There is nothing awesome about a match decided by night capping. Another night of this and we will have a dead match score wise for a whole week. A bit disappointing

does the rest of emery bay share this guys attitude? i mean you claim as a server that you don’t give up, but it sounds like this guy and his guild already has, even after destroying magerma and holding 3/4th of the map at reset for the entire evening.

I don’t understand why some Maguuma users feel the need to open the thread this week by insinuating that EB was doing well in the early onset due to transfers instead of through busting the attempt to turtle.

I also don’t understand the constant need of some Maguuma users to play the victim. When you were losing, it was because EB was hacking in the past, exploiting, or transfers saving the day. When you are winning, everyone other than you is a horrible crybaby and anyone who speaks against you is just a hater, whining, or “trashing.” Either way, you’re the “good” and everyone else is “bad.”

people were saying that emery bay got ahead because of transfers is because the last time mag and ebay fought, they were a no-show, much like ET is now. how that ebay can field players in primetime, its no surprise you get claims like this.

and magerma isnt playing the victim, hack accusations were only brought up by emery bay referencing previous match ups by multiple people from emery bay, even when you were winning.

emery bay is by far the server with the worst sportsmanship i’ve ever seen. insulting players that have nothing but compliments to give for improving so much. i can’t believe the amount of whining and excuses that are brought up, even when were ahead.

(edited by wads.5730)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: LadyHorus.8214


What I don’t understand is why some of you feel the need to meet compliments with hostility.

Rosangela Marie: 80 Mesmer • Rosangela: 80 Elementalist
My Artworks! - Lady Horus Gaming

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: AjoraOaks.3659


might actually have to whip out the fraps and keep it ready at all times, my roommate saw a maguuma engy and thief speedhacking yesterday in maguuma BL, then a ranger today in Eternal



November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


You are just helping propagate the hostility with passive aggression, cainejw. Better than the open aggression directed towards the friendliest Maguuma poster so far, I guess!

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


Yeah, I’m pretty surprised Maguuma is actually being pretty chill about the whole the match. But a lot of our server’s hostility comes from being in Tier 7 for a while after being abandoned by half our WvW population and trudging through the down times. We also always lose during the morning to any server, so while the modest players are desensitized, most of them are still bitter. We’ve also gotten a lot of new transfers recently riding the bandwagon, not sure they represent us.

Shadowmoon and the main guilds at least appreciates the match up. This 1v1 has been incredibly challenging to us. The thing that stymies us the most is that Maguuma is willing to dedicate defenders at every spot and show discipline in responding to defense which is what was missing in Tier 6-7. We see a lot iLL, GOON, and SFD responding in force without trickling in, and apparently our old friends, FINE too.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

(edited by Jamaz.9837)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


Keep in mind that it’s not like we are playing that much worse then last night. Maguuma just now has a VERY large advantage due to being able to capture everything and upgrade it to full in a period that few of us were on. Double that with the fact that the Green team has an inherent advantage against the Blue team due to map positioning, and we have our work cut out for us if we want to win.

This just really shows how bad the slippery slope is in WvWvW. We can go from flat out dominating to barely being able to get a foothold because of how much of an advantage upgrades give (especially waypoints in the borderlands. IMO they really shouldn’t exist as they just serve to make an already small map smaller for the winning team).

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


He implied that you guys made some sort of adjustment to overcome us actually. I find that laughable. Take it how you will.

Here is the post right above his, and his first sentence:

I’m in shock that Maguuma is nightcapping another server. I was expecting this week to be rough from how well Ebay was doing Friday night.

No kidding. We were broken by Ehmry’s opener.

If you seriously think he is implying that then I have nothing else to say to you.

Guys, guys guys. I’ve got two words that will solve all your problems. “Time share!”

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


I don’t understand why some Maguuma users feel the need to open the thread this week by insinuating that EB was doing well in the early onset due to transfers instead of through busting the attempt to turtle.

I also don’t understand the constant need of some Maguuma users to play the victim. When you were losing, it was because EB was hacking in the past, exploiting, or transfers saving the day. When you are winning, everyone other than you is a horrible crybaby and anyone who speaks against you is just a hater, whining, or “trashing.” Either way, you’re the “good” and everyone else is “bad.”

people were saying that emery bay got ahead because of transfers is because the last time mag and ebay fought, they were a no-show, much like ET is now. how that ebay can field players in primetime, its no surprise you get claims like this.

and magerma isnt playing the victim, hack accusations were only brought up by emery bay referencing previous match ups by multiple people from emery bay, even when you were winning.

emery bay is by far the server with the worst sportsmanship i’ve ever seen. insulting players that have nothing but compliments to give for improving so much. i can’t believe the amount of whining and excuses that are brought up, even when were ahead.

So, if Ehmry Bay had these transfers that helped so much, where are they now that Maguuma has nightcapped and is holding on to those caps? They were apparently enough to absolutely obliterate your turtle offensive and attempt to use the AOE cap to your advantage. Did they just magically disappear overnight?

No. They didn’t. ‘cause they didn’t exist. Ehmry didn’t have a huge influx of awesome new players who carried the server on the first night. We just put a ballista down and wrecked your attempt to use a mechanic. There’s no need to find some outward source as an excuse for that failure. It’s as simple as your turtle was met with a swift counter.

As for the mentioning of Maguuma’s hacking, you should read the thread. A question was asked concerning how EB was doing so well at the onset. The answer was that this time around, there was not hacking the orbs and a bugged garrison. I cannot help it if you think these things are bad or reflect negatively on your server. They are, however, reality as to the last match.

With that said, Maguuma, I wouldn’t ignore Eredon for Ehmry. As of current, they’re taking back their borderlands from you while you’re doing all you can to keep Ehmry out of the other three.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: russia.9057


Insinuating that Maguuma has some huge night capping force is laughable. Yes, your server did fairly well while our server was at work on Friday or out on Friday night.

You guys can come up with more excuses or you can get in game and contribute badges to Maguuma. Perhaps some of you could benefit from transferring over to Maguuma, we’re getting more badges than we know what to do with!

With that said, Maguuma, I wouldn’t ignore Eredon for Ehmry. As of current, they’re taking back their borderlands from you while you’re doing all you can to keep Ehmry out of the other three.

Yeah, it’s called an alliance.


(edited by russia.9057)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: AjoraOaks.3659


Insinuating that Maguuma has some huge night capping force is laughable. Yes, your server did fairly well while our server was at work on Friday or out on Friday night.

You guys can come up with more excuses or you can get in game and contribute badges to Maguuma. Perhaps some of you could benefit from transferring over to Maguuma, we’re getting more badges than we know what to do with!

With that said, Maguuma, I wouldn’t ignore Eredon for Ehmry. As of current, they’re taking back their borderlands from you while you’re doing all you can to keep Ehmry out of the other three.

Yeah, it’s called an alliance.

Don’t ruin my badge farm, stay there. Also, pretty sure we just don’t wanna bother with ET, better if EB wastes their manpower on it.

(edited by AjoraOaks.3659)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


We’re not ignoring Eredon, we just don’t have enough people to coordinate offensives everywhere.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Insinuating that Maguuma has some huge night capping force is laughable. Yes, your server did fairly well while our server was at work on Friday or out on Friday night.

You guys can come up with more excuses or you can get in game and contribute badges to Maguuma. Perhaps some of you could benefit from transferring over to Maguuma, we’re getting more badges than we know what to do with!

With that said, Maguuma, I wouldn’t ignore Eredon for Ehmry. As of current, they’re taking back their borderlands from you while you’re doing all you can to keep Ehmry out of the other three.

Yeah, it’s called an alliance.

I didn’t say you had a huge night capping force. I said that you nightcapped everything, upgraded it, and you’re now holding it all. I’m interested that you got one message from a completely different message entirely. I think that speaks volumes.

I also have no interest in transferring to Maguuma, but I thank you for the offer.

And nice jab with the “alliance” thing. It’s interesting to see some Maguuma users calling for civility and respect while others are openly attempting to bait a fight. It’s really unfortunate that a vocal few ruin what is probably a pretty good server. I still wish your server the best for the week, though! I’m looking forward to seeing how things turn out, and I do hope that EB ultimately beats you.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Keep in mind that it’s not like we are playing that much worse then last night. Maguuma just now has a VERY large advantage due to being able to capture everything and upgrade it to full in a period that few of us were on. Double that with the fact that the Green team has an inherent advantage against the Blue team due to map positioning, and we have our work cut out for us if we want to win.

This just really shows how bad the slippery slope is in WvWvW. We can go from flat out dominating to barely being able to get a foothold because of how much of an advantage upgrades give (especially waypoints in the borderlands. IMO they really shouldn’t exist as they just serve to make an already small map smaller for the winning team).

Mag’s last match up was a 3 way split (15k difference between 1st and 3rd place). During the night hours most of the map was controlled by DB, the afternoon shift was mostly controlled by Mag, and the evening shift was mostly controlled by DH. To imply, at all, that you can’t get past upgraded towers/keeps is an absolute defeatist attitude, and I feel sorry for your server if that is the norm. Green/blue/red, don’t matter when you want to get in there and kick some butt… You’re only 10k points behind for christ sake. Don’t give up already, get a fire under peoples butts and kill some people. I really can’t fathom how you can just give up when you were winning not more then 16 hours ago. If Mag pulled something like this I’d personally walk over to each fools house and proceed to tell each of them to man the kitten up and murder some folks. You guys already proved you got the numbers, you just need them to show up.

And nice jab with the “alliance” thing.

You gotta admit, it’s warranted. The last two match ups we had, EB claimed Mag was allied with the 3rd force each time. Literally lunacy.

(edited by Rhyis.7058)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Also we’re now accustomed to Ebay’s “5 superior siege ram keep take before anyone shows up strategy.” Please come up with a better strategy that works against a defended keep.


(edited by Ninein.4782)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


Our two servers will never get along. Every matchup thread with Ebay and two other servers that are not Maguuma were pretty pleasant. Introduce Maguuma into the mix and just kitten #8230;

ps: Not intending to lay blame on Maguuma, just stating that Ebay and Maguuma have a deep hatred towards each other.

edit: Holy crap now I realize where “kitten” comes from.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Elcyion.7452


Best thing Maguuma can do in this matchup is going for a 650point average so we never have to deal with EB again theyr to annoying to deal with on the forum Oceanic-Euros Fortify Evrything up so they cant do anything on Primetime and that should be locked. EB has a presence for only 4-5 hours a day its not nightcapping its Evrything but primetime capping

Swedish Insomniac
Server: Maguuma Guild: (iRez)
Night-Morning-Midday Crew WvW

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: DrWhom.3105


And if you think that Maguuma and Ehmry Bay like each other, you’re deluding yourself. Even before each time was scoring points, Ehmry users were remarking negatively about Maguuma and I’m more than sure the same is true for Maguuma. This is a result of, frankly, the last matches with Maguuma and the perceived behaviors of some users representing the whole.

Actually before the reset nobody really had anything bad to say about EB, there was just a general expectation that you wouldn’t be that good because of what happened in the bugged garrison match (which of course you proved wrong) but there’s a natural “server X sucks we’ll roll them” mood then on all servers I imagine. Once the match started rolling there were lots of complaints but it was mainly because you were using tactics we hadn’t seen before and had so many thieves messing up supply lines.

So no, people on Maguuma aren’t getting all hot and bothered about this supposed rivalry. I mean the two servers are in similar situations, our coverage has been inferior in almost every match too so it’s not like we’re under any illusion that our current lead is because we’re a more skilled server.


November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


Wanted to put out there that we have a lot trolls that just spam the forums – the same 5 or 6 people. Vast majority of our guys are casuals, don’t even check forums, and don’t whine that much. Not sure what you guys take from it, but my friends were really surprised you guys complimented us; we were the ones scrimmaging turtle counters and sending thief strikes teams during the opener in Ehmry Bay Borderlands.

I’m actually surprised Maguuma is within this division given the amount of discipline they have – Ehmry still hasn’t unified our server into the same VC which makes our pug strength weaker. Whereas even with Maguuma having 8 random guild tags, they will still portal bomb together and not break under pressure – a lot of Ehmry will run unless the fight looks in their favor. It comes from the fact that most of our guys aren’t as hardcore or had enough practice as yours – so although I’m not a defeatist, it seems like we still have a ways to go as a server to contend with yours.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Not sure what you guys take from it, but my friends were really surprised you guys complimented us; we were the ones scrimmaging turtle counters and sending thief strikes teams during the opener in Ehmry Bay Borderlands.

I think I speak for all Maguumans when I say we likes fights. Anybody that can pull off some slick tactics that impress us, we’ll give those people props all day long. I wasn’t in the EB borderlands, but like I said before, Friday night Maguuma borderlands EB group was pulling off some good tactics and wasn’t messing around by putting superior siege absolutely everywhere.

I’d just like to see more of it.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: AlecFair.1270


Friday was pretty fun. Just hope that its this fun all week instead of having major morale loss on EBays end by Monday and having a lot give up. Then again that would let the actual serious players on EBays end get in into the battlegrounds and borderlands as well as the more coordinating guilds in. Other than that work all weekend so wont be able to enjoy most of it though.

Tarnished Coast – Got mah Toast on. :V
Tizzle Mindwrack – Crazy Asura Lore Keeper of [AARM]

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


Yeah, I’m pretty surprised Maguuma is actually being pretty chill about the whole the match. But a lot of our server’s hostility comes from being in Tier 7 for a while after being abandoned by half our WvW population and trudging through the down times. We also always lose during the morning to any server, so while the modest players are desensitized, most of them are still bitter. We’ve also gotten a lot of new transfers recently riding the bandwagon, not sure they represent us.

Shadowmoon and the main guilds at least appreciates the match up. This 1v1 has been incredibly challenging to us. The thing that stymies us the most is that Maguuma is willing to dedicate defenders at every spot and show discipline in responding to defense which is what was missing in Tier 6-7. We see a lot iLL, GOON, and SFD responding in force without trickling in, and apparently our old friends, FINE too.

What, no PYRO or EVOH? No respect, y’hear? No respect at all.

I kid. We like playing you guys, hope the rest of the week stays this fun.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma –

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Loco.9508


I love fighting Ehmry Bay, but they always have a lot of people crying on the forums about why they ain’t winning and how they are still the better server. Keep making me laugh guys.

To all the respectable Ehmry Bay players: I’m looking forward to the great fights i know are going to happen the rest of this week :P

Verdict – 80 Mesmer – EVOH – Maguuma

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


That one PYRO thief

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: McViolin.8547


Oh you guys are such silly poos saying ET is out of the picture, come to our borderlands. Stay, eat, be well while we keep pushing killing everything that touches our borderlands outnumbered.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


I hope ET has their own version of the Alamo that they can rally around. Stuff like that is always great for morale.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


I love fighting Ehmry Bay, but they always have a lot of people crying on the forums about why they ain’t winning and how they are still the better server. Keep making me laugh guys.

To all the respectable Ehmry Bay players: I’m looking forward to the great fights i know are going to happen the rest of this week :P

To be fair, that bugged garrison was a major pain in the kitten But as others have posted, this has been an interesting matchup to compare strategies. I had no idea that you could catapult the Bay on that rock next to the water entrance. You, Maguuma, love doing that it seems.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Samusen.4578


Yeah, I’m pretty surprised Maguuma is actually being pretty chill about the whole the match. But a lot of our server’s hostility comes from being in Tier 7 for a while after being abandoned by half our WvW population and trudging through the down times. We also always lose during the morning to any server, so while the modest players are desensitized, most of them are still bitter. We’ve also gotten a lot of new transfers recently riding the bandwagon, not sure they represent us.

Shadowmoon and the main guilds at least appreciates the match up. This 1v1 has been incredibly challenging to us. The thing that stymies us the most is that Maguuma is willing to dedicate defenders at every spot and show discipline in responding to defense which is what was missing in Tier 6-7. We see a lot iLL, GOON, and SFD responding in force without trickling in, and apparently our old friends, FINE too.

What, no PYRO or EVOH? No respect, y’hear? No respect at all.

I kid. We like playing you guys, hope the rest of the week stays this fun.

Well, we heard how much fun Maguuma has been having and we felt left out. So we decided to put our old differences away and join their cause. I think it’s safe to say, we’re home.

Commander Samusen – 80 Warrior
Guild Leader of Fat Insecure Neurotic Emotional[FINE]
Resident of Maguuma

(edited by Samusen.4578)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


PYRO and EVOH rock, wish we had them in Mumble more. Haven’t played with FINE (or StS) too much yet, but looking forward to it!

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


To be fair, that bugged garrison was a major pain in the kitten But as others have posted, this has been an interesting matchup to compare strategies. I had no idea that you could catapult the Bay on that rock next to the water entrance. You, Maguuma, love doing that it seems.

Some are stolen, others were simply found out by trial and error. I believe that one specifically is a Mag original.

Learning new siege placement is always exciting. Best part about fighting new servers.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


PYRO and EVOH rock, wish we had them in Mumble more. Haven’t played with FINE (or StS) too much yet, but looking forward to it!

We join in whenever we don’t have that many on, but when we have enough to do something sneaky, we don’t want to risk a spy hearing it.

We like to think we’re Maguuma’s x-factor. Or some of us do. Well, just me, really.

Ask Invalid what we (PYRO) are doing, he normally is involved.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma –

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


That one PYRO thief

Haha! That’s Bruiche, for sure. Whenever someone says, “Bruiche is down,” our first response is, “You must be mistaken.”

Glad to see his legend has spread.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma –

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Sokina.8041


Looks like a nice battle so far. I’ve been with my friends on a different server for the past week and a half, and have eagerly been waiting for my return to Ehmry Bay, where my guilds are stationed. (I was only supposed to be away for a day, but the 7 day limit kind of ninja’ed me and I didn’t see it till I hit transfer. Get what I deserved for not reading.)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


And if you think that Maguuma and Ehmry Bay like each other, you’re deluding yourself. Even before each time was scoring points, Ehmry users were remarking negatively about Maguuma and I’m more than sure the same is true for Maguuma. This is a result of, frankly, the last matches with Maguuma and the perceived behaviors of some users representing the whole.

I was referring to our last matchup with Darkhaven and Dragonbrand. If you take a look at the thread it was just really friendly all around. I don’t understand why this thread can’t be the same, since it isn’t hard. Just don’t be a tool (that also goes for Maguuma players who can’t help themselves). And yeah I have to apologize for the behaviour of some players here. They have forgotten this is a public place and people will recognize them by what they say here rather than what they do in game.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Commisar.8695


As a heads up, a lot of the capping on the ebay borderlands wasn’t nightcapping. I woke up make 12am gmt and managed to herd together a force of 5 to ebay bl, that rose our total players on the map to seven, we flipped supply camps for a while but couldn’t really make a dent, we tried on a tower and ebay arrived with maybe 12. If I’m thinking correctly the push for ebay’s border was during eu primetime and us primetime.
At this point can we calm the hate, it’s gonna get this thread locked, you throw accusations we’re only good because we hack and brag about this week being different, it was different, on that first day you guys wtfroflstomped us, I was amazed how well you worked together from the last time we played, it was like playing a whole new server. We had to get our acts together, and we did. So instead of congratulating us for playing well like the majority of us did you. You switch insults to because we were nightcapping. I get that there’s supposed to be a little bad blood but what I’ve seen on the whole (not including the far more gentlemen among this forum) Is a full on hate war. And if it makes you feel any better, I hate turtles too, most turtles result in me wiping,
best of luck in the fights ahead

Colhearthlevel80ThiefWithAPet/BearhearthThe BoldLevel55BubbleTank/TushyhearthLevel18 CloneRPBot.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


Wanted to put out there that we have a lot trolls that just spam the forums – the same 5 or 6 people. Vast majority of our guys are casuals, don’t even check forums, and don’t whine that much. Not sure what you guys take from it, but my friends were really surprised you guys complimented us; we were the ones scrimmaging turtle counters and sending thief strikes teams during the opener in Ehmry Bay Borderlands.

I’m actually surprised Maguuma is within this division given the amount of discipline they have – Ehmry still hasn’t unified our server into the same VC which makes our pug strength weaker. Whereas even with Maguuma having 8 random guild tags, they will still portal bomb together and not break under pressure – a lot of Ehmry will run unless the fight looks in their favor. It comes from the fact that most of our guys aren’t as hardcore or had enough practice as yours – so although I’m not a defeatist, it seems like we still have a ways to go as a server to contend with yours.

Nope, you actually don’t. You just need numbers. When we played FA (who are really really good), their opener wasn’t as strong as Ehmry’s. Neither was SoS 2.0. Ehmry’s opener on their own borderland was actually so highly structured I had doubts at the time that it could be sustained throughout the week. The kind of discipline all players involved would have to show in turning up in the same guild composition at the same time every day of every week is an almost impossible ask in WvW.

We have thought about moving towards a more structured approach but it gets harder to keep it together when you structure teams too much. This is also the reason why stacking fails.

You see, many players on Maguuma do not understand stack mechanics, the ratio of Guardians that are required to make it work and the combo field cycle to deal with condition stacking/epidemic. However they have probably been in a stack before and have a rough idea how to execute one, even if they don’t know if or how it can work. You will sometimes see Maguuma stacks stand in ballista/arrow cart fire which is absurd. If there was anyone coordinating that stack who didn’t burst out of range, then they did it wrong.

Many times you just have to make do with the group that is running with you, even if theres not enough guardians to make a stack work. Part of it is understanding what your team is capable of at any given time. If the stack is done well you should have guardians assigned a number and they should be calling sanctuary, wof and light fields and holding Might stacking until you have a critical mass in range of the stack (then you area Might up to 25 stacks, combo retaliation etc.). Think of it like a Mesmer portal train but its about defense rather than logistics.

The team should be using projectile finishers on the stack for condition removal and blast finishers for area retaliation. A critical number of guardians need to be in a position where they can get to the stacking point which is difficult when fighting on multiple fronts. So stacks can fail because there are simply not enough guardians concentrated in one place at any one time.

Unless you can drill this from large guilds, you won’t always be able to keep this up or have the players online that are necessary to pull it off. I think its the same with TAC, the thieve’s guild. When those guys did supply cap and yak ganking it really was just unstoppable. I’m talking chain stealth up to a yak and murder it right in front of us with 12k+ backstabs. We were stealthing our yaks too and had 5 to 8 man escorts towards the end but we still couldn’t stop it happening.

They would flip supply camps just to buy the upgrade, thus wasting 100 supply so we couldn’t upgrade our East Keep. But like a Maguuma stack, if you want to keep that kind of offensive pressure up, those guys need to be playing every day at prime time euro and NA at least.

(edited by Besetment.9187)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


Now I know where thieves hell is – first time I’ve seen so many glass cannon thieves.
Makes me kinda happy about my condition necro build, I can kill them with my marks with all their stealth.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


The thing about TAC + assists was that in Ehmry’s opener on blue borderland, they got into a situation where all they had to do was starve east keep to break up our entire quadrant. From east keep they have a safe treb to south east tower and a strong fallback to stomp reinforcements at spawn. It didn’t matter if their thieves died to any of our players as long as they killed the yak. And they did it every 3 minutes on every supply camp that mattered. It was insane.

(edited by Besetment.9187)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


We have thought about moving towards a more structured approach but it gets harder to keep it together when you structure teams too much. This is also the reason why stacking fails.

You see, many players on Maguuma do not understand stack mechanics, the ratio of Guardians that are required to make it work and the combo field cycle to deal with condition stacking/epidemic. However they have probably been in a stack before and have a rough idea how to execute one, even if they don’t know if or how it can work. You will sometimes see Maguuma stacks stand in ballista/arrow cart fire which is absurd. If there was anyone coordinating that stack who didn’t burst out of range, then they did it wrong.

Many times you just have to make do with the group that is running with you, even if theres not enough guardians to make a stack work. Part of it is understanding what your team is capable of at any given time. If the stack is done well you should have guardians assigned a number and they should be calling sanctuary, wof and light fields and holding Might stacking until you have a critical mass in range of the stack (then you area Might up to 25 stacks, combo retaliation etc.). Think of it like a Mesmer portal train but its about defense rather than logistics.

The team should be using projectile finishers on the stack for condition removal and blast finishers for area retaliation. A critical number of guardians need to be in a position where they can get to the stacking point which is difficult when fighting on multiple fronts. So stacks can fail because there are simply not enough guardians concentrated in one place at any one time.

A really good stack isn’t stationary. Stack for 5-10 seconds>mesmer double rolls>portal>stack for 5-10 seconds>mesmer double rolls>portal>etc. Hard to counter when the enemy has no idea where the hell the stack is half the time and is constantly creeping at you.

We had this going in Mag BLs Friday at our inner garrison. Things were looking grim but the tactic got the desired results.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Tyjaka.6137


Maguuma is going to win this one. Our night crew has been on point lately. Controlled more than 70% of this match up all day.

Tjkingsly: 80 Guardian | Aco | Jade Quarry

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


I still get depressed thinking about that guy building the flame ram alone.

Don’t feel bad. I tried to make a ballista to kill Ebay’s superior trebs in ruins alone, and it wasn’t until 4 hours later and 5 ballistas that I got the proper support to build them in different places.

Our so-called nightcap crew is really not that good. It’s an argument sometimes to get people into your point of view, but eventually it pays off. We got a few new guilds this match that were guesting here last match that help our numbers on off-hours a bit. We especially like people who do not mind playing defense and spending the coin on upgrades.

To go back to my first point, after my first ballista failed I made the mistake of getting frustrated and going to fend off an assault at the northern keep, only to find out that SM wall was down, and by the time I got back there, Ebay was in inner SM. I rallied players from another map in desperation, (because we really do not outnumber Ebay,) and we pushed them out and got the walls back up. This was not quick work. It took about an hour. I was mentioning several times about ballistas being able to hit the trebs without having to go into ruins (where all your siege was), and trying to scale the stone tower (which had an arrowcart and many chances for fall-deaths), before the final one was taken out.

The moral of the story is: We do not have a real commander in our day crew. We are a collective of many guilds who strive to get ‘er done. And, as frustrating as it is sometimes, there are always people who you will find to help you in whatever plan you can come up with. I love my server. I’ve never transfered. I’ve thought it about it at times, but I’m pretty attached now. There’s no greater reward for victory than one earned through struggle, trials, and tribulations.

Mead, ginger ale, and cookies for all.


Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Chalky.8540


What’s happened, Ehmry? I thought this week was going to be a great fight with how well you did in the first 12 hours.

I know that poor Eradon Terrace can barely put together a 5 man (which sucks, my thoughts go out to anyone from that server) but being guaranteed second place doesn’t mean you can’t fight for first!