Oasis Idea
Interesting idea. I like it ! With a WP roughly in the middle, it’d indeed make travels easier.
That idea would also work well with an idea that sometimes pop : putting fast travel utilities from one tower to another (like skritt tunnels). We could envision to trigger them on and off through the same mechanic you’re saying.
Scrap the waypoints and make this capnodes used for bloodlust, like you know they have on alpine borders.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
may be they can add a role play area, like in southsun cove.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
may be they can add a role play area, like in southsun cove.
As a WvW player, I’m always looking for easy preys to satisfy “my bloodlust”. And roleplayers are even simplier to kill than resource farming PvE players.
So, thumbs up for this area!
Make a huge endless-pit crater out of it.
The map is too big already and I’m convinced a donut shaped map would work well from a gameplay perspective.
Not another Oasis event. Just no! If DBL would have more players, then the wp shrines would be defended, but I think a new Oasis event attracts 0 players to DBL. You may come to DBL now if you fancy the map that much. Looking toward seeing Spurnshadow, ThomasC, and all roleplayers there.
I don’t think you know what role playing means.
Just remove the struture in the middle, and make it a huge and +- flat fighting area, where small guilds or zone blobs can fight in an equal playing field, and with similar waypoint distance, without the need to go Obsidian Sanctum.
I think Oasis waypoint has been suggested before. But it’s not a bad idea at all.
The waypoint needs to be protected from enemy campers and siege fire. On top of a cliff, a tower around it, inside a cave or something like that.
About the bloodlust suggestion: I like it that there is not enough bloodlust for all teams. That creates some competition.
I don’t have statistics but I’d imagine points from finishers are not that significant percentage of the total warscore. Players tend to mindlessly spam ranged AoE skills on enemies , downed or otherwise, and not risk going in for a stomp.
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire
Yeah I think it has been suggested before but I still agree with the basic premise as long as the event is not lag inducing, protected from siege camping somehow (dome the top of the pyramid?) and some of those dastardly dino’s get a relocate so jungle battles in the surroundings don’t get so many PvE adds. Given how much people whine about the bloodlust capture points wasting space on Alpine I am surprised to see so many wanting them on Desert too but whatever floats your boat, just sad to see the center gets so little traffic these days.
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .