On the fairness of roamers
There is no fair. The only thing I do is if I see a 1v1 going on, I don’t engage.
+1 for this
+1 also
this is my rule I also don’t engage if an enemy is killing pve mobs I wait while they have finished before I attacked as I hate it when that happens to me, I’ll be taking a camp and them while I have 4 – 5 mobs on me bam I get jumped by some scrub so don’t worry about fairness too much
I do not roam but when I see roamers and they are fighting others, I simply let them do their thing. Or if one comes after me, I run away (i’m built for team).
No one has the right or privilege to tell us how we should enjoy the game we bought. If you like doing it this way, keep it up. It is rare to see people who seek fair fights.
Always Loyal
Game plan is simple:
1) Log into all the various BL’s until I find “Outnumbered” so I know I’ll be regularly facing challenging fights.
2) Select a BL, consult the map to kitten the situation and determine where you want to go.
3) My gear is basic exotics and although I do use food, I want to win on equal terms or preferably when the odds are against me.
4) Engage anything that seems somewhat winnable, but likewise be smart to disengage when the odds are overwhelmingly against me.
5) Don’t worry about kitten though, no kittens in heaven die when my toon bites the dust.
6) Don’t add to ongoing 1v1’s, it’s lame.
7) When you win just walk away when the opponent wasn’t that worthy, do a /bow when it was a good fight and when it was a very close fight I sometimes party invite someone for a chit chat.
Interesting concept about leaving the opponent in downed state, without actually stomping them. Nice sign off respect and will definitely start doing that.
Game plan is simple:
1) Log into all the various BL’s until I find “Outnumbered” so I know I’ll be regularly facing challenging fights.
2) Select a BL, consult the map to kitten the situation and determine where you want to go.
3) My gear is basic exotics and although I do use food, I want to win on equal terms or preferably when the odds are against me.
4) Engage anything that seems somewhat winnable, but likewise be smart to disengage when the odds are overwhelmingly against me.
5) Don’t worry about kitten though, no kittens in heaven die when my toon bites the dust.
6) Don’t add to ongoing 1v1’s, it’s lame.
7) When you win just walk away when the opponent wasn’t that worthy, do a /bow when it was a good fight and when it was a very close fight I sometimes party invite someone for a chit chat.Interesting concept about leaving the opponent in downed state, without actually stomping them. Nice sign off respect and will definitely start doing that.
During my roams, if I find a person who generally is extremely skilled (without running a crap build) I’ll invite them after downing them.
Few people are actually very good, though. I usually try to party invite even if to talk about what happened in the fight.
If I get a person who is a giant kitten like a D/P thief or perma stun warrior and they troll me. When I kill them I /dance on them. Lol
so.. what’s the current trick allowing to invite enemies into party?
Northern Shiverpeaks
Click on the person. Type /invite. If they’re in a group already type /join.
If I get a person who is a giant kitten like a D/P thief or perma stun warrior and they troll me. When I kill them I /dance on them. Lol
If you actually kill a D/P thief it must means that he is really, really bad
Game plan is simple:
1) Log into all the various BL’s until I find “Outnumbered” so I know I’ll be regularly facing challenging fights.
2) Select a BL, consult the map to kitten the situation and determine where you want to go.
3) My gear is basic exotics and although I do use food, I want to win on equal terms or preferably when the odds are against me.
4) Engage anything that seems somewhat winnable, but likewise be smart to disengage when the odds are overwhelmingly against me.
5) Don’t worry about kitten though, no kittens in heaven die when my toon bites the dust.
6) Don’t add to ongoing 1v1’s, it’s lame.
7) When you win just walk away when the opponent wasn’t that worthy, do a /bow when it was a good fight and when it was a very close fight I sometimes party invite someone for a chit chat.Interesting concept about leaving the opponent in downed state, without actually stomping them. Nice sign off respect and will definitely start doing that.
Pretty much what I do. It looks like all roamers come to use the same logic eventually :O
If I get a person who is a giant kitten like a D/P thief or perma stun warrior and they troll me. When I kill them I /dance on them. Lol
If you actually kill a D/P thief it must means that he is really, really bad
Eh. Not necessarily. D/P isn’t perfect. True, they could just perma stealth, but there are ways to interrupt the chain, and there are ways to kill them when they inevitably get aggressive.
If I get a person who is a giant kitten like a D/P thief or perma stun warrior and they troll me. When I kill them I /dance on them. Lol
If you actually kill a D/P thief it must means that he is really, really bad
Eh. Not necessarily. D/P isn’t perfect. True, they could just perma stealth, but there are ways to interrupt the chain, and there are ways to kill them when they inevitably get aggressive.
Yeah. Maybe they’ll make a mistake when they try to reset the fight for the 57th time.
Northern Shiverpeaks ~ [dO] Drop Otter
That’s when I moa them
Food and fortitude since without them I’m at 14k HP. Pure zerker DD ele. I just take camps and look for duels as I scout.
Scrub D/D Ele. What’s server loyalty?
Just want to add BULL players to the list of honorable ones. Seems all the guys who enjoy the fight and back off when you’re downed are on Baruch. Quite impressed, made some new friends that way.
Just want to add BULL players to the list of honorable ones. Seems all the guys who enjoy the fight and back off when you’re downed are on Baruch. Quite impressed, made some new friends that way.
I did that once, when I downed a staff ele on my thief. Next thing, our zerg comes over the hill…, “hey, WTF is that downed guy doing there?!?!”, I start typing “Leave him alo…”, zerg goes “KILL HIM!!”… oh, well, I tried.
Trouble with roaming in this game is too many roamers prime objective is to not die, rather than challenge themselves and try to find out the biggest odds they can overcome. This is in reality more of a ganking mindset than a true roaming one in the spirit of taking on do or die challenging fights. Kill the weak players and run from other good ones if you can’t beat them.
Small ‘roaming’ teams have the exact same distinction. If you see all thieves and mesmers, that is actually a gank squad, that won’t actually stay and fight or hold ground. If a small group has warriors and guardians they can actually fight as a shock troop unit, take on bigger forces without endless kiting strategy, and those can be incredibly useful in WvW, because they can stand their ground, fighting as a unit and supporting each other, instead of as separate assassins, and WvW is all about territory control if you care at all about the actual game mode.
So that is a big difference in mindset within roaming. It’s hard to respect the cowardly specs that play simply not to die, but unfortunately, because supreme mobility differences in professions allows for this style, the majority of roamers are made up of players that run as soon as a fight turns on them. For example, the change to allow warriors insane mobility and escape was a really bad one. Just added another trolling build into the mix.
(edited by Pendragon.8735)
Since I roam mostly alone, I’d have food, and the stacks I get as they come, and not stand around finding coyotes. I go with the mentality that we have to be prepared to fight outnumbered (but by 3 I’d keep my distance abit and see if there’s anyone I can down first to make it a 1 v 2). Most roamers will probably be prepared so we should prepare for the enemies in the most optimum condition. Depending on the type of defenders/other roamers I meet in the first half hour I’d adjust traits/utilities accordingly. I don’t believe in fairness in random encounters. Red means dead.
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE
I dunno. I think it takes incredible control and skill to go full force fighting and be able to pull off after the other guy is downed. Now, mind you, most of the ones that have done this have been from highly competitive and highly skilled GvG guilds, so maybe that’s the correlation.
Sometimes when i see duel i run inside tower and start to use ballista, cannon, cart or even treb.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Go into WvW.
Run around.
Die immediately because I’m a burst ele in rares and all I ever encounter are gangs of thieves.
Cc and aoe the crap out of them. Use freeze/slow, thieves have few counters for that. Get a couple pieces of pvt gear to prevent insta gank. Set up duels where typically you only fight till downed, so you can test builds and tricks. Seek out every thief you can find till you learn to counter. so many face plants vs thieves for me, but eventually I found out what works for me.
(edited by Jayne.9251)
Cc and aoe the crap out of them. Use freeze/slow, thieves have few counters for that. Get a couple pieces of pvt gear to prevent insta gank. Set up duels where typically you only fight till downed, so you can test builds and tricks. Seek out every thief you can find till you learn to counter.
so many face plants vs thieves for me, but eventually I found out what works for me.
all I ever encounter are gangs of thieves.
>Implying 3 or more thieves
They die fine on their own because they apparently have absolutely no defense.
Yeah ele is actually the easiest for me vs multiple thieves compared to my Mesmer. So much heal, so much cc, so much aoe. And yeah, they typically run squishier for burst damage too so you kind of get a 3fer deal. Three is my max though, I struggle with 4v’s. But that’s why even two pieces of pvt gear will help you outlast them. I also made a thief myself to learn the class, timing, etc … That helped me too.
(edited by Jayne.9251)
Spvp exists, fights are even there.
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink
Spvp exists, fights are even there.
I always assumed that, but it’s rarely ever the case. You are much more likely to get rushed by 3+ opponents… in WvW you’d have time to see them coming and break off from engaging them, in sPvP you have nowhere to run.
Northern Shiverpeaks
If you play with an organized team it wouldn’t matter if you got “zerged” because the other team would lose. Zerging in Spvp works against bad teams.
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink
WvW is still PvE. sPvP is PvP.
But that is exactly what we want to change. WvW SHOULD BE PvP, cause it is called “Massive battles between players of different servers”.
I feel like this thread has gotten a bit off topic but I thought I’d offer my 2cents. When I roam it’s me against the world. I don’t expect to be in any fair encounters so try to be as prepared as possible. Also the -cond. dur. food is a must in this meta we’re stuck in
Tiny Icono – Engineer / The Icono – Elementalist
SoS – Empyrean Knights [EK] YB – The Coasters [TC]
Personally,I really enjoy getting 10 of my closest friends, grouping up and roaming for soloers. We crush the soloer then spam points and laughs at him. Makes me feel all warm inside.
I put on food buffs but other then that i dont care about which orbs people have or ascended gear. I also try to get my 25 stacks up off of players to see how easy i can do it (if my character has a 25 stack buff lol – most of them dont)
Personally,I really enjoy getting 10 of my closest friends, grouping up and roaming for soloers. We crush the soloer then spam points and laughs at him. Makes me feel all warm inside.
Yes, but you’re the one I look for later when you find yourself alone. Then I stomp you and /bow.
Then I skip off.
To get back on thread topic: I haven’t stated before re: gear/food/etc what I think is fair for roaming. While I admire the OP’s desire to make it as even a level playing field as possible, it’s pretty much impossible to coordinate that universally. So let them eat whatever they want, get as many stacks as they want .. to me roaming is all about learning my class and improving my skill. You typically end every fight by learning something. That’s a good thing.
actually i have no problems if others have more buffs than me
the real problem with fairness is people who attack you but then run off if they notice that they are about to lose
i have no problem with people running if I attacked them
… maybe they were unprepared/had the wrong weapons/dont have 1 vs 1 build only build for big fights etc…
but if someone attacks me if noone else is around then i think he has to take the consequences if he is about to lose!
so many people just run (especially bad thieves who use stealth to escape – dont want to say that thieves are noobs i just mean that noobs who play thief have it easier and can escape even if they dont deserve to escape)
and the worst thing is if they come back right after and chase you again if they have backup or if they are about to run off and 1 person from their server runs by then they immediatly run back and attack with him
where is the fun in unfair fights?
ok it is some fun too ofc
but its is like 1000000x more fun if the fight is actually challenging and not just 3 vs 1 and you win easily
the real problem with fairness is the bahaviour and running and especially bad thieves who abuse their stealth abilties and attack again and again with reset in between until they succeed with some lucky hits on the 99th try….
and why do thieves getting nerfed like s/d boon steal no need for that
it is not overpowered stealth is not overpowered in combat itsself
the only problem with stealth is that people can escape even if the only thing they deserved is to die…
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character: http://i.imgur.com/5JtcBI1.jpg?1
Food/Sigil/guard leech are all aspects of the game. Just because you don’t use it does not mean you’re better than the person who does, in fact, it’s there as a tool. Why hit a nail with a rock when you got a hammer? Sure you can do a fine job with a rock, but a hammer makes things more efficient.
I usually start off by hitting closest camp and stack food just before camp or first encounter. Afterwards, I stack sigil and proceed to next camp. Uplevels usually avoid other roamers or me so I never chase. the one’s that do engage, I have no problems obliging to their request for a fight. If someone wanted to fight, they would engage (thieves however like to backstab when you move off).
Depending on where we are (if it’s a long walk for them) I usually let leave them be after I down them and move on. If i’m close to their spawn, then I stomp. I do a fair amount of dying as right now, KAIN is a ghost town and we’re outnumbered everywhere so 3v1s have been the norm. Needless to say, I spend a good time wondering what went wrong lol.
Mao Xiong – Worst Warrior GW2
I’d rather fully buff up and make my challenge in the form of a 1v2 or even greater odds , than lose because I decided to try some honor system that most aren’t even following.
Also I usually roam with a team WvW mindset still in place. Whether to scout the enemy, steal camps, save a yak, etc, and find whatever good fights generate out of that. Which therefore makes less sense to try and handicap myself if I’m trying to accomplish other objectives as well.
Make a tea, log, check guild TS, get oils and get going. (other buffs don’t concern me cause I don’t have them with 4 alts and a family).
Sometimes I even remember to repair armor before noticing half way through the night is broken.
I use food and oil. If I come across a camp or a guard or something I’ll do it for the buffs. Same if I come across a group of well clumped mobs (I use corruption sigil but don’t swap out the weapon at 25 stacks).
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
Personally,I really enjoy getting 10 of my closest friends, grouping up and roaming for soloers. We crush the soloer then spam points and laughs at him. Makes me feel all warm inside.
Yes, but you’re the one I look for later when you find yourself alone. Then I stomp you and /bow.
Then I skip off.
To get back on thread topic: I haven’t stated before re: gear/food/etc what I think is fair for roaming. While I admire the OP’s desire to make it as even a level playing field as possible, it’s pretty much impossible to coordinate that universally. So let them eat whatever they want, get as many stacks as they want .. to me roaming is all about learning my class and improving my skill. You typically end every fight by learning something. That’s a good thing.
:) At least someone gets what roaming is about. You learn to play tactically with your class AND team (if you do small group roaming). This allows you to beat people who don’t play tactically at all. So it is basically something for more coordinated and serious WvW players, and the best form of PvP in the game.
I don’t have a very chivalrous nature when it comes to roaming. I generally won’t use any emotes (/laugh or otherwise) and I won’t disrupt organized events (i.e. duels or GvG activities). Aside from that, this game mode is about killing the enemy — so that’s what I do.
When you don’t have the luxury of having a plethora of mobility skills at your disposal, you tend not to waste time on reviewing your personal code of conduct and /bowing to defeated enemies. :P